Getting Lara to party was hard. She wasn't awkward or a loner. She was something far worse; she was responsible. Luckily for me, she also had no defense against a properly applied pout.
So, party we did. She didn't come out all that often, so she made up for quantity of party with quality. Lara Croft was a savage. There was nothing she couldn't drink, and with her sense numbed, sometimes her ego got the better of her.
That's why I didn't want Derek to dare her to do it. I knew she would, and worse; that she could.
We'd been at tower bridge, waiting for the damn thing to raise and lower for a boat to pass. It was probably my fault. Derek had been bragging about his girlfriend, I'd been drinking, and I'm proud, okay? My girlfriend was super cool, too y'know? Cooler, even. So, I ended up talking a big game about Lara's rock climbing and her gymnastics. My bad.
"Oh, sure, just climb tower bridge," I mocked. "Nothin' to it." I didn't want her to fall.
"Nothing to it at all." Lara said as she walked past me. At least I had my camera phone. Had we not been walking from a party it might not have been an issue, but Lara'd cleaned out a case of beer and a mickey of vodka in quick succession.
She didn't even hesitate. She scrambled up the brickwork like she was born to it, and I trained my camera on her in awe. I was afraid, no, terrified that she'd fall, and land on the guard rail or something. But, at the same time I was impressed, and excited. She found holds in the stone with her fingers I couldn't even see from the ground and swung up from the windows in the tower with no sign of fear. My heart pounded. And then I heard the car pull up behind us.
"Stop! Get down from there!" I spun around to see a pair of police officers shining their maglights at the side of the bridge Lara was scaling.
She stopped climbing for about a single second to look down at us before I distinctly heard her say, and I shit you not, "sodding bobbies!" I snorted, okay? I shouldn't have, but I did. The police shot me a glare when I did it, and Lara took off. She kicked off of the tower window she'd been caught at to throw herself up to the next handholds. I nearly screamed.
She made it though, and the police ran to the bottom of the tower and just sort of, I don't know, yelled at her? Not that she gave a fuck, she hit the top of the tower in seconds, and took off across the cross support that housed the glass floor. She was gone.
"...Sodding. Bobbies." I repeated under my breath. Derek and I stared at each other in silence. We both knew that until we were home, neither of us knew who that crazed woman was. I also knew that Lara was sleeping on the fucking. Couch.