While most sleep through their history lessons, there are certain moments that deserve their attention. Gulch is no finer example. During peaceful times it became a hotspot of trade and production. Cities like New York and San Francisco were known sites of the latest trends from throughout the world. Vale soldiers would help start up and train the Gulch military. Vacuo explorers marked designated "safe-areas" in the more desert-like states for settling and farming. Scientists from Mantle immigrated to Gulch either for a change in scenery or for the opportunity to make history. Then there were the Mistral artisans; teaching and inspiring different forms of fashion, art, and most noteworthy: music.
However, history has also proven repeatedly that times of peace are known to not last. Tensions were building between the four kingdoms and reflected on the small country. What started as simple bar room brawls between travelers and representatives quickly evolved into riots. When the first shots were fired in Sanus, the Great War….had begun.
Knowing that they were surrounded by three of the four kingdoms, Gulch knew what awaited them if any of the foreign powers set their sights upon them. They made it clear to all of their neutrality and that they had no intentions of forming alliances or participating in this conflict. Surprisingly each one agreed, since they were more focused on conquering the other. Though that also didn't stop Gulch from taking in refugees due to the very war.
Then, after five years had passed, the unexpected happened. In the western state of California, a group of miners who originally went out in search of coal had stumbled upon the largest(and possibly only) Dust deposit in the country. Suddenly Gulch was placed back into the spotlight and the "Dust Rush" had begun. A historian fittingly labeled the event as a "caterpillar tragedy". Because of the war's rationing on Dust, Mistral business owners rapidly laid claim to as much land as they could buy. Ignoring the protests of local farmers and settlers. However things were more than they appeared. Mining operations usually do not have spiked fences, watchtowers, and security armed with Mantle weaponry. Along with Gulch citizens being forced to work in the mines.
Hearing news of this, Vale began sending their own troops. A propagandist argued that they were "liberating an enslaved people". But not all actions are done with noble intentions. Mantle soon arrived days later to assist their allies by occupying cities along the eastern coast. What little Gulch warriors there were could do nothing but be killed by the technologically advanced kingdom. And due to their alliance with Vale, Vacuo too lended their support. Yet no matter the reasons, the kingdoms had brought their war onto Gulch's doorstep.
And thus the metamorphosis of this tragedy had begun….and birthed a nation anew.