Disclaimer: Sadly I do not own the rights to Yuri on Ice or any of it's characters. I wish I did tho. This is just for fun, not profit yo! The royalty concept was inspired by yurionniiice on tumblr, her art is amazing! Go check her out.

Warning: Umm if you are into this fandom you know it's at least Shounen Ai right? BL, male x male. If you don't like that go away =P

The Nymph

Chapter 7 - Dinner

(YOI Royalty AU)

The elegant dinning room shimmered under the soft glow of candlelight from an oversized chandelier. The well trained servants were lined up and waiting as the dinner guests entered the room. First to arrive was Phichit and Guang-Hong, who greeted Chris as they entered. The two men noticed all the finery and worried that they were slightly underdressed for the occasion.

"Welcome, please have a seat," Chris motioned towards the table with a winning smile.

"Thank you Chris," Phichit inclined his head slightly to their host as he and Guang-Hong sat down. Phichit noticed that the table had five place settings. "Chris, I don't mean to be rude, but who else is joining us this evening?" Even if Phichit counted the crown Prince, that still left one seat unaccounted for.

"Oh," Chris acted surprised for a moment and then quickly recovered. "We will be joined by Prince Viktor and one other very special guest," he declared with a sly smirk as he sat down at the head of the table. To his left sat Phichit and Guang-Hong sat to Phichit's left. There were two additional place settings to Chris's right for Viktor and Yuuri. The rest of the twenty person table remained bare and vacant.

The dinning room doors swung open as Viktor and Yuuri walked in, holding hands. They were in the middle of a heated discussion.

"I don't see why you would think that Viktor," Yuuri sighed as they walked through the door.

"But Yuuuuuuri," Viktor whined. "That was so hot, what was I supposed to think?" Viktor swung their interlocked hands playfully with a pout.

"Not that! I'm not like you!" Yuuri glared. The two men hadn't taken their eyes off of each other. They were lost in their own little world. They stopped and turned towards each other, completely disregarding where they were at the moment.

"Aww don't be like that angel," Viktor pouted and leaned down to give Yuuri a quick peck on the cheek. He wrapped his arms around Yuuri, resting his hands on the small of the dancer's back, and pulled him closer.

Yuuri rolled his eyes and smirked while giving into the pathetic prince. He returned the embrace and placed his arms around Viktor's neck. Yuuri stroked the back of Viktor's head and stared into one deep azure eye. "Fine Nikiforov, just don't assume that everyone is a slut like you," he stuck his tongue out.

"That hurts Yuuri," Viktor gasped and feigned offence. He smiled and laughed softly, while leaning down towards Yuuri's inviting lips.

"YUURI WHAT THE FUCK!?" Phichit screamed as he stood from his chair abruptly, knocking it over backwards in the process.

Yuuri's eyes went wide and he forcefully shoved Viktor out of the way. "Phichit?" Yuuri whispered in shock as he saw his best friend staring at him across the dinning room table.

Phichit was normally a calm and rational man. He abhorred violence, being a painter, he would rather create something beautiful rather than destroy something. However, when he saw Yuuri, sweet innocent Yuuri, and the freaking Crown Prince of Katok about to kiss, something snapped. His dark eyes locked onto their target and he stomped over to give his friend a piece of his mind. "Yuuri!" He growled menacingly. "How dare you!?" When he reached his frozen friend, he took him by the collar and pulled him down to eye level. "Do you have any idea how worried I have been? And I find you here with the god damn Prince of Katok having some kind of raunchy fling?" Phichit spat in rage.

"Phichit? What are you doing here?" Yuuri mumbled. He was still in shock that his best friend was standing in front of him after all this time.

"What am I doing here? What are YOU doing here? Explain what the hell is going on Yuuri!" He demanded and released his friend, pushing him backwards slightly in the process.

Yuuri's brain was slowly processing everything and he jumped forwards to hug a startled Phichit. "Oh Phichit it really is you! I've miss you so much!" He cried as tears began to fall. "I never wanted to leave you and Guang-Hong behind," he sobbed. "I can't believe it's really you!" He nuzzled his head into Phichit's neck and let all of his bottled up feelings of loneliness flow out.

When he felt Yuuri safe and warm and crying in his arms, Phichit's anger dissipated. He sighed and returned the embrace, rubbing Yuuri's back comfortingly. "It's ok Yuu, I'm here, everything is going to be ok, shh."

When Phichit ran over to Yuuri, Guang-Hong had slowly gotten to his feet and walked around the table. He now stood near hugging duo and waited. He had been almost as shocked as his master when Yuuri walked in with the Prince of Katok. "My Prince?" He sighed as relief rushed through his body.

Yuuri raised his head, "Guang-Hong?" He asked over Phichit's shoulder.

Guang-Hong could no longer restrain himself and ran to join his friends. "MY PRINCE!" He squealed with delight as he crashed into Yuuri and Phichit, enveloping them both in his arms. "I'm so glad you are safe!" He wailed.

The three friends laughed and hugged and cried, they were overjoyed to be reunited once more. Chris and Viktor had merely stood back and watched the heartwarming seen of the friends being reunited. When they finally broke apart, Phichit turned to glare at Viktor.

"You!" Phichit pointed an accusatory finger at the prince. "What are your intentions with my Yuuri? What have you done to him?" Phichit didn't care if Viktor was a prince, if he found out that Viktor had hurt Yuuri, there would be hell to pay. He didn't like the conversation that he had overheard Viktor and Yuuri having when they walked in and he wanted answers.

Viktor took a deep breath, "Master Phichit, I-"

"Phichit, stop, Viktor didn't do anything!" Yuuri cried out.

"If he hurt you Yuuri, if he is forcing you-"

"No you don't understand!" Yuuri shouted in frustration, shaking his head.

"Understand what?" Phichit was loosing his patience.

"I love him!" Yuuri blurted out and then covered his mouth with his hands in shock. He had just confessed that he loved Viktor in front of everyone. He wanted to die of embarrassment.

Chris whistled, Guang-Hong gasped, Phichit's mouth hung open, and Viktor cried. The servants didn't know what to do. So much had happened in such quick succession that their heads were spinning. They all stood in a row, still as statues, while the noble's drama unfolded before their eyes.

Yuuri turned to see Viktor crying and it broke his heart. He was worried that he had just ruined everything between them, just when everything had felt so right. He would never forgive himself. He hung his head, he refused to meet Viktor's eyes right now.

"I," Viktor's voice cracked and he cleared his throat, "I love you too Yuuri," he beamed. He didn't think that Yuuri felt the same way he did. He didn't think that it was possible for Yuuri to love him already, even though Viktor knew that he loved Yuuri. Knew it with every fiber of his being. No matter how ridiculous it was, Viktor knew that he wanted to be with his angel, his nymph, forever. The thought that Yuuri might feel the same way made his heart soar.

"You do?" Yuuri asked breathlessly as he raised his head. What he saw written on Viktor's face confirmed the Crown Prince's words. Yuuri could see nothing but sincerity and love in Viktor's expression, and it melted his heart.

Viktor nodded and smiled. He was past the point of being able to speak. To his great surprise, Yuuri tackled him to the ground. The little nymph peppered Viktor's face and hair in kisses and mumbled words of mutual love.

"So I guess you two aren't going to eat dinner with us then?" Chris chuckled as Phichit and Guang-Hong looked on, speechless.

Author's Notes: Don't think that I have forgotten this AU, I'm just REALLY obsessed with my Phantom Thief AU atm. Sorry that this is a short update, but I wanted to give you guys something and I LOVE Phichit and how over protective he is with "his" Yuuri, you adorable bro you! *hugs hamster boy* I also love Chris's sass lol.. I hope that you guys like it and remember, comments feed the author ^.~

Thank you everyone for reading and for your favs, follows, & comments!

P.S. Sorry that this was kinda sappy, but hey they are all emotional boys!