Harry Potter Slytherin Love Philosopher's Stone
Chapter 1: The Potter Heir and Heiress
James and Lilly Potter were one of the nicest couples in Godrics Hollow and today was the 31st of July and the day James and Lily brought the new generation into the world and so they were on their way to St Mungos wizarding hospital for the miracle to happen in their lives Lilly was finally giving birth to the Potter twins the new generation to the Potter name. An hour later Lily was already dilated and ready to give birth to her little miracles. Twenty minutes Later Lily was gripping her husbands hand as she pushed hard and then they both heared the cry of two little children. Half an hour later the head healer walked in the room with the two bundles that held their two children and passed them to James and Lily and they were so proud and happy that the new generation was all healthy and lovable a young boy named Harrison (Harry) James Potter and a young girl named Mackenzie (Mac) Lily Potter .
Two days later Sirius and Remus came to St Mungo's hospital to see the children that was welcomed into the world by their best friends. When the two Marauders reached the ward the Potter family were on they caught them just as they was just heading out of the hospital. Sirius and Remus were happy to see the new born children and noticed that Harrison looked like James except the his eyes were like Lily's and Mackenzie looked like Lily but with James's eyes. James spoke to break the silence " Sirius, Remus you are the godfathers of Harrison and Mackenzie Potter the godmothers are Minerva Mcgonagall and Molly Weasley". This news had the two friends grinning like mad and jumping for joy. In the car park Sirius said " You guys gotta come to Grimmauld Place we have a surprise for you" so both Lily and James agreed and apperated there. Once in the Black family house it was dark as hell and nobody could see a thing until the house lit and the Order of the Phoenix shouted "Welcome home!" James and Lily looked around and found Molly and Minerva and asked for a privet word with them so the two follows them and were told that they were the godmothers to the two little miracles in their arms. Molly and Minerva were happy and cried tears of joy as they held their godson and goddaughter in their arms. Soon it was time for the Potter family to go back to Potter cottage in Godrics Hollow to put the Potter miracles to bed.
A couple of months later Lily and James were celebrating their anniversary and had called James's parents to look after Harry and Mac. Fleamont and Euphemia potter were excited that they were looking after the children as it was the first time they got to see their grandchildren. When fleamont and Euphemia arrived James and Lily said "We will be home by 11:00 pm and have a good time with Harry and Mac" and then they left. Lily and James had forgotten that it was Halloween and children would be all over trick or treating in their costumes. Fleamont was taking Mackenzie to the shop to get some shopping for the evening meal so the left Harry and Euphemia alone. Ten minutes later after fleamont and Mackenzie left there was an exploshion at the front door and Euphemia rushed to see who the intruder was and quickly ran into Harry's room to stop what the dark lord wanted to do to her grandson. When the Dark Lord made it to the boys room he said to Euphemia "Step aside its a waste to kill a pure-blood" but Euphemia said "Never I would protect him with my life Tom." Voldemort grew angry and killed Euphemia and then tried to kill Harry but the curse rebounded itself and hit Voldemort but not before leaving a lightning bolt shaped scar bleeding on poor baby Harry's head.
When Fleamont and Mackenzie returned they noticed the door off its hindges and could hear Harry crying. When Fleamont rushed up stairs with Mac in his arms. What Fleamont saw was Harry trying to shake his grandmother awake but also saw a black cloak and white wand on the floor and knew what had happened and saw the scar on Harry's head. Fleamont called James and Lily and told them what had happened and that James's mother was now dead. on the way home James was crying for he loved his mother and when they both got to Harry's room it broke their hearts to see Harry trying to wake his grandmother up but was not working and what shocked them was the scar that was bleeding on Harry's head. A couple weeks later Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy offerd the Potter family a gust suite in the Malfoy manor witch they gladly took as the four of them were friends in Hogwarts even though they were in rival houses of Gryffindor and Slytherin but what they did was show inter house unity with Severus sanpe the black sister Andromeda,Narcissa and Bellatrix. When settled in the guest sweet the Potter house elves came and helped the Malfoy house elves cook and clean for both family. Narcissa being James cousin gave her condolences for her aunt's death at the hands of a mad man. When both the Malfoy and Potter parents were looking for their children they found them in the playroom playing with each other but what got to the four parents was Harry transformed into a phoenix, wolf, lion, baby basalic, raven, badger and a young deer. When Harry transformed back into himself he passed out for he did not know what happened but the Malfoy and Potter parents just said " He's an animagus by birth thats amazing and has more than one form like Merlin and the same animal as the four founders of Hogwarts". During the night at Malfoy Manor Lucius, Narccisa, James and Lily sat down talking about the Potter family moving in with the Malfoy family and that the guest suite could be theirs until Potter Manor was sorted out. James and Lily accepted the offer when they heared crying from Harry's room. they all rushed up to see Harry's head bleeding worse than it did the night he received the scar and they cleaned it up and Lily put a cut salve Severus made and gave him some dreamless sleep to help the poor bairn sleep.
Chapter 2: Ten Years Later
Ten years had passed and the Potter twins, Harry and Mac were with Draco Malfoy were waiting for their own Hogwarts' letters. At breakfast both the Malfoy and Potter families were eating a well evened out meal of cereal and toast and fruit with goblets of pumpkin juice when all of a sudden the post came and the three children ran from their seats to get the male but when they returned to the dinning area Mac handed James a Hogwarts letter and Harry handed Lily one too. Both adults looked surprised at this and opened the letters. with a gasp James said he was the new transfiguration professor for the O.W.L'S and N.E.W.T'S while Professor Mcgonagall was teaching first to forth year students and Lily was the new Charms Mistress teaching the same level as her husband while Professor Flitwick teaches first to forth year students When both families had finished breakfast they decided to use the floo network to get to the leaky couldren so both families could enter Diagon Ally together. Once the Malfoy's and Potters were in Diagon Ally the first place they went was Gringots wizading bank to get a blood relations test for Harry and to collect the gallons they need for their school supplies. when the group was in the bank Harry, Mac and Draco walked to the tallest teller and asked politely if they could have a blood relations test done for harry and then to visit their vaults. since the children was the politest customers in the bank they were seen first and Harry went for his test. when both the Malfoy's and Potter's were in Griphook's office Harry was handed a short ceremonial blade and cut the parm of his hand to let three drops on a piece of parchment and to everyone's shock they read Harry's blood relations.
Harrison James Potter (11)
parents: James Potter (father) Lily Evens Potter (mother)
godparents: Sirius Orion Black (godfather) Remus John Lupin (godfather) Minerva Mcgonagall (godmother)
Molly Weasley (godmother)
heirs to: Godric Gryffindor (by blood) Rowena Ravenclaw (by blood) Salazar Slytherin (by blood) Helga Huffrelpuff (by blood)
Potter (by blood) Black (by blood and godson) Lupin (by godson) McGonagall (by godson) Prewitt (by godson) Pevrell (by blood)
betrothal: none
blood type-pureblood
Once the test was finished the group around Harry was shocked that he was Lord Hogwarts at such a young age and they were proud. When they finished looking at the parchment both families went to their vaults to collect the money they needed and Harry was shown to the founders vault and collect the founders rings and placed them on his finger then they reshaped themselves to fit him. When they left the bank they first went to Madam Malkins robes shop and made a large order for both winter and summer uniforms of the finest materials and she went off to work and told them to be back in an hour. When everyone left they went to Ollivanders wand shop for their wands so Draco was first and got his wand 10" Hawthorn, Unicorn hair (core) then Mackenzie went and was given a 13" cherry, dragon heartstring (core) when Harry came up none of the wands worked for him so he was taken to knockturn Alley Gregoravitch wand store. When inside Mr Gregoravitch came out and asked who was needing a wand and Harry said "me sir" when Mr Gregoravitch asked Harry to pick a wood sauce for his wand he found more than one he was selected to hawthorn, cherry and holly the cores were wolf fang, phoenix feather, lion mane,basalic venom,raven feather and badger hair. when the wand was made it was 15" and nicely crafted and shot of red,gold,green,silver,yellow,black,blue and bronze sparks.
When the group left knockturn Alley they all went to Flourish and Blots for the first year books then to the apothecary for the potions couldren and files for the finished potions and ladles then to the quiditch store for brooms and cleaning kits then to wiseacre wizarding equipment for their telescopes then back to Madam Malikns for their robes. on their way out of the robe store they bumped into Sirius and Remus. When James saw his two best friends he told them that he and Lily got a place teaching at Hogwarts and then Remus told them that they got a place teaching defence against the dark arts, Sirius O.W.L'S and N.E.W.T'S and Remus first to forth years Harry, Mac and Draco ran to the two of them and hugged them. Next was the magical menagerie to choose their familiars when harry heared some strange language he walked towards the substance of the sound and found out that the snakes were talking but one snake was left on its own and Harry felt sorry for the poor creature so Harry said in parseltounge "hello their my lovely howsss you like to come home with me" the snake was stunned and said "a speaker wow well my name isss Bella and i would like to come to your home"
Harry then started a conversation with Bella "well Bella my name isss Harrison and i'm glad that you would like to come back with me." so Harry walked to the shop owner and asked him to buy Bella when the shop keep got Bella she coiled herself around harry's arm and said "thank you Harrison ive been lonely" and Harry said "don't worry Bella you wont be alone your my first friend" his family looked shocked but then remembered that he was the soul heir to all the Hogwarts founders when they all returned to Malfoy manor so the children started packing their uniforms in their trunks and Harry put Bella in a cages with a few mice for lunch then started reading his school books finding potions really fascinating and then charms to DADA to transfiguration.
Chapter 3: Hogwarts Shocker
The 1st of September arrived and the Malfoy's and Potter's were going to platform nine and three quarters to catch the Hogwarts Express to get to the wizarding school. When the three children got on the train they found a compartment and waved to their parents and sat down talking about their lessons and the professors and what Hogwarts will be like. Time had passed on the train and Harry Draco and Mac were playing exploding snap when a red head walked in and said "excuse me but is it true that Harry Potter is on this train" Harry said " whose asking? " the boy said " oh sorry my manners i'm Ron Weasley" Mac and Harry both jumped and said in unison " your our godbrother" the Ron said "no way its you your Harry and Mac Potter". Draco said to Ron "my name is Draco Malfoy i'm Harry and Mac's cousin" then Ron had a sour look on his face and said "Malfoy you son of death eaters Harry, Mac get away from him his dad works for a mad man." the Potter twins looked hurt by the way Ron said those things to Draco and Harry stood up and said "how dare you talk to my cousin like that!" within seconds Harry transformed in to his wolf animagus form and almost bit Ron until he ran and Mac calmed Harry down till he turned back into himself then collapsed.
when the train entered Hogsmead station Harry finally awake was in his robes and on the platform where a giant was shouting "firs' years this way were taking the boats" so Harry Mac and Draco followed the giant to a docking bay and climed into a boat with a bushy haired girl who introduced herself " hello i'm Hermione Granger i'm a muggle born and the first in my family to be here who are you" Harry was the one to talk and said "my name is Harrison but people call me Harry that is my twin sister Mackenzie but people call her Mac (pointing to mac) and that's Draco Malfoy our cousin nice to meet you Hermione" Hermione was pleased she had just made three new friends already before school started. Once the giant took the first years to the big oak doors and knock three times and sturn looking witch appeared and the giant said "the firs' years professor McGonagall" then professor Mcgonagall said "thank you Hagrid" then Hagrid left and when Minerva saw how pale Harry looked she could tell something was wrong but kept it to herself and said to the first years "welcome to Hogwarts in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your class mate but before you can take your seat you must be sorted into your houses there are Gryffindor,Huffrelpuff,Ravenclaw and Slytherin your triumphs will earn you points any rule breaking you will lose points at the end of the year the house with the most point will win the house cup" just then a mysterious woman came behind professor Mcgoanagall and said "I am Lady Hogwarts and i believe the founders heir has returned who may i ask is it." when Harry heared this he felt a strange pull and said " Lady Hogwarts the heir is me i found out during the summer" when Harry said this Minerva said " my dear godson the soul heir of Hogwarts oh my." then the first years were walked into the great hall and it shook when Harry entered and the four rings shone from his hand. When the hall stopped shaking the headmaster stood up and said "the Hogwarts heir has returned who is it i must know" Harry stood up and said "that would be me sir" and Dumbledore shook with fear saying "how can this be the dark lord got rid of most heirs and yet you live how amazing" then the starting ceremony began. and Minerva started to call names.
Hanna-Abbot Huffrelpuff
Susan-Bones Huffrelpuff
Terry-Boot Ravenclaw
Lavender-Brown Gryffindor
Pravarti-Patill Gryffindor
Padma-Patill Ravenclaw
Hermione-Granger Gryffindor
Ronald-Weasley Gryffindor
Ginny- Weasley Gryffindor (made Ginny Ron's twin sister)
Draco-Malfoy Slytherin
Pansy-Parkinson Slytherin
Justin-Finch Flectchly Huffrelpuff
Ernie McMillan Huffrelpuff
Mackenzie Potter Slytherin
Harrison Potter
The hat started to speak to Harry "mmm difficult the heir to the four founders has the knowledge of a Ravenclaw bravery of Gryffindor loyalty of Huffrelpuff and Cunningness of a Slytherin" Harry said "i want to be with my sister i cant be with out her or Draco were inseparable" then the hat finally shouted out "SLYTHERIN"
Theodore Notts Slytherin
Daphne Greengrass Slytherin
Blaise Zabini Slytherin
Once the sorting was over everyone was looking at Harry with angry looking eyes and Ron Weasley decided to shout "look at Potter hes a dark wizard" so Harry got really angry and transformed into his Basilisk form and had his killer lenses off and moved to the Gryffindor table. The school saw the killer look in Harry's eye's till his parents were in front of him telling him to calm but Harry hissed angrily at Ron and slithered out of the hall. When the commotion was over the Weasley twins and Mac and Draco and Harry's parents and the rest of the teaching body looked at Ron with angry faces and wondered where Harry was. James was looking all over for his soon till Lady Hogwarts came to him and told him that Harry was on the seventh floor and James ran as fast as he could saying "thank you" to lady Hogwarts for the help and found his son passed out cold on the floor. James tried all he could to wake his son but it was no use so he rushed him to the hospital wing where Lily, Mac, Draco, Hermione,and the staff were waiting. When James got to the HW everyone was shocked to see him caring Harry who was unconscious Lily and Mac started crying for they had no idea how long it will take for the young lad to wake up. In the HW Dumbledore asked "what happened?" so James,Lily,Mac and Draco explained that Harry is an animagus from birth with more than just one form and the staff was stunned.
Next day Harry was out of the HW and was at the Slytherin table where the Slytherin student's were all pleased to see him ok when the heads of house handed out the lesson time tables to the students Harry groaned at the fact that his lessons were with the Gryffindork weasal as he put it but was with his sister cousin and Hermione. Marcus Flint the fith year prefect stood up and said " a toast to the one and only Lord Hogwarts Harrison Potter" at that everyone at the slytherin table said " To Harrison!" while breakfast continued the owl mail showed up and a red letter was sent to Ron everyone saw how green his face went
the letter then shouted in the voice of Molly Weasley
"Ronald Billius Weasley how dare you say something like that to Harrison and upset him i only found out last night that he was in the HOSPITAL WING for passing out for what you said i'm disgusted i want you to march up to him right now and apologize to him and young Mr Malfoy for Lucius and Narccisa are not death eaters they are very good people"
then the letter turned to both professor Potter and mistress Potter
"i'm sorry James and Lily i raised him better than that thank you for telling me what my son had done he will be punished when we see him"
Then the letter ripped its self up in Ron's face and he left the table and went to Harry and Draco and said "Draco i'm sorry for what i said on the train and Harrison i'm sorry for last night it was uncalled for." both boys stood up and said "its OK now Ron we got off on the wrong foot how about a clean slate and we become friends" Ron then said "OK we can be friends." then they shook hands and went to the rest of their breakfast then off to their first lesson. In charms professor Flitwick was showing the class the levitation spell wingardium leviosa when Harry said the spell instead of saying the spell in the direction of the feather he did it on himself and was awarded 40 points for slytherin and everyone looked at Harry with admiration when the class ended the newly formed golden crew went to double potions with professor Snape the Slytherin head of house. Once in the potions laboratory Professor Snape came in with his cloak billowing behind him and started his speech "there will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in the is class i'm here to teach you the subtle science in potions making some of you may not believe this to be magic but i can teach you how to bottle fame brew glory and even put a stopper in death."
When Snape's eyes landed on Harry Snape said " our new celebrity and lord Hogwarts may i ask you a couple questions" when Harry nodded Snape continued "what would i get if i added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" when Harry answered "a sleeping draught so powerful its called the drought of the living death" Snape was stunned but gave 50 points for the right answer Snape then asked Harry " where would you look if i asked you to find me a bezor?" Harry answered again "in the stomach of a goat sir" again Harry got another 50 points for the correct answer then the final question was asked "what is the difference between monkshood and wolfs bane?" Harry then said "nothing sir they are the same plant witch also goes by the name aconite" another 50 points were added for the correct answer then Snape said "well done now today we are making the boil cure potion you have one hour and 30 minutes" then the class got to work Harry and Mac were working together when bang Ron's couldren exploded and had boils poping up all over his face Snape said "idiot boy did you add the porcupine quills before taking the couldren of the heat Mr Potter could you bring some of your potion to help and take him to the HW" Harry answered "Yes sir" and handed some of his potion to professor Snape then took Ron the the HW and Harry was rewarded 40 points for assistance and Mac was awarded the same amount of points for their potion was a beautifully brewed.