So my current objective was to steal more treasure keys and hopefully ruin Raleigh's operation at the same time. Sounded fun. The first stop I made was the boat's engine room. Bentley told me that all I had to do was follow a crankshaft to its source to find the treasure key… not to mention sabotaging the place at the same time. A climb here, knocking some guards out there and avoiding fire and electricity over and over and over again, I found the treasure key and made it out of there in one piece.

I then went to Raleigh's treasury where he stored most of his valuables. Bentley said that there would be tighter security and he was not kidding. Not only were there more lasers, a skeleton shot lasers that followed me around as I had to run through a maze of lasers. After that, I had to jump over lasers while jumping from lily pad to lily pad and then dodge searchlights to get the treasure key there. Talk about overkill.

I finally had three treasure keys, but I decided I may as well get all the treasure keys in the immediate area so I snuck into the power source room for the storm machine. To say it was hot down there would have been an understatement. To make a long story short, I dodged fire again and destroyed things to get the treasure key there. I quickly stashed the key in my bag and hightailed it out of there while dodging the same obstacles again.

My last stop in this area was the library and I quickly learned the security gimmick there when a couple of rats approached nearby globes. As soon as they were close enough, guns popped out of the globes and shot the rats with darts. I wasn't in the mood to become a raccoon pincushion, so using the power of a nearby barrel, I was able to avoid everything the library had to throw at me and grabbed the 5th treasure key.

With 5 treasure keys in hand, I unlocked the cage around the power generator and smashed it into a million pieces, allowing me to get go through the tube. As soon as I was on the other side, Bentley called and said, "Astonishing! All my calculations led me to believe you would fail to knock out that generator!"

"Never was good at math," I replied.

"Well, here's a real test for you…" said Bentley. "I've found a way up to Raleigh's hide-out, but unfortunately, it is doomed to failure."

I looked around and noticed a heavily locked down cannon.

"You're not going to tell me I have to shoot myself out of that cannon?" I asked.

I'm afraid that's the only way," said Bentley.

"Now you're talking!" I said, excited by the thought.

"You're really scaring me, man," Bentley said in a disturbed tone. "Anyway, to get inside that thing, you have to steal all 7 of Raleigh's treasure keys."

"So what are waiting for?" I asked. "You show me those 'holo-whats-its.'"

"You mean my holograhhic markers?" asked Bentley.

"Yeah, yeah," I continued. "and I'll swipe whatever It takes to get shot out of that cannon and steal back my family's Thievius Raccoonus."

I only needed 2 more keys. The next place I went to was a place filled with wrecked ships. Apparently Raleigh doesn't just steal from ships, he steals the entire ship too. There were guards and laser security there but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. I grabbed the treasure key and prepared to snatch the final key.

Unfortunately, I do not have fond memories of getting the final key. To get the key, I had to commandeer a submarine and dove into a secret room where Raleigh acquires his sunken treasure. I saw the key on top of the rock in the middle of the room but Bentley told me that I needed to shoot all the treasure chests that fall down here to get it. Sounded easy enough, until I realized that I also had to keep Raleigh's crabs from taking any of them also. I had so many close calls, but I persevered and grabbed the final treasure key. A quick note: If I had the choice to do that again… I wouldn't do it.

Now that I had all 7 treasure keys, I unlocked the cannon and aimed it at Raleigh's blimp. I then jumped inside and fired myself up to the blimp. It was finally time to meet one of the five who killed my father and stole the Thievius Raccoonus.