Story Start.

The Uzumaki clan, cousins of the Senju and Uchiha clans, two of the most powerful clans the elemental nations have ever seen and to some the most powerful that would ever be seen.However despite this they found ways to strike fear into their enemies through their own use of the ancient art of FÅ«injutsu, the art of sealing a type of jutsu so old it transcended that of all the other types of jutsu, the technique first used by the sage of six paths himself. The ability to seal away living beings, chakra and a whole range of other things within something else.An ability not fully understood by those other than those that belonged to the uzumaki clan. However the technique was far more powerful than simply sealing away something else. It gave those that had fully mastered it an insight into the workings of of the very space and time that made up the universe itself, It allowed them to look into the very heart of the universe with the only person to have fully mastered this ancient technique being the sage himself. It allowed him to see everything that has happened and would happen as well as the creation of an infinite number of universes that where created with each new decision made.

This is how he knew about the war that would eventually destroy the world he had worked so hard in order to save at some point. initially he had hoped that the boy known as naruto uzumaki would be able to stop the war that would ravage the world. A man with the purest of souls would see the world in its darkest moment and save it from the demons created from the dark desires of man. He would be the sage that would finally succeed where he had failed. However something went wrong, it started with the betrayal of his teammate only weeks after he thought he had got him back. He watched as his teammate killed his other teammate a girl that went by the name of Sakura Haruno. soon after it was his sensei killed by the same man he had come to hate, his soul slowly got darker and darker as one by one those he cared about fell. He realised he had failed to do what he had promised himself from the very beginning of his journey. His enemies eventually succeeded in bringing forth a monster that could destroy mountains with the smallest flicker of a tail. His army never stood a chance it was obliterated in minutes. like a nightmare he hoped that eventually he would be able to forget everything he had seen. So he did the only thing he could, he ran.

He ran and he ran and he went into hiding. He realised that he was afraid, he was alone and afraid and he did the one thing any human being that was afraid and alone would do. He ran home. The home of his ancestors the uzumaki clan.

Naruto POV

I ran away I heard the people suffering and I ran away. I felt empty, I wasn't a hero everything my sensei ever stood for i completely forgot and disregarded in the blink of an eye. I had failed. Kuruma lay dormant in my body I had full access to his chakra but I had no one left to speak to, every other human being was trapped in the moon eye project madara an Obito where obsessed with. As for sasuke, well sasuke was somewhere unknown to me alone just like he had always been, just like me, I guess that's what initially made me make him my rival and my brother in everything but blood. Now in my loneliness reminded of what that cold feeling was like it made me sick that I wanted to kill him not too long ago, but even I knew he was beyond redemption at this point, Today was the day I realised that I was cursed and that no matter what I did if I let my enemies live it would only cause me and billions of other people pain and misery, to day I realised that the mercy I had given to my enemies had killed my world. It had set it ablaze in misery and If there was one thing I could do for the people left trapped in the fake world created by madara I could set them free. So hid.


It is said that prolonged periods of isolation could untold damage to the psychological health of human beings and other human beings. We simply aren't made to be alone for very long. We Need human interaction more than anything.

Five years, that was how long I had been alone for. In that time I had numbed myself to the genocide I was about to commit and I was going to use my families techniques to do it, the uzumaki, the most peace loving people of all where going to have their pride and joy used to wipe out billions of people, and I was going to go with it.