Hello Everyone,

I am trying a new story out. Yes, yes, I know, I'm not finished with one but I had a wonderful idea, or at least I think and I wrote it down, literally. This is completed and I just have to type it up. This is my first Once Upon A Time fanfic. Please be gentle you Swan Queen followers. I hope you enjoy.

PS: IF you are not constructive in your reviews and respectful of those who do review your comments will be deleted.

Every person has free choice.
Free to obey or disobey the Natural Laws.
Your choice determines the consequences.
Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the consequences of his choices.
~Alfred A. Montapert

A blast that shattered the kraken into a million little pieces then outward like a supernova threw Emma away from the docks. The towns folk came from their shops and homes as the threat dissipated on the wind. Emma stood as she looked at the destroyed docks and the bashed up boats. The only one that remained untouched was the Jolly Rodger. Part of her heart clenched and she walked forward to take a better look at the damage. She winced but gathered her power and in a stream of milky white and a soft baby blue her magic covered the marina and harbor. Piece by Piece the boats, piers, and harbor warehouses fused back together. She stood strong with her hands out and her magic flowing and fixing instead of hurting. Her fingers tingled and then the stream stopped. Her feet held the ground beneath her.

"Emma!" she heard her father yell but once she tried to turn to his voice her knees crumbled and she hit the pavement.


Those lights, those damnable florescent lights. What point is opening one's eyes when you are blinded by such soul sucking lights? She could hear a groan growl from the back of her throat as she tried to turn her head this way and that. She tried to wiggle her toes but only managed to curl them. She tried to wiggle her fingers but found she couldn't. For a moment she panicked but when her eyes flew open she saw her fingers encased by hands. She squeezed her eyes closed and murmured out the word lights. She felt her mother leave her bed side, heard the click of the light switch, and her mother come back to her side and grasp her hand.

When Emma opened her eyes she looked to her mother and only saw concern and love. She smiled and shook her mother's hand letting her know she was alright. Then her eyes fell on her father. There was something more in them something trying to piece together a puzzle in those eyes. There had always been something between her and David, a comradery of sorts, but one things for certain Davin knew something.

"Mary Margaret could you get us some coffee? I do believe that we have earned it after our vigil. I will ask Emma some questions for the police statement," David looked back to Emma.

"David, she just woke up, she doesn't need to be peppered with questions. She needs rest," Mary Margaret argued.

"Mom its ok. The sooner this is over the better. Then I promise I will rest," Emma placated her mother, and watched her mother, Snow White, huff out of a room.

"I thought she was supposed to be some sort of queen. I didn't know queen's huffed out of places," Emma joked. David chuckled and shook his head.

"What do you know... Princess? What other queens do you know?" David's smile soothed Emma's nerves and she joked back.

"Regina, of course," Emma smirked at her father's wince.

"Yes well… That she is Emma. That she is. I have never known Regina to huff out of a room either come to think of it," he agreed with his daughter and both of them began to laugh. David took his daughters hand.

"Emma, I saw everything. I saw the fight. I saw the magic, and then the way you shielded her from the kraken. I saw the way you used your magic with wild abandon then fix the harbor," David began but paused.

"What is your question then David?" Emma pushed the conversation along.

"Are you alright, Emma? I mean truly alright?" David asked as his thumb moved over her knuckles. She only nodded. "How long have you been sick?" Emma looked sharply into his soft blue eyes then turned away from him sighing. Dark ringed green eyes then met her fathers.

"In Camelot I saved…" Emma answered but stopped herself from saying too much. David nodded and then shook her hand prompting her to continue. Emma swallowed and closed her eyes fearing the worst, yet hoping for the best.

"Is she ok?" Emma whispered. David filed that small bit of information away for further questioning but stayed silent. One thing didn't ring though he thought she was still in love with Hook? She still looked away from him once she opened her eyes.

"Emma, your mother isn't here. Talk to me. If it helps lets go back. I'm David, your friend, and you are Emma my friend. Please let me help my friend. What did you save in Camelot?"

Slowly tears pooled in green eyes and then ran from the edge of her eyes only to be lost in the hair line of Emma's temple. He watched her throat work and she swallowed and the dark circles seemed to draw deeper around her eyes as if the thoughts or confessions or even secrets where draining her, hurting her… killing her. David's stomach dropped.

"Dad…" Emma swallowed once more and then turned to David, "I saved Regina."

"What do you mean?" Davis asked softly.

"I… I stopped a curse. Inside of her," Emma whispered as if the walls were listening she looked around then back to David, "When I saved her the process wasn't finished. I was interrupted as I absorbed her curse. It is now inside of me."

"But that is bordering on true love," David thought stunned then "What of robin?" But Emma continued to speak, uninterrupted pouring her thoughts out into the room only for him to hear.

"She drank a potion that cursed her ability to have children. To answer your question he is not her true love. Yes he is a soulmate, one that will forever be entwined in her life but not her love. I couldn't see their love," Emma looked to David and smiled, "I could see your and Snow's but not theirs. It was different there because of the dark magic flowing all around me, I was unstable and experiencing everything magically to that degree for the first time, but I looked at her and I saw it. I had to save her," she looked once more to her father, "I took it into me."

"Emma Magic like that… it's powerful." He was afraid for his daughter, he was afraid to acknowledge it. He knows he said it but he could not wrap his mind around the possibility… Regina… Emma.

"It IS true love dad," she whispered as she looked past him and another tear fell. David grabbed her hand. He begged and pleaded with her to break this curse, to fix everything. His head bowed and lowered to her hands. She prayed that she would live. He cursed Regina for allowing this to happen to his child. Cursed her for taking her from him again then he felt her hand on the top of his head and he looked up and found the most serene green eyes and she spoke.

"I love her," she said strongly.

"Does she know?" David asked sitting straight and sighing, accepting his daughter's choice. Emma shook her head. "You saved her heart? Her very soul? And she doesn't know?" Emma nodded tiredly. "Can you be cured?"

Emma closed her eyes and shook her head. Only that buried idea of true loves kiss could save Emma, banish her sickness, No it was a cancer. It consumed her. Emma felt the weight of the world on her shoulders, and the emptiness and pain for a curse that devoured her, but none of that mattered as long as Regina were safe.

"Why are you so sick? Regina never was," David inquired. Emma peered through her lashes and regarded her father.

"Light Magic," she sighed at the lost look on his face, "the curse was dark, and when I tried to get rid of it the healing spell was only done part way. Regina had dark magic. This curse it seems to attack my light magic. My magic is working too hard to maintain my health, and also fighting the curse that is overtaking systems one by one."

"Her curse is eating you alive?" he uttered and sat back as Emma only nodded. Then he shot forward, "Get her to kiss you."

"She doesn't love me," Emma shook her head thinking of Robin, "When I took those memories I took her knowledge of loving me. In that moment on a Balcony in Camelot she did love me, and I loved her, but sometimes fate is the worst curse of all."

"Why did you take those memories?" David asked and got a sharp look from Emma then sighed "How do we fix this?

"Dad, Papa…" she croaked, "we cant." Tears streamed down her cheeks at the look of realization on her father's face. He broke his manly warrior walls and wept openly for his daughter. He pressed his palm to her cheek and then kissed her tears from her eyes.

They both looked up at Snow's arrival. Snow looked from child to father and paused not sure of who to comfort first. When Emma let go of David's hand he crumbled and Snow ran to her husband. She looked over his shoulder toward Emma and saw a resigned expression on her daughters pale face. David controlled himself and looked back to Emma.

"Will you fight for her?"

"I never stopped Dad," Emma smiled.

Snow was left out and as she tried to ask what was going on father and daughter merely looked at the other and then he nodded toward her and left the room. Snow turned around.

"Hi," Emma said uncomfortably.

"Hi," Snow replied back then turned around when the door opened.

"Emma!" shot a brown blur of hair and she found he was enveloped in a massive hug by her son." How long do you have to stay in here?" Henry inquired as he looked into her eyes. She saw his expression shift from relief to worry as he took in the circles around her eyes and the thin skin of her cheekbones.

"Only one day Kid and I'll be free of this crazy house and we can scarf down junk food and get cavities off of hot chocolate and cinnamon. Not to mention onion rings, and double cheese burgers, and extra-large milkshakes," she smiled as she saw Henry's eyes grow large at the sound of all of that junk food.

"Deal, Emma, and I'll hold you to it," Henry joked and slid off of the bed he was sitting on cuddled next to his mom on.

"No you won't Miss Swan," growled a voice that lit Emma on fire. Brown eyes captured Green and Emma was fixed on the woman before her as she came into the room followed by David. David and Snow watched the interaction with interest but none more so than David. Regina's eyes closed for a moment longer than a blink. Flashes, hands, lips, then it was over. Regina shook it off.

"Glad you are well and back to bribing my son with promises of junk food," Regina clipped.

"I'm the savior. I save people, it a job requirement," Emma deadpanned ignoring the comment about Henry and her son. Her words were stiff, hard, and slightly angry. David was the only one in the room that knew Emma's words were none of the above. Her words were those of a broken heart trying not to shatter at the sight of her truelove.

"What's your problem," Regina bristles. Emma took a deep breath and closed her eyes, and when she opened them Region recoiled by a fraction.

"Just leave, only Henry can stay or come and go," she turned to Snow and David and nodded. David relented and took Snow's hand and walked from the hospital throwing over his shoulder that he will pick up her up tomorrow. Regina looked at the blonde and observed her. The light in Emma's emerald eyes had dulled, the dark rings about her eyes gave her a raccoon look, and her pallor was grey at best. She was ready to fire back insults for it was their way, but she was not ready for the small pinch of pain in her chest at Emma's dismissal.

"Why?" Regina challenged and another pinch to her heart as she saw the tears fall into her temple as she looked from Regina. She asked Henry to meet her outside.

"All you love and that is important to you is not in here. Now please, go," Emma could not fight the closing of her throat as she spoke these words.

Regina watched Emma. She knew magic, and she knew Emma. Her eyes cut to the blonde, took in her appearance one more time. Emma turned to her once more and for a split second they brightened then dulled and she could have sworn they were the same color of the meadows of the Enchanted Forest. Another flash of that green. She had been having them for weeks and couldn't place them but when she looked at Emma she could swear she knew those eyes and the depth that she had shared with another once upon a time.

"Mom, please don't yell at her," Henry pleaded as he stood in the doorway. Regina turned around and saw the concern in his determination to protect her. Regina nodded toward her son but moved to close the door. As he went to argue Emma interjected.

"Kid she will be out soon. She isn't going to hurt me," Emma joked. Henry nodded and let Regina shut to door. Once the door clicked shut brown eyes blazed right back to Emma's green

"Now, Savior, Talk or I'll make you," Regina threatened. Emma only chuckled softly but it ended in a dry laugh.

"What are going to do? Fireball me? Poison me? Torture me? Oh wait feed me an apple turnover? Please," Emma patronized Regina, "Just leave me and feed Henry. I'll be out tomorrow to make your life a living hell like always."

Regina fumed and clenched her fists. This insufferable woman was a pain in her ass, and thorn in her side but damn it all if she wasn't her best friend. She nodded with tight lips and turned from the room.

"She alive?" Henry asked as he fell in step with Regina. Regina let the interaction with Emma fade from her shoulders, as she winked and put her arm around his waist. He was getting so tall.

"She didn't know what hit her," Regina teased and Henry smiled at his mother. Her thoughts stayed with the woman in the hospital bed. What was wrong? Why is she shielding her? Why was Emma Swan keeping things from her? Regina sighed and smiled to her son as they drove to Granny's. Maybe it was time to visit Snow White.