"Dad, why don't I have a Quirk yet?!" Asked a ten year old blonde as he looked at his father.
The boy was Naruto Yagi he was the son of the greatest hero of all time: All Might!
"Um..well..." All Might didn't know what to say to his son.
"I should of gotten my Quirk by now..." The blonde looked down sadly.
"Naruto, listen son," All Might said as Naruto looked at him once again, "I wasn't born with a Quirk, and neither was your mom..." he explained to the blonde.
"Then, how come you have one?"
"The Quirk I have was passed down to me... and since you are my son I hope to pass it down to you someday, my son... one day it will be you who will be the Symbol of Peace!" All Might grinned at his son who now looked happy.
"Dattebayo!" Was Naruto's happy response.
Five Years Later!
Being the child of a hero, especially the child of the famous All Might got you a lot of attention. Not just by All Mights fans, but by the Media, and occasionally his enemies.
So it wasn't surprising that Naruto Yagi grew up in the spotlight... when his father All Might went on live T.V to do interviews, Naruto would always go with him.
All of the spotlight caused Naruto, who once dreamed to be a hero just to help people, to seek to become a hero not to help people but for fame, glory, and fortune!
But anyways, Naruto was now fifteen years old, and his father All Might wanted to give his son the most normal childhood the blond could possibly have, which is why instead of going to a private schools or being home schooled, the blond attended public school's since elementary.
Underground heroes with stealth abilities always protected the blond from afar from any attacks from any villians, they made it possible for Naruto to have the most normal childhood possible.
Currently, Naruto and his very good friend Izuku Midoriya were walking to school after witnessing the hero Kamui Woods almost take down a villian before he was interrupted by a hero named Mt. Lady, who took his spotlight by making her debut and taking down the villian instead.
"That was so cool, wasn't it?!" Izuku fanboyed as they walked side to side.
Naruto shook his head, "You bet it was, but If someone took my spotlight like the way Mt. Lady did to Kamui Woods, then I would be so pissed off," He stated.
"Figures you would," Izuku stated as they continued walking.
"Hehe," The blond only laughed happily, "I just can't wait until I get my Quirk! Then all eyes will be on me, and I'll be the greatest hero ever, dattebayo!" He gave Izuku a toothy grin.
Naruto was just like his friend Izuku, he had no Quirk, but the blonde wasn't bothered by that because the blond knew his father would pass down his Quirk to him.
"I wonder when my old man will pass down his Quirk to me, the U.A Entrance Exam is less than a year away, shouldn't he be training me?" The blond thought as he walked.
Izuku could only stare at his friend because Izuku had long given up that he would ever get a Quirk, though he hasn't given up on his dream to be a hero! But, seeing how Naruto talked about getting his Quirk even though it was really rare to get your Quirk the older you got, it sort of gave him hope.
When the Quirkless duo arrived to school Naruto was greeted by a group of fangirls!
"Naruto! Please go on a date with me!"
"No! Go on a date with me!"
"Gimme your autograph!"
"I looove you Naruto!"
"Hey, back off bitch! He's mines!"
"No, he's mine you slut!"
"Hey, there's plenty of Naruto Yagi to go around ladies, no need to fight over the great me," The blond smirked arrogantly as he wrapped two of his arms around two different females and walking off with them as a group of fangirls followed.
"It must be great to be the son of All Might," Izuku mumbled as he walked to class.
Later That Day In Class!
YOU DAMN KIDS!" The teacher in Naruto's class yelled as he glared at the students, "You brats are 3rd years now - it's time to seriously start thinking about your futures!" The teacher continued to yell as he held a stack of papers, "These are all future career forms but I doubt any of you want a career, all of you want to be heroes, correct?!" The teacher asked them while throwing the career forms in the trash besides his disk and smirking.
"FUCK YEAH!" Most of the students in the class cheered.
"You all have wonderful quirks and I would let you use them in class but it's against the rules," The teacher stated while sighing.
"Ha! Don't lump me in with these losers," The Student named Katsuki Bakugo laughed, making everyone in the class turn to him, "All these losers have crappy Quirks, but me? My Quirk is on a whole other level!" He said with an arrogant smirk.
"Tch, get over yourself, Katsuki," One student growled.
"Yeah, who the fuck do you think you are?" Another one yelled at him.
"Shut up, bitches like you should just shut up and stay bitches," Katsuki snapped at his peers.
"Oh... you... Katsuki of course..." The teacher spoke while eyeing Katsuki, "You are aiming for U.A high school, no?" The teacher asked him.
"H-He's for real?!"
"I hear it is hard to get into that school!"
"Yeah, I hear they barely accept anyone!"
The students spoke amongst themselves. Katsuki only said, "Shut up you Extras! Out of everyone in this shitty class I'm the only one worth of being in U.A high, I even aced their mock exam... HAHA! I WILL SURPASS THAT BASTARD "ALL MIGHT" AND BE THE GREATEST HERO IN THE WORLD!" He said with so much arrogance in his voice.
"The only one that will surpass All Might is me!" Naruto suddenly got up as he stared at Kacchan.
"Naruto, you little shit," Bakugou glared at the blue eyed blond, "You're just like useless Deku, you don't even have a fucking Quirk and you're All Mights son! You're a disgrace! So don't you dare try and act like you're hot shit just because you're All Might's fucking son!" He finished.
Kacchan's words didn't phase the blonde because he smirked coolly, "Once I get my Quirk, you'll see me kicking all sorts of ass, cuz you ain't the only one from this school who is going to U.A!"
Before Kacchan could reply to Naruto the teacher spoke up, "Aren't you aiming for U.A high school as well, Izuku?"
"..." there was silence as all eyes turned to Izuku who felt his face burning up.
"HAHAHA!" Some of the students in the class laughed.
Izuku was about to reply to his class mate when Katsuki jumped on top of his desk and looked at Izuka straight in the eyes, "Good grades alone can't get you into the program, ya need a Quirk you damn nerd!" Katsuki glared at him.
The class watched as Izuku timidly spoke, "I-It's worth a try..."
Katsuki's eyes widened and then his face looked extremely pissed - like if Izuku had somehow dissed him, "Deku, you really are looking to piss me off?! You don't got a damn Quirk and you're going to try getting into the program - are you trying to say you're as good as me?!" The pissed of Katsuki growled at him.
"N-No, I'm not-" Before Izuku could explain himself he was interrupted.
"Shut up assholes," Naruto growled as he came to his Izuku's aid, "You fuckers act like those high school girls that like to put others down to make yourselves feel better! Izuku is Quirkless so I can relate to him... and damn do I respect him for aiming to be a hero when all odds are against him... so if anyone dares make fun of him I'll kick your ass!" The blonde yelled at the entire class.
"..." It got silent really quick. Many students respected Naruto for being the son of All Might, after all most of them were huge All Might fanboys.
Katsuki growled and he was about to speak but the teacher decided to interrupt him, "That's enough, let's just continue with the lesson!"
Later That Day!
Naruto was amongst a crowd of people as he watched a slimy blob like thing wrap itself around Katsuki as the red eyed boy tried escaping.
"If ya got caught by that thing maybe you ain't so tough," The blond spoke to himself as he watched Katsuki fighting for his life. The reason Naruto was even there in the first place was to watch his father All Might arrive to save the day!
It was then that the blond saw Izuku from the corner of his eyes and he looked terrified as he placed his hands over his mouth.
"It's all my fault... this is all my fault... if i hadn't wasted All Might's time..." Naruto heard Izuku spew out as he watched the scene in front of him in shock.
"Yo, what do you mean by that?" Naruto asked Izuku as he walked up to him.
"I GOTTA HELP HIM!" Izuku only yelled and Naruto watched in total shock as Izuku without warning rushed towards the blob thing while throwing his backpack at it.
Naruto could watch as Izuku tried saving Katsuki and just when the blob was about to attack the dark haired boy, there was some smoke as All Might appeared to save the day!
"Haha! Your villian days are over for I have come to stop you!" All Might said with a smile on his face before yelling, "Detroit Smash!" As he cocked back his fist before smashing it into the blob.
That's all it took to end the current mess...
"Where is Izuku? Where is father?" Naruto asked himself as he walked out of the scene that was covered in reporters. The blond had lost sight of Izuku and his father because he got ganged up by reporters who asked him a ton of questions.
It was when he was about to turn the corner of a street did he see his father in his scrawny form as he stood a few feet away from Izuku.
"What's going on? Since when does Izuku know my old man?" Naruto thought as he silently watched.
"I was wrong earlier... you have the will and the determination to be a hero... so yes you can be a hero!" All Might said with a grin on his face as he pointed at Izuku.
Naruto smiled softy as he heard this. Izuku had always wanted to be a hero, he knew it. But, everyone always told him otherwise so he knew how much those words meant to him, especially coming from his father.
The blond decided it was best to leave them alone and he was about to leave but what he heard next caused him to freeze.
"Originally I was going to pass down my Quirk to my son Naruto, but he has lost the meaning to what it means to be a hero... I tried changing his mind whenever I could but he thinks being a hero is all about popularity, glory, fame and fortune... he was there with you at that scene and unlike you he didn't do anything... he has yet to be a true hero... which is why I have decided to pass down my Quirk to you instead..." Naruto heard his own father say.
Before Izuku could say anything Naruto jumped forward, "What the fuck is the meaning of this dad?!" The blond yelled out in rage.
"N-Naruto..." All Might turned to his son.
"You promised you'd pass down your Quirk to me!" Naruto roared out.
"I was but you don't want to be a hero for the right reasons unlike this boy Izuku... in the short time I've met him he has proven it..." All Might said calmly.
"You promised... you fucking promised... you said I would be the next Symbol of Peace..." Naruto clenched his fists in anger.
"You don't have what it takes to be the next Symbol of Peace," All Might told him.
Those words hit him like a ton of bricks and the blond yelled, "If you don't pass down your Quirk to me I'll be totally Quirkless... I'll never be able to become a hero... you were my only option dad... I WAS REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO HAVING YOUR QUIRK PASSED DOWN TO ME... I-I WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO SPENDING MORE TIME WITH YOU SINCE WE DON'T SPEND TIME ANYMORE TOGETHER! I-I LOOKED FORWARD TO IT!" Naruto dropped to the ground on his knees, "Dad... please... don't do this..." He almost cried.
"I'm sorry my son..." All Might looked at the ground, "You had your chance... now if this boy accepts my offer I will mold him into the next symbol of peace..."
Naruto quickly got up and he charged at Izuku, when he was in front of his friend he grabbed Izuku by his shirt and he yelled, "Izuku reject his offer... as your friend please.. that Quirk needs to be passed down to me... please..."
Izuku looked at Naruto's pleading eyes and he thought, "This is my only shot at ever being a hero... I.. I.. can't let this offer pass... sorry Naruto... I truly am... but even if I were to reject this offer All Might wouldn't pass it down to you... sorry.."
"Sorry Naruto... but I can't..." Izuku said in almost a whisper. Hearing these words Naruto quickly pulled away from Izuku and he watched as Izuku nodded.
"I accept your offer All Might..." Izuku said with determination.
"Very well, I am glad you accepted.." All Might told the dark haired boy before turning to Naruto, "Sorry son but this is for the best... I may be your father but as All Might I have different duties, I must not be biased and I must do what I believe is best..."
Naruto felt tears streaming down his cheeks and he ignored his father as he slowly turned around and started walking away... "I hate both of you..." He said as he walked, "From today forth I refuse to be Naruto Yagi... from today forth I'll be Naruto Uzumaki... I'll become a hero greater than you fath- All Might... I'll become a hero greater than you Izuku... believe it..."
With that Naruto continued to walk away, feeling like he had been betrayed, but that wouldn't stop him because he would become a hero... the best damn hero!
To be continued...
A/N: Yo, I hope you enjoyed xD honestly I wasn't gonna post this until I finished my Fairy Tail/My Hero Academia crossover but this wouldn't leave me alone. So yolo why not?!
It was kinda rushed but it was basically like the first episode of the anime! But Waddya think? Good? Bad? Ehhh?"
I'd love to get feedback xD if you have any questions or ideas please feel free to drop dem off!