This takes place during the episode 7 of season 1.

Prologue: What Strange People and Places -

Naruto woke up with his face in some metallic debris that had dust and rust on it.

"Gyah! Bleh! Bleh!" He had some in his mouth and he needed to get that crap out, like now. The taste sucked. He wiped his tongue with his hands in effort and spat some stuff out, so whatever was in his mouth was pretty much gone for the most part. " I got this crappy aftertaste in my mouth..."

'Oi. Kurama. You there?'

'Ow! Not so damn loud kid!

'Holy Shit...I thought we were going down for the count with that last attack.'

'We almost did, but we had enough chakra to counter that duckass' last Jutsu.'

"Yeah...we did..." After he and Sasuke had managed to beat Kaguya and release the Infinite Tsukuyomi, Sasuke had openly declared that he would kill the Five Kage and begin a revolution to overthrow the current village system. Needless to say, no one went along with him and he had hit them all with Genjutsu for however long, and trapped the Tailed Beasts in Chibaku Tensei cores to use their power. He made Naruto his primary target, as he was the only one that could challenge him.

They had duked it out hard back at the Valley of the End, and somehow the Tailed Beasts were able to give Naruto their last bits of chakra to him to defeat Sasuke with his signature Jutsu, but it turned from a standard Rasengan into the Rasenshuriken imbued with Six Paths Senjutsu and the Tailed Beast chakra making it many times more powerful. But now he found himself in some dark, dusty and rusted hallway.

He got up and dusted himself off, and turned his Six Paths Mode on since the light from it would help illuminate the hallways and he could sense out any individuals inside that could prove to be hostile.

And he got some of them. A few dozen animals that were hungry if what his instincts told him. He continued to walk around the place and saw that it was in shambles. Whoever was here before certainly hauled ass out quickly, probably no thanks to these things crawling around the place. And they were closing in on him fast like predators. They were hungry for him. "Greeaaat..."

Naruto found himself now I some large room with a massive opening, more than likely the door. He didn't have much time to look around as one of the large animals ran right at him and it tried to pin him to the ground, but Naruto caught it with his chakra arms and held it by its mouth. "Damn, you really wanna taste of me."

He was about to just send it flying but he saw several others that were circling him like a pack of wolves, and knew that they would try to come at him if he just tossed him away. Kurama had a different idea in mind to get them off his back, 'Hey, rip the damn thing in half.'


'It would be a show of strength and a sign of dominance, to these animals. You think they'll just run away if you throw one outside a few miles? Nope, they'll just keep coming.'

'Alright, if you say so...but if I end up sleeping bad from this, I am sooo gonna kick your ass later.'

'You already smell bad already from the blood, sweat and the Zetsu plant crap on you.'


Naruto went ahead with his partner's suggestion, and started to pull on its jaw with his arms. The creature started to squeal in pain, and blood started to seep out of its body. Naruto's chakra claws began to rip and tear its flesh apart, the mouth went, then the head, the body and finally the tail. A large amount of glowing green blood now coated the floor along with its organs and bones.

The other animals began to shrink back in fear, and turned their tails away and ran deeper into the tunnels.

Naruto dusted his hands off from the blood and started to walk outside the weird cave. He decided to take a second look around and saw that much of what was scattered around looked like giant metal boxes with wings on them? He didn't even know, but once he stepped outside all the way, he saw something he thought was impossible. He saw hundreds of giant rocks just floating out in the yellow sky, but what really caught his attention where the twin suns in the sky right next to one another.

' seeing this...?'

'Yup...definitely freaky as hell...'

Naruto was about to ask say something, but then he got a bad feeling his chest. That same feeling, he got when he took a major hit. Naruto coughed up blood and keeled over in pain, "Shit...I overdid myself...I gotta recharge and rest some...where..." Naruto soon lost consciousness and passed out from his last two days of straight up fighting, and no eating or sleeping.

However, in many places in different worlds, people took notice of the of his presence, and the ripples that it produced.


In the almost completed Star Destroyer, the Executor, a man in an all-black suit walked up to a podium and pressed a few buttons, and the figure of an elderly man in a black hooded robe appeared in a blue colored hologram. The man in black known as Darth Vader kneeled before his master, the Emperor Palpatine, who also was known as Darth Sidious.

"Lord Vader. I assumed that you have contacted me in due to the disturbance in the Force." It was more of a statement than a question.

"Yes, my master. The disturbance was large, and light in nature but it also contained, the dark side. Something not common in the galaxy."

"Do you know the location of this, disturbance?"

"Not yet, as of now. But it will be found very soon. That I assure you."

"Be wary and vigilant Lord Vader. For I have seen a coming threat in the last few days, but now...the Force no longer speaks to me. It almost as if it were...voiding something..."

"Or perhaps someone..."

"Perhaps indeed. You must act quickly, or this being will destroy all that we have done for the Empire. Contact the Grand Inquisitor and have him investigate every possibility of this disturbance."

"It shall be done, my master." And with that the Emperor had cut off their transmission. He stood up once more and punched up the Grand Inquisitor who bowed in the same manner that Vader had done for the Emperor.

"My Lord, what is thy bidding?"

"You have felt this great disturbance, yes?"

"Yes, it was of both..."

"Light and dark. Yes, indeed it does, a rare find within the Force, but one we could use to the benefit of the Empire."

"Am I to receive a new mission my Lord?"

"No, you will still pursue any remnants of the Jedi Order, and recruit those that are Force-sensitive, or eliminate them should they prove to be uncooperative. You will find whatever the source of the disturbance is and bring it to me, and me alone. You will not contact anyone of your find, and you will, eliminate any and all witnesses of your presence and the source. Am I clear?" Vader spoke with a tone that left no room for agreement at all.

The Grand Inquisitor knew better than to question his superior's orders, but those that were not trained in the arts of the Lightsaber would sometimes question orders such as these, and they would be at the mercy of Vader's power.

Namely when he would choke the life out of them.

"It shall be done my Lord."

Vader cut the transmission and resumed his duties as usual, but he could not shake the feeling of the disturbance, it felt almost back when the Old Republic was still alive and well, before the Clone Wars began, before the Empire rose to bring order to the galaxy. In his old life, as he once was...


In another star system, a woman had been mediating to pass the time. She would have holo-recordings of her former master, playing while doing so. He always had some way of brightening up her day, whether it be words of wisdom, training, or the jokes the two would pass around one another.

But all of a sudden, she felt a great disturbance in the Force, it was light and dark, but there was a certain warmth...and kindness to was the same feeling she had back when she was in the Jedi Temple. She stood up from her sitting position and walked over to the window in her bunk on the ship, and looked out towards the stars in wonder.

She had felt a small tug at her heart from it. It was almost as if it was calling out to her. But somehow, the Force prevented her from seeing the cause. "Who are you?"

She wouldn't get an answer as she had to respond to a call and a mission that she had to do. Right now, she needed to keep to the shadows of any prying eyes from the Empire. She had a delivery to make to some possible new additions to their movement.

-The Phantom-

Hera had to let Sabine come with her on the supply run to meet Fulcrum, but she had to deal with Kanan asking her to be careful after some disturbance in the Force made him a little jumpy. He wasn't sure about the nature, just that it felt off.

Well, she was a cautious one to begin with, but now she had to keep things under wraps with Fulcrum if possible, but with Sabine tagging along things got a little more complicated.

Though she didn't have a choice, Sabine was getting distrustful of her and Fulcrum's intel.

Hera began their descent onto Fort Anaxes, where she was supposed to meet Fulcrum, and Sabine decided to strike up a conversation concerning the matter, "So what's the deal? Is Fulcrum just another smuggler like Vizago? Why all the secrecy?"

Hera rolled her eyes a bit at what she was saying, Sabine just couldn't see it, not yet. "Oh. It's no secret we're fighting against the Empire. We need as many allies as we can get."

Sabine shook her head a bit in non-believing her answer, "How do you find a way of answering questions, without giving any answers?"

"Do you really want me to answer that?" Hera just deadpanned at Sabine. In truth, it's not that complicated, just bullshit your way and sound confident about it. Anyone could do it.

Sabine was actually going to say yes, that was until they got a transmission to their small ship. "Phantom, this is Fulcrum. Come in." The distorted heavy voice came over with multiple layers of heavy encryption to keep the voice ID from any Imperial transmission hijackers.

Hera immediately pressed a few buttons to respond to her informant, "This is Specter-2, Fulcrum."

Sabine had a sly grin on her face, "Why don't I talk to him?"

"Don't you dare." Hera gave Sabine a mild glare.

Fulcrum didn't hear the conversation going by what Fulcrum said next, "I've already made the drop. Unfortunately, I can't stay, something else requires my attention for the time being."

Sabine put on a false sense of disappointment, though she actually was kind of disappointed for not being able to meet Hera's contact. "Aww, man. Why couldn't you stick around? Specter-2 and I would love to talk to you."

Hera swatted her away before Fulcrum responded over the comms, "Specter-2, what's the problem?"

"No problem, Fulcrum. Specter-5 decided to help with the supply run."

There was a brief pause before Fulcrum responded, and even though the voice was masked, they could still tell about the way it was said. "Understood. But keep an eye out for anything that may seem out of the ordinary or suspicious, and keep me informed. Fulcrum out." Fulcrum was rather jumpy. And with that the transmission was cut.

Hera also seemed a little perplexed but what Fulcrum told her. First Kanan, and now Fulcrum. Sure, Ezra had started to get used to things in the Force and certainly felt the same thing that Kanan had but not to such a degree.

"Out of the ordinary?" Sabine raises an eyebrow, "What exactly does that mean?"

"Just what it means, out of the ordinary. Although Kanan seemed just as jumpy as Fulcrum..." Hera turned to Sabine if she also had the same line of thought, " don't think...?"

Both women stared at each other seeing if it was actually possible for both Kanan and Fulcrum to be...



Both of the women chuckled a bit at their synced response. Hera piloted the Phantom through the asteroid field down towards the drop zone, where they found that the landing strip was pretty much cleaned save for some debris of other ships, and the surrounding buildings.

The Phantom landed close to the opened garage, where the women stepped off into heated strip.

"A shame mystery man couldn't meet us." Sabine remarked sarcastically. So, Hera responded in kind.

"Well, Fulcrum probably didn't like your attitude. That and the fact that something else garnered Fulcrum's attention." There wasn't any animosity between the two, just annoyance. Sabine didn't trust what Hera was getting at and having them doing, while Hera was annoyed that Sabine didn't see the bigger picture of what they had been doing. But she understood why Sabine was distrusting her. The Imperial Academy had drilled that into her before she went AWOL and joined up with her and Kanan.

They walked towards some crates that stood outside and saw that they were dusted off and stacked neatly together. Hera noticed that one of them was marked specially, and took it before Sabine could, as there were some special materials in there only for her eyes.

Sabine was annoyed by al the secrets that Hera was keeping from her and the crew. Back on Mandalore in the Imperial Academy she had followed her superior's orders to the letter, but she realized that everything that she was doing, and what the Empire's regime was doing to the people, she couldn't take it and got out the first chance she got. She was going to start questioning Hera again, but she saw a trail of blood coming from behind some other crates, and grabbed Hera's attention. "Hey, uhh...Fulcrum wouldn't happen to have mentioned that there was something alive here?" She was on guard now and had her hand on her holster, ready to start shooting at whatever moved.

Hera looked back at Sabine like she had grown two heads, though she grew cautious at her tone, and where she was keeping her hands at, doing the same. "No, why?"

"Because I'm seeing quite a bit of blood coming from something behind those crates." Sabine walked over slowly towards the crates and had one of her pistols out and the safety taken off, just in case.

As she slowly came around, she looked around and looked down to the source of the blood trail, and gasped in surprise.

A boy that looked around her age with spiky blonde hair, was laying on his stomach and his head turned to the side with blood coming from his mouth. His clothes were covered in patches of blood and were ripped and torn in several places, and he wore some sort of headband with a metal plate on his forehead. She wondered where the hell he came from, but judging from the large amount of blood he lost, he needed immediate medical right the fuck now.

"Hera! Get the boys up in the ship on the horn! Now!" She holstered her pistols quickly and bent down to turn the boy over onto his back to get his pulse and breathing rate, plus the possibility that he was going into cardiac arrest also crossed her mind.

Hera came around the corner, and saw what Sabine had found. "Sabine, what's...oh my God!" Hera ran back to the Phantom and grabbed the comms to get the med room ready for their emergency guest. "Phantom to Ghost! This is Specter-2, respond Specters 1, 3, 4, or 6! Anybody respond, now!" She pushed a button on the comms to put it on speaker while she searched for the medkit in the small fighter/dropship, but no luck.

"Dammit, where the hell is it?!"

Then it hit her just as the comms came back on with the usual ruckus that came with Ezra and Zeb, "Oh, hey uh Hera. What's the deal, you sound a little a panicked there."

Hera saw that not only was the medkit missing, but the fuel reserves had leaked from their last dogfight with the Empire.

"Yes! I am panicking, because right now we found a kid who is more than likely dying down here! You were supposed to restock everything and run the diagnostics on the Phantom! The medkit is nowhere to be found, and the fuel lines are cut! What happened?!"

"Uh, well...we..."

"Never mind, we'll talk about this later. Just get down here now!" Hera got the rest of the crates on board, and ran towards Sabine to see what she could do to help, since Sabine was making sure that he was still alive.

Sabine was wiping the blood off of the boy's mouth to try and apply CPR, since his heart was slowly beating but he wasn't dead yet, she wanted to make sure he was still kicking. "Come, on. Don't die on us Whiskers."

Her new nickname for the boy going by the birthmarks, tattoos or whatever they were, cute to say, but right now she had more pressing matters.

"How is he?"

"He's breathing. But barely. His heart is still going but the beats are slow and the intervals are long, but, I need to see..." She ripped open his jacket to get a better look and see if he had any exterior wounds and ended up pulling off a chain mail shirt that practically no one used at all. "...if he has any exterior wounds that need to be treated." But when she finally saw his body, she saw that he had multiple bruises, cuts, and even a massive fist sized scar on the left side of his chest that looked like electricity had been run through his body.

Even his right hand was burned rather badly, almost like it had been put in a furnace.

"Someone wanted you dead...badly...but why?"

Hera looked around the place and saw another blood trail. This one being green instead of red, and was glowing a bit, she walked to see where the trail had originated from and saw that it came from a body of one of the creatures that had been ripped in half.

"What the hell...?"

Just how the hell did it get this way?

Though the only person here before hand was Fulcrum, but she crossed that person off since they didn't encounter this creature, nor did Fulcrum find the boy otherwise they wouldn't've say to keep an eye out for anything unusual.

And this warranted it.

She looked back and saw drips of green blood went straight to the boy, and noticed that his hands had that very same blood on them, "Sabine, we need to do full examination on the boy once we stabilize him."

"Yeah, if they can get here fast enough."

Sabine had a shot of adrenaline on her if she needed to get and going real fast if she was in a jam. Hopefully it would bring his heart rate up enough to make him alright until the Ghost came. She jabbed it into where his heart was and took it out, knowing that it would hurt like hell for him in a sec.

But as she was expecting the reaction, nothing was happening. "Come should've woken up a second ago Whiskers." She started to slap his bruised face up a bit, even though it hurt, it would hopefully wake him up faster.

The Ghost's flood lights kicked in and swept the airfield and found the women with the unconscious and possibly dying boy. Sabine was about to just throw him over her back and carry him to the Ghost, until all of a sudden, the boy grabbed her shoulder and looked wide eyed at her, and saw that he had look in his eyes. He gave a look of fear, worry and anger for some reason. But he wasn't directing it at her, but at someone else maybe?

Then she felt a very sharp edge on her throat.

Oh, yeah...

He also had some sort of knife to her throat with his other hand, and muttering something in some language. Maybe some old form of Umbaran, mixed with a bit of Nemodian? She didn't know as he just passed out a second later from exhaustion she guessed.

Hera ran over towards Sabine after she saw the boy pull a knife out on her, "Sabine! Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm...I'm alright..." She realized that this boy could have just cut her throat out and she wouldn't've noticed it until it was too late. And it scared her...

The Ghost picked up the Phantom with the gravity plates on the underbelly of the hull, while the ramp lowered with Kanan and Zeb down on it to help the women with their emergency guest.

"So, is this kid the reason why you sounded so pissed on the radio?"

"Yes! Now get the med-room ready, you at least got the basics ready, right?" Hera was helping Sabine carry the boy with his arms around their shoulders up to the platform.

"Yeah, we did. Now come on and let's get the hell out of here." Kanan took the boy from the women and immediately sensed something wrong with the boy. But he didn't have time right to ponder on it, he was probably dying right now.

The crew carried the boy to the med-room where they managed to hook an IV into his arm with some fluids to keep him stable, and stop his heart from going out, along with an oxygen mask to make sure he could breathe properly. Sabine had bandaged his forehead and the cuts as soon as they brought him to the room, and drew some of his blood.

While Hera chewed the boys out for not doing their jobs correctly, Sabine and Kanan decided to analyze the boy's blood for any signs of disease or perhaps a genetic record. Hopefully to get an idea of who he was, and where he came from.

Sabine was now looking through a microscope on the computer, where they could look at the cellular level of a being's blood, and what she was seeing was almost impossible to believe.

"Kanan, get over here now."

"Why, what's going on?"

He was trying to reach out to the boy with the Force, hoping that he could maybe get some answers through that, but when he did, he was pushed back by the Force. It was almost as if it were afraid of him, something that was never seen before as far as he knew.

"Look at his cells and tell me what you see." Sabine moved the monitor over to where Kanan could see it, and judging by his facial expression, he wasn't sure what he was looking at, as biology was never really his forté. "Ok, I'm looking at the kid's what am I'm supposed to see?"

"He literally has no midichlorians in his system."

Kanan's eyes widened in absolute shock. "That's not possible, he should be dead if that's true."

"Yeah, I know. But also, I noticed that some of his wounds and injuries starts to heal almost instantly. No one can even do that!" She walked over to the boy and lifted up some bandages to a few of his wounds and saw that they were nonexistent, after twenty minutes when they found him.

The two of them looked back at the unconscious whiskered blonde and just wondered who the hell he was.

-The Lounge-

Hera had given the boys one hell of a lecture, and went back to the cockpit to get them back to Lothal. So, that left them to their own devices, and they decided to see what the blonde kid had on him when they picked him up.

Ezra was dumped out the contents inside one of his packs and saw that he had several strange looking knives, stars and rolled up papers.

"Hey, Zeb. Does anyone like, use any of this stuff anymore?" He was unrolling one of the scrolls and saw that there was some strange writing that he had never seen before, and some parts of it had massive symbols circled by other words. He couldn't make any sense of what was said on the paper, so he did a poor job of rolling the scroll back up.

Zeb was messing around with the strange knives, twirling & flipping them around in his hands to get a feel for them, despite his hands being twice the size of the whiskered blonde. "Not bad craftsmanship..." He said more to himself, "...can't say I know anyone that does, but he-OWWW! Karabast!" Zeb had the misfortune of messing with the knives too much and one cut his palm in a straight and clean fashion, "Damn things're actually pretty sharp, didn't even put any pressure on the blade."

-A Few Minutes Later-

Hera had set a course back to Lothal, as they needed to get more fuel and credits, and she let Chopper do some work on the Phantom. She walked back to the lounge where the rest of the crew was now just waiting to gather and discuss about their guest. "Alright so, who is he?"

"We couldn't find anything, and we didn't find any ship signatures in the area where we found him, but his medical exam showed a lot of impossible and really awesome things." Sabine was still looking at his chart. He was immune to many forms of poison and disease, he had a third circulatory system, his metabolism ran at a rate that was like a fusion generator, no signs of midichlorians at all, near instantaneous healing, and a bone density that was sixteen times greater than theirs, but only a third of the weight.

He was the literal definition of superhuman.

"Ok, so I wasn't gonna show and tell until you guys were all here, but..." Ezra put the holster and a few packs that contained the contents on the table, letting the tools and scrolls spill out, "...this guy's using stuff that no one even thinks about using anymore..."

"And those damn things are sharp." Zeb waved his bandaged palm getting everyone's attention.

"Oh, yeah. Aaaannnd..." Ezra pulled another pack out and zipped it open for his hand to dive in...and he ended up putting his whole arm into the pack leaving the crew slack jawed and wide eyed.

Apparently, he had a mini black hole in it.

Ezra also pulled out a metal sword of sorts that was sheathed in a red, rectangular type scabbard, something that mostly the Mandalorians of ancient times only used.

Which of course caught Sabine's eyes instantly, "Wait, let me see that." Her stupor of what Ezra just did with the pack now gone, placed with curiosity and intrigue.

She got up from her seat and snatched the sword out of Ezra's hand. She took the sword out of the sheath and studied it for a minute, "Amazing, this is made from some really good quality steel, single side blade, the handle and the blade have the same weight…" She twirled it around away from the rest of the crew to get a feel for it, "…it fells really light, and it has some sort of writing on it too." She held the blade with both hands to try and recognize the writing, but it seemed like an old form of Umbaran.

Ezra started trying to grab something else out of the 'Pack of Wonders' and was able to get something but once he started to pull it out, it wouldn't budge for some reason. "Oh, come oooon, this thing pulled out a sword, so...why...don'!" Ezra tried tugging on the pole that he had grabbed and was straining between his words every time he tugged, though now he finally managed to pull the weird thing out.

It was a large fan by the look of it, as it had a double set of three comas together in a pinwheel pattern on both sides of it. "This thing is way lighter than it looks." Ezra swung it around while almost taking Zeb's head with it.

"Hey! Watch it kid."

"Oh, come on. It probably doesn't even pack that much of a punch." Ezra being so curious about it and the others not seeing how the fan could be used as a weapon, decided to give it a test. "Hey, Zeb. Get your bo-rifle out and hit the thing."

Hera on the other hand was not having that. "Oh, no you two don't. That isn't yours to break..." She tried to stop the two guys from doing something stupid but she was too late, and all of the crew landed on their asses when Zeb swung how bo-rifle with the shock rods on.

Everyone was instantly graced with a wave of electricity that ran through them and numbed their bodies for a few seconds.

Zeb jumped up and backed up against the wall in a bit of fear if the instrument, "Ok, just how in Karabast did that big fan NOT BREAK!"

Ezra likewise did the same and kicked it a way a bit as if he were touching something that just died, "I don't know and I don't think I want to. This guy has some really scary stuff and I don't wanna piss him off, when he knows we tried to break"

Hera, looked to see that Chopper had gone out of commission when the electricity hit and rebooted him, getting the little astrodroid pumped up and twitchy with his arms, making all sorts of noises, "Woah, woah, woah! Easy, Chopper! You were just hit by an EMP of sorts, how? I don't know, but you're just fine."

Sabine picked up the fan with great interest, "I wonder what this thing's made of? Gotta be some advanced form of Beskar. Something else maybe? It's a lot lighter than it looks, just like you said..." She was in awe of the instrument, this was unlike anything she had even seen before.

"Well, nice going Ezra. You dumped all of his stuff out when you acted like a little baby." Kanan saw that the rest of the boy's stuff was scattered on the floor and began to pick them up and put back in the 'Pack of Wonders' that Ezra had called it, but he noticed that some papers had slipped out and preceded to pick them up only to see that they were the backsides of pictures. He looked at the first picture and saw the four individuals, including the same type of headband with the same insignia on them.

'Must be some sort of symbol of his people. Like with the different Mandalorian clans.'

He saw that the boy looked significantly younger, around maybe twelve or so, and was glaring daggers at the raven-haired boy on the opposite side who looked like he didn't even care, and was more annoyed than anything.

In the middle below was a girl with a genuine smile on her face, and had the brightest pink hair he had seen. He imagined Sabine going full blown pink with her armor and hair, and chuckled a bit with the thought, getting Hera's own curiosity.

Then up above them was a man with a face mask on that covered his neck and now up to the nose, and had gravity defying white hair. He had a casual eye smile, and a regular one underneath the mask from he guessed, just as genuine as the girl below him.

"Who're these people?" Hera was now looking with Kanan at the pictures of the boy's past.

"I'm guessing that the guy with the white hairdo is his teacher, and the other two are...other students of his..."

"You're just shooting in the dark here, aren't you?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

Hera took the other photos that Kanan had in his hand, and looked at them with a little more thought. One had a man with the same bright blonde hair like his, and he wore a blue jumpsuit with a green vest with multiple pockets on it, along with a long white trench coat that had red flames along the trim. His face was kind and stern, with bright blue eyes whilst giving off a very strong and respectable sort of appearance.

And sitting down next to him in a chair was a rather pretty woman, that Hera certainly had to ask how she looked so young. She had long deep and bright red hair that almost touched the floor, her eyes were as purple as Sabine's current shade of her hair, and her face certainly looked like the boys. She seemed rather down to earth, outgoing and energetic.

"These must be his parents."

"Yeah, he's definitely got her face, but his hair and eye color."

"Well, we can only guess for now..." Hera had brought her voice up to get the others attention, " until then, we take shifts watching him, making sure nothing bad happens and let the rest of the crew know when he wakes up, so we can ask where he's from. We may end up having to get him into a bacta tank if he doesn't wake up by the time we get to Lothal."

Sabine however, saw a flaw in that. "Uh, that might be a problem..."

"How so?" Hera raised her eyebrow at that.

"Well, when we first found him, and after I gave him that shot of adrenaline and he pulled a knife to my throat without me noticing, he said something that sounded like Umbaran, I think. And then there's the writing on his sword and his papers that looks like it's Umbaran."

"Wait, what do you mean, 'looks and sounds like' Umbaran? He doesn't look like he is one."

"Yeah, it sounded like an old dialect that they taught us back in the Level 5 classes at the Imperial Academy on Mandalore."

"So, essentially you're the only person that can talk to him then?"

Sabine nodded her head, "I can probably make out most of what he says, save for maybe a word or two, so it'll be new to me. I'll take the first watch shift, just in case he does wake up and I can talk him."

It sounded like the most logical thing to everyone...though Ezra was a little miffed by it. "Sooooo, you're gonna watch the guy that almost got you with a knife, and you don't think that, just maybe...he could do the same thing again?" He wasn't too sure about having this guy around, especially considering how much weird things he had and the giant indestructible fan that shot things back at you.

Kanan was quick to say otherwise about what his student had to say, "Because talking is something that should always be done first and foremost, before fighting. And judging how he looked when Hera and Sabine found him, he probably reacted off of instinct and he didn't really mean to threaten her." This was one of the things that be had been trying to teach Ezra in terms of becoming a Jedi like himself.

Ezra grumbled a bit, "...ah, alright...but I get next watch!"

"Alright, it's settled then. In the meantime, while I take first watch, I'm gonna see what this fan's made of." Sabine eagerly took the fan with her back to the med-room with her and see if she could probably make something similar.

Kanan decided to try and meditate on the Force, Zeb went to go make some lunch, Ezra pulled up the holo-net to what's what, and Hera needed to contact someone in particular...

-Naruto's Mindscape-

Naruto was beginning to stir a bit down on the floor where he lay in slumber, "Ughhh, crap. Coulda swore I pulled a kunai on some girl a while ago." He sat up to get some semblance of air in his mind and focus a bit.

"Well, it's about damn time you woke up. I was beginning to think you'd be like this for longer. Oh, and you did almost slit a girl's throat when she tried to help you."

Naruto show his eyes up in surprise. "Oh, shit! Somehow that is gonna come back to bite me in the ass, I just know it!" He slapped and dragged his hands across his face in surprise and stupidity. He almost killed someone that tried to help him before he passed out from exhaustion!

What if she was cute and attractive?!

Wait...why the hell was he thinking about crap like that?

"Greeeeaaaatttt, so what all exactly happened?"

"Well, let's see. You collapsed and started to bleed out through your mouth after you over exerted yourself too much against Duckass. Then the girl you think is cute brought you on her ship with a couple of aliens and other humans and a can shaped machine that can apparently fly, and took off into outer space. They hooked you up to some med machines to keep you stable, and more than likely they were rummaging through your stuff while talking about you, as the girl is now looking to see what the Gunbai that you were able to take as a trophy from Madara, is made of. Aaaaand, that's about it." Now he was just waiting for it...

Naruto just listened to his friend say about his current predicament and was just nodding away...that is until he managed to actually catch it all...

"Aliens?! Outer space?! A ship?! What the hell?!"

Aaaaaaand, there it was...

"Yup. You heard me. We aren't home anymore, unfortunately."

Naruto's jaw hung down to where it was almost touching the floor like a cartoon character. But he shut soon in knowing that his predicament wasn't very good. He wasn't home anymore, now in space away from his friends, he had to wonder if he'd be able to get back to Sakura and Kakashi-sensei.

"Wait, so...aliens?"

"Yeah. Just two of them though, the woman looks pretty much human, almost, save for the green skin and the two, tails I guess you could call them that. The other is kind of like a cat like man...I guess..."

"Really? All things considered they don't sound really what I thought they would look like."

"Really?" He said laced with sarcasm. "And just what exactly did you think they would look like? Something from those stupid games you humans would play on that...what's it called...Xjock?"

"It's Xbox, and yeah, I kinda did. And Halo is awesome! Except 5's story sucked and ruined a great character."

The fox just rolled his eyes at the antics, "Whatever. So, what's the plan?"

Naruto put his hand underneath his chin in thought, "Well, I guess I could ask them where the hell are we, and...maybe~ find a way home?"

"That sounds more like a question than an actual plan." He deadpanned.

"Well, we're stuck in outer space like you said, so maybe we landed on a different planet than our own?"

"So, you're gonna wing it then."

"Yeah pretty much." He couldn't really say anything else until he actually knew more about these people.

"Well, just don't go blabbing anything unnecessary. Don't tell them everything, got it?"

"Wasn't gonna, and..." Naruto stopped midsentence and began to chuckle a bit in pleasure, "...heheheh, that tickles, hehehehe..." He placed his hand on his cheek where, odds were, someone was rubbing them a bit to see if his whisker birthmarks were what they appeared to be.

-The Med-room-

Sabine had taken a look at what exactly the fan was made of, and she was surprised when she found out that none of their elements actually showed up on the scans.

She walked over next to the unconscious boy, and looked at him to get a better look, now that his condition had gotten better. "Are those whiskers actually real? Or…?" She brought her index finger to rub them and, despite what she shouldn't have done, it still peeked her curiosity as to whether or not these were actual birthmarks or tattoos.

She rubbed them for a bit to get a feel, and noticed immediately that the boy, while still asleep, was actually enjoying the treatment. "Hehehehe..."

Sabine pulled her hand back in embarrassment as she blushed a bit at the reaction, "Well...that was unexpected...and a little embarrassing..."

"Yeah, no kidding."

Sabine jumped a bit when she saw Hera standing by the door with an amused smirk on her face.

"Ok, a warning would be nice next."

"It would, but then again...that was a little funny to watch. It was...unexpectedly feminine of you. You usually act like techno tomboy geek."

Sabine rolled her eyes and went back to looking at the little arsenal of weaponry that she had on the table, most of the weapons were made of high quality steel. They would be able to cut through most things, save for Imperial ships and vehicles, but that was about it. The fan was made up of something that they had no idea what it was, and the rolled-up papers were covered in multitudes of patterns of the boy's language.

Hera walked over to the table and read the report on the boy's physiology and his tools. "Mind if I take a look at what you found out?"

"Sure, go ahead, I'm still trying to see how this fan works." Sabine said nonchalantly while examining the fan's exterior.

Hera took the report back to her cabin and contacted her 'friend' if you could say. She punched up the comm line and secured it from prying interceptors, and up came a hologram a hooded person with their face darkened from the thick cloak.

"This is Fulcrum, come in Specter-2. What do you need?"

"Actually, there's something unusual. We found a boy probably no older than Sabine almost dead just a few feet away from where we made the pick-up."


"Yes, when we found him, he almost died before we brought him, or at least he seemed like he was dying."

Fulcrum paused for a bit, "Who is he?"

"We don't know, we've stabilized him now, but his medical diagnostic was...interesting to say the least."

"How so?"

"It's...better if I just send you the data." Hera placed the data pad and tapped the encryption key and sent the data straight to Fulcrum, who looked downwards a bit and stayed silent for a couple of minutes, until Fulcrum jerked up in surprise from what she could tell by the hooded hologram.

"This should be impossible." Shock evident by tone of voice.

"I know, I would've said that too, if I hadn't seen what one of his 'tools' I guess you could call it that, in action. Or rather when Ezra and Zeb decided to put it in action themselves. And the results were pretty interesting."

"Keep me informed of his condition. But keep this to yourself, I have an odd feeling about this boy. Fulcrum out." Fulrcum's hologram shut off with the final sentence.

"Well, I get the feeling that things are going to be a lot more interesting from now on."

The Ghost came out of hyperspace over Lothal and didn't have any problems getting past the blockade, and not a peep out of their guest. So far there had been no change in his condition, and Sabine suspected that it had to do with the low level they got from his third circulatory system, similar to when someone gets exhausted and fatigued.

So, best thing they could do for now was to get him into a bacta tank at a local hospital, and hopefully avoid some Imperial entanglements. With luck, they found someone that owed the crew a favor and managed to get him hooked into one, though Sabine stayed behind to make sure he was alright, while the guys went into town for food, Hera and Chopper went back to the ship to fix some things up and hold the fort down.

The crew was still curious as to who he was, though, Ezra wasn't too big on the guy already, "I just don't understand why Sabine wants to watch over the guy. I mean, anyone of us could've watched him, but she practically wants to know about him." Kanan and Zeb just laughed a bit to themselves, to which Ezra wasn't really joking, "Hey, come on! I'm serious! I mean what if he wakes up and decides to finish what he started back where they found him?"

Kanan waved it off, "Eh, I wouldn't worry so much about. Sabine can take care of herself if need be. Plus, she's the only one of us that can talk to him and translate, so it makes the most sense for her to stick with him." Zeb then decided to take a jab at Ezra's secret crush, "Yeah, plus I mean come on~…we all know she's a grown girl, and she does have interests in other guys her own age. I mean, who knows…we may end up getting a new crewmate, and Kanan and Hera's rooms are all to themselves, you're bunked with me, so that leaves only one other room onboard, so…heheheh." Kana just looked at Zeb with a bit of disapproving as he aware of Ezra crushing on Sabine, though he knew she didn't have that much of an interest in him. And torturing him with that wouldn't do the kid any good.

"You know what just forget it!" Ezra stomped back off to the Ghost now with a bit of jealousy in his head, growing slowly and steadily.


"Ok, so far, I've managed to walk through his dialect back through basic, and I may have a better understanding of him now." Sabine was able to get a program running and her mind was able to comprehend that large amount of info.

Hey, she did get to the highest levels of the Academy and she would've graduated with honors if she hadn't abandoned it.

Sabine was going over the more detailed results that the tank took from him. Apparently, his cells were rejecting some of the drugs given to him and they were spat back out through the tubes, and they had to filter out the tank once or twice to keep it clean for the boy, and she wanted to try and extract some of his cells and see what would happen if some medichlorians were introduced to them.

She took a needle to his arm and obtained some of his blood, despite that she had to put some pressure on more so than usual as his skin was denser than normal Humans, and having one that had medichlorians in them, she had them carefully inserted into the boy's blood sample, and placed it under their microscanner.

She looked at the results and was shocked, "Holy crap! His cells just absorbed and converted the medichlorians into more of the cellular energy from his third circulatory system! This is amazing!" She quietly talked to herself, as this was one hell of a find. Seeing that, and the other thing that his DNA was only 60% Human, and the other 40% unknown, was astounding.

His heart rate began to increase a bit, showing that he was beginning to come around, though Sabine looked to a security camera and saw that a few Stormtroopers were making a sweep through the hospital, "Great, someone tipped them off." Sabine went to grab the data that she collected and destroyed any trace of it in the hospital, having it stored in pad she brought with her from the ship, and started the process of unhooking the blonde from the bacta tank, only to have three Stormtroopers barge in and point their blasters right in her face.

"Don't move, rebel!"

"Let the civilian go, and get on your knees! This is your only warning!"

She wasn't exactly in the best positon with heaving the guy up and out of the tank, "Well…shit…" Oh, how she wished that the others were here right now…

Going against her better judgment, and letting her newfound curiosity dunk back in the tank and she stepped down to walk to the soldiers. If anything, she could disarm and kill them quickly and haul ass with the guy in her arms, out the back door of this place. Well, at least it sounded like a good plan, "Ok, boys you caught me. I'll come along nice and quietly. Though, I would like to get my friend out of the bacta tank if poossible."

The first one looked to up to the tank, "There's no one in the tank." He looked to the two others that accompanied him and ushered them to search the room, while he stripped Sabine of her weapons and anything else she had on her person, and turned her back to the door and had his gun trained at her head, "What game are you trying to play here? Where did the civilian go?" They were unaware of the current sounds of bodies being beaten, and then a stabbing noise made to the troopers back, "Ughk!" Sabine turned around to see the blond stranger whom she was watching over with a scalpel in hand, and behind him were the other troopers, one of whom had his neck twisted and bent in a sickening way, while the other had his throat visibly crushed.

She looked up to the blonde, and saw that he had a concerned look on his face, though it disappeared soon and was replaced with a bright smile that made him look as bright as the son, and he held his hand to help her off the ground, to which she took and dusted herself off a bit. Right now her mind was racing with what he just did in the span of a few seconds from unhooking himself from the bacta tank, not making a sound while at it, and taking out the Stormtroopers so quickly and effectively in such a short amount of time with his bare hands.

As she looked back to him, he gestured to himself and it looked as if he was introducing himself and did so with the first words that came out of his mouth, "Naruto."

Deciding to try and make the first step in talking with him, "Hi, I'm Sabine. It is nice to finally meet you with you being awake and all." She tried to make some gestures to help things along with the talking, hopefully to make it easier for him to possibly understand him.

He looked at her with a bit of shock, and then he was enthusiastic the next second, "You can speak my language?! That's awesome! Though you do kinda sound like a drunken kid a bit in those last bits, but other than that, you sound pretty great!" Sabine was able to make out a bit of what he said, mostly with the comment on her speaking what he did, and that it was awesome, and then something with a drunken kid. Either way, she made a bit of progress, now though they needed to make a hasty exit and run like hell out of town.

"Uhm, thanks Naruto. I know right now that we have just met, but we need to leave right now." She pointed to the downed Stormtroopers, "More Stormtroopers will be on their way, and they will not hesitate to kill us." She picked up her bag and grabbed her blasters from the trooper and. She stuck her hand out towards Naruto, "I know that we just met, but will you trust me, Naruto?"

He looked to her hand for what seemed like almost an hour, until he looked back to her and smiled a bit, "Right now, I don't know where the hell I am, or how I can get home…if I can get home, but you were trying to help me, and I can tell you're being honest and all. So, to trust you, well I guess I got no choice." He took her hand, as she smiled back, and it didn't take a lot of translating to understand her next words, "Thank you."

This was in my head for a long time at least 8 months ago, however I hit major writers block for this and I eventually forgot about it. However, with me catching up on season 3 of Star Wars Rebels, and watching Rogue One, it reignited this story and my original plan for it as well.

Let me know what you guys think, and ask me questions if you guys have any. So until next time, may the Force be with you, and never give up, and never give in dattebayo :) !