Waking up thousands of feet in the air is not something anyone would ever like to do, but of course it would happen to me. To be honest at this point i was just starting to think that perhaps i was cursed, and to be frank at this didn't bother me as much as it probably should have. looking down at the fast approaching ground I actually started to panic something that I probably hadn't done in years. Come to think of it I probably didn't have that much to panic over in the first place being tucked away nicely in my own personal pocket dimension. Closing my eyes I let the warm flow of chakra flow through my muscles and bones greatly enhancing them for the impact.

Rin Kobayashi was smart for her age, despite having difficulty making friends at school due to her reclusive and cold attitude, she never really had any issues involving any of her academic work, but because of this she always tended to come out as extremely cold and calculating to her peers. Its not as if she cold help it though she was just naturally that kind of person. She always assumed that perhaps she got it from her parents, they where, put bluntly, workaholics. Currently she was sitting out at the stairs of her grandfathers shrine, her grandfather had been looking after since her parents died in a freak accident of some sort. She wasn't exactly sure what her parents did, after all she was only five when they died and her grandfather refused to talk about them, this may have been the root of her resentment towards her grandfather. In her opinion it stood without question that just because someone was gone doesn't mean you just stop talking about them especially if you're looking after their child.

Rin stared up at the stars think about the level of nonsense that had suddenly decided to appear on her lovely little planet. yes scientist had always looked up at the stars and wondered if human beings as a race where alone in the universe. Of course statistically speaking they always knew that it was very unlikely that they where alone but the likely hood that all the aliens and weird super powered beings would suddenly decide to reveal themselves at this time in history was just equally as unlikely as human being alone. Things where just getting ridiculous, then they all decide that they all just want to make some sort of superhero club up in space, you only saw that stuff happen in manga and comics.

Just as she thought this of course she noticed that one of the small night birds she had seen not too long ago was not moving in a horizontal, forwards as it probably should in the air and in addition to that was also getting considerably bigger than what a bird should be, at this point a normal eight year old would probably stare in amazement a promptly be flattened by the ever approaching Unidentified "flying" object, but Rin was a bit different, perhaps she was a genius of never before seen measures, but in her opinion she just thought that her sense of self-perseverance was probably a bit better than others of a similar age to her. So it made sense for her to move or preferably run until she was in an area with appropriate coverage and protection.

Running back into the shrine and promptly closing the large doors behind her she saw her grandfather preparing dinner, looking at her with a worried look in his eyes. "Rin what's wrong?" he questioned with his deep aged voice.

Before Rin could answer that questions an extremely deafening sound rattled both of them, Rins grandfather quickly approached the large doors and pushed Rin aside in order to get through, the look on his face showed he meant business. Rins grandfather may not have shown it often but he cared greatly for Rin, after all what type of grandfather wouldn't, and anything that scared her was about to get the biggest beating of it's life.

Approaching the large crater the last thing he expected to see was a young blond haired man that appeared to be in his twenties if he where to take a guess. Now with all sorts of superheroes running around in the world he had seen some extremely peculiar differences, but needless to say he had never actually seen anyone that seemed to have a three pairs of whisker marks.

regardless of all that and no matter how uncomfortable it made him feel he felt as if it was in his moral obligation to help as much as he could. "Rin!" he shouted "I think it would be best if you called the ambulance"

When Naruto first initially opened his eyes his first thought was that he was that his ceiling looked extremely different than what he initially feel asleep to. Just to name a few differences, first of which being that the ceiling was a lot whiter than it had been when he feel asleep. promptly deciding that at this point it would be best if he where to look around to get a grasp of where exactly he was, he was very quickly reminded of the injuries sustained during the fall, needless to say he was in an extreme amount of pain. Deciding that he was better of gathering senjutsu chakra so he could heal himself and get a grasp of the environment he was in, he stayed as still as possible, which was actually not as difficult as many would think it to be.

After he had gathered enough chakra in order to sense his environment, he sent it out in a pulse in order to get a visual image of the room he was in, it also allowed him to see the people in the room, two adults, and one child with a further two adults outside the room. He felt an odd tug in the bottom of his stomach he found himself drawn to the small child, the chakra signature coming from her was surprisingly large for someone her age, she even had more chakra than the other adults in the room. The other adults seemed to only have enough to keep themselves alive. This was didn't seem to make much sense to him, it appeared as if humans had suddenly lost the ability to use chakra apart from this one little girl.

Feeling the cold sharp metal of a blade at his throat brought him back from his thought process, judging from the angle at which the blade was placed at his neck, he knew this person knew that he was awake and would not hesitate to kill him on the spot, this meant that they where trained, unfortunately for them they didn't know anything about him or his own abilities that included is sage mode and its remarkable healing abilities. Eyes snapping open and teeth gritting in order to fight of the pain his hand shot up to grip his opponents wrist and stop her from slitting his neck, lifting up the blade so it was no longer in contact with his skin he made full use of his sage abilities, shooting a fist out to his assailants torso, she was met with an extremely powerful assault that pushed her a few meters back, this clearly surprised her as she let go of her ninjato, giving Naruto enough time to leap up and use a quick shunshin to appear behind her and quickly slide the blade in position at her neck. All this happened in a matter of seconds to the shock of everyone in the room. "Where am I?" he said with a cold finality that demanded an answer.

"Calm Down, You're in hospital in Akihabara, Japan" the younger of the two adults spoke in a calming soothing tone as if trying to calm him down and placate his rage. Analysing her Naruto had to admit she was quit the looker, golden shoulder length hair and golden eyes that had a mischievous look to them. She wore a dark skirt with a jacket over her blouse in some ways she reminded him of Ino.That thought made him slightly depressed but he forced himself out of that little slump.Naruto didn't look the slightest bit impressed by her answer to prove his point he made a slight cut on his hostages neck as if to prove a point. "How did I get here?" as a shinobi he had learnt that the best was to gather information in situations like this was to be forward and straight to the point.

The woman seemed alarmed and slightly surprised by his tone and reaction to this, but she persisted in her approach to calming him down. " We don't know you got here, we where hoping that you could tell us that, but besides that we can help you. You don't seem to be from around here are you? Despite the obvious ability to speak our language."

"First tell me who you are?" Naruto spoke still with a cold demanding voice. "I'm Claudia I was sent by the Japanese division of the greater Asian Union and the woman you have hostage is part of our own special military division can't tell you much about it's top secret and the two other people are the people that found you and brought you to the hospital. Now if you don't mind letting go of my colleague that would be greatly appreciated." As Naruto thought about this he was promptly winded and as he crouched down to recover his face was met with a very painful left hook causing him to drop the sword that he had acquired from his opponent. Just as he was about to dodge a sword swipe to his head Claudia shouted at her colleague to stand down.

Looking at him in curiosity Claudia Spoke in a shocked tone "you're clearly not human are you? No normal human should have been able to survive that left hook"

"what do you mean by that?" He asked in an enraged tone. Naruto was no stranger to insults but for a random stranger to imply that he wasn't human only minutes after meeting him really rubbed him the wrong way. Yeah sure he couldn't technically be called human anymore but that was no excuse, he still looked human therefore he shouldn't have been judged in such a matter.

Claudia realised pretty quickly that she may have insulted him " Sorry if I insulted you but at this point, I don't think anyone is a stranger to aliens or supernatural beings that look human, I just made that assumption given that you survived to events that no normal human should have survived and to top it of you seem to be completely fine after your first near death experience despite it only being a few day since Those two found you" she said while pointing at the little girl with the huge chakra reserves and the old frail man.

Naruto couldn't help but grin slightly. This woman was smart she was able to gather that much information from him even while he was the one doing the questioning, but he probably made it very obvious. "so what does a government agency want with me, I doubt this is a normal hospital visit?"

She grinned at him before winking at him and saying two words that would eventually become the bane of his existance.

"Top Secret"