What if Hope's Peak Academy wasn't about highlighting the school's elite, but weeding out the imperfect. What if the Killing Game was more than meets the eye, what if it's not mindless violence and if it was a reprieve from the segregation Hope's Peak has created. That's what Arihime Koyuji and nineteen other students are going to find out as she poses as the Ultimate Journalist. (SYOC Open).

Hope's Peak Academy, is it the safe haven for the Ultimate Students? Or is it one big lie that the school perpetuates to lure talented youths away from their humble abodes and cozy, carefree lives? Why does this school specialize in cherry picking from the masses and praising the exceptionally talented? What makes this school so different from any other school?

All my life I was asking myself these questions as soon as I received a golden ticket to this elitist looking school. I'm Arihime Koyuji, and no don't bother looking up my name because it means nothing as my parents were spontaneous like that, but please call me Ari everyone does. I love to research these types of schools and see what they offer. Is it really all that it's cracked up to be? What's the main reason that congregates "unique" students into one place? What to feel different and stand out, possibly? Who knows?

I definitely know that I hate people who claim that they're more talented than the average teen. No one is perfect and to have that much profession in a skill that you got at age 15 through 18, is remarkable at best and conceited at worst. I therefore have come to despise these so called "Ultimates" and anyone like them. You might think I'm cynical and cruel to people I've never met before but life's unfair, so why should these special little snowflakes stand out and be adulated when the rest of us struggle to make a living and they have everything handed to them on a golden platter.

I'm happy but annoyed that I got hand chosen alongside other Ultimates to join in the special classes, because guess what...I'm just a normal high school girl with nothing special about her whatsoever. I'm going undercover as they say to unravel the mystery as to why this school specifically rallies these students to their side.

I'm seventeen and posing as the self proclaimed Ultimate Journalist, I can research any news story on the Internet and debunk false notions made by any media platform and people react heavily to my controversial views. I'm not unique at all, which begs the question, is it pure talent or hard work that makes these teens talented. Because with enough elbow grease anyone can stand out of the crowd even with a deplorable mindset and bad attitude.

But little did I know, not only was I going to be acquainted with some of these so called Ultimates, but I myself have been forced into the Killing Game and have to fend for my life against a group of highly successful teenagers and a monochromatic robot bear.

PUPUPPUPUPUPUUPU so glad you could join me...

Most of the guidelines will be on my profile, due to critic intervention.

Have a nice day!