Synopsis: After the death of his parents, Harry is adopted by the immortal Founders of Hogwarts. With their guidance and training, his Hogwarts years go through a terrifying makeover.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor the original plot of this story. I have adopted this from my good friend, demisexualdemigod, as she is currently unable to continue it.

Warnings: Slash in later chapters, violence.

Chapter Four: Names and Beginnings

Harry smiled up at Salazar and Rowena that night.

They were, together, adopting him as their son in an ancient ritual no longer used by the mortal wizards. Of course, they had decided upon the name of both of their descendants, the Peverells, for Harry.

The ritual was short. Each of them let a drop of blood fall into a potion they prepared that morning. Harry raised the Golden Goblet to his lips, and, as the clock struck midnight, he drunk it down quickly.

He felt a slight pain as the thick liquid worked its way through his system, burning like acid. He ignored it, and everything was as it ought to be.

Harry Perevell smiled at his parents, Salazar Slytherin and Rowena Ravenclaw, bowing to them.

Rowena stepped forwards and hugged him, tears in her eyes.

"Oh, my sweet child..." She whispered. Harry hugged his mother back. "Your eyes..."

Harry looked up at her in confusion. Salazar silently lifted a mirror that he had conjured, showing the boy the changes to his appearance.

Harry's hair had grown to shoulder-length, from being cut short a few days before. His eyes had changed rather drastically, each a different colour now. His right eye had remained its dark and haunting emerald green, while the left was now a dark blue. His cheekbones were higher and his physique stronger. His skin was more tanned and his features a tad more aristocratic. His scar was visible.

Harry smiled at Salazar and at Rowena. He now understood, for Rowena could see her own daughter, Helena Ravenclaw, in his eyes, for she had similar ones. She was grieving, still.

He kissed his adopted mother's head softly. "It's alright, Rowena." He said assuringly. "If it's alright with you two, I should be getting to sleep." He continued.

Rowena nodded and released him with a choked sob.

Salazar nodded to him also and he departed silently up to his room, where Krysanthe was waiting for him.

The white and gold dragon snuggled next to him as he lay down in the large bed and Harry fell asleep to the rhythmic beating of his familiar's heart against his back.

"Krysanthe! You can't come to the Feast! You'll scare the first years." Harry Perevell said firmly.

"I'm not leaving you alone, you silly wizard." Krysanthe said firmly.


"I promise I won't fry any of them! Please!" Krysanthe was begging now.

Harry huffed at the little dragon, who now stood to about his shoulder.

"Fine. But one billow of smoke and you're in the dormitories. For a month." He said sharply, the frowning at Krysanthe, who nodded enthusiastically.

Harry huffed at his dragon and sat down petting her head. They were on Platform 9 and Harry say on the sidelines, watching the children come.

"Should we board now?" Harry asked Krysanthe.

"I guess. I'd like a seat, you know." She said, making Harry pat her head.

The two boarded the train in silence, Harry holding their two tickets and his trunk, while Krysanthe carried a small backpack on her back filled with her own personal items. She had been Glamoured to appear as a large dog to any Muggles so as not to draw in as much attention. They found a compartment at the end of the train with no occupants and went in, closing the door.

Harry was tempted to cast a Locking Spell on the door but resisted this urge and simply sat down. Krysanthe jumped up onto the seats opposite him and stretched herself out happily.

She was still a young dragon, and fit them (if a little snuggly). She glanced at him when he laughed at her and childishly stuck her tongue out.

Harry smiled and took a Muggle book out of his bag. He began reading, soon enjoying Shakespeare's Macbeth.

"Well, look what we have here. My useless older brother." He heard a voice sneer, interrupting his peaceful reading.

Harry looked up to see Jason Potter sneering at him. He was in his second year, though was flanked by two third years. He recognised the first to be Ronald Weasley, somebody he knew it wise not to trust, after years of Pureblood teachings.

Never trust anything with the name Weasley unless it's a twin. Twins were always good people to have on one's side, as their magical abilities were often heightened, though he knew the twins of the Weasley family were under appreciated.

The second third year he didn't recognise. She had bushy brown hair and ugly brown eyes of the same shade. Her front teeth were over large and she looked to be the sort to always correct everything a person says if it slightly deviates from the common conception or from her own ideals.

He made note of the fact they were both Gryffindors and held back a sigh.

What had Godric's mighty house become?

"I am not your brother, Mr Potter. Not by blood or by name." He said calmly. "Your parents disinherited me, and my own adopted me. There is nothing more to be said on the matter."

Potter sneered and whipped out his wand.

"Don't you talk down to me!" He roared.

Harry merely raised an eyebrow. Krysanthe snorted her amusement, looking at Harry.

"Can I fry him?" She asked. Harry chuckled.

"It would be wise not to." He responded in Parseltongue, if only in hopes of scaring off the annoyances pestering him. Krysanthe understood English perfectly fine, but nonetheless.

"Stop that!" Jason stuttered. Harry looked at him curiously.

"Stop what? I was merely conversing with my familiar."

"You can't have a dragon familiar." The bushy haired girl interrupted him. "Dragons are too dangerous. Plus they hate humans."

He raised an eyebrow. Krysanthe was not domesticated. How rude.

"Are you suggesting Krysanthe is not truly my familiar? For I was quite sure she was, we've been together since I was six, after all." He said.

The girl sputtered indignantly. "Well, she can't be your familiar! She must be a... A pet!"

Krysanthe growled. "I'll eat her..." She snarled, jumping down from her seat.

Harry sighed, putting a restraining hand on his dragon's back.

"I'd apologise if I were you. Krysanthe isn't fond of the idea of being domesticated." He said seriously. "She wants to eat you, and I'm not sure I shouldn't let her."

The girl's eyes widened and the Weasley boy wrapped his arm around her, going red.

"Don't you talk about her like that!" He said angrily. "You stupid cu-"

"Language." Harry reprimanded. He wouldn't admit it, but this was rather fun: tormenting the idiots who ought not to be in Hogwarts.

The Weasley boy was now as red as his hair.

The train rather abruptly stopped and three looked at each other in panic and raced back to their apartment.

"Enemies on the first day. What are we like?" Harry chuckled, stroking Krysanthe's head.

He frowned as a strange cold set in and reached for his wand.

He didn't like this.

He didn't like it at all.

He glared at the dementor as it came towards his compartment, holding out his wand.

As it entered, it loomed over him and Harry growled.

"Expecto Patronum!" He cast aloud, watching his dragon Patronus chase away the dementor in silence.

He sighed in relief, gripping onto Krysanthe's horn to keep himself calm.

She nudged a piece of dark chocolate into his lap and he slowly released her as the train began moving once more, patting her head to show his gratitude.

"What happened there?" He asked his dragon.

"I'm not sure. Write to Salazar and Rowena tonight and asked." She advised.

"I shall. Can you call Hedwig when we reach Hogwarts, please?" He requested. Hedwig was the name of his domestic Fwooper who they used to communicate outside of the Celestial Castle.

"Fine. But you owe me." Krysanthe huffed and Harry rolled his eyes at her.

"You're such a drama dragon." He complained.

"You're such a Muggle." Krysanthe retorted.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

The Founders chuckled as they watched Harry and Krysanthe from the Lake of Lands.

"This won't end well, will it?" Helga sighed, the view changing to show Jason Potter and his friends in a separate compartment with Remus Lupin.

Lupin had recently abandoned Sirius Black, his mate, and returned to the Potters. It was incredibly odd, a lycanthrope deserting his mate, for it was known to have adverse effects on both and cause a pain in the chest that did not fade until the bond was satisfied once more.

"No, it shan't." Godric sighed, sneering down at the four Gryffindors. What had become of his noble and proud house?

"Do not fear, our Harry can face whatever will be thrown at him. He is a Perevell after all, a descendant of us all." Salazar said cheerfully.

"The descendant of a murderer, a traitor, a childless mother, and widow?" Rowena sighed.

"Exactly!" Salazar smiled, then frowned. "What, no! The descendant of the greatest potion master of all time, of the fiercest warrior to ever wield a wand, of the smartest witch in all of history, and of the only magician pure enough to ever have a unicorn as a familiar!" He exclaimed. "Sure, we all had our ups and down. I betrayed you and ran off to Dumstrang. Godric killed that innocent girl. Rowena left her children in the war. Helga saw her husband killed. But we all survived! We sorted it out. I came back to you and made amends. Godric found the Holy Grail and turned it into the Goblet of Fire! Rowena created her diadem and reconnected with her surviving daughter until Helena's final days. Helga found Gwyr and found this place. We became the greatest and most powerful witches and wizards in all of the Earth!"

"We did! And we raised Harry to be better than any of us." Helga smiled.

"And better than all of us combined." Godric put in.

"And definitely of that Lord Snakeface." Rowena chuckled.

"Stop using my old nickname for that bastard!" Salazar growled, making the other Founders laugh, their mood and optimism restored.