Oh my gosh! I finally got internet, settled in and TIME to write! Without further delay, the next chapter of 'The Art of Misdirection'
I apologize if it doesn't make too much sense but i was lost to my own story. i feel like... i should just stop this story.. idk, review let me know what you think.


As we reached my house Inuyasha had slowed down to a walk so I took that opportunity to jump off his back, so I could let him take a breather.
"Inuyasha, Please sit down" I pleaded, I wanted to check his wounds and make sure we didn't need to go to a hospital
"Keh, I'm fine Kagome just tired" He continues to the house walking ahead of me
"You were shot!" I shouted angry at his 'tough guy' act "Sit down and let me check your wounds!" I demanded pointing a finger at him and them to the ground
"Geez Kaishie, calm down!" His ears twitched and he sat down on the ground and pulled his shirt off to reveal his back. I traced the bullet hole and realized that it was closing
"What?" I whispered
"Not human, remember?" He chuckled "I heal much quicker, although I should probably get the bullet out first or it's gunna annoy the hell outta me" He reached his hand to his back and used his two claws to open the wound and retrieve the bullet "Good thing they haven't thought of Holy bullets in this area" he muttered under his breath wincing as he pulled his hand away from his back to examine the bullet.
"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked looking at all the blood seeping through his clothes
"Yes" he sighed and looked up at me his mouth open to say something but then a look of anger crossed his face "You should probably get that looked at" He pointed to my arm, I forgot that the bullet had grazed my arm and now that it was pointed out I could feel the pain from it. I winced as I gently brushed my fingers over it; it wasn't deep, just like a burn. Inuyasha walked up to me and grabbed my hands "Let's get you home" He whispered and stroked my cheek before kneeling in front of me. I smiled and climbed onto his back and he sprinted to my house.

An entire went by in that scary place, and so many events occurred that I was completely drained as we entered my home, Inuyasha walked straight to my room and gently sat me on my bed
"Get clothes ready for the rest of the weekend, we are staying at my house until your family returns" he commanded gently, as he left to, I assume, scan the house for more intruders. I went through my drawers and picked the first few things I touched from each drawer and a pair of my favorite pajamas. I pulled out an old yellow back pack and shoved my clothes in before going to the washroom to grab toiletries
"The house is clear" Inuyasha said making me jump and drop the cup of toothbrushes on the ground
"Dammit Inuyasha, you scared me half to death!" I scolded him and his ears flattened against his skull "Let's go, I've got everything I need" I added in a much softer tone, he nodded and grabbed my hand and we left to his house. On the way there I could tell he was very high on alert and I could occasionally hear him sniffing the air, 'oh kami, I hope we don't run into trouble' I thought as we continued on our way.

We finally arrived to his house and I saw that all the lights except one was out and saw Sesshomaru walk across the window 'oh shit, I missed work!' I pulled out my phone and realized that it was turned off, I quickly turned it on and to no surprise I had several missed messages and missed calls. Two were from work; one was from Sesshomaru, several texts from Sango and a missed call from my mom.
"Great, I've got a ton of missed messages" I mumbled and Inuyasha turned to me
"It's not like you don't have a good excuse, I'm sure they will all understand" He smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder "Now let's get inside and sleep, I'm sure you are exhausted" He pulled me into his arms bridal style making me blush.

"Where have you been Half-breed?" Sesshomaru asked before Inuyasha even had a chance to close the front door behind us,
"That is none of your damned business you ass hat" Inuyasha growled and placed my on my feet before stepping around me so that I was behind him, Sesshomaru's emotionless face showed no betrayal to his anger but his eyes were a different story
"It is my business when it interferes with my work" He said smoothly "I had Naraku call me on several occasions wondering if I knew where was, and I had to take time out of my day to call her myself only to have wasted my time by speaking to her answering machine. So yes little brother, it is my business" He growled slightly near the ending. I could tell that if this continued they would probably get into a fight
"We were attacked!" I shouted stepping out from behind Inuyasha "Some men came into my home kidnapped us and tortured Inuyasha" I explained quieter now, Sesshomaru looked at me pensively before turning to Inuyasha again
"You are pathetic, you did a poor job of protecting your chosen, and now she even speaks for you" He said before turning to leave
"Don't turn your back on me you dick!" Inuyasha growled and he ran forward claws first towards Sesshomaru, He stepped aside and Inuyasha flew passed him into the coffee table
"You can pay Myoga for that table" Sesshomaru said before disappearing from the entrance of the house
"Are you okay!?" I asked running over to Inuyasha
"I am sure that Lord Inuyashas pride is more hurt than his physical form" a small voice came from beside Inuyasha, I looked around but didn't see anything
"Who- who said that?!" I asked looking around again
"It was I, Myoga the flea demon" The voice spoke again and I pinned it to the corner of the broken table, it was a bug
"You, you are a… You're an actual flea?!" I gasped my hand covering my mouth
"Ay, what else would I be, I am a flea demon?" Myoga questioned and I blushed and my stupidity, my boyfriend was a half dog demon, why am I surprised that his uncle is a literal flea demon.
"I'm sorry!" I bowed apologetically "I am-"I tried to introduce myself but was cut off
"You are Lady Kagome, Lord Inuyasha's Intended" He said factually and hopped onto my shoulder
"I am Lord Sesshomaru and Lord Inuyasha's guardian, after their father disappeared I was entrusted with them, although it phases me as to why, both are too stubborn of pups to listen to me" Myoga sighed and leaped passed Inuyasha who was still laying on the broken table
"Are you okay?" I asked offering him a hand, he growled and brushed passed me
"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch!" He ran up the stairs too quickly for me to catch up, by the time I reached the top of the stairs Inuyasha was holding the katana he had showed me back at school.
"Inuyasha, put Tessaiga away, or do you wish to destroy another one of our homes for your petty anger?" Sesshomaru flexed his fingers waiting for Inuyasha to make a move. Growling commenced between the two brothers and out of instincts I ran between them and put my hands on both of their chests
"Stop!" I growled and Inuyasha flinched away from me and Sesshomaru glared down at me before taking a slight step back
"Miko, Control your powers!" Sesshomaru commanded, I stared at him confused till smoke caught my attention, his chest was smoking slightly where my hand had just been, and I quickly looked at Inuyasha and saw the same thing had happened to him. "Inuyasha I think it is best you rethink a relationship with a miko who cannot even contain her powers" Sesshomaru turned and walked away, and I fell to my knees covering my face as I cried. I hurt not only Inuyasha but Sesshomaru too, my love and my boss.
"I-I'm s-so-sorry!" I cried and Inuyasha knelt beside me and wrapped his arms around me
"Don't worry about it, It just stung a little" He kissed the side of my head "Let's get you to bed okay?" He whispered into my ear before lifting me off the ground and carrying me to what I assumed was his room. I know I am a miko, but clearly I need to learn what that means before I hurt someone really badly, I need to learn to control it.