September 1, 1990

Rain poured from the sky onto the Hogwarts grounds as the boats containing the small first years began clunking against the shore below the castle. Four student were in one of the boats together, Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, and Daisy Potter.

Daisy and Hermione looked at each other with excitement. Daisy's long red hair whipped around in the windy air. Both girls hoped they would be in the same house. Daisy had only recently learned magic even existed. A giant appeared with the news after her relatives, the Dursley's, ran away from the letters that kept arriving. Hagrid, the giant, had told her that her parents were in Gryffindor, so she was secretly hoping for that house as well.

The four students made their way from the boats to the castle stairs. Daisy and Hermione separated from the two boys they met on the train as the climbed to where a tall witch in green robes was standing inside.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. Shortly, we will enter the great hall where you will be sorted into your houses. Let me check if they are ready." The witch vanished behind the door that looked high enough to be two stories high.

"I heard the famous Daisy Potter was on the train this year. My father never lets important news slip by me." A blonde haired boy stepped before Daisy. "I'm Draco Malfoy. You need to be careful around here, you don't want to be making friends with the wrong sort of people." He beckoned to Ron Weasley, who was standing nearby now.

Daisy tried not to make a face, but she wasn't the type that did so well. "I think I can manage on my own, thanks."

Draco huffed, clearly offended, but the conversation ended due to the tall witch returning, "We're ready for you."

A/N: This is beyond short! My chapters are usually 5k words minimum, but I just wanted to get all the formatting for starting a new story completed before I dive into it since I rarely am on my laptop (I use my phone to write). Do you like the idea? Anything you'd like the see? The plot is barebones at this point, so I can fit in most any suggestions.