This only has two parts. It's a small update. I just wanted to explain something. I think, in my opinion, that this is moving very fast. However. I also think that in this version Harvey is softer than he is in the shower because he hasn't seen heartache and understood quite yet. I also think that he was in a very complicated situation that made him extremely vulnerable (because of the commuting) so he trusted her quickly and easily. Lastly, women who are 19 like Donna tend to do stupid things for boys who are not quite worth it. But, so far, Harvey seems to be and that's what is important.
Her shift tonight is weird. Harvey had stopped by after work dressed in his gray suit with a thin, black tie. He looked cute, but he couldn't stay long. He said he had a lot of grading to do and his own homework to work on. And now that it's nearly midnight and the bar is dwindling down, she's ready to go home.
Hannah, slightly new still but quickly getting the hang of it, has everything covered out front. She goes into the back to get her things. She grabs her light jacket and pulls it on. Once she has that all situated, she grabs her purse and pulls the strap over her shoulder. She shuts her locker and turns. When she turns, she's face to face with Micah, minimal space between them.
"Micah," she says slowly, "What's going on?"
"We haven't had a chance to talk since the other night," he says, like it's obvious.
"There isn't anything left to say," she replies. She offers him a shrug like she's trying to brush off that night. She's becoming increasingly more uncomfortable though, like she knows this can't be good.
"There is," he says. Micah is tall, like Harvey, but a lot lankier. He lacks the muscle and he looks like he can't put any weight on if he were to try. His hair is a little too long, slicked back. He steps closer to her. She looks up at him, discomfort in her eyes. "I want to talk about us."
"I have a boyfriend," she reminds him, "You know him."
"But you barely know him," Micah replies, "It can't be that serious."
"It is," she says. He steps closer and she feels like she can't breathe.
"You didn't even give me a chance," he says, a pout forming on his lips. She shakes her head in response, the words escaping her. "Come on. I know you like me."
He's touching her now. She can't think clearly, can't breathe. His hands are strong and forceful as they squeeze her hips tightly. She squeals because it hurts. He's too strong and she's backed against the lockers.
"Micah, please stop," she whimpers, a tear sliding down her cheek.
He leans in then, going for it, biting her bottom lip until the taste of metal floods her mouth. She gathers all of her strength and pushes him as hard as she can manage. It knocks enough wind out of him that he sucks in a deep breath and releases her bottom lip without causing too much more pain.
She hits his shoulder as she pushes past him and rushes out of the bar. She doesn't even look behind her. She lets silent tears fall of the way to Harvey's apartment. She feels dirty. She feels like she can't face him. She feels like he's going to be mad at her. But she definitely doesn't want to be alone right now.
Once outside of his building, she looks up at his window and sees that none of the lights are on. She goes inside and climbs the steps to his floor. When she twists the knob to his door, she pushes it slowly in hopes that she doesn't wake him up. She takes off her purse and jacket and sets it on the floor near his record player. She kicks off her shoes. When they make a loud thump, she looks over to be sure he doesn't stir.
Upon seeing his sleeping form she bursts into tears. She wants to wake him, to make him hold her tight and tell her that everything will be ok. But she doesn't want to disturb him. Apparently her crying is too loud because she sees his frame move.
"Donna?" He mumbles tiredly, "What's wrong?"
He immediately sits up and throws the blanket off of him. He rises from the bed and quickly crosses the room. She stills in her movements, not quite sure what to do.
"Hey," he says softly. She feels his hand gently touch her chin and tip her face upward. She's honestly afraid that he's going to kiss her. A year viciously slides down her cheek and drops from her face. "Why are you crying? What happened?"
She looks up at him. She can't see his eyes but she knows he's looking at her, waiting for her to answer. She doesn't want to tell him, but she can't lie to him. Either way, she can't look at him anymore. She lifts her hands and slides them around his waist, stepping into him. He instinctually wraps his arms around her. She feels a bit better in his warm embrace.
They stand there for a few minutes, not saying anything, until he steps back and leads her towards the bed. He sits and pulls her down onto his lap. He holds her close for a moment longer before he lifts his hand to sweep across her cheekbone, wiping away at her tears.
"Are you ok?" He tries again. She lightly shakes her head. He sighs, dropping a kiss onto her shoulder. He says, "Did something happen?"
"Micah," she starts. She chokes on her words. She's overreacting, she knows that she is. She releases a shaky breath, trying to keep herself contained. "I told him that I have a boyfriend, that I didn't want him to, but he kissed me anyway."
"Did he hurt you?" He asks.
"I'll be okay," she insists. She sighs, still fighting back the tears. "I just feel dirty."
"Okay," he says gently, "Go take a shower. Maybe it'll help you feel better."
She nods slowly and, with his help, stands upright. She moves down the hallway to the bathroom and closes the door most of the way behind her before flipping on the light so she doesn't blind his tired eyes. She turns on the hot water before undressing. She sees her reflection in the mirror, red marks on her hips. She starts crying again. She takes a long shower until the hot water is almost all of the way gone. She climbs out of the shower and wraps a towel around her.
She had forgotten to bring clothes in her haste to cleanse herself. She goes back into the main room to get her clothes and he's nowhere to be seen. She's panicking now, wondering where he may have gone. She quickly finds something to put on, a pair of underwear and one of Harvey's t-shirts. By the time she's returned the towel to the bathroom she hears the front door open and lock.
"Harvey?" She yells in a panic. She rushes back into the living room where she barely get a good look at him before she starts crying again. He has a split lip, cheek beginning to bruise, and his hand is cut.
"Don't cry," he says softly. He immediately lifts his cut hand to her cheek and wipes at the tears. He smiles tightly, his other hand quickly following suit. He repeats the movement with his other hands. He slips his hands around her shoulders pulls her into him. "It's all taken care of, okay? He won't hurt you again."
"You didn't-"
"He hit me first," he explains, "But he won't hurt you again. I'll make sure of it."
"Honey," she says, eyes welling with tears again.
"I'm here," he replies. He glides his hands down her back and pulls her closer. She feels him run his hand through her wet hair. He presses his lips against her temple and lets it linger on her skin for a while. "Come 'ere."
He releases her and steps back, putting some space between them. He circles her hands with his and leads her to the bed. He quickly kicks off his shoes and drops his pants into a pile on the floor. He quickly flips off the light and they get into bed.
"You're safe with me," he reassures.
She wraps herself around him, already feeling protected as he pulls her back into his arms. She turns towards him, pressing against his side and hugging him. She buries her face into his neck, pressing her forehead against his jaw.
She says, "I love you."
They've only been dating for two weeks, 15 days, and he's already been punched in the face on two separate occasions over her. She hopes this doesn't become a running theme because he has a really handsome face that doesn't look all that great with blemishes. Well, he actually still looks handsome, but the swelling and bruising makes her feel so guilty.
One thing she knows for sure is that if she keeps working in that bar he will undoubtedly get into another fight over her. She doesn't necessarily want to quit because of him getting jealous or into fights over her, but that doesn't help either. She knows she needs to quit because this situation with Micah has only gotten worse and the last thing she needs is Harvey coming in to be her bodyguard every night. Which he would do and she already knows that's what he was inferring to.
And waking up in his arms did help a hell of a lot to put her mind at ease, but he can't be with her all of the time. She's really losing it over this guy. She used to be a strong, independent woman who didn't take any shit. Boyfriend or not, she once handled herself better than she is these days.
Regardless, the workplace harassment from her boss of all people is definitely a reason to quit. She could handle the harassment from patrons but the moment it came from her boss she began to crumble. She realizes now that women in the workplace won't always be respected like they should be.
But she inhales the scent of him, a cross between honey and spring, and she feels a comfort wash over her. She feels his arm tighten around her and his other arm quickly secures around her. She feels so small when he squeezes her so tightly. He presses a kiss against her cheek, close enough to her mouth to feel his warm breath on her lips.
She fists his shirt in her hand and angles her mouth towards his. She kisses him deeply, her eyes drifting closed again. Their mouths are connected for a few minutes, just breathing each other in, before she pulls away. She squeezes her leg between his, a thrill rushing through her as he wraps his leg furthest from her around the back of it.
He's nearly sweating, his skin is so warm that the heat is radiating off of him, but he wants to be in constant contact with her. She slips her hand between them and pushes the blanket down his torso before pulling his shirt up, hoping it'll cool him off a bit. He smiles softly, loosening his grasp so he can tuck her hair behind her ear.
"Feeling better today?" He asks.
"Yes," she mutters, "Thank you."
"Your lip doesn't sting?" She asks. It dawns on her now why he maybe didn't deepen the kiss.
"A little," he says with a shrug, "But it's okay."
She nods against his chest as she nuzzles her face into his neck again. She presses her fingers against his stomach and slowly begins to draw pictures along his skin. She circles his belly button, nails scratching lightly at his waistline and the way up his ribcage to just above his sternum.
"I've been thinking," she starts. She slips her fingers beneath his shirt and stills her hand on his chest. She hadn't been able to fall asleep so quickly last night. She was exhausted and trying not to cry anymore, but she doesn't want to keep dealing with her boss making advances on her. "I think I should quit."
"Not because I want you to," he clarifies, "Right? Because I never said that. I think you should get away from this guy, but you're making good money."
"I can get a job at a restaurant somewhere," she replies.
"You don't have to get another job," he says, "You can quit the bar and just focus on your school work for the rest of the semester."
She does have plenty of money saved up, but he doesn't know that. She presses her hand against his chest and sits upright. She feels him follow her movement, his chest pressing into her back.
"I have to save up so I can find an apartment. If I don't have enough, I have to go back to Cortland for the summer," she explains.
"You can live here," he says. She feels him shrug as he wraps his arm around her middle. He leans against her more fully. He leans forward and presses his lips against her cheek. "What's mine is yours."
"Harvey," she attempts to protest, but he stops her. He presses his other hand against her stomach, palm flattening there. His touch is so soft and warm. He plants his lips at her temple.
He says, "Seriously. I love having you here. I'm dreading the day you stay at your dorm."
"Are you asking me to move in with you?"
"Yes, he says with a nod, "I am."
"But first thing after finals I am looking for a job," she says.
He nods slowly in acknowledgement. She can't believe she just agreed to move in with him for the remainder of the semester. And if she's honest, she's been dreading having to go back to her dorm as well. For a number of reasons, but most of all because she doesn't want to leave him.
When she turns to look at him, he's grinning triumphantly. She pushes herself up even more and turns, throwing a leg over his lap and sitting there. Her knees are on either side of him, pressing against his hips. She pulls the shirt off over her head and tosses it onto the bed beside her. She circles his jaw with her hands and leans in to kiss him.
When her mouth touches his, his lips are already parted expectantly, and his tongue flits against her bottom lip. She sighs heavily against his mouth, his hands pushing against her ribcage. His hands skate up her body, barely touching her. His right hand circles her left breast.
He pulls his mouth from hers, immediately planting kisses over her throat and neck and clavicle. His other hand pushes up between her breasts, moving back over her chest so slowly that she can only throw her head back. He kisses everywhere that he touches, her skin warm beneath his lips.
She pushes her hands over his shoulders, upper arms moving around his ears as she pulls him closer to her. His tongue sweeps over her skin, teeth biting at the plump roundness of her breast. He sucks on her skin, hand now sliding down to the waistband of her panties. His other hand moves around to their back, fingertips lightly pressing against the base of her spine. She pushes up onto her knees, his teeth reluctantly letting go of her skin.
He lifts her off of his legs and pushes her backwards with his chest. Her shoulders hit the mattress first and she's suddenly looking up at him. He looks determined as he tugs on her panties, stares at all of her in the rays of sunlight peeking in. His eyes linger on her hips, gaze narrowing angrily.
"Did he do this?" He asks, voice collected yet still forceful.
She can tell he's trying to reel himself in, but he's so mad. She can see him swallow, the lines in his throats tightening with his jaw. His hand moves to her right hip. His gaze quickly lifts to hers. Her vision blurs and she can't even make his frame out without blinking. He quickly lifts his other hand and wipes at the hot tears beginning to slide over her cheekbones.
She can't answer him but she doesn't have to. The tears say more than enough. He sighs and she watches as his shoulders loosen. He whispers, "It's okay, baby."
He leans down then, lips gently pressing against her hipbone where his hand had been. He kisses the spot softly, offering it warmth and her reassurance, before he moves to her other forming bruise on the other hip. He lifts his head again and offers her a small smile.
"I'm sorry this happened to you," he says, "What can I do?"
"Just be with me," she replies.
She can barely hear herself, but he's nodding like he understands her. He's pulling off his shirt now. It dishevels his hair a little when it sticks to his head, and he drops it to the floor.
"Are you sure?" He asks. She nods, not entirely trusting herself to speak. He discards his boxers, a certain sadness settling into his shoulders. She feels like she's broken his heart somehow. She hates it.
"I love you," she mutters.
"I love you, too," he replies, "So much."
He gently lays both hands on her, palms spreading out until they settle on her hips. He leans back down to kiss her skin, lips touching her waistline, her ribcage, her breast, her neck and finally her lips. The kisses are all soft and sweet, lingering against her skin as she seeks out his hands. He turns his hands over beneath hers and entwines them.
She feels him press against her center. He slowly fills her, and once he has he spreads the weight of himself across her. He kisses her softly. They kiss for a long time; hands' squeezing the other's tightly, movements so slow that the entanglement is more prominent at their mouths. For the first time she feels like she's making love.
And they do, with her legs wrapped around him, bodies slickened with moisture, until the heat rises in her stomach and she cries out his name.