Clary's POV

I walk into the studio with Mia by my side. It's almost lunch time. Bree should be done by now, but I don't see her anywhere.

"Hi" I walk up to Andrea at the reception, "is Bree done?"

"I believe she is" she smiles, "Let me go get her for you"

"Thanks" I nod and she goes through the glass doors to the den. Mia sits down on the waiting chairs as she is used to and I stand waiting to hear the news.

"Mom!" Bree runs out carrying her duffle and wearing just shorts and her Academy jacket. Her hair is in a high ponytail now, not a bun, her tights are rolled over her ankles, and she has a huge smile on her face.

"Why don't you go wait over there with your sister while I talk to your mom?" Kira, one of her teachers, suggests from behind her. Bree does as told, one thing she doesn't do when I tell her what to do, and goes sit with Mia.

"So" she grins, "Bree is ready to go". "Are you familiar with the Hybrid Homeschool program or do you need information on that as well?" She asks handing me a folder with what I guess is everything I need to know about Bree's new schedule.

"Her school has a hybrid program" I let her know.

"That's great!" She sighs, "Madame Galina wanted to tell you in person but she had some errands to run. We want to place her in level II which has mostly 10 year olds, so she'd be the only 8 year old. Since she is on the younger side, we might try to mix up her classes between level I and level II. Only a few classes with the level II students, though."

"Okay that's good" I don't want her feeling out of place, "It's better for her to be around other girls her age".

"In the folder you'll find her personalized schedule, a list of all the supplies she'll need and her contract" she points out, "make sure to read it over at home. One legal guardian needs to sign it, and she needs to sign it as well. I think that's it for now, I'll see you guys Monday at 8".

"I am so proud of you" I hug Bree as we make our way to the car.

"Shotgun" Bree yells and runs to the car. Mia climbs into the back seat without complaining.

"Do you want to call Daddy?" She nods and I dial Jace's number. It only rings a couple of times before he picks up and I put him on speed dial.

"Hey" I say as a bunch of noise goes off on Jace's side.

"Hey" he yells and the noise gets further away.

"So I just picked up Bree and..."

"I got in" she finishes for me.

"Congrats princess!" He cheers, "we should celebrate".

"Want are you up to?" I ask wondering when he'll be done.

"We just got done" he says, "so why don't you girls choose a restaurant and pick up GrayGray. Loge and I can meet you there. I'll tell Izzy and Alec to see if they want to join"

"Sound like a plan" I agree before hanging up.

"Can we go get Mexican?" Mia suggests and we all agree.

It becomes a family affair once Alec and Izzy agree and we all meet at the restaurant. There's Alec and Magnus with Raf and Max. Then there's Izzy and Simon with Natalia and Cooper. And finally there's us. On one end of the table you have the older kids, then the younger ones and finally the adults on the other end. These are the moments that make everything g worth it. This is our family, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Jace's POV

After all the kids are ready for bed, Clary and I discuss Bree's new schedule. Up until now Clary has been taking care of this, but now that's it's a reality I really need to know.

"So what exactly is a Hybrid Homeschool program?" I frown very confused.

"It's what they do with a lot of younger athletes and artist so they can work but still have kind of a school experience" Clary explains, "so basically, most of the work is done online, but twice a week she actually goes to school so she can socialize and ask any questions she may have about a lesson".

"So she still goes to school" I think I understand this now.

"On Tuesday and Thursday" Clary nods as she changes into her pajamas

"And what about the rest of the days?" I wonder concerned about the whole homeschooling part. Bree has never been very academic, and she tends to get very distracted.

"She has 2 hours to do school when she's at the studio right after lunch. There's a tutor who makes sure they're working" she hops into bed next to me, "and if she's not done she can finish when she gets home. It works in lessons. So she has a certain number of lessons to do on a certain day. If she is not able to do them for whatever reason it just moves to the next day. She finishes the school year when she's done with all her lessons".

"That doesn't sound so bad" I try to convince myself.

"I know you're worried for her" she brags my hand, "but this'll be good. Maybe she'll do better this way".

"Yeah" I agree right before the door creaks open. "Hey Berry" I quickly notice her messy red hair, "what's up?"

She climbs on the bed and snuggles against me. "I just needed to tell you" she stops for a second, "I don't want to dance anymore".

I look over at Clary who is clearly more prepared for this than I am. "That's fine baby" she runs a hand through her hair and Mia smiles.

"You can do whatever you want to do" I encourage squeezing her into a hug.

"Can I ride?" She looks up at me.

"Ride?" I question looking at Clary who doesn't seem at all curious.

"Horses" she answers leaving me speechless.

"We went up to the ranch with Izzy and Talia today" Clary notices how confused I am about this.

"Having a horse is a huge responsibility, Berry" I shake my head.

"Pleaseee!" She begs, "I promise I'll do great in school and be very responsible".

"I have no doubt that you will" Clary sighs. "But I think we should try it out before committing to anything just yet. We'll get you a few classes and it'll be like a trial. As long as it's okay with daddy?"

Mia looks back at me pleadingly and I can't say no to that face. "If that's what you really want..."

"Yes!" She cheers wrapping here arms around my neck, "thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Now off to bed" I pat her on the back as she slips out of our bed.

"Goodnight" she chimes as she leaves our bedroom, and I grab Clary by the waist pulling her lips towards mine.

"I love you" I whisper against her ear.

"I love you too" she blushes like when we were dating in High School.

"We make the most beautiful children" I add

"I hope you're not insinuating that we have more children" she pulls back slightly.

"No" my eyes widen, "I'm good with 4".

"You scared me" she leans against my chest and we both fall asleep in each other's arms.

So this is a pretty short chapter. I just wanted to introduce what a hybrid homeschool program is for those of you that might not already know. This is an actual this that a lot a young athletes do, and that is what Bree is going to be doing.

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