It had been a long and tiring day for the leader of team JNPR. While he had improved immensely since his first year (600% according to Miss Goodwitch)and was considered on par with his fellow third-year classmates, that didn't mean he was the strongest of his class. No, that title belonged to one miss Yang Xiao Long. While the fight had been evenish, that all changed the moment Jaune had been disarmed of both sword and shield. After which he had been absolutely pulverized by the blonde brawler. Each hit to his aura sent shocks throughout his body and while the jabs and uppercuts wouldn't leave any lasting wounds; they certainely left the knight sore. That and the his already sweat-soaked body led to him immediately seeking a hot shower after class.
After Jaune stepped out of the shower and began dressing himself he looked along the tiles of boy's shower room for his last article of clothing, only to come up empty handed.
"Geuss I forgot to bring a shirt" he said to himself.
As he walked from the floors showers to his team's dorm he heard team RWBY's door click open shortly followed by the team's namesake stepping out; looking up to greet him.
"Hey Ruby" he greeted, oblivious to the flush overcoming the speedster's face
"H-hi, Jaune" she stuttered out as her eyes roamed over his chest and oh God those abs.
"Ruby, you alright? You look a little warm." his face twisted into concern as he calmly walked over to her.
"No no I'm f-fine just uh… forgot my scroll in the library yeah that was it soyeahanywaynicetalkJauneSEEYALATER!" and with that she disappeared in a flurry of rose petals careening through the halls to retrieve her forgotten device.
Unaware as ever, Jaune shrugged, opened the door to his team's dorm, and locked it behind him. As he turned to face his dorms communal bed (upon which lied Nora,watching a video on her scroll whilst snuggled into Pyrrha's side as the mistralian idly played with her hair) he asked aloud:
"Has anyone seen my pajama shirt, the X-Ray and Vav one?(Jaune's onesie was stolen by Nora right before they began dating)
Having heard Jaune's inquiry, Ren (having been at the desk studying) spun around to answer.
"It's in the… the… um-"
Only to be left awestruck by the Adaunus like figure standing before him. Seeing no way to properly articulate an actual answer Ren looked back at his textbook, finding it extremely interesting.
"In the where Ren?" Finding no answer, Jaune looked back to the bed to repeat his question; but stopped as he saw both his girlfriends blatantly staring, slack-jawed, and upright.
"Uh guys, what is it? There something on my face?"
Having been roused from the spell that was Jaune's upper body, Pyrrha's cheeks blushed as deep a red as her hair.
"No, no-nothings on your face Jaune. We were just distracted by your… um… physique."
At his team's admission. Jaune too, took on a crimson hue of embarrassment.
"Oh, uh sorry I didn't mean to… um distract anyone." Jaune scratched the back of his head as he apologized, but couldn't help the smirk rising upon his visage at the still staring valkyrie in front of him. Deciding to be just a little bold, he advanced towards the hammer wielder.
"You okay there sparky?" he said while stretching his well toned and still glistening frame, the water from his hair dripped upon his chest and slowly trailed down towards his tight stomach as he practically danced towards her.
"I uh I a-a… I" Nora barely spoke as Jaune leaned over her, the back of her head softly colliding with the bed beneath her as Jaune looked down into her light blue and almost dialated eyes. And as Jaune gently placed his lips upon her neck PFFFFFFTTTTTT
Pyrrha erupted into a fit of giggles as Jaune blew a raspberry upon Nora's neck and began to mercilessly tickle the bezerker as she yelled between shrieks of laughter: "I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU I HA HA HA HEH HATE YOU!"
"No, quite the opposite actually", Ren responded as he sat next to his boyfriend and two girlfriends, lightly stroking the little redhead's hair.
"In fact" he continued, "I bet you were so distracted, you never saw it coming"
Author's note: So ye, that was my first fanfiction I've posted... hope ya liked it! If this gets at a minimum five reviews I promise it will continue another chapter. And while I'm not exactly accepting requests, if your idea just so happened to be found in a review... it may or may not land itself a chapter down the line. So until next time, see ya on the flipside.
P.S: Oh by the way criticism is encouraged and appreciated so long as it is not overly malicious or mean-spirited.
(FOLLOW ME Jade-Ion on Tumblr.)