So Lady Lily Anne and I have been stewing on this one for awhile, and in one of those weird moments of alignment we both wanted to work on this project. I'm not saying it's going to be updated regularly, we make no promises, but I will say this.

Chaos shall reign, and it will be hilarious.

Please review!

Byakuran Gesso was an average Italian boy aside from his hair and eye color, which were both unique to his family so no one really questioned it regardless. He always found that a bit odd, sure pure white hair and indigo eyes ran in the family, but why had no one questioned this very odd genetic quirk outside of acknowledging it being a Gesso thing?

Byakuran chalked that up to his default answer to all questions like this, adults were idiots, and left it at that. You just had to look at his given name to figure that bit out really, why the hell his pure Italian parents had given him a Japanese name still baffled him to this day, but he had long ago learned to not ask rational questions around grown ups.

So the eight year old was minding his own business, putting around on his Playstation trying to beat Symphony of the Night for the twelfth time this weekend when a pair of weird looking women appeared before him.

Now, Byakuran was a pretty relaxed kid, he didn't let things get to him, and he never really jumped to conclusions about things he didn't understand. That being said, creepy pink haired clones appearing before him like they were from Harry freaking Potter? Yeah, no.

"Sweet Christ!" He screeched out as he dove away from the women and snatched a baseball bat off the floor brandishing it before him, the emotionless (were they Vulcan? No, no pointed ears) twins followed him with their heads only before speaking as one.

"Byakuran Gesso?" Oh crap, they knew who he was too! And they spoke in stereo! How freaky was that?! Could this get any worse...or weird?!


One of the creepy pink haired women stepped forward and extended her arm letting her clenched fist hover before him. Perplexed beyond words Byakuran extended one of his hands forward and as soon as he relaxed his clenched fingers below the woman's fist she opened her hand and retracted her arm immediately. A firm object landed in his palm as he observed the pink haired woman step back beside her twin, once in place, they both spoke again.

"You are the destined heir of the Mare Ring, you alone shall bear its burden, our transaction is now complete."

With that, they disappeared.

Staring down at the weird winged ring and the glowing orange (Was this damn thing radioactive?!) stone set in its clasp Byakuran came to one logical, sane conclusion.

He was going to flush this freaking thing down the toilet and make it the health departments problem.

Rushing out of his room Byakuran held the ring like it was going to bite him at some point, why the hell was this thing called the Sea ring anyway? Well it was about to revisit its past because seriously, he wanted no part of whatever gobbledygook he was being dragged into and getting flushed was soon to be its future.

Just as he opened the bathrooms door the ring pulsed and he fell to his knees, screaming he held his hands to his head and tried to hold in the pain, a moment later he felt a weight appear on his right ring finger. Shakily extending his hand Byakuran observed the Mare Ring now set flush on his finger and could only stare in horror when he was hit with the reality of a tetra trillion lives.


It wasn't the most eloquent of words but Byakuran honestly didn't care in the slightest, sitting up he belatedly realized he was covered in his own vomit. Which, really, wasn't all that much of a surprise, getting your reality crushed like this was never pleasant, regardless how it happened. Sighing he stripped his clothes off and took a shower, mulling over the countless memories rolling through his mind and scoffing at most of them.

Seriously was world domination all he cared about? Sure some realities fought back, some had rebellions, but for the most part when his alternate selves brought peace and prosperity to the world at large the people just...stopped trying.

Yeah, being the big dog on the pile was cool and all but...nothing happened, nothing changed, it was stagnant, and it led to rot, and none of his alternate selves cared. They just...went about their day to day business ignoring what was right in front of them because it was inconvenient.

It was all so bureaucratic, so set, so...boring...

" conquest is over rated..." Byakuran stared off into the distance as he wrapped a towel around himself. A moment later he cocked his head to the side in thought, "What would happen if I DIDN'T try to take over the world?"

Nothing happened, not a thing, perplexed he tilted his head to the other side while saying, "What if I tried to take over the world while emulating Dune?" He got hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands of memories that made his brain hurt in ways he couldn't even describe. Shaking it off he repeated his earlier statement.

"What would happen if I didn't try to take over the world?" Once again, nothing happened, and it hit him like a freight train. In a tetra trillion realities he was the only Byakuran who didn't consider world domination to be a viable option, he alone was the first to decide to go with the flow. There were no tips, there were no tricks, his reality, his path, was his own.

He grinned as he dropped his towel and dressed, what would he do first?

He mulled that over as he slid on underwear, black slacks, a white dress shirt and a black checkered vest, pulling on dark socks, and a pair of purple Chuck Taylors he soon grinned openly. In all his realities only one person stood against him, and was the only person who managed to kill him a few times too. Tsunayoshi Sawada...the Vongola Tenth...

"We're going to be the bestest friends!" Byakuran announced to the empty room, which, really would surprise no one who knew the man. Well, future man that is.

Byakuran's arrival in Tokyo had merited no response from the local underground thankfully, while he could easily wipe out...most of the worlds populace on a whim, he'd rather not do that. He was following the path of NOT dominating the world at the moment, so he had to keep low key for the time being.

So he ignored the stares of the adults, seeing the foreigner child (did anyone honestly realize how racist the Japanese were?) buy a train ticket to Namimori, ignored the stares as he bought some sort of weird octopus taco thing (It was tasty, if strange) and hopped on his destined vehicle the moment its doors opened.

Byakuran really hoped Tsunayoshi appreciated this, because really, the scrutiny alone was a bit unsettling, never mind the fact he could easily kill...everyone, he was trying to stay incognito after all. Two hours later he wearily left the confines of the train car and entered the Namimori station while rubbing sleep sand from his eyes.

"Where did little Tsuna live again?" He grimaced as hundreds of millions of memories hit him at once, shaking his head and cursing those goddamned Cervello girls for giving him this ring to begin with Byakuran wandered out of the station and down the paths leading to the city proper.

Namimori was, honestly, beautiful. One of the few cities in Japan that had open land that wasn't reserved for a goddamn golf course it stood in stark defiance of what was expected by the rest of the nation.

Byakuran loved it.

Meandering his way past a park he saw a group of children pushing around a small girl who was crying for her mother. He'd normally scoff at such weakness but seriously, she was like, what? Four? and these little fucks were pushing her around? Not cool.

Gritting his teeth Byakuran prowled towards the laughing children and released the mind numbingly powerful hold he had on his flames as he spoke.

"What Are You Doing To That Girl?" The group froze, the girl froze, hell, birds probably fell out of the sky, but he didn't care.

"Well?" He continued, without his true power bleeding through, and much as expected the children ran away screaming.

Ugh, what an annoyance, the girl that had been pushed around couldn't be even five yet, she had bright brown eyes that bordered on orange, chocolate brown hair, and a sad smile.

"Tsu-chan thanks you for saving her from meanies, but Tsu-chan has nothing to offer in trade."

What the literal fuck? Ok for starters, adorable. Second, offering something in trade to protect a little girl from bullies? What the literal shit?

"You don't have to offer anything child, I am Byakuran Gesso, and I only protect family and pretty girls, so you're set ok?"

The girl stared up at him a moment before grinning brightly, "Thank you Ran nii-chan! I am Tsunako Sawada! The...the other kids call me dame-Tsuna though..."

As Byakuran grinned, history was changed and reality began to bend around him.

Till next time, hope you enjoyed this intro, please review!