Chapter 43
Her Decision
"Well… it's great to see everyone looking so lively." Eileen's voice was a loud contrast to the silence the sitting room was currently saturated in. I was tucked into Natsu's chest; his warm arms were wrapped tight around my back, offering his comfort the only way he knew how.
From what I could tell, we had a full room. Yukino was sitting on the floor beside the chair Natsu and I had dropped into. Her head was leaning back, pressing against my thigh and the only reason I knew she hadn't fallen asleep was the slight hitches in her breath every now and then.
To the left, I could sense Erza, most likely sitting with Jellal. I had heard Ultear, Gray and Bickslow talking lowly to one another for a little bit before it slowly died down.
"I did not realise the old lost King had such an impact on all of you. Lucy and Yukino, I can understand but…" Eileen sounded puzzled, as if she had missed something along the way.
"We don't need to have a soul connection with him, to miss him. Besides, Lucy and Yukino are grieving. It's common courtesy to grieve also." Ultear's voice was a little softer, but still adorably confrontational. It was as if she didn't want to disturb anyone from their thoughts but had to explain why something was the way it was.
"I don't know how Acnologia would feel about a bunch of kid's pity-grieving him." The words left my mouth without thinking, a wry tone in my voice. I could feel eyes turn to me, where I was tucked against Natsu's chest, head hiding in his neck.
"He'd probably hate it." Yukino laughed quietly.
"Good." We both snickered, momentarily creating a bond through someone lost. And that gave me the energy to finally lift myself up. Bones in my body creaked, my power sloshing around inside my body tiredly. I rubbed at my eyes, grumbling at the tears that seemed to perpetually cling there.
Then I clapped my hands, "Alright. As much as I hate to admit it, I don't really have the time for all this at present. Natsu, I will be crying a little later and you will have to deal with it, but until then, you are carrying me around while I go about my duties."
I didn't want to admit to anyone that I was dead tired and my legs, despite having healed the wounds inflicted to them by Virgo, were very sore and weak.
He shifted me with a chuckle but his eyes were still a little dark with concern, even with an easy grin on his face. I nuzzled my cheek against his in a silent promise.
"Roger that, where are we off to first?"
I went through the lengthy check-list in my head, and decided that at the tippy top of it all was the body. But since I did not want any sort of audience for this, and I had already gotten an unwilling audience for Acnologia, I climbed onto Natsu's back in silent thought.
His warm hands wrapped around my legs and I plonked my chin on his shoulder, assigning everyone to a different job.
"Yukino, you go with Gray to Porlyuscia. We need to figure out a burial site and the details for the small ceremony."
Yukino blinked, her eyes sliding towards Gray with uncertainty, "No offence Prince Fullbuster but isn't that asking too much of you?" Gray glanced at her then at me. I gave him a soft smile, knowing that despite how painful it might be for him, he wouldn't falter.
They were in the same situation, just an entirely different sort of love.
He smiled right back, and turned to Yukino, "I would be honoured to assist you in this, Yukino."
I turned to Bickslow and Ultear next as they left, "I'm guessing you guys have some stuff to discuss with me regarding my Kingdom, and it's current… state?"
"We do have some information, yes."
"I will meet you in the grand hall in an hour to discuss it all. Until that time, have the survivors been given shelter here?"
"They have. The dragons have been very kind and hospitable to your people."
"See that it continues and give them a hand, I can only imagine how tense emotions are. Thank-you." Ultear gave my hand a squeeze before they both left. I tilted my head at Erza and Eileen, trying to remain strong even though I was currently clinging to Natsu's back.
"Well then, let's see the body then."
"She's attempting to reawaken?" I asked, tapping Natsu's shoulder to let me down. Virgo's body was tied to the floor. A horrifying, disturbing element was that she was still headless. The aforementioned head was currently sitting on a table, in the corner of the cell, looking like it had just been freshly lopped off.
"This would be the third time. The first time, her head had almost entirely reconnected before Zeref and I managed to sever it again." Erza informed me, and I shivered at the statement.
Even in death, the magic that leapt off her body and surrounded the room was bountiful and angry.
"How hard was it to behead her the first time?"
"It wasn't easy. I had no Natsu because he immediately jumped down the trench after you." I gave Natsu's hand a little squeeze, love pouring through me when he squeezed back just as gently, "Ultear was struggling against Flare. Luckily, Jackal showed up and incapacitated her long enough for me to get my sword wedged in her neck."
"She walked around with it in her neck for a bit, still throwing all that power at us." Jackal stated, walking into the room with Zeref in tow. I smiled at him, grateful to see him but still kind of numb, focusing on the facts.
"She was certainly a worthy adversary."
"Being over seven hundred years old and having six out of the seven spirit animals, you would expect she would be." I loosened my grip on Natsu's hand, walking over to her badly bruised and scarred – headless body – to observe the power a little closer.
"If she's trying to revive herself repeatedly, it's only a matter of time before she is able to do it."
"Won't keeping the head away stop the process?" Erza asked and I crouched down to Virgo's body, my mind very numb, my blood tingling.
"Cockroaches can survive without their head for weeks." I mused softly, standing up to approach her head that was on the table. Zeref snorted a soft laugh at my statement, but Eileen and Erza just watched me silently, watching me work through it.
"How do we kill a being that has enough power to withstand a beheading?"
"We take her power." Natsu stated.
"She stole the power she has to pull this off. It's entirely reasonable that if we take the stolen power, her base power is not strong enough to resurrect her."
"But how do we reclaim the power she stole and where does it go when it has no body?" Jackal asked and I nodded.
"That's true. It is safe to assume that the only reason why another Banshee beside me has not been resurrected is because Virgo stole the animal's souls and they have not been returned to the place they need to go."
"So when we reclaim the stolen power, does that mean five women will awaken as Banshees'?"
For some reason, I caught Zeref's eyes and he smiled so calmly, that I had to laugh, shaking my head. It was absolutely clear that we both had the same thought on that.
"That is not a good idea."
"So we give the power to Lucy." Eileen stated surely, as if this was a grand idea.
I shook my head again, "I don't want it. I like my lion and we get along swimmingly. Adding a bunch of barnyard animals sounds like a recipe for trouble."
"So, what do you suggest?" Jackal asked. His brows were tight with confusion, but Zeref just smiled, already figuring you the plan ahead.
Zeref finally spoke, "Princess Heartfilia, the Vapids would be happy to assist you in this endeavour."
"I just bet you would. Unfortunately, I make no agreements with Kingdoms I do not have an ironclad treaty with." I replied, reaching my hands out to beckon Natsu to me. He came willingly, grinning slightly at my statement and wrapped his arms around my waist.
He drew the darkness clinging to my body without even a flinch and I sighed happily, touching my cheek to his chest.
"I'm still confused, how do we kill her without unleashing Banshee madness on the world? And are we allowed to interfere with the plan of the universe?" Jackal asked, glancing between myself and Zeref.
"Technically, we are of the universe so if the universe is an almighty being, then it knows this path is technically on the table and that we could possibly do it." I stated, smile widening when he looked even more confused, turning his head around like a confused puppy.
"We will do it tonight. Keep the head separated and a guard in the room until then. We will need Bickslow and something to hold the animal souls in."
"Do you think it will work?" Erza asked, finally catching up to my plan.
I shrugged against Natsu, "It's entirely possible it could flop or we could pull it off. Bickslow has the ability to draw souls out of people's body. We'll have to ask about this case since its multiple souls, all with an animal aggressor linked to them, but if it works, we can store the souls safely until we agree on when and which animal soul can be released."
"It almost feels like it is tempting fate to have that much power within the hands of one Kingdom." Eileen murmured, glancing at Natsu and Zeref with an untrustworthy look and I almost laughed.
Royals always wanted more power, but what they wanted even more, was that nobody had more power than them.
"I'll handle that bit as well. We'll attempt it tonight and if it works, Natsu and Erza can toss her body into a volcano. It might cause an eruption, given a Banshee's death can cause natural disasters but…" I glanced at Natsu, who spoke up with a shrug of his own.
"As you all know, the Molten lands are built to withstand any damage lava can do. So even if the bitch's death does cause an eruption, it won't affect us and the only thing I'll probably have to deal with are hatchlings running around like drunken idiots."
I squeezed Igneel so hard that I worried I might put his back out. He just laughed, his normal warm, loud booming noise making tears spring to my eyes. He patted my head softly as I pulled back.
"Sorry for stealing your son and making him play war games with me." I sniffled, looking up into his beautiful fire-filled slitted eyes. He grinned, his red hair tied back loosely.
"Since it worked out well, it's perfectly fine. But next time, bring me along. I miss the open skies as much as the next hatchling."
I nodded, smiling up at him even though I wished there would never be a next time. Or if there was, it was a long way into the future. I moved along the table, sort of stunned to see that the only seat available was the one at the very top of the table.
I gave Ultear a puzzled look but she just seemed very amused with herself. Probably at the fact she managed to get multiple royals to sit around the table instead of at the very top. When I passed King Laxus, I halted and gave him a guilty smile.
"Sorry for stealing Bickslow, King Laxus."
"You should have kept him." He replied, a slight smile on his lips.
Once I finally reached the top and sat, I was suddenly very aware of the vertigo effect of everyone's eyes on me. I shrunk back because of it.
Natsu grinned at my obvious discomfort and I gave him a little glare before clearing my throat.
"Alright. Well. Big problems first, my Kingdom… Ultear, pitchforks and machetes?"
"More like planks of woods and tiny little butterknives Luce." She informed me dutifully, "They are all very tired and because of this, they have not begun to fully place the blame on you or anyone else… yet."
"But it will come. I left them down there, under the controlling hand of a crazed tyrannical murderous bi-" Erza covered her mouth to hide her smile as I stopped myself, realising that I couldn't backtalk… Virgo in front of a room full of royals. It wasn't just Igneel, Zeref, Eileen and Laxus here.
It was also Metalicana of the Iron Tribe, Cubellious of the Poison Tribe, Grandeena of the Wind Tribe along with Queen Mika and… King Silver.
The latter did not look pleased to be seated here, listening to a woman half of his age, and honestly his frosty glare was enough to put me a little on edge. But I had stared into the eyes of someone I truly loved and cared about, while they tried to stomp my chest in with their power.
At least his glare was the only one I was unused to. Aquarius and Scorpio were also seated towards the end near Igneel and Aquarius's look was enough to make me straighten my spine against all ridicule King Silver could throw at me.
"It is hard to predict exactly what your people will do. Many will see the late King Jude as the aggressor of this exchange, since he did let Virgo into the castle willingly. A person is smart, but people… they are stupid." Eileen stated firmly, and I nodded in agreement, even though it hurt me to admit Father had made a mistake. A flash of his body nailed to the wall passed my eyes and I took a deep breath in to stabilize myself.
"With that being said, if I ascend to the throne, I will not only experience extreme hate and fury of leading a Kingdom I killed half of, but I am a woman and I am the daughter of the King that allowed… the Banshee into his kingdom. So it does not leave me with many options as to what to do." I tapped my fingers against the table softly, watching a discussion take place of the options I could possibly do.
Igneel had the idea to do what he did when he had Natsu, to align himself with allies and let time heal the pain of it. Whilst it was a beautiful sentiment, it would take centuries to forget what I had done and the end result of it within the eyes of the public.
Eileen believed that the best plan for the future would be to split the remaining population up and dissolve the Star Lands entirely for a few years. To cleanse the area from all its past memories, to build the city and the population from the ground up.
But it left me with the fact that I would be splitting up the remaining nation away from its neighbours to force them to live in another kingdom, adjust to life there when they belonged in the Star Kingdom all along.
There were many ideas, and all had merit and logic but I had decided what to do before I even stepped foot in this room.
The only older royal who had not said anything was Zeref, and as always, his grubby little red eyes very rarely strayed off me. I felt like I was a bug under a microscope to him and he was always curious as to what I would do next.
I wasn't sure how to stop the royals from talking so I could inform them of what my decision was, but jumped when Laxus rapped his knuckles firmly against the table. It echoed way too loudly to be considered real, but it worked anyway.
"I believe Princess Lucy has something to say."
All eyes were on me again and I felt a drop of sweat slide down my spine at the intensity. Natsu chuckled. I pinned his tail to a wall using a fork, in my mind.
"While all your suggestions do fix most problems, there is one that has the widest range of succeeding and it is one I have thought long and hard of." I took a deep breath in, glancing gup at the ceiling as if the heavens would give me strength.
"I plan to abolish the monarchy within the Star kingdom altogether."
The silence was astounding, everyone completely silent in absolute shock. Natsu was the only one who wasn't surprised, as I had told him previously and we had discussed it at great length's what it meant for me and my family. He walked around the table, placing a hand on my shoulder and I gave it a soft squeeze.
"I will give up my title as the Queen of the Star lands. I haven't been appointed yet so it will be fairly easy to-"
"Throw out your power, your families' title as royalty?" Erza asked, her one eye widened in disbelief at my plan.
"I will always be royalty, Erza. Land does not dispute blood."
"But this is your ancestry home, Lucy. I fear you do not understand this decision; if you abolish the monarchy, there is no way you or your heir's can ever be appointed as rulers." Igneel's slitted eyes were creased with worry, and it made my heart ache a little at how concerned he looked at this decision of mine.
And I could understand why, when you were a royal, having children and knowing that your kingdom was going to prosper through them – and them through it – was one of the things that you were supposed to strive for.
But I was already aware of everything that I would be giving up.
I turned my head away from the table to gaze at the big windows lining the grand hall, stating softly, "A title seems little compared to the health and safety of my people."
"You will be able to keep them safe though," Gajeel surprisingly interjected, his eyebrows pinched forward, "You're a Banshee for Christ sake! If anyone even dared threaten your Kingdom, they'd pay the ultimate price."
"My people have already paid the ultimate price, unwillingly and without reason. What right have I to rule them, if it was my awakening that has caused the need for a new ruler in the first place?"
It was quiet again, and I took a deep breath in.
"Once I abolish the monarchy and my ties to the rightful ruler of the Stars, I will appoint one person who will act as ruler. They will not be royal, but a person of the people. It will become a land that is for the people, by the people, with a… ruler of some sort to act as a leader. They do not need to stay ruler for the rest of their natural born life, but it will be the peoples vote on who is next as their leader."
"And who will you appoint as your first?" Aquarius's voice demanded and for the first time I had sat down, a feeling of absolute glee rose up inside me. I slowly drifted my eyes to her, where she was sitting, glowering, practically steaming at her seat.
I knew Aquarius wouldn't be happy that I was giving up the rightful land the Heartfilian family owned, especially considering her close ties with my mother who ruled the Star Lands without complaint.
I gave her a little grin, and quirked my eyebrow at her.
Scorpio leaned back in apparent shock but Aquarius narrowed her eyes to the point where I could see my murder in them.
"Excuse me?"
"There is no-one better suited for the job."
She growled, rising up and Natsu chuckled under his breath, apparently finding my imminent demise amusing to.
"I have no desire to run a Kingdom, brat."
"It's a self-sufficient Kingdom. You just need to snarl at the right people and smile at the wrong ones. Easy."
Her left eye twitched, "Easy? This is easy?"
"You've commanded an entire castle before. This is only a little bigger."
"This is a kingdom, you ignorant little naïve child!" She huffed at me, crossing her arms over her chest, "You are not abolishing the throne. I will be by your side through-out your coronation and life to growl at any of those who feel you are not right to lead."
I smiled at her words, touched that she would put herself in that position.
Her eye twitched again, "Excuse me?"
"If you will not do it, then I will find someone else. I am not returning to the Star Lands as the Queen or anything similar. It will sadden me that it is not you as the first appointed ruler, but I understand if it is something you are unable or do not want to do."
I hid my smile and continued speaking, "I am sure that Capricorn or even Leo will be a fantastic fit as the first leader of the people-"
Her first slammed down on the table, making Metalicana and Igneel amusingly jump.
"It will be over my dead body that those two incompetent, mutant boys are in charge of the Kingdom."
"Well, I suppose Scorpio can try it out…"
Her enraged scream was the last thing I heard before she stormed out of the room with Scorpio on her heels, throwing an amused look over his shoulder at me. Once the doors slid shut, Natsu's spoke.
"She's going to suffocate you in your sleep tonight."
Ultear peeked into the room just as I was pulling off my pants.
"Can I come in?"
"Sure." I replied, throwing them on the floor. The shower was running, Natsu currently sudsy and not too happy about it. A girl dies for four days and apparently people forget to take showers.
If I wasn't so tired, I'd probably be in there with him.
Ultear sat on the bed, her eyes focused and her face thoughtful.
"What's up?" I yawned, changing into one of Natsu's shirts to sleep in. It was just past dinner and I had spent the last several hours in the meeting room, discussing a multitude of topics with all the royals.
Igneel had ran into two walls when we had departed, stating that meetings make his brain cells burn. I had laughed along with Natsu but now I was starting to agree with him.
"You ever feel like you've just closed one page of a chapter in your life and the next one is about to open?"
I grabbed the hairbrush from the vanity Natsu had brought him from his hoard room, nodding because I had that exact same feeling earlier when I had passed Acnologia's soul off to the other side.
When she didn't say anything more, I stopped dragging the brush through my hair and looked at her, a little concerned because Ultear wasn't the serious type unless it was bad news.
I opened my mouth to ask if she was okay when she cut in.
"So no more Kingdom to go home to… what's on the agenda for the great Princess Lucy?"
"Natsu and I agree that we shouldn't be rushing into things. Igneel is still sort-of young as a ruler, and I don't want to feel obligated to be popping out any heirs for Natsu. So we will stay how we are for a bit, and then get engaged." I informed her, shrugging, "We felt like it was the best option for us."
"It is. You don't want to be tied down to royal obligations and responsibilities. You've had too much of that." Her faraway voice made me frown and I hesitantly walked over to her, sitting down beside her. I touched her arm.
"Ultear, what's going on? Are you okay?"
She turned her head to me and gave me a grin, "You're such a little worrier, you know that?"
My frown increased, until it made her bark out a laugh and jump to her feet.
"I'm all about moving forward. Life is about being adventurous and jumping in with both feet, you know?" Her hands were moving all about, an excited glitter in her eyes and despite still being confused and worried, my mood brightened just like hers did.
I nodded just as Natsu came out, towel wrapped around his hips. Ultear, for once, didn't make a mischievous comment, keeping her eyes on mine.
"When I left the North, and met up with Jellal, it was all about getting him into the Knight Trials and landing that fine Fairy booty that we call Erza." I giggled at her words, nodding again, a smile on my face just from her presence here, talking to me.
"My ties with Erza and Jellal brought me along on your adventure, the one where we travel to the demon lands, deal with an angsty Banshee and practically save the world."
"Right." I laughed, as Natsu sat down beside me, watching Ultear amused and curious. I couldn't help be curious as well. It seemed like she was building up for something but I couldn't for the life of me figure it out.
"Well… I spoke to Erza and Jellal, and despite the fact their hearts are broken, they've given me leave."
"Leave?" I questioned, before clicking my fingers, "Because you're a dame and you were assigned to Jellal as his guard. Erza now, by extension because of their engagement. I didn't realise they were so formal with you wanting to have a break."
"If it was just a simple break, I wouldn't have had to apply. I could have just patted them on the back and been on my way. But this is a different sort of leave."
"Why?" I was back to being confused, a puzzled expression on her face.
"Because I'm leaving them to assign myself to another royal." She informed me, her grin wide and bright. I frowned, leaning back when she slowly got to one knee, her head lowered only slightly.
"Why are you on the floor?"
She chuckled under her breath, "Princess Heartfilia, I am Dame Milkovich. I have no romantic ties to any being, experience within many battles and I can conjure a talent that is unparalleled to any witch in this Nation."
I opened my mouth to ask her what was with the weird introduction when it clicked in my mind.
"Oh my god," I whispered, shuddering when her lips stretched into that classic Ultear smirk. It was mischievous, and beautiful and sort of promised pain in a good way.
"I, Dame Milkovich, born of the Northern Glaciers, wish to aid you in your endeavours until such time were you dismiss me. I will protect you, as if you were my own kin. I will give you company, and offer any and all of me if you require it. Do you accept my assign to you?"
"I think I'm about to pass out." I wheezed.
Ultear bit her bottom lip, stifling a chuckle, still trying to do this the proper way.
"You linked yourself with Natsu and Erza at the beginning of the adventure and they have both been shattered by your unfortunate death." Her eyes closed for a second, a brief flare of pain flickering across her face.
Then she continued, "But it's my turn now. Even if I have to tie our souls together, so close, that you sneeze and I cough, I will never sever the link we make."
"Ultear…" My eyes began to water, and I slid off the bed onto my knees in front of her.
"I want to come with you, Luce. Jellal and Erza will always be my beginning." She took a deep breath in, "But I know when one part of my life is finally fading and another is waiting for me to join it. And that's you."
I pressed my hand to her shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze, a few tears dribbling down my face.
"I, Lucy Heartfilia, Princess of No Land, accept your offer, Dame Milkovich. I promise to cherish your company, accept any and all you give me and protect you as if you were my own kin."
All done with the final chapter!
A fair few of you were interested in an epilogue so keep an eye out for that in a few days!
Just want to address this question real quick
Woah. So...Achnologia is...Lucy's father? D:
Hi Sweetie, so I feel like you missed a little bit a few chapters before? Acnologia is related to Lucy yes, but Jude is Lucy's father. I can completely understand if you forgot because of the massive time it took me to update but I don't really have the time to explain the whole plot of Acnologia/Lucy to you and how it all works. Sorry dear!
I'm hearing all the other questions as well and I promise, I will either include them in the Epilogue orrr answer them at the end!
You guys have been incredible but the journey isn't done yet
Let me know what you think
as always,
stay fresh
xo freshprincess