[Alrighty guys! This is the last chapter of TTH! The good thing is that I will be adding up a part two here soon that will be called Truth in the Heart. As always comments are appreciated and also, for the wonderful people who have been leaving me reviews, I wanted to say that I adore you all so much! I have enjoyed reading what you have to say and I truly do take your advice to heart when it comes to making things better.
Headless-Nic: you have been following me since the very beginning of the story and have given me some phenomenal advice I hope you like the end, and obviously the fact there will be more!
Pallysdeeks: your comments have left huge grins on my face every time I read them!
Roberta Lozano: you're my newest reader and when I saw your comment I could not smear the huge smile that my face was plastered with I hope you enjoy the final chapter and can't wait to post the sequel.
Thank you all so much for everything and please while you wait enjoy my other stories as well! I will continue to post those ones while I write up the next part for this. As always, I hope you enjoy Tell Tale Heart!]
His eyes never trailed off of Wolfe as she slept against him soundly. She had said she loved him. He didn't even know what love was. How could he reciprocate the feelings she had admitted to him? He thought all night long while watching her chest rise and fall gently. She was glowing from the intimacy they had shown to one another. He wanted to continue being sexually active with her, he knew that much. He wanted to experiment in every way possible physically with Alyce.
The sun was beginning to rise when she began to stir against his chest. She slowly cracked her eyes open and smiled at him.
"Good morning," she mumbled out sleepily while stretching. She was still naked and he could feel his body reacting to her as he saw her nipples hard on her soft breasts. She arched an eyebrow when she noticed where he was looking, then smirked. "Like what you see Holmes?" She asked in a cocky tone of voice. He looked away, shocked by his own barbaric behavior. He was Sherlock Holmes, he didn't act like a neanderthal only attempting to procreate with the opposite sex. Alyce sat up and ran her fingers against his jaw, down his neck, then all the way down to his hips, forcing his erection to become even more strained. "Seems like you're quite happy this morning.." He cleared his throat and began to stand up.
"Alyson," Sherlock began, his voice stern at her vulgar behavior. On the inside he was going wild wishing he would just follow his instincts with the beautiful woman who was interested in him physically. "You told me you loved me last night, why?" The young woman winced and rubbed the back of her head nervously. Maybe she hadn't meant it then? It was probably something that she spewed out without even thinking it through. Her eyes were darting about his face, trying to figure out what to say.
"Look, Sher.. I didn't say it just because it was the heat of the moment.. Your face kinda tells that was what you were thinking… It felt right to say it to you, so please, don't feel obliged to tell me it back, it's fine if you don't feel the same way, I don't need to hear it back. Just being in your company is enough for me.." Alyce trailed off and nipped at her lower lip. He gazed at her in confusion for what seemed like ages. She did mean it. She meant everything she had done with him and loved him, even if he pissed her off. His chest felt tight as he sat back down on the bed to be close with Wolfe once again. She grinned and snuggled up to his bare chest happily. "Soo, on a more innapropriate level of conversation, wanna have more fun?"
She didn't have to ask twice.
His left fist was clenched around a photograph, his right around a glass of scotch that had been barely touched. He glared across the room to a fire pit that had been roaring with life. Livid would be an understatement with how he had been feeling at that very moment. With an angry roar he threw the glass against the wall not far from the fireplace, forcing it to shatter and amber liquid to spill along the once pristine wall. He stood up and began to pace the length of the room like a wild animal before he whipped around to the blazing fire and strode over to it. He lifted up the picture that was now wrinkled because of his hand, smoothed it out as best as he could and tossed it into the pit. The image of Alyson with Sherlock Holmes holding her and kissing her began to light up and disappear into the heat. If she wanted to play that game, so be it. If he couldn't have her, no one would.
It was the day of the masquerade and my nerves were all bundled up in a neat dissray of chaos. I was alone in a room where I had to get dressed and have my makeup, hair and nails styled. I still hadn't seen the beautiful dress I was to wear, but all of the employees that had been working on it cooed that it was the best thing they had ever made. My hair was curled to perfection and was pinned up to my scalp in a very sexy manner, leaving only a few strands cascading down my bare shoulders. There was a gorgeous diamond hair piece pinned into my hair on the right hand side that glistened any way I turned my head. I was put into a very sexy bra and panty set that was pure white and lace. The wiring of the bra pushed my breasts up to my chin(at least that's how it felt) and the fabric of my lace underwear gave no secret to the curves of my bottom. I was forced into a corset and dress skirt that was flared to make the dress more voluptuous. My finger nails were a perfect white french tip, as were my toes and my makeup was seductive to say the least. I had a smoky eye shadow and blood red lips. My cheekbones were accentuated because of the makeup they had used to contour my every feature. I had thick false eyelashes on and my eyebrows were plucked to perfection. The women dressing me quickly laced up my white open toe high heels that gave me five inches extra to my short height, now bringing me to the tallest I had ever been, 5'6". Then came the dress, it was breathtaking. A ball gown in white with black lace adorning it, a corset back which was an unbelievably low back to boot. It was gorgeous and looked more like a wedding gown than a masquerade dress. I could barely breathe once I was laced in so tight I thought my organs were going to explode, but I had to admit, I looked hot! The final piece to my ensemble was a black mask that only covered my eyes and was laced to the back of my head and pinned in from it's silk ties. James had amazing taste, I really had to give him credit for that. The servants spritzed me with a perfume that made me laugh when I read the brand name. CB I hate perfume: Winter 1972. It smelled exactly like it's name, the crisp scent of winter invaded my nose and smelled glorious. It was soft, yet strong like a freshly fallen snow that had not been tampered with from the impurities of humankind. Once I had finally been finished off, I was ushered out of the room and down to a black tesla that was of the newest make and model. It was damn gorgeous and perfect for a grand entrance. I nervously fidgeted with my fingers as I was getting nearer and nearer to my destination. Silently I was praying that everything would go off without a hitch and that I would be able to take Jim out without any hesitation. He was a horrible and monstrous man and he needed to be taken out of this world. I looked out the tinted window and felt my jaw drop at the scene that was coming up before me. It was a large and rather modern mansion that was ivory while the roof was a deep black shingle. The marble columns were massive and were placed perfectly apart from one another up at the front and the landscape was pruned to perfection. There were vivid colors of red, violet, sapphire and magenta all over the place that popped out and made the green against white look absolutely beautiful. I could barely make out a waterfall that was behind the house that must have plummeted below from the outside to a pool of deadly water down below. Quite fitting for a man who was dangerous and seductive all in one package.
Once the car stopped a door opened and I was ushered out of the still running vehicle and into the beautiful party rondevu where I was told to set up and wait for someone to come up and give me the go to play Elegié. The floors were a black marble and the entire area was pure white with gorgeous wooden crown molding at the top and bottom of each wall. Paintings lined the walls and all the way near the head of the room was the rest of the orchestra I normally performed with. I could see guests entering, all looking incredibly posh. Ugh, these people didn't have a care in the world I could already see it. Someone came up to me and quietly whispered that it was time for me to perform. I sucked in a deep breath of air and placed my violin delicately against my shoulder and began to move my bow gracefully while my fingers tickled the neck of my instrument. Music from my single instrument filled the large hall and I could hear the soft murmurs of appreciation at the piece I had begun to play. For a brief moment I felt as if the world wasn't going to fall out from under my feet and I allowed the composition to take over my mind, body and soul. It was the most relaxed I would feel for the rest of the night. Alas, it eventually had to come to an end. A quiet round of applause filled the room as I finished and swiftly placed my baby back into its case, then stood up to see the man who made the breath catch in my throat every time I was near him. James Moriarty was as suave as ever in a black three piece suit that probably costed more than the car I had been driven in on my route here. His black wingtip shoes blended in perfectly and he had a tie in white to match my dress that was tightened and tied perfectly. He was sickeningly handsome with his hair perfectly coiffed and his rich brown eyes smoldering as they raked my body. I felt naked under his dark gaze. His lip twitched at the corner into a smirk as he held his hand out to me. I graciously accepted his hand and we began to walk toward the front of the room where Jim was to make his short speech before the music and dancing would begin. The entire room silenced as we took our place up front, my fingers gripping onto his arm, feeling the muscles tense as he let his eyes drift over the entire ballroom.
"Welcome to the annual auction and charity masquerade! Enjoy the drinks, food and festivities that will begin in just a moment and please have fun when the auction begins! Thank you for attending and let the party begin." Moriarty's voice was back to the posh London accent that he used to fool the people around him before he gave a million dollar smile that showed his perfect white teeth then he shifted to face me. "As for you my dear," he whispered out as he pressed his lips to my ear. His hot breath caused me to shudder and my heart rate to speed up when I realized his sexy Irish lilt had come back while he spoke to me. "You look ravishing and I would prefer to take you upstairs where I can take control of that pretty little body of yours." His tongue flicked against my ear forcing me to close my eyes and suppress the moan that was close to escaping my lips. How could one man have such an effect on me? He grazed his hand along my backside and clung to my waist before taking me out to the dance floor to begin our fluid motions of a foxtrot. My heart was hammering as we moved with precision together, never missing a beat. Yet again, I was grateful for dancing lessons I had taken in my past. After what felt like hours of doing ballroom dances, we finally made our way out to the back of the manor where we had the perfect view of the waterfall descending into a vast pit of darkness below. It was a bit chilly out here, but I was grateful for the cold air that hit against my face, bringing me out of the haze that was purely from Jim touching me. I hadn't seen John or Sherlock at all throughout the night and was feeling a lump form in my throat thanks to being completely anxious about something going wrong. I felt a cool hand touch my naked back and closed my eyes.
"James, you are as attractive as ever," I murmured out, not bothering to look at him. I could hear the low chuckle as he pressed his body up against my back and looped his arms around my hips. He rubbed his fingers against the fabric that was bundled up there and began to press soft kisses to my neck. I was going to cave to him if he kept this up, and that was not something that I wouldn't appreciate. Yes, we had a plan for if that were to happen, but I don't want to look weak against him.
"My beautiful dove," Jim drawled out as he began to lower his hands down to the skirts of my dress, preparing to lift it up as he continued to nip and tease my neck with his hungry lips. He was going to devour me at this rate. I could feel my breath hitch as he pulled away and flipped me around so I was facing him. "I assume you've made your decision." He stated, his voice void of emotion. Something felt wrong in that moment when he spoke to me. I made a small noise in confirmation as I trailed one of my nicely manicured nails along his chest and down to the belt of his trousers. He gripped onto my bum and pushed my pelvis up against his, causing me to let out a small gasp. He let out a low chuckle as he trailed the tip of his tongue from the curve of my neck up to my jawline. Where the hell were Sherlock and John?! "What if I told you I already knew what that answer was?" He questioned as he continued to tease my flesh. I closed my eyes and felt panic bubbling up inside of me. This was not going according to plan, something was very wrong. I opened my eyes to see his nearly black ones looking back at me. He looked pissed. Oh shit.
"What the hell did you do to them?" I growled out, knowing there was no point in hiding that I was going to betray him. He already knew. James let out a dark chuckle as he forced his lips against mine, causing me to whimper out as I attempted to shove him away. He just gripped onto me even tighter and whipped my body around so I could see behind him. Sherlock was standing there, a red dot pointed at his chest as he watched me with a look of sheer animosity thanks to the consulting criminal touching my body in the most sexual way possible. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as Jim began to rub his large hand against my inner thigh from outside the fabric of my dress. "Don't," I whispered out as hot liquid began to spill over my cheeks. "Please James, don't." His free hand dug into my hair and yanked my head back painfully so I was staring at his face upside down. I hissed out in pain as I glared at him. He clicked his tongue against his teeth before kissing me hard, knowing it would get a reaction out of Holmes.
"Don't move my dear friend, or I will throw this traitorous bitch over the cliff and you will never find her beautiful little body." James growled out as he glanced up to look at Sherlock. I couldn't see my consulting detective's face, but I could bet it was twisted in fury as he stood frozen in place. "My sweet little angel," he breathed out against my cheek as he began to rub his hand against my sensitive skin. I was repulsed by the fact that I was being touched sexually by him while the man I was in love with was forced to watch, but I couldn't do anything without risking Sherlock's life at this very moment. Moriarty let out a devilish chuckle as he released my head so I could look to Sher's face. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing as I gazed at the look of pain etched on his face. I could feel hot breath on my ear as Moriarty continued to touch me and began to hike up my dress skirts once again. "How about we give him a show? I bet he would love to see how much of a little whore you truly are." I gasped as he plunged his fingers into the lace panties. He was daring one of us to act out. Torturing us both in a way that was incredibly vulgar. I decided to play his game right then and there. This bastard had to have a gun or a knife on him, and the fact that John wasn't here hadn't been reassuring.
"I was wrong," I moaned out while watching Sherlock, all of my emotions masked at this point. "I was so wrong James. I need you, I need you inside of me right now." I could hear the desperation in my voice with hunger for him, all false but it sounded convincing. The pain that contorted Sherlock's face hurt me beyond words. I stabbed myself in the heart with the cruel knife of betrayal. Jim chuckled as he twirled me around and let his hands begin to caress my back to unlace my dress. Perfect.
"Are you saying you'll be my Queen?" James purred out playfully as he nipped at my jaw. My dress was beginning to loosen and tumble to the floor at my feet. I let out a small moan in satisfaction.
"Yes, yes Jim. I want you, I need you." My voice was rasped as I gripped one of my hands into the short hair at the back of his head, the other hand trailed down his torso all the way to his pants. I was feeling him up to find the blasted weapon I could use to kill this arrogant prat. "Let's show Holmes how fucking should actually happen," I whispered into his ear, eliciting a groan of satisfaction from his lips. I could feel my actual corset and skirt fall off of my body as well. I was now only wearing the white lace panties and bra. I ran my fingers up and down the cloth that was tight against his body and pressed my lips hard to his, allowing him to slither his tongue into my mouth. It took everything in me not to gag or vomit. I hated myself for doing this to Sherlock. Then I felt it. The cool and hard handle of a gun. Most likely a Glock, 9mm. Good enough to shoot someone from up close. I took one of my hands and rubbed it against his trousers, feeling his manhood twitch under its restraint from the fabric. Then I quickly gripped onto the pistol and pointed it straight at him. Dead center between his eyes. This close it would kill him easily. "You're a bastard!" I snarled out as I clicked the safety off. "I will never be with you Jim Moriarty." This was it, this was going to be the end for him. I could feel the excitement bubbling up inside of me. James let out a low chuckle as he let me go and held his arms out as if he were on a crucifix. I grimaced at him. "What the hell is so funny Moriarty?"
"You, my dear. I knew you didn't want me, I just wanted to see how far you would let me touch you while your little boy toy watched, too bad it wasn't until I wasn't deep inside of you. I would have loved to have been inside of you one last time though. Such a pity. Just remember sweetheart, if you're ever interested in someone who is more up your alley, I will be around." His voice was full of confidence as he backed up to the edge. I scoffed and curled my lip up in disgust.
"Yeah, I think I'm good with your brains just spilling out all over the place," I snapped back. This time he let out a jubilant laugh that was full of wickedness.
"Ah ah dove. I will be back," He gave me a wink and snapped the fingers of his left hand. The sound of several gunshots rang through the air, causing my heart to drop into my stomach. I whipped around, not even caring about the man who was my enemy as I saw Sherlock drop to the floor. The cold metal of the gun in my hands clattered to the floor as I rushed over to the consulting detective who was now gasping for breath. A bullet hit his lung, his stomach and grazed his cheek. I began to sob as I dropped down beside him and pulled him close to me, forgetting all of my former training. I could hear a wicked cackle which caused me to look up. "Toooodless!" Moriarty sang out before falling off the edge, right off into the dark void that ran below the waterfall. I cried out in frustration as I patted Sherlock's face and sobbed for him to keep his eyes open for me. That was when John made his appearance. With ease he shoved me aside and began his medical training, barking out orders for me to follow. My hands were now covered in blood as I called for an ambulance, praying that it would make it in time for Sherlock to live. I couldn't lose him.
9 months later
I sat outside on the balcony of a hotel room, basking in the sunlight. It had been nine months since James Moriarty disappeared, and not a day goes by that I'm not on edge for his return. Thanks to John, who had been knocked unconscious during our little scuffle with Jim, Sherlock was alive, but barely when the ambulance made its way to us. They had quickly rushed him off and I sat in the back with him as we went to the nearest hospital. I couldn't stop the tears that dripped from my chin as I ran shaky fingers through his curly trusses, begging him to stay with me as he barely breathed in the oxygen mask. They had to perform hours of surgery on him, where I paced back and forth in the waiting room. John and Mary had arrived about half an hour after we got there and Mary held me as I sobbed uncontrollably against her shoulder. It felt like forever when the surgeons finally came out to tell us that he was alive, but in a medical induced coma until he could properly heal while awake.
I was at his bedside every day for two months, reading quietly to him even if he wouldn't respond. The soft blips of the heart monitor strong and steady as I rested my head against the side of his bed. I trailed my fingers along his arm and mumbled apologies to him constantly. My heart was full of sorrow as I watched the man I was in love with recover.
"You've said sorry more than enough times, I'm beginning to get concerned that you may have gone mental," a deep baritone voice croaked out, jolting me from my heartfelt apology that I had said probably around a hundred times by now. I looked up to see galactic blue eyes looking down at me. His face was skeletal from lack of nourishment that was normally needed to keep you looking healthy and fit, but he still looked perfect to me. I let out a small cry as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his feverishly. He gasped in pain and I forced myself off of him, embaressed by my childish behavior. The poor man nearly died and here I am attempting to snog him at the first sign of him actually being alive. Sherlock let out a weak chuckle as he ran a frail hand that was bombarded with tubes against my cheek.
"I was so scared," I whispered out as I closed my eyes to enjoy his gentle touch. "I thought I was going to lose you.."
"I'm right here," Holmes grumbled out. His words reminded me of those many months ago when I had been poisoned. We had both nearly lost each other now, and I would prefer it to never happen again...
I took a sip of my hot tea as I watched Sherlock stumble out of the master bedroom we had occupied. Once he had recovered to the point where he could actually do cases again, we both decided that we needed a vacation. We went back to Colorado to visit Sasha, Aiden and their newest edition who was already so big when I finally got to meet him, but we opted to stay at an extremely nice hotel this time instead of dealing with baby cries in the middle of the night. Something which would have driven my consulting detective batty. I looked up as large hands rubbed my shoulders and grinned. He wasn't wearing any clothing and I had to bite my lip hard in order to not pounce him right then and there. We had been around one another for a year now and I could happily say that I was falling more and more in love with Sherlock Holmes every day.
"Good morning," he grumbled out as he took my mug from my hands and took a sip. I rolled my eyes and stood up.
"Hi there naked man. Have any plans or do you wanna go for a little dive into the hot tub?" I gave him a wink and began to shrug off the silk robe that clung to my body. He chuckled as he sat the mug down on the small table and ran long fingers against my now bare flesh, forcing heat to pool between my legs with the need for him to make love to me. He weaved his fingers through my messy hair and pressed his lips against mine gently. "I love you," I gasped out once we pulled apart from one another. Sherlock stiffened for a minute at my blatant claim of love for him. He quickly lifted me up bridal style and dragged me over to the massive king sized bed, plopping me onto the soft mattress. He began to move around to the side of the bed as I closed my eyes and grinned. It felt so good to relax with the man I loved, even if he wasn't ready to tell me how he felt yet.
"Alyson," Sherlock's voice rang out huskily, forcing me to stop daydreaming and open my eyes. He looked absolutely terrified. I sat up and quickly looked around, nervous that we could be in danger. "Look at me please," his finger touched my cheek and gently turned my face to his. Why did he look so scared? He shifted uncomfortably for a second before bending down so he could look right into my face. "I know I'm insufferable. I can't even count how many times you've threatened to murder me in my sleep over the past year, but I.. I would never want that to end.. I'm horrible at showing my feelings and am an absolute arse, but.. I-I… I love you. I thought I was heartless until you proved me wrong.. Please," he took in a shaky breath and held out a black velvet box, causing my heart to lump in my throat. What was he doing? Was he actually doing what I thought he was going to do?! I could feel tears start to well up in my eyes as I gazed at him, waiting for the curly haired man to continue with his rant. "Alyson Eris Wolfe… Will you do the honour of being my wife?"