
My Speech

"Human Speech"

'Human Thought'

"Alien Speech"

'Alien Thought'

[Translated Alien Speech]


|Robot Speech|

'Psionic Speech'

+Chapter 1+


(Soleirus's POV)

[Soleirus, your forces deployment is… interesting. Why do you deploy them like this?] An Ethereal asked Soleirus. Soleirus was an Ethereal, but she was part of a small minority of Ethereals who did not suffer from thegenetic muscle deterioration, the rest of her species suffered. She was an expert in an ancient sword technique, since this was her preferred weapon over using her mind, Četiri Mač, since she didn't suffer from this condition, she had proper muscles, and just physically superior. However, her armour and blades were designed after an ancient clan, from which she descended, a clan which went against what the Elders of their time. But she wasn't overly keen of the Elder council, because they saw her as a child, as she was merely one hundred and six earth years old, too young to hold the rank of General. This is why she didn't like them, they saw her as joke, and she saw them as a joke. They say they can lead, but they can't even walk or fight hand to hand, she believed her and others like her would be better to lead the Ethereal race to their salvation, the cure they seek. But, alas, she wasn't in charge, she was a General, forced to lead an ADVENT force against those who would 'Dare defy the Elders'. She honestly didn't want to fight the humans, she just wanted to prove her worth. [I deployed them in this way to provide fire support, if you will look, you can see the enemy will be forced into this perfect ambush area] Soleirus replied, slightly annoyed. Soleirus herself, refused to wear one of those masks, most Ethereals wear, believing that if your enemy never sees your face, then you never truly kill them. Her skin was a healthier colour, compared to the drained grey of the Elders and the rest, her skin was a whitish grey. Her hair Look I don't know if they have hair, but they always wear a mask, so it's hard to tell was pure white, with purple Psionic energy running through it, and looked as if it were floating. [I will accept your, interesting, tactics… for now!] The Ethereal replied, before vanishing.The door behind her opened, revealing and ADVENT Coms Officer. That was another thing about Soleirus's forces, they were clones of humans, not alien-human hybrids. This improved their performance by fifty six point seven three nine percent. It also gave the opportunity for more gene experimentation, which some ADVENT scientists took comfort in, as no actual humans would be harmed. But anyway, the Officer in the doorway had a data pad in his hand. "If it not good news, you know what happen" Soleirus spoke in her, decent but, broken English. She can read Earth language, she can understand Earth language, she can communicate Psionicly using Earth language, but she cannot physically speak them with ease. "My apologies for the intrusion, ma'am, but a situation has arisen" The Officer replied, seemingly oblivious to Soleirus's threat. "What is situation?" 'I really need to get better at these, complicated, Earth languages' Soleirus asked and thought. "Sensors picked up an unknown craft less than two minutes ago, at its current speed, it'll be on us in less the five minutes" The Officer answered. "Good" "Good? Ma'am, I do not believe I'm following" "Been wanting fight, your troops need fight too. Getting sloppy" "The troops shall be alerted at once" The Officer replied, before pressing something on the data pad, which sounded the alarm, causing all the calm blue tinted lights, to turn a bright crimson red.

(Void's POV)

{Your target is of high value to the enemy, an Ethereal. Your objective is to capture said Ethereal, and bring it in} Central's voice said, over the intercom. |Void, I would recommend you lead Wolf, to go and capture the Ethereal, both of you being Rangers would help dramatically, and you being a Psi Op as well, should help to subdue the Ethereal| The Commanders GREMLIN said. "So the plan is, me and Wolf run blindly towards the enemy base, while our resistance allies keep them distracted, along with Boomer, Bud, Gears and Eagle covers our tails?" Void asks, somewhat sarcastically. |Pretty much| The Commander replies. "And here I was thinking 'I think today's going to be different, I think the Commander's going to try a different tactic'. Guess who just got proven wrong" Void said, in a joking manner, which even managed to get a chuckle out of the Commander. Void was special, Void was a Psi Op and a Ranger, his Psi Amp being built into the armour, though he doesn't really need it, he could perform just fine without it. His skill with a blade, was somewhat wasted, because his father had taught him swordsmanship, not hacking and slashing.

The light turned red, the rear ramp opened, and Boomer, Bud, Gears and Eagle jumped out along with the Commander's GREMLIN. The ramp closed and the Skyranger moved off to another location. The ramped lowered again and Void and Wolf jumped out. "What do you think they'll do for a distraction?" Wolf asked, only to be answered by a loud explosion that ripped through the area. "Does that answer your question?" Void replied. "Yep" Wolf said, as they began to move towards the main base. As they made their way through the snow covered forest, they heard yelling in ADian The aliens language coming from a short distance in front of them. They looked out from behind a tree, to see something they weren't expecting. Standing near to them, was an Ethereal wearing metallic black armour, with four long but thin bladed, swords on its back. From their quick observations, it appeared to be more muscular than other Ethereals, yet still retaining the slender look of other Ethereals. [Send for reinforcements at once] They heard it yell, not understanding a word it said. "Yes ma'am" They heard an ADVENT Officer reply in English. "Since when do the aliens speak fluent English?" Void whispered to Wolf. "Since now, apparently" Wolf replied, just as confused. Suddenly, a Gauss round went whizzing by them. "Since when did ADVENT have snipers?" Wolf asked, while taking cover behind a large tree. "Since now, I guess" Void replied, doing the same as Wolf.

(Soleirus's POV)

Soleirus was issuing orders to her soldiers, when a sniper round went into the forest. {Commander, we have two XCOM operatives approaching on your position} The Sniper called in over the radio. "XCOM… Troops…" 'Troops, use your grenades to flush them out of cover, I'll deal with them personally' Soleirus began to say, then Psionicly said. The troops around her armed their grenades, then threw them around he two XCOM operatives. They both ran out from behind the trees and into the open. "I will enjoy this, human" Soleirus said, grabbing both of their attentions. "So this is the Ethereal we're meant to capture?" One of them said. "Yep, this the one" The second said. Soleirus just rolled her eyes. Both of the operatives unsheathed their blades, one with what Soleirus recognised as an Arc Blade, the one she did not recognise, but she could feel the Psionic energy pulsating through it, just like the operative. Soleirus pulled her swords from her back, and Psionic energy started going up the length of the blade. Their swords clashed, sending sparks to the ground.

(Void's POV)

"For an…. Ugh… Ethereal, she's strong" Wolf said, using all his might to hold off the Ethereal's left swords. "What makes you… think it's female?" Void asked, creating a pulse of Psionic energy, to throw the right two blades off of his Psi Blade. The Ethereal stumbled back a few paces, before regaining its balance. "Well… just look at it… it's obviously a female" Wolf said, catching his breath quickly. "How can you tell… it's wearing armour" Void said, charging up a Null Lance. Void fired his Null Lance, only to watch the Ethereal catch and reflect it towards Wolf, who was quickly thrown backwards into a nearby wall. "WOLF!" Void yelled. "You… strong in mind" The Ethereal said. "I'll show you just how strong I am!" Void said, as he sheathed his blade. At that moment, his eyes turned a glowing purple, as did his hands, and a purple stream of energy came from his head and hands, and went towards the Ethereal. The Ethereal threw its swords to the sides, and did the same. The two streams of Psionic energy met, creating a fluctuation of energy where the streams connected. The ADVENT troops around the Ethereal just stood there, ready to shoot should it need support. The energy fluctuation started moving towards the Ethereal. "No… no… aaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" The Ethereal screamed, as the fluctuating energy hit her, and sent her flying. The ADVENT troops around her, raised their weapons, only to be gunned down by as the Skyranger flew over head, the ramp down, and the rest of the team shooting out of it. {We need to go… NOW!} Firebrand yelled through the coms. "You… not escape…" The Ethereal said, getting back up, only to rendered unconscious by Wolf, who was using a Stun Lancer's stun baton. "Somebody help me carry her" Wolf said, grabbing the, just under seven foot, Ethereal's upper arms. Void helped Wolf carry the Ethereal to the Skyranger, which was landed not too far from where they are.

As they approached the Skyranger, Gears, the team's Specialist, and Bud, a Rookie and the team's newest recruit, ran off and got its swords. {Strap yourselves in, it's going to be a bumpy exit} Firebrand said, as they jetted out of the AO.

(Soleirus's POV)

Soleirus woke up on a transport, of unknown design. But that wasn't the very first thing she noticed, the first thing that she noticed was she wasn't wearing her armour, only the skin tight black suit that went underneath it, the second thing she noticed was the transport, the third thing she noticed was she was wearing handcuffs, that were drawing her Psionic energy into an energy cell, in the middle of the four holes for her hands. She was completely powerless. She then heard multiple weapons suddenly power up. "Don't try anything funny" One of the soldiers said. "And what good that do me?" Soleirus asked, confused as to what they think she can do in this state. The best she could do in this state, is hurl insults at them. "You guys should relax, she's not planning anything" The Psionic one said. "And how would you know?" "I've been monitoring her thoughts the whole journey… trust me, only raise your gun, if I raise my gun" "Hmmph" |Void is right, she my be our enemy, but that doesn't mean we have to treat her as one now| The little drone, she'd seen, said. "What you plan to do with me?" Soleirus asked, curious, as to know her fate. "At a guess, I'd say, we get as much information as we can out of you, then ransom you back to ADVENT" The Psionic one, who she believed was the one the drone called Void, said. When he said that last part, Soleirus couldn't help but laugh. |Something funny| The drone asked. "You believe that they take me back now… you wrong… very wrong" Soleirus said, after she'd stopped laughing.

The lights turned red, and she was ordered to stand up. She, unwillingly, complied. When the ramped lowered, she turned her head away, because the sun was low, and bright. When she finally took in her surroundings, she saw a dozen or so guards, that were to 'escort' her to her cell. |Hold, Tygen wants her down in the lab first| The drone said. "No wonder we not beat you… you never still for long" Soleirus said, as the air pad lowered into the Avenger. As Soleirus was taken to the lab, she noticed any human she passed, put a hand on their pistol. |Dr. Tygen, we have her as you requested| Their Commanders drone told the man in the lab coat. "Excellent, may all male personnel leave" Tygen asked. |For what purpose?| Their Commander asked. "I wish to understand her, she's already different, simply down to the fact she was carrying weapons" |I see… do as he asked| All of the male personnel left, including Tygen. A female scientist, came in, and ordered only three of the remaining soldiers remain. "I'm Dr. Avian… Dr. Tygen has ordered me too examine you, to try and understand why you are, well, like you are" Dr. Avian said. Soleirus looked around and saw all observation windows, turn jet black. For own comfort, perhaps. Well in any case, it was better for her, as amongst her people, the only one of the opposite sex that is allowed to see her, more private parts, is her life partner, her husband if you will. Unless her life depends on it, then it's a lot less shameful. "Remove restraints… if I try something, I'll be shot, it would be illogical decision to try something" Soleirus said, knowing the scientist would see reason in her answer. "Guards remove her restraints, so she may… ahem… remove her clothing" Dr. Avian said, a little awkwardly. The two older looking guards, signalled for the younger looking guard to remove the restraints. She was most certainly nervous about doing so, as Soleirus could see she was shaking slightly. The guard unlocked each cuff, and removed the restraints. Soleirus rubbed each of her wrists, as the cuffs rubbed against them. "If you will" Dr. Avian asked. The suit Soleirus wore, was made up of lots of hexagons, made of a Titanium alloy. Soleirus undid the back of her suit, by moving the hexagons in the middle, to the side. Soleirus slipped out of the suit, and sat on the examination table, not giving a care about the fact she was completely naked, mostly because they were females, the rest of the reason being they were humans, not Ethereals. In human terms, she was an A cup, in terms of breasts. Her nipples had a green tint to them, as well as her womanhood. And unlike any other Ethereal, she actually had muscles, or at least visible muscles. "Right, this shouldn't take long" Dr. Avian said, getting a needle out, while another female scientist came in, with a data pad, most likely to take notes. 'May I ask why you don't just kill me?' Soleirus telepathically broadcasted to the humans around her. "Well, we can't interrogate a corpse now, can we?" The scientist replied. 'Then what, you cannot bargain me back to ADVENT they'll kill me, then kill you, or just not accept any of your offers' "I don't think the Commander has thought of that" The scientist replied. Soleirus already knew that her fate was to die, one way or another. Dr. Avian continued to examine Soleirus's body, taking samples, amongst other things.

"I've got everything I need, you may put your clothing back on" Dr. Avian said. Soleirus put her suit back on, before the restraints were placed on her again. She was then escorted to her cell for the night. |This is your cell, it has been made Psionic proof, so you can't mind control the guard| Their Commander said. "I… understand" Soleirus replied. |Void, Wolf, you two shall take first watch, with Nova and Storm as you replacements should the Storm Harbingers be needed| "Yes sir" Two of them, presumably Void and Wolf said.

(Void's POV)

"I don't get it" Wolf said. "What don't you get?" Void asked, curious. "She was so, high and mighty, you know 'I ain't taken none o' your shit' kind of thing… but now she's all submissive" Wolf said, as he just beat Void at cards for third time in a row. "You know, now that you bring it up… it is kind of weird. I mean if it was, say, a Muton General or Viper Commander, they'd be lashing out, trying to kill us, but this one, she isn't even trying to do anything. So far all she's been doing is sleeping" Void replied, rather puzzled by the topic Wolf brought up. "You'd think sleep would be the last thing on her mind, but that seemed to be the first thing" Wolf said. "Humans puzzle us, as much as we puzzle you" The Ethereal said, startling both of them, as neither of them noticing her getting up. "Since your going to spending a lot of time with us, we might as well know your name" Void said, walking over to the cell door. "Soleirus… yours?" Soleirus asked. "Void, the loudmouth over there is Wolf" Void replied. "Thought humans had two names?" Soleirus stated, confused. "Yes, but we have nicknames, to hide ourselves, and to protect our families should we ever be captured" Void said. "Should you really be telling her that?" Wolf asked. "Look, she asked a question, least I can do is be civil, and answer it" "What are secrets?" Soleirus asked. "Can't say" Void replied. "See, she instantly tried to dig for information" Wolf said. "His answer, is answer I sought, you think quick, that is all I need to know" Soleirus replied to Wolf's comment. "You know what, my shifts over anyway" Wolf said, grabbing his cards, and getting out of his chair. As he headed towards the door, it opened, revealing the Commander, Central and Tygen. |Wolf stay where you are| The Commander said, sternly. "What! Fine" Wolf said, less than pleased. |We require guards for her interrogation, even if you aren't the most alert right now, it's easier than waking up another set of soldiers for guards| The Commander said.

+To be continued+

So guys, hoped you liked the first chapter of my XCOM fanfic, I recently bought XCOM 2 and absolutely adore the game, and the amount of species in the game open up a lot of possibilities to a creative mind, such as mine