Red Eyed Hero

By draconianerror

Hey guys I've recently started to binge read Boku no Hero Academia crossovers with Naruto. And sadly my one of my favorite characters from Naruto isn't in any. But fear not readers I will remedy this. Also I have not abandoned my other story Remnants Cyborg. I just have a bunch of other story ideas that I want to write before I forget. I've decided to start working on them before I go back to working on my other story.


"I will love you, always" I said to Sasuke as light erupted from my body, signaling the end of Kabuto's Edo Tensei. As I began to dissolve and return to the afterlife, I thought of how I acted towards Sasuke. 'If I had told him the truth then maybe he wouldn't have ended up like this' I said to myself, referring to how he wants to destroy our village.

One of my biggest regrets in life was not telling my brother the truth about the Uchiha massacre. During my time as an Anbu captain I served as a double spy for our village, Konohagakure against my clan, the Uchiha.

After the Nine-Tailed Fox attacked our village people began looking at the Uchihas in suspicion, believing that we orchestrated the attack that took so many lives including our village leader, the Yondaime Hokage. Seeing that I was in a high ranking position, my father asked me to spy on the Village. Not wanting a civil war to break out I relayed the information to the Sandaime Hokage and he in turn asked my to spy on my father and the clan. Tension kept rising within the clan against our village. Eventually my father and the clan elders decided to throw a coup against the Hokage. My friend Shisui Uchiha was going to use his Kotoamatsukami Jutsu to control the clan elders and prevent their coup.

Unfortunately, things did not go according to plan.

One of the Hokage's advisors, Danzo Shimura, attacked Shisui and stole one of his eyes. Unable to use his Jutsu, Shisui entrusted his remaining eye to me before committing suicide. Danzo then approached me and gave me two choices: Kill my entire clan and spare my brother, or allow the clan to commit their coup and they will all die. I chose to protect my brother so I was forced to kill off the clan.

I wish things could've been different and I wish I had trusted Sasuke enough to reveal the truth to him. It's my fault he's on this path now.

I spared one last glance towards Sasuke as I finished dissolving.


It was night time in Japan. The roads and streets were silent, almost completely void of people. While lights illuminated the streets and roads of said city, the darkness of alleyways and back roads were left untouched by the light. This was the purpose of hero's, to shine as bright beacons of hope combating the forces of evil. Speaking of heroes, a goggle wearing underground hero was currently patrolling the city after hearing of suspected criminal activity in one of the warehouses close to the beach.

Shouta Aizawa, aka "Eraser head" was silently sneaking towards the building in question. Using the shadows and alleys to remain unseen, the hero made his way to the side of the building, where a ventilation shaft was placed. The underground hero, using his capturing weapon as a pseudo grappling hook, hoisted himself up to the air duct. After unscrewing the vent and crawling inside he could hear faint voices under him. Spotting a vent in the air duct, Aizawa crawled over to it and began watching the villains from above. From what he could tell, he was directly above a medium sized office. Quickly surveying the room he spotted four villains with unknown apparel also gave no clue as to what quirks they possess, their identity, or even their of the people were wearing silver skull masks and loose black robes, while the final person, (presumably the leader), was wearing a golden skull mask and a loose white robe and. Just next to them were three girls bound to chairs.

'Damn, they have hostages. I have to plan this out carefully. Wait aren't…aren't these the kids that went missing after they toured U.A?'

The three hostages appeared to be middle school students judging by their apparel. One of the girls had pink skin, pink hair, and yellow horns. The second girl was pretty tall and had black hair with bangs to the right and has a large spiky ponytail. The final girl had dark teal hair tied in a bow and had a frog-like appearance.

'I just need an opening'..

But for now he continued to watch, not wanting to endanger the girls any more than necessary. Hearing the door knob turn his eyes immediately shot over towards the sole entry point of the room. At that moment a cloud of lightning and a young man wearing a cat mask entered the room.


Itachi POV Sometime Earlier

I was prepared to return to the afterlife when Kabuto released his Jutsu. At least I was able to see my brother one final time. I opened my eyes expecting to see my parents, Shisui, and other fallen ninja but I was astonished with what I saw.

Not only was I alive, but I was in the body of my 15 year old self again. I was wearing my old Anbu Uniform with my white porcelain cat mask strapped to the side of my head and tanto holstered on my back. 'I need information. I have to figure out where I am' I said to myself, pushing my astonishment to the side. Looking around I noticed I was in the dead end of an alley. With my honed senses I felt a person approach me from behind. I quickly slipped my mask on as I turned around. I was greeted with the sight of a lightning cloud in the shape of a man.

"Hehehe, what's wrong kid are you shocked. Sorry kid, I can't have you reporting me to any heroes so I'm gonna have to kill yea. And what's with the mask heheI bet you have an embarrassing quirk. I guess that's why you wear a mask. "The cloud mocked me raising its hands to attack.

I quickly went through a series of hand seals before raising my hand to my mouth and yelling "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu". To my surprise the technique didn't activate and actually I didn't feel any Chakra in my body either.

"HAHAHA kid you're so funny. I bet your one of those quirkless losers." The cloud stammered out as it drowned in its own laughter.

'Quirk' I said to myself noting that the word is of importance. 'Okay, I can't fighting him with Taijutsu and my Ninjutsu aren't working. I guess I'll try the Sharingan and hope I can place him in an illusion.'

'Sharingan' I said in my mind upon activating the Dojutsu. After activating the ocular technique I felt a faint itching sensation in my eyes. Glancing into a puddle on the ground I noticed that I had my Mangekyō Sharingan active and my vision wasn't deteriorating. 'That's good. I need a viable way of fighting besides with Taijutsu now that I don't have any Ninjutsu. But how can I use the Sharingan If I don't have any chakra?'

After the lightning cloud finally finished laughing he began to speak, "That was the funniest thing I've seen all day. A quirkless kid pretending to be something he's not". Apparently it was to dark for him to see my eyes transform.

As he walked closer to me he began to notice that my Sharingan was active. Chortling with laughter "haha, so you do have a quirk! But all it did was change your eye color. Hahahah. What a usel-"



Tsukuyomi Dimension

(Warning Torture Scene)

"W-what is this?" The cloud questioned, shocked. His body was somehow crucified to a cross floating above a lake. Looking around only added to his confusion. The man saw a blood red, cloud filled sky, with swarms of crows flying about, and an ominous black moon shining through the clouds. Glancing downwards he finally noticed me standing on the water staring at him.

"You wish to know what this is?" I asked. "This is my world. Here, I am god and I can do whatever I wish. Tell me what I want to know and I'll consider sparing you."

"Haha very funny kid. I'm made of lightning you can't do anything to hurt me." The man replied with false bravado.

"We'll see." And with that I pulled a katana seemingly out of midair and stabbed it into his right thigh.

"AGHHHH"!" He howled out as I sheathed the blade into his thigh

"You're going to answer my questions" I droned out.

"Fuck yo... NGGHMM" He grunted as I drove another blade into his left pectoral.

"I can keep going all day" I mention, unfazed by the pain I'm inflicting as I pierce his abdomen with another blade.

Gasping out in pain he wheezes out "I.. I'm n..ot"

I spent the next forty minutes turning the lightning cloud into a pincushion. Using my control over the illusion, I blocked the man from taking solace in the sweet embrace of unconsciousness. I also precluded him from dying by warping his mind with the jutsu. I paused a moment to take a step back and admire my handiwork.

His appearance was something from a macabre horror film. A katana was lodged into his right eye socket, with a steady stream of lifeblood dripping from the hole. The man's abdomen and chest became the new home of seven more identical katanas. The joints of his arms and thighs also became the sheaths for similar bladed weapons.

"Ple..s stop I'l.. l ta…lk" The man croaked out as he finally broke under the pain.

After numbing his mind to ignore the pain and waiting a few minutes I asked my first question. "Where am I?"

"You're in Japan" he responded respectfully, not wanting to go through that hellish torture again.

'hmm I've traveled all over the Elemental Nations and have never heard of a place called 'Japan'. The architecture here is similar to Ame but exponentially more technologically advanced'

"What jutsu are you using?"

"Huh a Jutsu. No this Is my Quirk Lightning Body. It gives my body the composition of a lightning cloud and allows me to create electrical attacks"

"Who do you work for? You mentioned a hero before what is that?"

He hesitated before speaking "Umm I'm a part of a villain gang we use our quirks to commit all sorts of crime. Heroes are the polar opposite of us. They protect the innocent and hunt down us villains."

'hmm interesting but I wonder If they have anything like the Ninja Academies in the Elemental Nations.' I mused before asking my next question.

"Where do you go to become a hero or a villain?"

"Well heroes attend training schools to train their quirks and brush up on other knowledge. Then after that they make a name for themselves by fighting villains. Villains on the other hand just do whatever pleases them."

I quickly reviewed the newly acquired information 'Apparently I am in a completely different world, one that is in a constant struggle between good and evil. Teenagers attend high schools to train their 'quirks' and to become heroes. 'Quirks', these are abilities that could be described as 'Bloodline limits' in nature. They are powerful, hereditary abilities that allow the user to perform amazing feats. I also learned of why the lightning man had to kill me. He's a member of a villain gang and if he was captured then the whole gang could be caught.'

"I wish to meet this villain gang. You will take me there and I will spare you." I commanded, fully intent on taking them down.

"Y-yes please just don't hurt me anymore" He cried out fearfully.


After releasing him from the illusion,he escorted me to a large, gray warehouse near the beach. "I'll m-make sure to put in a good word about you to the boss." The cloud stuttered out in palpable fear, with the vision of the torture fresh in his mind. I just nodded in thanks as we walked closer to the doors.

Upon reaching the doors the cloud knocked on the door at seemingly random intervals and with varying degrees of strength. Noticing my odd look he replied, "I knocked 'Open Up' In Morse code. Pretty smart, right?"

'That's actually ingenious' I thought surprised as the door began to open automatically. The cloud then led me into the warehouse.

As we walked through I noticed that there weren't any gang members but I decided to stay silent about it. After walking through a maze of crates we finally made it to the office. Upon entering, the first thing I noticed were three girls (one of which appeared to be submerged in what appeared to be the water prison Jutsu from the neck down) that were gagged and bound to chairs. All three of the girls were wearing different school uniforms.

Oddly enough the girl that was submerged in the water had pink skin and short, messy pink hair with horns protruding from her forehead. Her eyes bore an odd resemblance to the Sharingan (in color not design), they had black sclera and yellow irises. The girl appeared to be exhausted but it was unknown to me if it was from physical or emotional exertion.

But after working with Kisame I was relatively unphased by her apperence.

The second girl looked more mature both facially and physically then the other two girls. Her hair was pulled into a spikey ponytail, leaving only a small bang framing the right side of her face. The girls face was contorted in anger, either from getting captured or not being able to fight back without risking the others safety.

The final girl appeared to be around the same height as Sasuke when I defected from the leaf. So she was around 150cm (4' 9"). She had long dark teal hair that was tied in a bow on her back. With large hands, wide eyes, and a broad mouth the girl looked frog-like in appearance. Despite being held hostage she seemed calm, as if somehow knowing they would receive help soon.

Standing around the girls were three people wearing silver skull masks and black robes. In the corner of the room stood a villain garbed in a white robe and a golden skull mask. Judging by the outline of their bodies, they appeared to be young adults.

'What the hell is this? He never said anything about hostages.' I ranted internally. With the new revelation I quickly came up with a plan to secure the safety of the girls, while defeating the villains.

"Rai, who is the kid?" A male voice growled out.

Turning to the person wearing the golden mask the lightning cloud replied, "W-well Death, I attacked this kid on the street and found out that he has a powerful quirk. One strong enough to knock out most heroes. I thought it would be a good idea if we recruit him. H-he could have easily killed me."

Wanting for things to go smoothly, while simultaneously gleaming information about the enemy I cast a subtle Tsukuyomi on the gang members (minus rai) to make me seem trustworthy. Almost immediately afterwards I felt a pain in my eyes, like they were overused. I quickly shut them off not wanting to cause any self-injury.

"Hmm, interesting…" The leader said, giving me a once over. "Let me introduce you to the Demon Skull gang, hence why we're dressed like this. I am Death and the three over there are Tsunami, Zero, and Jäger." He said while pointing towards the other members. Zero waved at me, Jäger crossed his arms, and Tsunami had her hands on the pink girl's shoulders for some reason.

Upon closer inspection of the three I noticed they had markings on the forehead of their masks indicating who's who. Tsunami had a wave, Jäger had a bullet, and Zero had a circle. I took this new knowledge in stride. "Alright, nice to meet everybody. You can call me Neko."

The leader nodded before speaking, "So I'll quickly brief you on what's going on. We used to have over 30 members in our gang but most of them have been caught by heroes. The only members remaining are Me, Rai, Tsunami, Zero, Jäger, and now you. Our plan is to separate the hostages and demand the release of three of our strongest members." Noticing my incredulous look he explained. "All Might had to fight them because none of the other heroes were strong enough and after the fight All Might passed out. With the eight of us we should be able to break out the rest of the gang. And if they refuse to hand over our two members we'll start torturing the hostages to show we mean business. If worst comes to worst we kill one of the hostages and use the other two as a bargaining chip. After all the heroes can't save all three girls at once".

"If we're going to work together I should probably tell you about my quirk. My quirk enables me to put people in realistic illusions, so realistic that I can overload their brain and kill them." I said.

For the first time Jäger spoke in a gruff, masculine voice, "That's pretty badass, kid. My quirk allows me to have pinpoint accuracy and enhanced perception." He then threw twenty four pennies into the air and slowly pulled out two silenced pistols. A fraction of a second later twelve shots were heard from both pistols. Each of the bullets hit their target making the pennies spin wildly in the air. Before any of the coins hit the ground Jäger rushed forward grabbing all of them with one hand.

"Show off…" Zero muttered before excitedly adding, "Hey new guy, you can call me Zero or Senpai! My quirk enables me to create portals that allow for instantaneous travel, but I'm the only person able to handle the strain of traveling through them. I can also put objects through my portals." He finished as he opened a red human sized portal and pulled a katana out.

'This guy reminds me of Madara both in personality and abilities'

"You're annoying, Zero." Tsunami stated in a monotone as she continued to hold the pink haired girl's shoulders. From the sound her voice I could tell she was a female. "My quirk allows me to control water. This girl can secrete acid so as a safety precaution I've formed a water barrier on her skin so that her acid won't burn through the ropes."

Then finally it was the head honcho's turn. "My quirk allows me to speed up time in a specific area. "My quirk allows me to cause speed up time in a specific area. For example if I threw a knife at you I could manipulate it's time and cause it to hit you the instant it left my hand. I can also manipulate people's time through touch and age them so fast they turn to dust." Death said as his hands glowed a sickly yellow-green.

"You already know about my quirk." Rai said looking at me. "It grants me a body made of lightning. I can alter my density to transform into a cloud of electricity and can also manipulate any electricity around me."

"Unfortunately we don't have any spare uniforms. So-"

"Oh it's alright I didn't want one anyway." I said, cutting Death off.

Jäger uneasily replied, "What the hell are you talking about, kid? You have to wear it. It shows that you're in the gang. The only exception is Rai and that's because he can't."

"Oh and when did I say I wanted to be a part of this gang?"

At this everybody looked at me wide eyed, the hostages included. "Then why did you come here?" Tsunami asked concerned as she stopped touching the pink haired girl to move closer to me.

"Because I want to be a hero."

And with that the room erupted into chaos. The gang members immediately prepared to attack and the girls had a glimmer of hope in their eyes.

Jäger immediately drew his guns and unleashed a torrent of bullets at me with the intent to kill. Time began to slow as I activated my Sharingan and I expertly wove through the storm of lead. As I drew my tanto ready to strike him Zero suddenly appeared in my path, katana in hand.

"This is no way to treat your Senpai!" He screamed out trying to cleave me in two. I blocked an overhead slash with my blade but before I could counter he stepped into a red portal and appeared behind me. I blocked his blow again but was then sent careening through a wall by a violent surge of water. The powerful stream of liquid threw me all the way to the middle of the storage area. Looking around while still laying prone on the ground I noticed that shipping containers were in a "U" shape around me. The only direction I could move was forward, into the arms of my enemies. The only direction I could move in was forward, into the arms of my enemies.

'This isn't working. Tsukuyomi is too tiring to use and they'll expect that. If I can't hit everybody with it I'll be screwed.' I thought getting up. Looking forward I saw a gigantic wave approaching my position. I crouched down preparing to jump over it. But then it glowed a sickly lime green hue and gained a tremendous amount of speed. In slow motion I witnessed the wave looming overhead. 'Please let this work' I said to myself as my eyes began to strain themselves.


Death POV

Stepping out of the office Tsunami, Zero, Rai, Jäger, and I watched in silence as the cat masked teen was about to be crushed by the wave. "Good riddance." Tsunami said while she watched the traitor die. Inches away from being crushed he did the impossible. He used a second quirk.

"What the hell is that?" Jäger questioned as we watched a gigantic red ethereal rib cage materialize around the teen, shielding him from harm. Even after Tsunami finished her attack It continued to grow in size. Gaining two arms and a head, the skeleton looked like something out of a hellish movie. After the skeletal limbs formed it continued to grow and soon manifested armor, and gained a second right arm. The skeletal figure also gained a shield made of the same red aura in its left hand and a sake bottle one in its right hands.

"Shit. Rai, Tsunami, let's go with the combo attack." I commanded, observing the teen's power.

Nodding back to me in confirmation, Tsunami shot a pressurized stream of water at the masked teen. Rai, seeing Tsunami's actions, created a similar beam made of lightning. The two attacks soon melded into one as they flew towards their target.

"Now you die kid!" I yelled raising my hand. The beam of electrified water soon radiated a familiar lime green color. In an instant the combination attack began drilling into the auric titan's shield. Within a minute the shield was pierced but before the main body suffered the same fate it was dispersed by the teen as he sidestepped the beam.

The teen appeared to be gasping for breath and holding his eyes in pain. 'This is our chance' I thought smirking as the gang and I advanced on the boy.


Itachi POV

'Shit, somethings wrong with my eyes. They burn like hell but my vision isn't deteriorating like before. I think there's also a timer on my abilities because I can't access Tsukuyomi or Susanoo now. Wait if I can still use Tsukuyomi and Susanoo does that mean I can use my other Mangekyō ability-.'

"Well well well, not so tough are you now, kid." Death stated arrogantly as him and his posse walked towards me. At that moment I made up my mind.


Suddenly the gang members found themselves standing in the middle of a black ring of fire. Seeing their predicament Tsunami tried to douse the flames with her water but it was for naught.

"These flames are the hottest flames from hell. They'll burn for seven days and seven nights unless I put them out. The flames will melt anything they touch. So give up."

"How dare you make a fool out of me! I'm your Senpai, damnit, and how the hell do you have THREE quirks? Whatever, it doesn't matter." Zero said before making a portal. However before he could use the portal to attack me it fizzled out of existence. Everybody besides me looked dumbfounded at this.

"Thanks for the assist." I said seemingly to the shadows, "Are the girls safe?"

"Yeah. I had them hide until we're done fighting someone." Someone replied while walking over to us. From the shadows appeared a man donning golden shutter goggles, a gray scarf, a black long sleeve shirt and black pants.

"Yo-You You're Eraserhead…" Death stuttered out.

"Yup." He drawled out before leaping into the fray. Within no time Eraserhead and I knocked out all the villains and tied them up.

"Good job kid, but how did you know I was here?" The Pro Hero asked me as we walked towards the office.

"I sensed you in the vent above me. I realized you were a hero so I drew them away from the girls so you could save them"." I replied.

'This kid. He has an incredible amount of potential. His quirk also revolves around his eyes like mine. Hmm, All Might has been searching for a protégé, maybe it's time I get one too.' thought Eraserhead.

As we stepped into the office through the hole in the wall I noticed the girls were gone. "Hey Eraserhead, what happened to the girls?" I asked.

Upon hearing my comment the three girls in question fell out of the vent. After taking a few moments to untangle themselves they got up and addressed their saviors.

"Hello, my name is Asui Tsuyu but you can call me Tsuyu." The teal haired girl stated, smiling slightly. "We saw a portion of your battle outside before we hid. You're incredibly strong!"

I smiled in response, "I'm just glad I was here to help."

Then the pink girl was the next person to speak, "Hiya! My name's Ashido Mina. Thank you so much for saving us! I thought we were going to die…" She said before breaking down, crying.

To her surprise I gave her a hug to calm her down. "Shhh, its okay your safe now." I consoled her. The girl composed herself in a few moments, before we broke apart.

The final girl then walked up to me. Looking at the ground in sadness she said "My name is Yaoyorozu Momo. Thank you for saving us."

"Hey are you alright? Did they hurt you?" I asked concerned with her behavior.

"No, but I couldn't do anything! My quirk lets me create any object I know how to make yet I was powerless against them! And you look like around the same age as us and you almost single handedly took them out."

"That's not true at all. I was struggling against them until Eraserhead jumped in. I've been fighting villains with my quirks since I was a kid so have a lot of combat experience. Plus if you did something they might have hurt one of the others. That's why I brought them outside the office."

Her eyes then lit up in realization as I was right and she smiled at me before replying. "Yeah, your right. Thanks for cheering me up."

"Hey can you take off your mask? What's your name?" Mina asked me.

"Nope it's a part of my hero costume. But my name is Uchiha Itachi." I replied before turning to Eraserhead.

"Hey, when will the police get here to detain the villains and help these girls?" I asked the hero.

"They should be here soon. Afterwards I would like to have a word with you when everything gets squared away."


After making sure the girls got home safely and that the villains were detained Eraserhead brought me to a nearby park. We would've stayed there at the warehouse to talk but we were being hounded by reporters.

"So kid how old are you" the?" The Pro Hero asked as we walked through the park.

"I'm 15."

"How would you like to attend U.A. high school and be my apprentice?"

'U.A... from what Rai told me during our 'talk', that's supposed to be one of the most prestigious hero schools. It would be beneficial to take his offer' I thought to myself.

"I would like that but I want to take the entrance exam. But there's something you have to know about me."

I then proceeded to show Eraserhead (whose name I found out was Aizawa Shouta) my past life and how I got here with my Tsukuyomi. After showing Eraserhead my life I had expected him to be distrustful and disbelieving towards my plight. Especially since I was technically a criminal (despite working as a double agent). The response I got: "Normally I would call you crazy but I know a hero capable of creating black holes, not to mention that one of the villains we captured could create portals for instantaneous travel. So your origin isn't that far-fetched. And while you were a criminal you became one to protect the village and your brother."

"Well Anyway there are nine months till the entrance exams but based on your past life I doubt you would have problems studying for the academic portion. But we can still spar and prep you for the combat portion. After all it's best to learn your limitations now so you can overcome them." Shouta said to me.

"Alright Sensei, when do we start?" I asked.

"How about now"."

With that we took our respective combat stances and rushed towards each other.


So in this fic I decided to just give Itachi his Sharingan and Mangekyō Sharingan because even as a kid he was op as hell. He was a member of the Anbu unit at age 11 for crying out loud! (I may end up putting a timer on his Mangekyōbut as of now I am unsure about it) Anyway next chapter I plan on having a brief training arc before the hero exam. As for parings I'm kind of stuck between Tsuyu, Mina and Momo. So yeah tell me whatcha think about the chapter.