Disclaimer: I still don't own Danny Phantom. It's the property of Butch Hartman, Nickelodeon and Viacom International and it always will be. I am just one of the many fans out there…

Cupid's Wrath

Chapter 20: Epilogue


Valentine's day

February was a very special month as the winter snow has started to melt, signaling the fast arrival of Spring time. Valentine's day has come once more and both the human and ghost worlds were enjoying the day of love. Shops were selling cards, candy and toys and people were looking forward to spending the lovely holiday with a certain special someone.

Especially a certain ghostly diva who was still getting getting ready.

"Come on Ember, just chose something..."The she-ghoul muttered in frustration as she was still deciding on the outfits she would wear for today.

Today was a big day for her, not only was she going to perform a live concert in front of the entire town but her boyfriend of 7 months was taking her on a special date soon after.

She just really wanted her date with Danny to be special.

Yes, Danny was her boyfriend now.

It's been a year since the incident with Cupid and since their entire relationship changed and she basically "reformed" as Danny said. It's also been exactly seven months since they officially gone steady but they both knew that they have had feelings for each other since the last Valentine's day.

"I wonder what he has planned…."Ember thought fondly as she thought about her man who told her that today was going to be an amazing night.

She certainly hoped it would. It was the first time they would be spending Valentine's day together without any drama or spells to mess it up and Ember wanted it to be perfect, hence her frantic search for the perfect outfit for this evening.

"Are you still getting dressed?..."Kitty said in disbelief as she barged into the realm.

"Hey Kitty..."Ember said offhandedly as she still compared her outfits.

"Ember, your concert is at two and it's almost noon! Danny will be here to pick you up any minute!..."Kitty exclaimed as she still couldn't' believe this.

After the last Valentine's day disaster last year, Ember changed as she decided to be honest with her music and it wasn't long before she became popular on her own, she wasn't on the top 3 like she was with her mind control, but in one year she managed to make it to the top 15's best singers list and she was very proud with herself.

And Danny was too.

However, Ember always showed up to her concerts two hours earlier to prepare and set up and Danny always escorted her there, sure she could easily teleport there but the two preferred flying together, which is why Ember always made an effort to be on time.

"I'll be there on time, I just need to pick out my dress for my date..."Ember said quickly.

"I thought you already had one picked out..."Kitty asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Change my mind, I did some extra shopping yesterday but I still can't decide which to use, which do you like better Kitty?...'Ember asked as she showed her friend a tight black knee length dress and tight red dress with a gold belt around the waist.

"I'd go with the black one, it's more your style than the red one...'Kitty pointed out.

"Black it is then...'Ember said smiling as she placed her chosen dress down.

"Anyway Kitty, why are you here? Shouldn't you be spending Valentine's day with your husband or something?…."Ember asked her green haired friend.

It's been 6 months since Kitty and Johnny officially tied the knot and Ember could still remember the beautiful wedding they had. She remembered roping Danny into being her date and catching the bouquet, which she knew Kitty did on purpose.

"What? A girl can't check up on her friend who's about to spend her first real Valentine's day with her man?…"Kitty said with a grin on her face while Ember rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile.

"Whatever...'Ember said as she started to get dressed for her big concert.

It was a live event being held in Amity Park for the big Valentine's day festival and it was her biggest show yet but she wasn't worried. She was a good singer and that's all she needed….that and her good luck charm that would be here to pick her up soon.


at Fenton Works

A certain half ghost teen hero was also going frantic as he prepared to escort his girlfriend to her concert and later their date.

"Come on...Just work with me..."Danny muttered as he tried to fix his hair, he usually didn't bother since he liked his natural spikes but this was his first real Valentine's day with Ember and he wanted it to be perfect.

"I can't believe this is actually happening..."Danny thought as he tried desperately to keep his wild hair in line.

It's been seven months since they officially became a couple, after they both had enough time to heal from the fiasco of last Valentine's day and discover what they felt for each other.

More precisely, for him to discover that he was in love with her.

"Are you still at it?..."A dressed up Jazz said from the door to her brother who was still getting ready.

"It's my hair, it's like it has a mind of it's own..."Danny said in frustration when he saw another hair out of place.

"Here...Let me help..."Jazz said as she helped style her brother's hair. After about to minutes, Danny turned to the mirror and was pleased with what he saw.

"Thanks Jazz..."He said smiling to his older sister.

"Any time little brother, now you better get going, your date is probably waiting for you and mine is too..."Jazz said with that smile of hers.

"You're right, tell Tuck I said hi..."Danny said as he left the room.

It's been a year since he discovered about the relationship between Jazz and Tucker and he remembered reacting bad about it. After the incident with Cupid and Paulina was resolved he apologized to them and while he was still weird out by the idea of his sister and friend dating, he accepted it.

"You're looking sharp...'Danielle said as she licked a heart shaped lollipop.

"Thanks, what about you, you don't have any plans do you?..."Danny asked in his over protective brother tone which annoyed Dani to no end.

"Puh-lease big brother, as if I'd ever go crazy like you and Jazz do with the other gender..."She said with her arms crossed and an eye roll.

Danny calmed down a bit, he couldn't help it but Dani was 13 now and he knew a lot of boys thought she was cute...and he couldn't stand the idea of his little sister dating yet, she was way too young.

"Just checking..."Danny said as he picked up the large bouquet of flowers he picked up this morning and flew down to the basement and entered the portal to pick up his date.

When Dani knew he was finally out of hearing range, she let out a sigh.

"Finally! I thought he'd never leave..."Dani said as she quickly took off her large hoodie and shorts to reveal a more stylish red mini dress underneath it and she quickly put on some lip gloss.

Her siblings weren't the only one's with a Valentine today, since she was going to spend time with Cory, a cute boy from her class that she liked for some time now and who was one of the few who didn't care about her powers or who her brother was.

"Sorry big brother but all is fair in love and war..."Dani thought as she transformed into her ghost half and flew out of the house to her rendezvous with Cory.

Back in Ember's realm, the ghostly pop princess was checking herself in the mirror as she made sure her outfit for the concert was alright. Since it was Valentine's day, she was wearing a red halter top, a pair of black slacks with a sparkly matching belt, a pair of black mini gloves and red boots.

Needless to say...She looked awesome.

"Let's hope he thinks so..."Ember thought to herself as she applied the last of her lipstick and picked up the bag that held her dress for her date.

Kitty had already left with Johnny for their date, leaving Ember alone to wait for couldn't help but feel some butterflies in her tummy but she ignored it, she was Ember Mclain and shenever got nervous.

Suddenly she heard a knock and her door and she glanced at the clock to see that it was 10 on the dot. Ember rolled her eyes and grinned as she opened the door to reveal a well dressed Danny holding a large bouquet of white roses and was sending her a flirtatious look.

"Right on time as always..."Ember said casually.

"Is that a crime?..."He asked playfully.

"Nope..."Ember said grinning though she could sense some weird deja vu...it was strange but this reminded her of that dream she had so long ago when she was under the spell.

"Not that it's a bad thing I guess..."She thought to herself before shaking it off.

"Happy Valentine's day Ember, you look amazing…."He said as he presented her the large bouquet.

"Happy Valentine's day Danny...Oh these are beautiful…."Ember said smiling as she admired the lovely flowers.

"Just like you…."He said as he kissed her cheek, earning a blush from the ghostly beauty.

After Ember placed the flowers inside a vase, the two ghosts exited the realm.

"So which way do you want go? The short cut or the scenic route?..."Danny asked her.

"Scenic route...We have time and there are some things I want to see..."Ember said as she took his arms and the two ghosts flew in that direction.

During the flight they saw the Box Ghost and The Lunch lady who were with their newborn daughter Box Lunch, while Danny still thought the entire thing was gross, Ember thought it was a sweet sight. They also saw Johnny and Kitty on his cycle and the two waved at them.

Danny was no longer enemies with Johnny and was even somewhat acquaintances with him now as long as the biker stayed away from his sister and didn't cause trouble to his town. They also ignored the stares they were receiving from the less friendly ghosts in the zone, even after a year there were still a few who disapproved of their romance but they didn't care. Anyway who tried to cause them trouble was quickly dealt with.

"There's the acropolis...Wanna see how you-know-who is doing?..."Ember asked with a mischievous smile on her face and Danny nodded as they soon found themselves at Pandora's home.

"Oh Danny….Ember, what brings you two here?..."Pandora said warmly as she greeted her two friends.

"Hey Pandora, we were just passing by…."Danny said kindly to the large Grecian warrior ghost.

"Hey Lady Pandora...So how's your little assistant doing? Is he still existing?..."Ember asked the much larger ghost.

"Yes he is..."Pandora answered.

"Bummer..."Ember muttered under her breath but smirked when she saw the ghost in question not far away.

Danny and Ember could see Cupid or Eros was now wearing a groundskeeper outfit as he trimmed Pandora's bushes and from where they could see, he was clearly exhausted.

"Serves him right...'Ember thought gleeful as she watched the little brat be worked into the ground.

'Eros! When your done trimming my garden, remember to give Cerberus his bath and to clean up after the centaurs!..."Pandora ordered to the former spirit of love who groaned and looked like he was about to scream.

"Yes aunt Pandora..."He said in defeat as he continued to trim the bushes quickly. He knew the punishment for being slow was not worth thinking about.

Ever since he was stripped of his title, he was also stripped from most of his power and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't escape the acropolis since Pandora had guards all over the place and the punishment for each escape were very brutal.

"How much longer?..."He thought miserably as he trimmed.

"Hey Eros, you missed a spot..."Ember said loudly as she grinned evilly as she watched her enemy serving his punishment. She didn't know what was more painful for him, the enormous work load Pandora placed on him every day or the humiliation that the former spirit of love was now reduced to a lowly minion.

Cupid/Eros turned to see Ember and Danny enjoying his torment and he growled at them, wishing he could punishment them for mocking him and for causing his torment to start with.

"OW!..."He hissed when he felt Pandora hit him in the back of his head.

"Back to work!…."She yelled and Cupid paled at the sight of her anger.

"Yes ma'am!..."He squealed as he went back to work and Danny and Ember tried hard not to laugh at his pathetic state.

"I think that's enough sightseeing Ember, remember you have your concert...'Danny reminded Ember as they left the acropolis.

"Yeah...Yeah..."Ember said in between her giggles, she always loved visiting the acropolis with him and seeing what torture Pandora was putting the little bastard through, though manual labor was nothing compared to what Paulina ended up facing in the end.

As they predicted, Paulina didn't get away with any of her crimes and she was still as ugly as a sin which horrified her parents and everyone who knew her when she was placed on trial, they even needed her finger prints in order to confirm her identity.

Ember once came across Aphrodite and asked her if she would always be like this but the beautiful guardian of love said that her spell could only show what Paulina looked like on the inside, the only way she would ever return to her former beauty would be for her to truly redeem herself and earn a beautiful heart.

Though Ember doubted that it would ever happen.

Anyway, Paulina was ruined, since she was still a minor they couldn't send her to a real adult jail but Sam managed to hook them up with a great lawyer that managed to send her to an intense juvie which was as bad as any prison could be, not to mention that once she reaches legal age, she would be placed under probation for 5 years as well as being placed under a restraining order that forbade her from coming within 50 feet of Danny, Sam and any member of the Fenton family.

Bitch got served but that wasn't the end of it.

Paulina's parents basically disowned her when they world discovered her crimes and when she was rendered with an ugly appearance. They refused to have anything to do with her and disinherited her on the spot. The last she heard, one of Paulina's cousin's in Spain would inherit the big Sanchez fortune and Paulina would be left with nothing.

No beauty, no family, no friends, no money and no future.

It served her right

Amity Park

Valentine's day festival


The festival was being held in the park and there were thousands of people in the crowed, enjoying the games, confection stands and were waiting eagerly for this afternoon's entertainment which would be broadcast live.

"Knock'em dead...but not literally..."Danny said in a joking one while Ember rolled her eyes.

'Yeah...Yeah..."Ember said as she picked up her guitar and went up on stage.

"Hello Amity Park! Tell me who you love!…."Ember shouted to the crowed who grew more wild.

"EMBER! EMBER! EMBER!..."The crowed cheered and Ember could feel such a rush a power….even more now that she knew that they meant it.

"Happy Valentine's day everyone! We got a great show here today , starting off with my brand new song..."Ember said and could see the crowed yelling louder in excitement.

"Please enjoy my new song: "He loves U not"..."Ember said as she started playing her guitar and started singing, along with her background singers and dancers.

"He loves me, He loves you not…."Ember sang into the microphone, singing her hearts content.

Danny was back staged as he listened to his girlfriend's beautiful singing voice, he was proud of her and the fact that she was doing it all on her own. He could see the crowed cheering and loving her and he knew she earned it all on her own.

"That's my baby..."He thought happily as he listened to her singing.

Ember soon ended her song and reveled in the loud cheers of her many fans, feeling so much thrills and pride in herself. They knew who she was...they remembered her and they liked her! Ember soon sang a few more songs and in about 2 hours, wrapped up her concert all together. Once done, she saw Danny waiting for her with that big smile of his.

"That was awesome, one of your best ever..."Danny said, truly meaning it.

"You think so ?..."Ember said with a blush.

"But be honest….It's based on the incident with Paulina isn't it?..."Danny asked her, which surprised her.

"What makes you think that, I didn't use any names?..."Ember asked him.

"Puh-lease...Who else here is "your baby".?..and who else could you hate enough to write a defaming song about?..."Danny said as if it was obvious.

"What happened to Mr. Clueless?...'Ember asked playfully.

"Hey! I'm not completely clueless..."Danny said in a defending voice, while Ember shook her head.

"Whatever..."Ember said as she went to her dressing room to change outfits. Once finished, she exited and Danny was briefly stunned by what she was wearing.

"Wow..."Was all that came out of his mouth.

"Thanks..."Ember said showing that dazzling smile of hers.

Both soon left the park and flew to where Danny had their date planned.

Unknown to the two, a certain time master was witnessing the entire event and couldn't help but smile at the scene.

'Congratulations you two, you both have earned it..."He said smiling as he closed the time window, he knew his young friend would be fine with his lady friend and he had his own plans for the evening as well.

"Hello Clockwork...You ready to go..."Aphrodite said flirtatiously as she sent that smile that weakened any other man before her.

Clockwork sighed, this woman was very persistent. Despite her duties as the guardian of love, she never spent Valentine's day alone and she spent almost a year persuading the ever vigilant time master into accepting her offer.

Besides, while he was immune to her spells and powers, he couldn't deny that she was a beauty.

"Yes..."He said smiling as Aphrodite took his arm and they soon went out for their date.

Meanwhile, back with Danny and Ember, both ghosts flew around town and saw more and more people in happy, blissful love during Valentine's day.

"Seems Aphrodite is hard at work..."Danny said as he held Ember close as they continued to fly.

They saw his parents talking a romantic stroll together, they also saw Sam and boyfriend Christopher having a picnic under a tree. Danny was mildly surprised when Sam introduced him, it was a bit awkward seeing his ex with a new man in her life but since he had Ember now, he knew he had no right to feel that way. Besides, Christopher was a nice guy and it was obvious he and Sam had something special between them.

He also saw Tucker and Jazz eating at a cafe and he sent a wave at them. It was still weird to him but they were happy together and he was fine with that.

After a while of endless flying, they finally reached their destination.

"Here we are..."Danny said proudly to Ember who was agape at this point.

"Oh my gosh..."Ember muttered as she felt do much deja vu at this point.

She couldn't believe it, it was a beautiful cliff side and she could see that the sun was beginning to set, and there was also a candlelit table there as well.

"D-Danny...How did…?Ember was stuttering now and Danny couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

'Remember when you told me about that bug dream you had when you were under that spell a year ago..."Danny said and smiled when Ember nodded.

"Well I found this place when I saw flying and then I recalled what you said and I couldn't resist..."Danny said smiling.

"You like?..."He asked her and saw a large smile spring on her face and soon found himself in a tight hug with her.

"I love it..."She said happily as she held him close much to his pleasure.

They soon found themselves being seated and enjoying their romantic dinner and Ember was on cloud nine. She was spending Valentine's day with the only boy she ever truly loved, having a lovely dinner in a romantic setting and she didn't think it could get any better than this.

"Hey Ember...You said in the end of the dream, I gave you a gift right?...'Danny asked with a sly smile.

"Yeah..."She said slowly as she already knew what would happen.

"For you..."He presented her a small rectangular package and Ember was about to gleefully rip it open, only for Danny's ghost sense to go off and Ember cursed that her romantic Valentine's date would be interrupted.

"Oh man… Who is it this time?..."Danny wondered out loud.

"Whoever is doomed when I find out..."Ember said angrily, hating the idea of a fight during her Valentine's date.

They soon saw a large missile heading towards them and Danny wasted no time in destroying it with his ghost ray before it ruined their romantic setting.

"SKULKER?! You again!..."Danny shouted angrily as he saw the hunter ghost just a few feet away with an angry look on his face.

"I've told you before whelp! The hunt stops for no one!..."He shouted as he prepared for another attack only to be hit by a blast from Ember's guitar.

"Damn it Skulker! Get lost!...'Ember shouted as her ex-boyfriend was ruining things yet again.

Ever since she dumped him and started seeing Danny, he would either try to win her back or try to destroy her along with Danny but he was always met with a brutal beat down by her each time along with her boyfriend.

"Move aside Ember, this does not concern you..."Skulker ordered while Ember was sending him a death glare.

"You bust in here and interrupt my very special romantic date with my boyfriend! It so concerns me!...'Ember shouted as she prepared for another attack against the brutish hunter along with Danny.

Okay, while Ember was no longer a "bad guy", she wasn't suddenly a super hero like Danny was. She did occasionally lend him a hand when he was fighting a particularly bothersome ghost, especially when they interrupted a date between them, like just now, but she mostly just left the heroics to him.

But not this time.

"AAAAHHHH!….Skulker shouted when Ember and Danny combined both her blast from her gitar and his ghostly wail to finally knock Skulker unconscious.

"Loser...'Ember muttered while Danny sucked him inside the thermos.

'Can't you keep him locked up in there?...'Ember asked him desperately. This was literally the hundredth time Skulker ruined a mood between them and she was getting sick of it.

"You know I can't, the thermos isn't designed to keep ghosts forever not to mention it fills up quickly and I can leave one loser trapped with Skulker forever... Danny explained while Ember rolled his eyes at his "goody-goody" attitude, though annoying at times, it was pretty cute when you thought about it.

The two soon returned to their date and thankfully Skulker didn't do any real damage around here. And Ember picked the gift Danny had given her. Wasting no time, she tore it open and gasped when she saw what was inside.

"Oh….Oh Danny…"Ember said in a dazed as she admired the beautiful gold locket which had a musical note engraved on it. It was very much like the one from her dream of so long ago.

'Look inside it..."Danny said softly and Ember obeyed. She opened the locket and gasped when she saw what was inside it.

She could hear the sweet melody of her song "Remember" but what stunned her were the words written inside. The words "You are my song" was written in beautiful cursive letters and Ember felt her heart beat at the sight of them.

"I had the locket custom made...It's one of a kind, just like you..."He said in that warm ,sweet voice of his and Ember could almost shed tears of joy.

This was better than any dream could ever hope to be.

"I love it..."She said softly, almost crying as Danny tied it on her.

This was without a doubt the greatest year of her after-life. She finally had everything she ever wanted and so much more. She had a successful music career and a loving, wonderful boyfriend to call her own, she also had more friends now and a bright future ahead of her.

Ember was now staring at her boyfriend who was looking at her lovingly, despite their bad start they managed to fall in love and Ember finally found the man of her dreams. Danny was everything she ever wanted and didn't know she wanted in a man, he was kind, caring, attentive and he respected and adored her.

Despite the many bumps and challenges they faced together, they made it work and they were finally spending a wonderful Valentine's day together.

"I love you Danny..."Ember said warmly as her heard beat a mile a minute.

"I love you too Ember..."He whispered to her. Feeling so happy and content at this point.

"Happy Valentine's day…."They both said simultaneously and soon started kissing each other like there was no tomorrow.

They both finally understood why so many people went crazy on this day every year. It was because there was nothing like spending it with the one you loved and the half ghost super hero and the ghostly songstress knew deep in their hearts that they would never be alone of this day ever again.

The End

A/N: chapter edited on 2/11/2018.

And done.

I must say that I am very proud of what I have managed to make. This is by far by longest, multi fic fanfic yet and I am thrilled that I managed to finish it. This fic was a labor of love for me and I...I can almost shed tears of joy to see what I managed to accomplish: 20 chapters, over 85,000 words long, over 100 faves and followings and so much more.

Also before anything, the song mentioned in this chapter is called "He loves U not"by Dream. Sure it's an old song but it's one of my all time favorites :). Also the message Danny wrote in the locket is a homage to the song "You are my song" by Martin Nievera, which is beautiful!.

Anyway, I would like to dedicate and give a shout out to my many wonderful reviews that have stuck by me since I started this fic.

Let's give so love for: A-Friend01, Aaanom, Anonymous, Aslan333, AwesomeSauce, BloodRedPhantom, Bluemarvel10, DannyPhantom619, DannyRangerPhantom, DP-Observant69, DominusPisces, Elena, Fangirling2021, FeMorgenstern11, For the love of Frisk, Gold Member, Guest(many), Holly, Invader Johnny, JRFeatherston, Killet, Kimera20, MBTRIPPLES , Memmek10k, Mr. R3M, . .books, Nightmaster000, Nomadic Chaos, PokeTennyson25, Rebfan90, Samdragon57, Shadowed sword, Suicide1234, The-Blade of Osh-Tekk, Vaulttec01, Winter Arctica, Wiseguy2415, Zachary Gilmore.

Thank you all, you guys are part of the reason I love doing what I do :)

For old times sake here are my REPLIES to my loyal and totally awesome reviewers:

Zachary Gilmore, Kimera20 and rebfan90: Thank you, I am very pleased that you all enjoyed my work.

Invader Johnny: I hoped you enjoyed how Paulina ended up because I sure did :)

Guest: Well I guess that for now I'm just going to finish up my remaining fanfics and I may or may not start something new, it all depends on what my muse sends me.

Wiseguy2415: Thank you, I try….

Memmek10k: Now I am done….

JRFeatherson: Yeah it was fun writing that awkward scene, also thanks.

Also be sure to check out my other fanfics,like my DP fic "Resurrected Memories" , "Yandere Simulator: Paulina edition" and "Dani Fenton" School Daze" they are still on going, so be sure to check them out alright ;)

:) It's been a blast everyone :)