Hey, all! As you can tell, this fanfiction is a reboot of a previous fairy tail story I did. I did not like it, and I didn't think it had much story to it. Some people may disagree, but some may agree. Regardless I decided to make a reboot of this. I changed the main character's name but kept his looks. You'll find out later in the chapter.

If any of you wish to look at the previous fanfiction I made. Feel free to go check it out, but I'll be deleting it as soon as I reach to a certain chapter in this fanfic.

So without further ado. Enjoy!

Edit: 3/16/20

Chapter 1: The beginning of the Devil-Slayer

This is a story; about a boy who became a man, a boy who became a Legend, a boy who became a Devil. But not the Devil you're thinking of, no. He was a Devil-Slayer. Meant to do one thing and that was to slay demons. It was once said; that you could gain this magic by reading forbidden books and practicing in dangerous ways that left even the bravest of hearts broken.

However; there was once another way you could've learn Devil-Slayer Magic. It would either be by killing an Elemental Demon or being trained by them. Now, you may be asking yourself; What is an Elemental Demon?

Elemental Demons are demons born from the natural elements of Earthlnad and wizards that were too greedy with power. No one knows when the first Elemental Demon was born or how many there are.

Devil-Slayers were hard to come by now a day's. But back then, they were a force to be reckoned with in the underworld. Not only did they slay demons, but they also took many innocent lives in the process. Ever since then, Devil-Slayers were known to the world as nothing but pure evil.

Some of the Elemental Demons wished to change that. Instead of endless killings of innocent lives; they would have them slay powerful demons that threaten humans. But something unknown happened that caused these Elemental Demons to abandon this philosophy and go into hiding. Nothing much was known about these legendary demons, why they hide, or why they wanted to protect Humanity.

Most believers say that the Black Wizard Zeref stopped the Elemental Demons to proceed any further, but others think that something happened among the demon ranks. But the truth remained a mystery for thousands of years and soon the Elemental Demons became nothing but a myth Legend.

That was until a child was found by an Elemental Demon…

The year was x771 and a man wearing a torn hooded cloak was walking through a snowy forest in the night. It was in the middle of December and quite cold out if no one had warm clothes on. But this did not bother the man at all. As the man wasn't walking through the woods for just anything, no, he was walking through the woods because he saw a village burning.

The hooded man saw light coming from the hill, as he walked up the hill, the snow falling from the sky turned to ash, and the snow on the ground turn to red as blood. The hooded man made it up the hill and was greeted by burning houses and dead bodies laying on the ground.

The hooded man looked around and kept walking. He shortly passed a sign hanging by a short length of chain that said 'Beartooth Village', but the hooded man paid no attention to it. He looked at the dead villagers and the way they were killed was by sword strikes through the chest and across the chest. Most of the villagers looked liked they tried to flee but some of them didn't get far, and the others appeared to have stood their ground but were no match for whatever came through here. The hooded man kneeled down and touched one of the fallen villagers on the forehead gently.

"Trespassers… came from the north of the forest and started killing… taking the young and elderly." The hooded looked around. "Savages…" the man said with disgust. He looked at the villagers.

"My apologies for not coming sooner… may you all find peace in the afterlife," He said and pray for their safe journey to the beyond.

After he was done praying, the man got up and was about to leave until…

*small but fade heartbeat*

The hooded man stops in his tracks and looked behind, keeping silent and listening closely. Then in a blink of an eye, the hooded man disappeared.

Beartooth Village: Southwest of the Village...

On the southwest edge of the village, a pack of Wolves was searching for food. They managed to drag one of the villagers down and started to feast. One wolf was scouting the area and picked up an unusual scent, the wolf followed the scent to a massive downed tree log. In that log was a baby boy wrapped up in a warm blanket; with short white hair, white tan skin, and two different color eyes; the left eye was dark blue and the right eye was dark green.

The baby boy looked around without a care in the world, then the boy saw the wolf looking at him and sniffing him. The boy did nothing but looked at the wolf, shortly the rest of the pack came over and looked at the baby boy as well. Behind the wolves, the hooded man appeared feet away from the pack of wolves.

"Leave him be," The man said. The wolves looked at the hooded man and backed away from him and the baby. The man walked slowly towards the boy and looked down at him.

The man kneeled and gently touched the baby's forehead. "What's a five-month-old baby doing out in a place like this, I wonder."

The baby smiles and touches the man's hand, this caught the hooded man off guard, but it made him smile back. All of a sudden; the pack of wolves started the grow. The hooded man then heard footsteps behind him, along with laughter.

"Well, well. What have we here?" a voice said, from behind. The hooded man turned around to see two men in robes with masks covering their faces with a symbol on them. Both of them had magic staffs. The one on the right had a smile. "Looks like we left a couple of villagers unchecked."

The hooded man looked at the baby and back at the two men.

"Are you the trespassers that came through this Village?" The hooded man questioned. The two men look at each other and start to laugh hysterically, this made the hooded man slightly angry. The man on the left then spoke.

"You could say that. But the truth of the matter is; we're looking for workers to help us." The man said, with a sinister smile. "For the Glory of Lord Zeref!"

The hooded man kept looking at them with anger. The Zeref worshippers saw this and aimed their magic staffs at him.

"I don't think we like the look that you're giving us," The one on the right said as he moved his magic staff up. "Stand up, fool!" He ordered.

The hooded man stood up and was quite taller than the other two, possibly 6'9" tall. Catching the two worshippers off guard a little.

"Fool?" The hooded men's eyes started to glow red. "The only fools I see, are the ones in front of me," The hooded man said.

He walked to them with no fear, but with anger. The pack of wolves gathered around the baby boy, to protected him. The Zeref worshippers backed up out of fear.

"Stay back!" The Zeref worshipper on the left demanded. But the hooded man didn't listen, and this infuriates the one on the right.

"I've had enough of this!" The Zeref worshipper ran up to the hooded man. "DIE!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. But he stopped a foot away from him and stood there.

The other Zeref worshipper looked at him in confusion.

"What? Why'd you-" the Zeref worshipper eyes widen, at the horror scene before him.

The Zeref worshiper that rush the hooded man was pierced by some kind of Lightning Magic from the hooded man's hand. The worshiper looked down at his chest and back at the hooded man in shock. The hooded man pulled out his arm and the Zeref worshiper fell to the ground.

The other Zeref worshipper looked at his fallen comrade in horror. He looked back at the hooded man in fear as he saw a dark aura coming from the hooded man. The pack of wolves looked at the Zeref worshiper with hunger. The man through his staff away and got on his knees with his hands up.

"Please… show me mercy…" the Zeref worshiper pleaded for his life. This, in turn, infuriated the hooded man.

"Mercy?" the hooded man questioned. "Did you show mercy to the people in the Village..?" The hooded man saw tears coming from the Zeref worshiper. The hooded man looked at the wolves and back at the worshiper.


The wolves ran at the worshiper to do just that. The man tried to run but the wolves bit his leg and dragged him down. The Zeref worshiper screamed in pain as he was being mauled at by the pack of wolves. The hooded man watched as he was being eaten alive.

"Hey! What's going on?!" a voice yelled out.

The hooded man looked up to his right and saw more worshippers coming down the hill. The hooded man quickly grabs the baby and looked at the wolves.

"Make a safe path!" The hooded man ordered. The wolves did so, as they and the hooded man rush back to the Village.

The hooded man ran through the burning Village as the wolves broke off and ran in different directions, a couple of dozen worshippers ran after the hooded man and shot Fire Magic. Luckily, the magic didn't hit him but nearly missed him. Two Zeref worshippers appeared in front of him and were about to fire, but two wolves jumped from behind them and took them out. The hooded man did not slow down or stopped, he kept running and didn't look back, holding the baby close to him.

The hooded man made it out of the Village and into the forest where he first came from. The pack of wolves joined him as they ran forward together, with the Zeref worshippers hot on their trail.

The worshippers kept firing their Fire Magic, hitting trees and knocking them over to block their path. But it didn't work as the hooded man and the pack of wolves jumped over the trees. One of the Zeref worshippers notices that they were heading to a cliff.

"We got them cornered! They got nowhere to go!" The Zeref worshipper said.

The hooded man saw the cliff and sprinted, as well as the pack of wolves. This caught the worshippers by surprise and stopped. The hooded man dashes forward and jumped off the cliff along with the wolves. The Zeref worshippers had shocked looks as they all looked at each other. They slowly made their way towards the cliff to see if they survived. Until…

*a strike of lightning and a crack of thunder*


A massive lightning bolt struck where the hooded man and pack of wolves fell from, followed by a massive roar. The roar and lightning knocked the Zeref worshippers on their backs, and disorient them. One of the worshippers manages to recover and was greeted by a frightening sight.

In front of him, was a giant wolf-like creature, with blood-red eyes, and it's entire body made out of blue lightning. The man notices the pack of wolves from earlier we're on its back, protecting the baby. This creature wasn't a monster, it was a demon! The lightning wolf looked at the worshippers and growled.

"RAAAAAAA!" The demon roared again, but this time, with enough force to blow the worshippers back to where they came from and knocking down quite a bit of trees.

The wolf demon turned around and flew off into the night sky. On its back, the pack of wolves howls together, keeping the precious cargo safe and warm. The baby softly pets the wolves as they started to snuggle up with him. The demon wolf looked back at the baby and then forward.

"It is time.." The demon wolf said, in a demonic voice. "To raise the New Breed of Devil-Slayers…" he looked back again to see the baby peacefully sleeping. "I hope your ready on what lies ahead… Nero." He whispered, he looked forward and focused his attention on flying.

The demon flew off into the night, never to be seen for several years. But in those years, he was training the boy known as Nero; in the ways of Devil-Slayer magic.

September 21st x781

We go to a town in the mountains, between the countries of Iceberg and Pergrande Kingdom. This town's name was Rubicon; The town housed over 500 people, but it didn't have its own guild. It had a Temple to teach children how to wield magic properly and Magic Weapons. The Temple is located on the side of the tallest mountain, not too far away from the town. A forest was also located at the south end of the town, but with dangerous creatures, if you're not careful.

The town was most famous for its mountains, but the tallest mountain was more infamous than the rest. The mountain was the home of an ancient demon and a pack of unnatural wolves. They did not bother any of the humans, however, but the townsfolk still feared it. They send requests to any guild to get rid of it, but none were successful.

On the rooftops, a white-haired boy was jumping roof to roof. No one notices him or could see him, because of how fast he was jumping and running. He kept this up until he got to the center of the town. He landed on the edge of a house with little effort. This white-haired boy was Nero.

Nero was now ten years old, he had medium-length white hair and stood at 4'11" tall. Nero's clothes were training gear clothes, he had a weighted undershirt that was black and weighed fifty pounds, on top of that undershirt was a red tank top, on his hands were black combat gloves that weighed about 10 pounds each, his pants were as red as the tank top and were also combat pants, his footwear was weighted boots that weighed 15 pounds each, and finally; he wore a necklace that had a small silver skull on it.

Nero crouches down on the edge and starts to look around. Searching for someone.

*sniff* *sniff*

Nero sniffs the air for a certain smell, he caught a sweet scent and saw two kids his age running, a boy and a girl. Nero smiled and chased after them on the roofs. The two kids that were on the ground running looked around frantically.

"Is he still chasing us?!" The girl questioned, as she kept running and look behind. This girl has amazing blonde hair in a loose ponytail, light green eyes, stood at 4'9" tall, light skin, and was about nine years old.

This blonde headed girl was wearing training gear in all black. She wears a button-down combat jacket with an emblem in black and gold stitching on it, the emblem had a golden shield with a crucifix on it, behind the shield where double-ended swords making an 'X' behind the shield. She also had combat shoes, pants, and gloves.

The boy looked at her as he kept running.

"I don't know, but keep moving!" the boy said. This boy had short raven hair, brown eyes with a scar above his right eye. He stood at 4'11" tall, tan skin, and was eleven years old. His outfit was the same as the blonde girls, but suitable for a boy. The boy then noticed an alleyway on the left. "Over here!"

The boy turned the corner and the girl followed.

But the alleyway was a dead end; the boy and the girl looked for any exit routes, but there were none. The both of them turned around and looked back to where they came from and got ready for anything. Then they hear a sound from behind them, they looked back and saw Nero. Nero smiled at them.

"Game over," Nero said and started to walk towards them. But as soon as he took the first step, his leg was caught in some kind of robe. The raven headed boy then smiled.

"NOW!" the boy yelled.

The blonde girl nodded, as she punched the wall next to her with enough force to knock down some heavy sandbags attached to the rope. Then in an instant, Nero was yanked to the ground and lifted up by his leg in the air.

"What the hell?!" Nero yelled and flailed his arms angrily. "We never said anything about booby traps! The hell is this, Rex?!" Nero demanded, glaring daggers at the raven-haired boy known as Rex. Rex proudly smirked.

"I decided to change it up a bit. You know, for the fun!" Rex shrugged. "I didn't know that Devil-Slayers couldn't figure out a simple trap," Rex said, mockingly. This ticked Nero off even more.

"Why don't you cut me down and we'll settle this!" Nero said, pointing at Rex. The blonde headed girl rushed over to Nero.

"Goodness, Nero." She began trying to untie Nero. "Do you two always have to argue like this? It gets annoying after a while, you know," She said, with honesty. Nero looked away and crossed his arms.

"It ain't my fault he always changes the rules.." Nero then looked at her. "At least you play fair, Petra," Nero said. The blonde girl known as Petra laughed a little.

"Coming from the one that always runs on the rooftops, I feel honored," Petra jokingly said. Petra continued trying to untie Nero but was having a difficult time. "Hmm… this rope is tighter and I thought. Rex? Could you-" Before Petra could speak, the rope was cut by a sword.

Nero was caught off guard and fell hard with a loud thud, Petra was shocked and helped Nero up. Rex laughs hysterically but soon stopped laughing when he saw a certain somebody was on top of the dead-end wall.

It was a girl in the same outfit as Petra and Rex, but with a Katana wrapped in a single bandage on her back. This girl had long black hair, red eyes, standing at 4'11" tall, light tan skin, and was ten years old. She looked at the three with an emotionless look.

"Found you," She said. Nero got up and looked at the girl with anger.

"Damn it, Alice! What's the big idea?!" Nero rubs the back of his head. "Are you trying to give me a concussion?" Nero questioned angrily. The girl named Alice jumped off the wall and landed gracefully. She looked at Nero with no pity.

"If I was, you would know it," Alice simply said, she then looked at the other two. "I'm here to tell you three; that people from a guild are coming here," Alice informed. Rex sighed tiredly.

"Again?" Rex asked. She nodded. "I thought Mayor Ross would've learned his lesson by now. After his couple a hundred failed campaign attempts to take the mountain," Rex said. Petra shrugged and shook her head.

"He never learns… Even the monks asked him to stop sending requests to those guilds," Petra added. Rex nodded in agreement, as well as Alice.

"Regardless, we're supposed to stay away from them at all costs," Alice said. Both Rex and Petra nodded. "That includes you too, Nero."

Alice looked to where Nero was standing, but he was gone. Rex and Petra looked around, but Nero wasn't anywhere near them.

"Nero! You're not supposed to fight them! Where are you?!" Petra yelled out, as she ran out of the alley to go look for him while calling his name. Rex sighed and walked out of the alleyway with Alice next to him.

"Well, so much for that talk," Rex said as he looked at Alice. He notices her hands balled up into fits of rage, but her face was calm.

"Did you expect anything less from him?" Rex asked. Alice then glare daggers at him, as he put his hands up in a panic. "I'm just saying!"

Alice kept staring at him until she sighed and looked forward. Rex put his hands down and kept walking, as they both tried to find Nero before something bad happens.

Rubicon: The Tallest Mountain...

On the tallest mountain; a hooded man was making his way down to the town with a big empty bag on his right shoulder and three small bags filled with something heavy in his left hand.

"Taranis!" a female voice called out.

The hooded man known as Taranis turned his head to see a wolf staring at him. But this wolf was bigger than a normal one, it's fur was gray; but down its spine was a black line of spiky fur starting from its nose all the way down to its tail, it's eyes where light blue and growing. Taranis turned fully around.

"Ikora," Taranis said. The wolf known as Ikora sat down on a rock.

"The Pack is out hunting. Why are you going into town?" Ikora questioned.

Ikora was a special kind of wolf, known as; Spirit Wolf. The Spirit Wolves are ancient beings said to live up to a hundred years. Ikora was about 5ft tall in height and 6.5ft in length, which was the average height for females. The males were 6.1ft in height and 7ft in length. The pups were as big as an average dog. Ikora and the rest of the Pack were able to talk like humans, use various different types of elemental magic, and they could grant a soul safe passage to the afterlife for when they die.

But they were looked upon as bad omens and hunted down. Only a handful survived, while the rest perished. But Taranis saved them and gave them sanctuary in the mountains. And from then on, they were forever loyal to him. Taranis looked at the bag on his shoulder and back to her.

"It's for Nero," Taranis emitted. Ikora smiled.

"Ah. For his training," Taranis nodded. Ikora looked at the town and back at him. "Well, when you're done. Send him over to me, so I can begin his lessons," Ikora said. Taranis nodded.

"I will," Taranis turned around and started to make his down the mountain. "Be back with him before you know it," Taranis said. Ikora kept her smile and walked back up the mountain.

Rubicon: South of Town

Outside of the town was a group of fifty men heading towards town. One of the men took out a piece of paper, it was a request paper with a picture of the mountain on it.

"Hey, Zuka. I think this is the place," A man said to the other man by the of Zuka in front of the group.

"Of course this is the place, you dumb ass," He said. He was a very muscular man, with a red mohawk, pale skin, and a pair of sunglasses. He looked at the mountain with greed. "Men! Listen up!"

The group stopped and looked at there Boss. He kept looking at the mountain, not bothering to look back.

"Today, We will become rich," Zuka turned around to his men. "Today! We kill a demon!" He puts his put his fist up in the air as he roared. The group then cheered with their fists up high. He looked back at the mountain. "And that money is all mine," He whispered to himself.

The group walked into town and started to look around. Zuka looked around in disgust.

"What a shitty town," He scuffed, in a low tone. The group of men started to break off, going into stores, and talking to women. Zuka saw a couple of people rushed into their homes and shops to lock up.

"Oh, hello!" a male voice said.

Zuka looked in front of him, to see a short and fat old bald guy rushing to him in a fancy suit.

"Who are you?" He asked. The bald man respectful bowed.

"I'm the Mayor of this town, Mayor Ross! It's a pleasure to meet you," Mayor Ross greeted, he looked up at the man with hope in his eyes. "Are you the one that I sent the request to?" The Mayor asked. Zuka smirked and nodded.

"Yeah, that's me," He answered. The Mayor smiled brightly.

"Oh, how marvelous!" The Mayor said in joy. "Now, let's get straight to business. The situation is-" Mayor Ross was about to explain what's been happening, but he was interrupted by a certain child.

"Yo, Mayor!" a voice called out. Mayor Ross and Zuka both looked up to see Nero laying down on his side looking at them from the roofs. Mayor Ross cursed under his breath.

'Damn it! Why did that little brat have to be here?!' Mayor Ross thought angrily. Nero sat up and let his legs dangle from the roof.

"I thought you were done being stupid," Nero cross his arms and shook his head with a smirk. "You just never seem to listen, do you?"

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Mayor Ross exclaimed. "This guild is going to get rid of that damn demon! Once and for all!" Mayor Ross said, in a serious tone. Nero looked at the leader of the so-called Guild.

"Who? The wannabe rock band?" Nero questioned in a mocking tone. Zuka had a tick mark on the back of his head.

"What did you say, punk?" He growled. The rest of the group saw him getting angry and walked over to join him. Nero kept his smirk.

"I said-"

"IDIOT!" Petra yelled as she kicked him on the backside of the head and off the roof to the ground. Nero hit the ground with a loud thud.

Nero was dazed and confused as to what had just happened. Petra landed on the ground next to him and started violently shaking him.

"The hell are you thinking?! Do you not see that you are obviously outnumbered?!" Petra scolds him, as she was shaking him.

Mayor Ross, Zuka, and the rest of the group all sweatdropped.

"Ruthless.." they said in unison.

Soon, Alice and Rex showed up to see a big group of men, the mayor, and Nero being shooked to death by Petra. Rex walked over to Petra and Nero and hit both of them on the back of the head.

"Hey, you two. Now's not the time to clown around." Rex looked at the group of men. "We have bigger problems to take care of," Rex said in a serious tone. Petra rubs the spot where she was hit and looked at the group of men.

"Huh? Wait, did they send the whole guild?" Petra also saw a couple of men trying to hit on women, even trying to forcefully kiss them or grope them. Her eyes narrowed and stood up. "And what kind of guild treats ladies like that?" Petra demanded. Nero got up and noticed Alice walking over to the Mayor.

"Mayor," Alice said, as she walked over to him and bowed her head. Mayor Ross looked at Alice and smiled.

"Yes, Alice. What is it?" The Mayor asked politely. Alice looked at the group, Zuka and then back to the Mayor with a serious look.

"What guild are they from?" Alice questioned. Mayor Ross made a noise of surprise by her question and didn't know how to answer it.

"From a small guild in the west." Zuka stepped in and looked at the girl. "Don't worry sweetheart. We'll take care of your demon problem." He said with a smirked. Alice then narrowed your eyes.

"If you're from the west, then where is your Guild mark?" Alice pointed out and caught him off guard. The Mayor then looked at Zuka with a suspicious and curious look.

"Well? You do have one, correct?" He asked. Zuka was slight for a few moments until he started to laugh.

"GAHAHAHAHA!" Zuka looked at the girl and stopped laughing. "You're a smart little girl," He said, Zuka then snapped his fingers and all of his men started to ransack shops for their money. Mayor Ross looked at the scene in horror.

"W-What's the meaning of this?!" He demanded. Zuka looked at him with a wide grin.

"You did send in a request in, but it was some weak guild that we took it form," Zuka explained and pointed to himself. "The name is Zuka Okada! Leader of the Okada Gang!" Zuka fully introduced himself. Mayor Ross looked at him in shock.

"I-I've head of you… You're the one's who notoriously raided the merchant guilds weeks ago!" Mayor Ross said in fear, realizing the dangerous situation he was in.

"That's right," Zuka grabbed the Mayor by his collar and picked him up. "Now tell me, where is that treasure?" Zuka questioned.

Mayor Ross was about to answer, but Nero came flying in from above and kicked Zuka hard in the face, releasing his grip on the mayor, and send him sliding back to his men with a bloody lip. He looked up with rage at the white-haired boy. Nero landed on the ground next to Alice, while the Mayor crawled away to safety

"So You figured it out too, Huh?" Nero looked at Alice. She didn't say anything and kept looking at the Okada group. Nero shrugged and got into a fighting stance. "Ah, well. Might as well make this interesting!" Nero said with a smirk. Alice got into a fighting stance of her own too.

"Indeed," Alice agreed, with narrowed eyes. Rex and Petra came over on either side of them and also got into a fighting stance.

"Don't hog all the fun, you two," Rex said, eyeing them down one by one.

"That's right, We're a team," Petra said with the termination.

Zuka was helped up by his men and stood tall, seeing the four children in a fighting stance. He wipes the blood off his lip and looked at them.

"I'm not too fond of beating children," Zuka then smiled, as five of his men went in front of him. "But I do like to teach them a lesson… GET THEM!" He ordered. His men ran at the children, ready to take them on. Nero just smiled.

"LET'S KICK ASS!" Nero exclaimed, all four of them ran up to the group of men and started fighting them.

Nero was in front of a taller man, the man tried to backhand Nero, but he ducked, and with a powerful jump, Nero kneed the low life square in the nose. The tall man holds his now broken nose in pain as it gushed out blood. Nero swiftly kicked his legs from underneath him, causing him to fall on the ground. Nero then kicked the man square chin, knocking him out.

Alice dodged wild fists and kicks from a short and skinny man with little effort. She caught the man's fist, then with one punch, she broke the man's elbow. The man screamed in agony as his elbow was completely broken. Alice then delivered a hard right uppercut to his jaw and a roundhouse kick to his head, knocking him out completely.

Rex was fighting two taller men at the same time. One tried to catch him and hold him down, but Rex was too quick and one of them flew straight into a shop window.

The other man pulled out a massive hammer and start swinging for the fences at Rex. Rex avoided the massive hammer as best he could, as the men then slimed the hammer down in the ground in an attempt to crush the boy, but Rex moved to the side.

Rex then kicked the hammer of his hands and into the air; giving Rex the opening to unleashed a furious barrage of kicks and punches to the man's face, chest, and back. The man was then dazed and confused going on to one knee, Rex jumped off the man's back, slamming his foot down on the back of the man's head, curb-stomping him into the ground and knocking him out. Rex crossed his arms, pleased with his work.

"heh, piece of cake," Rex said with pride. But the man that flew into the shop window earlier was right behind him and ready to strike. But the massive hammer that was kicked up in the air slammed on the man's head and knocked him out cold. Rex looked behind in confusion. "What happened to you?"

A man was running full speed at Petra, She didn't move as the man came charging at her. The man jumped in the air and slammed his foot down, but Petra caught the man's foot with little effort. The man looked at her in shock.

"H-how did-" He was cut off by a swift and powerful kick to the groin from Petra. The men screamed in agony, holding his broken manhood with tears.

Petra showed no pity for the man, as she gave a powerful right hook to the man's face, that knocked him on his feet and sent him flying back to the other group of men. She cracked her knuckles and gave them an emotionless stare.

"Men," Petra said in a harsh tone. The four friends looked at the rest of the Okada Gang with no fear and without a single drop of sweat.

The Gang looked at the kids in shock and fear. Those four kids easily took their top men out, and without a single struggle! Zuka had tick marks all over his head in rage that his men were taken out so easily, by kids no less!

"No.. way. What kind of kids are they?!" One man said.

"Th-they took care of them like it was nothing!" another man said. Zuka looked at his men in raged by their cowardly behavior.


"Hey, rock star!"

Zuka looked at Nero, who was in front of his friend as he bowed mockingly at him.

"Shall we dance?" Nero asked, in a mocking manner. This only added more fire to Zuka's burning rage.

"KILL THEM ALL!" Zuka yelled as all of his men ran at the four kids. Nero chuckled.

"I was hoping you'd say that!" Nero said, charging forward. Rex, Petra, and Alice charge forward as well. Nero looked to Alice. "How do you wanna play this?" Nero asked.

"You and I take the left," Alice then looked at Rex and Petra. "You two on the right," Alice ordered all three of them. They nodded and looked at the group. As both parties were charging at each other.

Nero and Alice jumped in the air and missile dropkick two men. The men fell backward onto the others who were behind them. Nero and Alice landed on the ground and dash forward, both Nero and Alice knocked out a good portion of the men as some of them crashed into neighboring shop stores and tables outside.

Rex slit on the ground through a man's legs and took out his knees, while Petra delivered a knockout blow to the man's forehead. Rex and Petra teamed up against two men, Rex kicked a man in the gut, making the man hold his stomach in pain as he moved to the other.

Petra then wrapped her arm around the man's neck and fell backward with man's head smashing into the ground, knocking him out. Rex delivered a couple of blows to the other man and kicked him in the knee. The man went to one knee, this made an opportunity for Petra as she jumped off the man's knee, and with a powerful kick to the face, he was sent flying through the crowd of men knocking them out as well.

The leader of the Okada Gang watched as his men fell one by one. He felt a shiver of fear crawl up his spine as he watched.

'This… This is insane! How can they take fifty men without breaking a single sweat!? MY MEN!' Zuka thought. He then noticed a hooded man walking towards the fight with a huge stuffed bag over his right shoulder and two small bags in his left hand. "Huh? Who's that?"

The hooded man came closer and stopped a couple of feet away from the fight. Nero kicked a man towards him, as he slid on the ground to his feet. The man looked up, but the hooded man knocked him out by simply kicking him into the ground. Everyone stopped fighting and looked at him. Alice bowed in respect.

"Taranis," Alice said, bowing. Nero put his hands behind his head.

"Sup, teach!" Nero smirked, he looked at his hood and raised a brow. "Why do you have that hood on? It's not too sunny out here," Nero said, looking at the sky. Taranis sighed and took off his hood.

Taranis had black messy hair, gray eyes, tan skin, and a little bit of facial hair on his chin. He looked at Nero with a lazy look.

"So you don't see how disappointed I am whenever I see you train," Taranis replied, in a lazy tone. Nero had a tick mark on the side of his head.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?!" Nero argued. But Taranis ignored him and looked at the other three.

"Rex, Petra…" Taranis then saw Alice and sighed. "Alice, I've told you multiple times. You don't have to bow to me every time you see me," Taranis said. Alice raised up and looked at him.

"I know.." Alice looked away with a small and faded blush. "I sometimes forget is all," She admitted. Taranis looked up at the fallen group men and saw only one standing. Taranis looked at the mayor, who was cowering in fear.

"Another attempt to get rid of me, Mayor?" Taranis questioned. Zuka's eyes widen.

'Wait… HE'S the demon?' The boss looked at Nero, who had his back turned to him. 'And that punk said 'teach'. Does he know him?' He thought. The boss then smiled evilly as he made up his mind, he dashed forward and grabbed Nero from behind by wrapping his arm around his neck.

"What the-" Nero was then lifted up to the man's height and had a knife pressed against his cheek. "Oh, that looks sharp," Nero said in a calm voice.

"Shut up!" Zuka ordered him as he looked at Taranis. "So.. You're the demon, huh?" He questioned. Taranis looked at him with a serious face.

"Who's asking, low-life," Taranis said. Zuka just grinned.

"This particular 'low-life' wants what you have, riches beyond imagining," He said, with greedy eyes.

Alice was about to attack but Taranis stopped her. Taranis dropped the bag over his shoulder and through him one of the smaller bags at Zuka's feet, as some jewels and gold coins came out of it. He looked at it in confusion.

"What is this?" Zuka asked.

"Riches beyond your imagination," Taranis simply said. He then pointed behind Zuka. "Take it and go. Before your pride gets you into more trouble, " Taranis told him, in a serious tone.

"You're kidding me, right?" Zuka asked, in confusion. "I don't want this!" he kicked the bag away and looked at Taranis in rage. "I want more! And if I don't get it, This kid's going to die!" Zuka exclaimed. Taranis smiled, which caught Zuka off guard.

"I knew you'd say that," Taranis looked at Nero. "Done playing?" Taranis asked. Nero smiled.

"Heh, Yeah," Nero looked at the boss with a smirk. "Get ready for the shock of your life," Nero said. Zuka looked at him.


Both Nero and the boss was covered in lightning. The gang looked on with shocked expressions. Zuka, let go of Nero and backed away. He felt numb all the way down his body with all of his muscles locking up, Zuka looked at Nero, and his eyes widened in horror.

Nero was surrounded by blue lightning, but he wasn't screaming or in pain. Nero looked at him with a smirk as the lightning danced around him. Zuka and his men kept looking at him as they now realize the gravity of their situation.

"Y-you're a wizard?!" Zuka said in fear. Nero nodded and the lightning was then going to his hand.

"Heh, yep! But I'm not just any wizard…" Nero then made a fist on where the lightning was concentrated at, as he dashed forward at blinding speeds with his fist cocked back. "The name is Nero Striker and I'm a Devil Slayer! Lightning Devil Steel Fist!" Nero exclaimed as he punched Zuka square in the face.

Zuka felt pieces of his teeth going down his throat and his nose broken. He was then sent flying in the sky and was gone in the clouds. The other man looked at Nero in fear. As he turned around, Nero gave the gang a scary look.

"Who's next?" Nero questioned, as lightning danced around him again.

"AHHHHHH!" The men screamed in terror, as they all left the town and into the woods.

Mayor Ross was on the ground, collecting all the jewels and gold coins that Zuka kicked. He then saw another bag dropped in front of him, he looked up and saw Taranis looking down at him.

"That should cover the damages and the taxes. Use it wisely," Taranis said, he saw the mayor nodded and quickly ran away. Taranis looked at where Nero was and saw that he, Alice, Rex, and Petra was talking.

"Geez, Nero. I think you went a little overboard," Rex said, looking in the direction where the man was shot in the sky. Nero shrugged and put his hands behind his head.

"Nah, he wasn't strong enough," Nero said, Alice shook her head.

"Yet, he seems to have caught you off-guard when he grabbed you from behind," Alice pointed out. Nero made a noise of surprise and looked away. Petra then chimed in on the subject as well.

"You're right. And here I thought you had superhuman senses that the Spirit Wolves taught you." Petra added. Nero then threw a temper tantrum.

"It ain't my fault the guy snuck up on me! Yes, I do have superhuman senses, but they're still in the works!" Nero said, angrily. "And-" Nero was about to argue more until Alice punches him over the side of the head.

"Shut up, you fool," Alice said, in a harsh tone. Rex and Petra looked at Nero as he was laying on the ground. "By the way, that's a concussion," Alice informed. Rex and Petra both started to laugh until they were both knocked upside the head by Alice as well.

"Why us?" Rex and Petra cried out in unison, holding their heads.

"Because I felt like it," Alice said, in a harsh tone again. The three rubbed their heads where they got hit at. Taranis walked over.

"Okay, you four. That's enough." Taranis looked at Nero, who was still recovering from the blow to the head. "Nero. You and I have some training to do." He then looked at Rex, Petra, and Alice. "The three of you are to head back up to the temple for your own training. The monks told me before I came down here." Taranis told them. The three of them nodded and headed back to the temple.

"You two have a good day! Don't train too hard!" Petra said, waving at them. Rex turned back as he was walking.

"Yeah, Nero and I made a bet on who is going to win a spar between us," Rex pointed his thumb at himself. "And I'm going to win!" Rex said, with confidence as he was walking backward. Nero recovered quickly and pointed at himself.

"That won't happen because I'll win!" Nero smiled and waved back at them. "See you guys tomorrow!" Nero said. His three friends kept walking down the path and made a turn to the right. Nero looked at Taranis. "So… what's today's training going to be about today?" Nero asked, with excitement. Taranis looked to the side.

"That," Taranis simply said and pointed at a huge bag that was roughly bigger than Nero. Nero turned pale. "Carry that all the way up to our camp," Taranis then started walking without Nero. Nero was about to argue but it would only give him more work to do.

Nero sighed in defeat and walked over to the back and picked it up. It was heavier than he thought as he carried it on his back and tried to catch up with Taranis. Taranis didn't look back as he smiled.

'Don't worry, Nero. The last part of your training will soon begin,' Taranis though, as he kept walking ahead looking forward to the future.

Please let me know what you think of this story in the reviews or messages. Chapter 2 will come out soon!