4 years

"Daddy. What's happening?" I whisper.
"Beatrice," He says,"Listen to me. No matter what happens, know that we love you. Never forget us,"
He shuts the metal trap door. Kissing my hair and squeezing me tightly, before running after his wife.
"No Daddy! Don't go!"

Too late.

I sit back in the small,metal square. The dark wall scaring my. I curl into a ball sobbing for someone to help me.
It doesn't work. I close my eyes waiting for everything to be over.

3 hours later*

The shooting had stopped an hour ago. I still have my eyes closed listening to my heartbeat racing.

The door swings open. There's a man about the age of25 and a woman who looks to be 20 at the most.
"WE'VE FOUND ONE!" The man shouts.
"No hurt me," I whisperscared of the older man.

The woman crawls into the cramped space with me.
"Hey," She say,"My name's Tori. What's yours,"
"No hurt,"
"No. I'm not gonna hurt you, but we need to know your name," She confirms.
"B... Beatrice Prior," I stutter.
The two adults give each other looks.

The man finally speaks up," Natalie Prior's daughter,"
I nod my head.
"Dear god Nat," He says slumping against the wall, a tear slipping down his cheek.
"Not now Max," Tori says.
"Right," He says wiping the tear and facing towards me.
"Beatrice, listen to me we have to get you out of here okay," Tori says, just as a loud boom sounds outside of the small square.

I cry and scuttle back scared.
Max wipes my cheeks frantically," I'm going to pick you up and you have to close your eyes and don't open them till I says so. Got it,"
I nod once again. He lifts me up and holds me to him, I burry my face into his shoulder and do as he instructed.

Tori clutching my tiny hand.
Max carrying me.
We just run.

I know I said 2 stories at a time, but that rule broke already :)

~MusicBooksAndPassion X