Hey Guys! This is going to be a longer chapter so heads up!

I Don't own Fairy Tail!

Natsu's P.O.V

-4 months later-

"Hey Happy!" I call grabbing the Exceed's attention. "Let's go on a Mission with Luce! We haven't seen her in a while!" I called. "Aye sir!" Happy responds picking me up and flying us to Lucy's apartment only to be greated by the Landlady as we crash through the window. "Are you here for Lucy?" She asks softly. We nod, "I'm sorry I have to tell you this but she died. 4 months ago." Within seconds I was out the door and to the guild. Lisanna glared at me. "Know who it is yet?" I nodded feebly starting to cry . "She left you a letter" makarov whispered walking up "you too Happy." We read our letters and fell on the ground crying.

'Why ya crying Flame Brain?" Gray asks "Well lets… The girl I love is dead, and none of us, her family realized she was gone." I growl ( Sarcasm : Overflowing) "What are you talking about? Every member is here. No one is gone." Gray replied. I grab him by the collar pulling him up. "Where's your little sister?" I scream. Gray's face pales and he looks around franticaly not seeing her anywhere. Tears start to slip dowen her cheeks. "Tell me this is a joke! Tell me shes alive Natsu!" Gray cried. At this point the entire guild was looking around confused. Erza (Who had been listening the whole time) reealized who we were talking about. She fell of her barstool sobbing. "Tell me it's a lie! She can't be dead! Lucy can't be Gone!" Erza wailed. The guild paled and started crying.

"It's far to late" Lisanna spat "She's dead and it's your fault." Happy looked at his friend "No It's not!" he yelled. Lisanna began to laugh like a maniac. "Don't you get it?" Lisanna giggled her laughter taking ona dark tone "It was suicide." The entire guild froze "She had left without saying goodbye to her real friends. I was worried so I followed her. I found her just in time for her final moments. Her last words to me were 'It's not your fault'. For eight months you all ignored her and now it's too late for forgiveness." She continued. 'Where's the grave?" I whimpered. "You don't get to know!" Wendy hissed "The most unknown thing about healing magic is that I can feel people's emotions. So every time I healed her I could feel her pain. It'll be a miracle if she will ever smile again after this.I had come home from a mission to find out that my beloved sister was dead from my guilds stupid that into consideration."

-Timey- wimey time skip : 6 years 8 months-

No One's P.O.V

A cloaked figure walked into the guild, catching everyone's attention. A dark blue blur tackled them to the ground seconds after arriving. Lisanna and Master realizing who it was went and hugged the figure. Wendy inhaled the person's scent. "You smell like…. Grandeeney?" Wendy continued. "And Metalicana," gajeel continued stepping towards the person. "Don't forget Igneel!" Natsu added. "But of course, I trained with them after all!" The person cheered. Wendy gasped and shrieked "I WAS RIGHT!" She started dancing on the table. The guild looked on in shock, she hadn't been this happy since Lucy's death. "Yes my dear, Wendy, you are the Queen of Dragons as you know, Lisanna is the Queen of Mythia, and Mavis is the Queen of Fairies." Mavis shrugged and Wendy nodded while Lisanna… She was in shock but agreed anyways. Lisanna pouted at the stranger and pulled her hood down revealing blonde hair in Mavis's style with Rainbow bangs as well as kaleidoscope eyes."You said you wouldn't stay dead for long!" She screeched. "DEAD!?" the guild screamed. "Sorry being queen of all is harder than I thought." the stranger muttered. "I know right!" Wendy yelled "I mean being a dragonslayer is hard enough, but i'm a kid and a queen! Its frustrating." Everyone but Lisanna master, Mavis and the Stranger's jaw dropped."We missed you Nee-san" Wendy whispered. "SISTER!?" the guild screeched. Wendy's new found sister let out a musical laugh. Mira's eyes flashed with recognition and she ran and tackled the stranger in a hug. "I missed you L-" Mira sobbed. Wendy's sister pushed her off with a soft "I know" she turned to the new-found queens "We're having a meeting we'll see the guild in a week!" Wendy yelled and followed the stranger with Lisanna and Mavis following her.


Sorry this took so long to get out!