It would have been a beautiful night in celadon city if it wasn't for Team Rocket who was trying to catch the Latias that was in town, if it wasn't for a supposed Team Magma and Team Aqua who had a satellite that spotted the Lati in the city. The Latias was flying around trying to find an exit while trying to keep her hatchling safe.

It took her five minutes to reach the Docks but found that it was heavily guarded. After a few seconds of staring she turned around and flew through the alleys till she saw ran into a female trainer. Thinking this trainer was an enemy she made sure that her hatchling would be safe if she had to fight.

The trainer then put her hands up in the air. "Woah I'm not here to hurt you" said the trainer. "Do you need any help?" She asked.

The Lati thought for a second while it just stared at the trainer before giving the trainer one chance. Just as the Latias was starting to let her guard down a little an explosion three blocks away made her turn around, before she quickly looked back to the trainer and using psychic to gently hand her hatchling over to the trainer. "Make sure my hatchling is safe, I will keep them busy as long as I can" said the Latias.

The trainer was shocked not only did the Lati hand her what she was protecting and trust her, but could talk. She looked at the Lati. "My name is Delia, and I will keep your young safe. May I know your name as to tell him or her about their real mom when they grow up?" Asked Delia.

Nodding the Lati smiled. "My name is Angel" the Lati said before taking off to distract the teams while her young and he trainer got out safety.

Delia looked down at the bundle in her arms before running towards the exit to the city. Once she was near she noticed that there were two team rocket members standing there bickering. One was a male with short blue hair, and the other was a long red haired woman, both of which looked no older then 18.

"Come on Jessie we should be helping the others" said the blue haired male.

"No James we were ordered to stay here in case the target tries to leave" said Jessie.

Delia was walking towards them as to try to get past them without starting a battle. Jessie and James looked at her and the bundle thinking it's just her baby before letting her through. Delia then started running till the city was on the horizon before calling out her Charizard. "Chabela please take me and this little one home safely" said Delia earning a nod from the charizard.

Chabela then picked up Delia, who was still carrying the bundle, and took off at a safe pace towards Pallet town. While her charizard was flying she decided to take a peek at the bundle she was carrying and saw a black and white Latios looking at her with its honey brown eyes.

An hour later just outside the Ketchum house

Chabela landed right outside the hose letting Delia off before Delia recalled her starter and ran to Professor Oaks lab. "Professor I'm going to need help" said Delia as she went up to the professor who looked at her confused.

"What's wrong Delia?" Asked Professor oak.

"I was entrusted with a newly hatched baby pokemon during a raid by team rocket in celadon city and well it's a Pokemon not from this region" said Delia in a panic.

The professor then moved the blanket carefully as to see what pokemon she could be entrusted with. Once the blanket was moved his eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. He then lead Delia and the baby back into the lab. "Delia this is a legendary Pokemon and I don't really know what the name of it is, but know that they have never been seen outside of the Hoenn region. If you seen one in celadon and that she trusted you with her young then something happened in hoenn for her to come here and leave her hatchling in the care of a human" said Oak.

Delia then looked at the bundle before looking at Professor Oak. "Well can you help me raise him and keep him safe?" Asked Delia earning a nod from the Professor.

Delia then went home and laid the baby Pokemon on her bed before kneeling down and praying to Mew and Arceus to change him into a human for as long as possible to keep him safe. After her prayer suddenly the hatchling started changing slowly into a human with raven black hair and honey brown eyes. "I think I will call you Ash" said Delia before laying down next to the baby.