December 31st 2005

"Alright you lot, settle down." Ron stood and held up a hand to instruct the rowdy table to shush. He looked around at each of his friends in turn, ignoring the raucous going on all around them in the pub, and raised his pint into the air.

"To Harry!" he said loudly.

"To Harry!" they chorused back as drinks were held aloft in salute.

Hermione bumped Draco's shoulder and he flashed her a small smile before they both took a sip of their drinks. The entire table fell silent as they each drank from their own glass, thinking over all that had happened over the past year.

"Sorry the queue at the bar was mad. What did I miss?"

"Your own toast you pillock," Neville grinned.

Harry rolled his eyes and collapsed into the booth next to Draco, who immediately took up his hand under the table.

Ron laughed as he settled back into his chair. "Thought I'd better do it while you were in the toilets to save you the embarrassment, but it needed to be done mate, its New Year's!"

"I think I've had enough toasts over the past eight months to last a lifetime," Harry replied dryly yet unable to repress a smile.

"What in Merlin's name are those?" Blaise interrupted, staring with something akin to horror at the two shot glasses in front of Harry; each filled with a murky brown liquid.

Harry lifted one of the glasses with a grin. "Treacle-flavoured shots!" he replied enthusiastically.

"Fuck me, that's disgusting Potter," Pansy said, red-painted lips curling in revulsion.

Draco abruptly grabbed one of the glasses and downed the whole thing while the others stared on in surprise. He licked his lips with a satisfied smile as he placed the empty glass back down on the table.

"Well?" Blaise asked, looking nauseated.

"Tastes like Harry," Draco surmised with a smirk.

Harry laughed then threw back the remaining shot while the others wrinkled their faces in various levels of disgust.

"Can we please stop talking about the miracle that is Harry Potter and move on to more important things?" Pansy drawled, swirling the pink champagne in her glass.

"Such as?" Ginny asked with a reproachful frown.

"Such as Neville's tasty new boyfriend," she replied with one perfectly arched black brow.

Neville's cheeks heated as he squirmed uncomfortably in his seat. "He's not my boyfriend, we've just gone out a few times, that's all."

Harry smiled at his friend as he leaned against Draco. "How is Tim?" he asked with a grin, beyond pleased that introducing Tim from Shaftesbury to Neville had ended with the two of them hitting it off.

Neville smiled through his embarrassment. "He's fine. We're seeing each other next weekend when he's home from his parent's."

Hermione leaned over Draco to speak to Harry as the rest of the table continued to tease Neville mercilessly.

"How was your check-up at St. Mungo's yesterday Harry?" she asked quietly. "It was your final one, right?"

Harry nodded, catching Draco's smile out of the corner of his eye and giving his hand a squeeze. "Yeah, still no change; my core is one hundred percent intact."

Hermione smiled. "Thanks to your soul mate," she teased with a sly glance at Draco.

Harry returned the grin, his eyes then sliding to Draco's as they shared a warm look. Any mention of "soul mates" never ceased to send Harry back to that moment at St. Mungo's on May 3rd when the Healer had given him the best news of his life…

"I don't know what to tell you Mr. Potter," the Healer said, frowning down at the chart in his hand and then glancing back up at Harry who was perched on the edge of the hospital bed, white-knuckled fingers clenched around the edge of the thin mattress. "I can't find any damage to your magical core whatsoever, it's in perfect condition. It's very strong, in fact."

Harry shook his head and looked to Draco standing next to him as though he might be able to shed some light on the situation, but Draco appeared just as shell-shocked as he was.

"But I've seen dozens of Healers since 1998 and they all confirmed that my core was damaged. Every single one of them."

"When was the last time you saw a Healer about this issue?"

Harry exhaled and thought back. "Erm… probably about three years ago."

The Healer nodded as he clutched the clipboard to his chest. "Are you sure your diagnosis was correct? It's unheard of for someone to recover from core damage."

"I know," Harry replied, trying not to sound tetchy. "But as I said earlier, I had a little duel with You-Know-Who in which my core was damaged and Healers from every conceivable country confirmed that diagnosis. I was meant to die yesterday and I obviously didn't as I am standing here talking to you and I'm fairly certain that I'm not a fucking ghost."

Draco quickly sat next to him and slipped an arm around tense shoulders.

Harry sighed as he rubbed a hand over his face. "Sorry," he apologized to the Healer. "I just want to know what's going on."

The young Healer smiled in understanding. "It's fine Mr. Potter. I didn't examine you five years ago, so I'm not sure what they saw or how extensive the damage was, but according to my very thorough examination today, there is nothing wrong with your core. It's a very simple test and you are in excellent health." The Healer then glanced at Draco. "How long have you two been together?"

Harry blinked in surprise while Draco frowned.

"Why is that important?" the Slytherin asked with the hint of a threat, thinking the man was fishing for gossip.

"Because perhaps this miracle recovery has something to do with you Mr. Malfoy."

"How could Draco have helped?" Harry asked in confusion. "He's never attempted to heal me-"

"Actually I did heal you, after the stalker attack," Draco interjected, turning to Harry.

Harry's eyes widened. "He did," he said, looking to the Healer. "He healed a large gash in my side, but how…?"

The Healer smiled a little and shrugged. "There are some people in the medical profession who believe in 'bond magic' or 'soul mate magic' if you will. In other words, the unintentional transfer of healing magic which fills in the cracks and heals the other's injuries."

Harry stared in silence for a minute before recovering enough to speak. "So… by Draco healing a simple wound in my side, he actually healed my core and saved my life?"

The Healer couldn't help but chuckle a little. "I'm not saying that that's what happened, or if that incident even had anything to do with it, but according to some it simply could've been the fact that the two of you have an exceptionally strong bond."

"And has that ever been proven before?" Draco asked, forehead creased with obvious skepticism.

"It's never been scientifically proven," the Healer admitted, "but I've seen a lot of things in my career that I can't explain with logic. It's widely known that love holds its own kind of magic, so this could quite possibly be another undiscovered effect of that power."

Harry thought back on how his mother had saved him with love when he was just a baby. Was it possible that Draco had done the same thing?

The Healer cleared his throat and raised his quill to Harry's chart. "What I would suggest Mr. Potter, is for you to schedule a series of check-ups over the next few months so that we may ensure that there is nothing else going on here and that your core is still in pristine health, if that will help put your mind at ease."

Harry nodded, relieved for a practical course of action. "I trust you'll keep this confidential?"

"You have my word Mr. Potter," the Healer promised as he scratched out some notes on Harry's paperwork before looking up. "I'll arrange it so that all of your subsequent check-ups are with me so that as few people as possible are made aware of your situation."

"Thank you." Harry exhaled, feeling a little light-headed after everything that had happened over the past forty-eight hours.

"Yes thank you Healer," Draco reiterated as he reached out to shake his hand.

"I'll leave you to it gentlemen," the Healer said with a smile as he walked to the door of the small examination room and opened it to the noisy hustle and bustle of the hospital's corridor beyond. "Have a good day."

Harry slid off of the examination table and collected his jacket as though on autopilot before finally turning to Draco. He opened his mouth but no words would come out as he stared soundlessly at his lover.

Draco's eyes softened and he threaded his fingers through Harry's. "Come on Harry, let's go home."

Harry nodded, still in shock, but began to feel a small flutter of hope within his chest...

"It's never been scientifically proven Granger," Draco was saying dryly as Harry blinked and came back to himself.

"We've proven it," Harry piped up with a cheeky grin.

Hermione shook her head. "You and your nine lives Harry Potter," she said with awe. "So is your Healer studying your case for future reference? Perhaps your situation could help others who have core damage."

Harry nodded. "Yeah he is but there isn't much he can study because he never saw my core when it was damaged, and all the Healers I saw were Obliviated, so he can only go off of my word and the fact that my core is now fully healed. There isn't much to prescribe people though because what are you going to say? Go out and fall in love with your soul mate within the next five years and then you won't die? I'm not sure it works like that, people might waste all their remaining time desperately trying to make that happen, and it isn't something you can force."

Draco squeezed Harry's hand under the table.

"That's true, but at least there's some hope now," Hermione said.

Harry nodded in agreement, meanwhile giving Draco's hand a squeeze in return. Ever since Harry's miraculous recovery, Draco had taken to maintaining some sort of physical contact with him whenever they were together. Harry didn't blame him one bit and would never deny him whatever sort of comfort he required after everything they'd been through. Truth be told, Harry welcomed the contact just as much; it was like a little reminder that he was still here and to never take that fact for granted again.

When Harry had stepped out of the Forbidden Forest that day and Draco had finally seen him, it was like time stood still as they stared at each other; a million emotions and questions flitting across both of their faces in rapid succession.

Harry smiled to himself as he grasped a pint from the centre of the table and dragged it towards him before taking a sip.

Once they'd established that he was in fact alive and not some sort of ghostly apparition, they'd held each other tightly and said things that were for their ears alone, things that never failed to warm Harry's heart when he thought back on it.

Harry shook his head and refocused on Neville, who was speaking to the group at large.

"It's time ladies and gentlemen," he announced with a cheery grin. "New Year's resolutions!"

Everyone groaned and grumbled good-naturedly as Neville began handing round the familiar coloured bits of paper.

Harry pulled the paper across the sticky surface of the table along with the offered pencil and chewed his lip as he looked down at the pale pink scrap of paper. He couldn't help but smile, he'd never thought he'd be here again; writing another one of Neville's traditional New Year's Eve resolutions. He had achieved so many things he never believed possible in the past twelve months that he didn't know if he actually had any goals left to accomplish.

As soon as Harry's trip to the Healer had tentatively established the fact that he was no longer in danger of dying, he had immediately asked Draco to move in to the Godric's Hollow cottage with him. The blond hadn't even hesitated to say yes and they'd moved his things in that very night, with Rose taking up Draco's vacated flat above the shop.

He still wasn't sure about a possible career now that he was free to think of such things, so he was happy to continue assisting Draco with his security business until he knew what it was he wanted to do with the rest of his life.

Harry grinned and quickly scribbled something down.

Neville stood and clapped his hands together to get their attention once more. "Okay, looks like everyone is ready. I'll go first," he said, opening his slip of green paper and reading aloud, "to focus on relationships more and work less."

There was a round of applause and whistles as everyone heartily agreed with his goal for the coming year. Neville had never focused on finding someone to share his life with before because he had always been so work-oriented, and it was refreshing to hear him pledge to make time for such things now.

"Luna?" Neville looked to her next.

Luna smiled and lifted her bright yellow paper, her silver starburst earrings catching the light and sparkling under her prettily curled hair. "To say yes."

"What does that mean?" Ron asked with a frown as she handed her paper over to Neville.

"Peter asked me a question earlier and I've decided to say yes," she replied serenely.

Eyes widened and everyone turned to stare at her long-time boyfriend seated next to her, looking just as gobsmacked as the rest of them.

"Really?" he said to her a little breathlessly.

She nodded with a bright smile and he threw his arms around her while everyone clapped and pounded the table in approval and excitement for their wonderfully unconventional friend.

"Okay Peter, can't wait to hear yours now," Neville said with a teasing grin.

Peter laughed, keeping one arm around Luna as he handed over his resolution to Neville. "It was to convince Luna to say yes, so I guess we've both already achieved our goals for the coming year."

Neville laughed as he placed the piece of grey paper in with the others and turned to Pansy. "Next!"

Pansy sighed heavily and with a roll of her eyes half-heartedly replied, "to humour my beloved husband and consider the idea of maybe being ready to have children, this also includes a vow to not get fat while pregnant."

Everyone laughed and Blaise patted her on the back. "I can't wait to see you waddling around Pans," he said mockingly, then ducked when Pansy attempted to swat him upside the head.

"Blaise?" Neville said next.

Blaise cleared his throat and read from his blue paper. "To get over the heartache of my last girlfriend and move on," he said with surprising candour.

Draco caught his eye and lifted his glass of wine to his friend with a nod of encouragement, knowing how heartbroken he'd been when Laura had ended their relationship a few months ago.

"Good on ya Blaise," Neville said firmly before turning to Ron.

Ron sighed. "To stop irritating my superiors at work by remembering that they have more experience than me - even if I was Harry Potter's best friend during the war."

Harry snorted with laughter. "Please tell me you don't say shite like that at work."

Ron smiled in embarrassment. "Well I never mentioned the part about being your best friend, that was Blaise. He thought it should count for something."

"Only because he's your partner and would benefit too!" Hermione countered indignantly.

"You're next Ginny," Neville said before they could start a proper row.

Ginny smiled and straightened up, purple paper held aloft. "To beat the record for most goals scored by a Chaser this season."

"Wow that would be impressive Gin," Ron said as she handed her paper over to Neville.

Ginny shrugged indifferently before taking a sip from her tall pint. "No harm in trying."

"Hermione?" Neville called on next.

Hermione smiled and glanced at her paper. "To try to remember that perfection does not actually exist, especially in motherhood, and to not sweat the small stuff," she said concisely.

"Good one," Neville said with a smile of approval as he took her paper from her. "Draco?"

Harry turned to him curiously, wondering what Draco's resolution would be. This time last year it was about working less, which he had actually taken to heart.

Draco cleared his throat, fidgeting with his little scrap of white paper. "To continue to take chances because the last one I took turned out to be the best decision of my life."

Harry swallowed thickly while rubbing his thumb over the back of Draco's hand still clasped in his underneath the table. He flashed him a smile when Draco glanced his way as he handed the paper over to Neville and the blond's cheeks tinted pink, looking slightly uncomfortable but unwavering in his open declaration.

"Harry?" Neville prodded.

Harry exhaled, pushing away the choked up feeling that was threatening to cause him embarrassment due to Draco's heartfelt statement; he'd fallen to pieces enough times in front of these people over the past eight months.

He smiled down at his own piece of paper, once again reflecting on his life since the last New Year's Eve. He still couldn't believe he'd escaped certain death - again. He couldn't believe how many times he'd wished with frustration and anger that he could continue on with his life just the way it was - and now he actually could. The euphoria it resulted in was like winning the lottery or being told that you've beaten cancer; it was exciting and unbelievable all at once.

Draco wasn't the only one who had taken a chance and come out the better for it. Harry silently agreed that yielding to Draco's request to jump in to a relationship together, despite what the future held, was the best decision of his life too.

What more could he ask for?

Harry grinned as he handed over his slip of pale pink paper to Neville.

Neville frowned in confusion, and then his frown turned into an expression of exasperation as he read what was written. "Harry!"

"What does it say?" Draco asked in amusement, glancing at Harry.

Harry looked to Neville expectantly.

Neville rolled his eyes and read aloud with a sigh, "to lose half a stone."

Everyone but Neville burst out laughing, Ginny spraying some of her drink across the table in her surprise.

"Really?" Neville said, glowering at Harry.

"Sorry," Harry laughed, leaning against Draco and holding his stomach with his free hand, "but I have yet to achieve that one. Three years running."

"Trust me, you don't need to Potter," Draco murmured into his ear with a lustful smirk.

Neville placed Harry's resolution into the folder with the others, still looking put out. Neville took his resolution tradition very seriously.

Harry took pity on him and offered to get the next round.

He glanced back at the table as he walked towards the bar to see that the group had already dissolved back into happy chatter; talking of plans for the forthcoming year, Luna and Peter's wedding, how they all overindulged at Christmas again…

Harry smiled to himself.

It was all so normal, and the thought that he could now join in with talk of the future was the best feeling in the world.