Dipper sat on his bed, his backpack full of supplies for the night next to him, going over a checklist he made to make sure he remembered everything he might need for his anticipated movie night with Wendy. He got a surprisingly decent amount of sleep considering his positive anxiety about the night's entertainment, fully awake and ready for tonight's frivolity.

"Alright, journal, check; phone, check; flashlight, check; extra cans of Pitt cola, check." The brunette said to himself, checking off each box on his list. Mabel was overjoyed about Dipper's linen-covered night of B-grade movies, taking a couple snapshots earlier in the day, posting them in her scrapbook.

"Don't forget to grab some extra pillows, just in case some get lost in her room~," the older twin teased, which Dipper retorted with a stern look to his sister. Mabel giggled, making kissing noises towards her brother.

Dipper closed up his backpack and put his checklist aside, looking up at his twin, "C'mon Mabel, I really want this night with Wendy to be awesome! I don't want something bad happening and ruining the mood!"

"Bro, just chillax, you're going to do great! You guys already hang out a lot and movie night isn't anything new! Remember what happened last time you made a plan or a list to have a good night with Wendy?" Mabel replied, smirking at her slightly younger brother.

Dipper easily remembered the party at the Mystery Shack. He made a huge "perfect" plan to have a great night with his secret crush, only to have it get in the way of actually having a great night with her. He sighed and crumpled up the checklist, tossing it into a nearby wastebasket.

Mabel's smirk transformed into a encouraging smile, hopping onto her feet and walking over to her brother, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Seriously, you're going to do awesome! You got this, bro-bro!", the hyper twin assured Dipper, who looked up at his sister with his own hopeful smile. He wrapped his noodle arms around Mabel, giving her a thankful, warm hug.

"Thanks, sis. You're the best twin a guy could ask for," the mystery hunter said, hugging Mabel right back.

"You know it, bro-bro~"

Dipper grabbed his backpack after finishing their sincere sibling hug, closing it and throwing it onto his shoulders. He gave Mabel a wave, walking out of their room and down the staircase to the ground floor of the Mystery Shack.

He peeked into the living room, glad when he saw it was free of any signs of Grunkle Stan, the TV turned off and the old mustard-yellow chair empty, not even an impression of someone sitting in it. He tiptoed through the living room, the soft carpet under his feet making this quite easy to do.

He quickly reached the linen closet, opening it, reaching in and grabbing a couple sheets and pillows. He didn't grab as much as he used to build the original pillow fort, hoping Wendy had some she could add to his collection at her place. He carried the cache of linens under one arm, moving quickly through the closed gift shop.

Dipper was thankful the work day was slow, Stan closing early so he and Wendy could get ready for their evening. He opened the gift shop's door, walking through it and closing it softly. The mystery hunter took a deep breath of fresh, pine-tree-scented air.

The sun was already setting, part way past the horizon and shimmering through the trees. He reached into his pocket, pulling out the pair of keys for the Shack's golf cart, having asked for them from Stan earlier in the day. He sat down in the cart, putting the key in the ignition and turning it on, the electrical engine quickly whirring to life. Dipper took another deep breath, putting his foot steadily on the acceleration, starting his short drive to the Corduroy's cabin.

The brunette's anxious trembling only grew as he drove closer and closer to Wendy's place, having to purposefully make himself slow down as his nervousness made him accelerate faster. He looked up at the sky, shades of orange, pink, red, and purple filled it, the sun's setting making it look like a kaleidoscope of calming colors.

His drive came to an end in no time, parking and turning off the golf cart in front of the log cabin. He hopped onto his feet, grabbing the backpack straps around his shoulders, taking one more deep breath in and out, walking up the small staircase to the cabin's porch and knocking on the door.

Wendy woke up a bit late, but still with plenty of time to get ready for her and Dipper's movie night. She took a quick shower, and went to work, her mind lost in the thoughts of her dork and their evening together. Thankfully, work was slow and Stan told her she could go home early, which she happily obliged to.

She took a brisk walk back home, texting a couple of friends to pass the time before getting ready for the movie marathon. She dialed her favorite of Gravity Falls' pizza places, Eye On The Slice, ordering an extra large Pepperoni pizza to her place, with two two liters of Pitt cola to wash it all down with.

The redhead didn't forget the plan to make another pillow fort, grinning, her cheeks getting a little warm at the thought of being that close to Dipper again. She looked at her bed: two pillows, a comforter, and a sheet that wasn't fitted to her mattress.

She hopped onto her feet, needing plenty more linens than that, and walked out of her room to the cabin's linen closet, which was filled with nothing but plaid flannel pillows and sheets, which she rolled her eyes at, grinning to herself. She grabbed a couple of pillows and a sheet or two, positive that her dork would bring some extras so the pillow fort wouldn't be so lumberjack-themed.

Wendy took the flannel linens back to her room, sitting them on her bed. In no time, she heard the door knock, opening it and greeting the pizza delivery person, paying for the food and tipping them a little extra with a cheerful "Thanks!" She took the pizza and drinks back to her room, setting them down on the best table, the floor, and laying back onto the big pile of flannel pillows and sheets.

The ginger let out a tranquil sigh, a soft smile on her face as she was finally ready, just awaiting her dork's arrival. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sounds of birds chirping outside, a gentle breeze blowing the pine trees, relaxing until Dipper arrived.

In no time, she heard another knock at the front door, hopping back onto her feet. Wendy walked up to the door, taking a deep breath in and out and opening it with an affectionate smile.

Dipper felt the butterflies fluttering in his stomach as the door to the Corduroy cabin opened, gripping onto his backpack straps tighter. He was greeted by a grinning redhead, his cheeks turning a soft shade of pink as his figurative butterflies turned into a swarm.

"Hey dude! Glad to see you, man! The drive over here go ok?" Wendy welcomed her anticipated guest, moving to the side of the doorway, inviting the brunette into her place.

"H-Hey Wendy! It's g-great to see you too! And yeah, a little bumpy, b-but what drive on that cart isn't?" Dipper said, a joyful surge of anxiety going through him, stepping into the cabin.

"Need some help with all those pillows, Dip?" The redhead asked her cohort, closing and locking the front door.

"O-Oh! N-No, I got 'em! I thought I'd b-bring some extras, just in case." The brunette replied, trying his hardest to hide his excitement and nervousness for the soon-to-be-built pillow fort and for sharing it with Wendy.

Wendy waved Dipper along, leading him through the Corduroy cabin to her room, "I had some here, but they were all flannel. I was pretty confident and smart dude like you would bring some extra, so it wouldn't be all lumberjacked out!"

Dipper couldn't help but smile from the complement, following the ginger to her room. Wendy opened the door, walking into her room first, Dipper following right behind. The smell of fresh, hot pizza filled his nose, making his mouth water.

His eyes scanned the room, Wendy's bed was covered in a pile of flannel linens and pillows, the soft sounds of a Duck-tective rerun coming from the TV across from it. A window at the other end of the room casted shadows of the tops of pine trees onto the redhead's bed, the sun barely peeking above the horizon, the moon becoming visible in the twilight sky.

Wendy started clearing off her bed, already having picked a spot on it for the pillow fort, "Dude, I'm so stoked for this movie night, I've been looking forward to it since I left work yesterday!", the ginger said.

"Oh, m-me too! I'm always excited for these movie marathons!" Dipper replied, sliding his backpack off, sitting it with the rest of the flannel pillows on Wendy's bed.

Wendy looked down at herself, her stomach making a very loud gurgle, laughing right after it calmed down, sitting down on the floor next to the foot of her bed, "How's about we chow down first, don't want this pizza to get cold! Man, I'm starved."

Dipper nodded, sitting across from the redhead, who quickly opened the first pizza box, a stronger smell of warm, delicious pizza hitting them. They couldn't wait, both the ginger and brunette's hands reaching to the pie and each grabbing a slice for themselves.

Within seconds both slices were gone, Wendy poured both of them a red plastic cup of Pitt cola, handing one to Dipper. She held her's up for a toast, which Dipper obliged, "clinking" their cups together, both of them taking sips of the fizzy, sweet beverage.

A mutual "aah" of refreshment filled the teenager's room, followed by a simultaneous "BURP!" The two cohorts looked at each other for a couple seconds, quickly bursting into laughter, the mood officially lightening up.

The two ate the box of pizza easily, finishing off the two liter of Pitt cola with it, chatting about the upcoming movie marathon and the rather slow day at the Mystery Shack.

"Hey, can I use your bathroom real quick?" Dipper asked, the Pitt cola going through him a bit quickly.

"Sure, dude. First door on the right!" Wendy said, closing the pizza box, following her dork out her room, their paths breaking off as he went to the restroom, the redhead walking to the kitchen to dispose of the now empty box.

Dipper felt ten times more relaxed than earlier, not only from the food and talking, but from his now empty bladder. He looked at himself in the mirror, reaching into his pocket and popping a quick mint, chomping onto it to break the refreshing candy, a shiver going through him from the intensity of the mint flavor.

The mystery hunter walked back into Wendy's room, seeing his secret crush starting to knoll out the supplies for the pillow fort into a stack of folded sheets and a pile of pillows. He walked up, helping the redhead with her bit of organizing.

"I thought we could build it on my bed, right at the foot. You think it'll work, Dip?" Wendy said, looking down at her dork with a cheerful smile.

"It'll totally work! Perfect distance from the TV too so it's like a little private theater." Dipper responded, picking up a couple pillows and starting to build the base, already having an idea of how to go about building the fort.

"Dude, my thoughts exactly! Like, exact! You haven't found any mind-reading stuff in the woods, have you?" The redhead joked, picking up a big stack of pillows, holding them close for Dipper's easy access.

Dipper chuckled, "No, but there's a lot in Gravity Falls that isn't in the journal! You never know what's waiting to be discovered." He quickly had the base of the pillow fort build on Wendy's bed, making it a bit bigger than the previous one.

The mystery hunter quickly worked, building up the linen walls of the makeshift garrison, Wendy handing him pillow after pillow. In only a couple minutes, Dipper had nearly finished the fort, only needing to toss some sheets over it.

"I got it!" Wendy exclaimed, throwing one of the Mystery Shack's sheets over the pillow structure, covering it, but leaving a decently sized part facing the TV. Dipper put some of Wendy's flannel pillows down on the ends of the sheet to hold it down, standing back and taking a look at their completed pillow fort.

"Hopefully I made it taller than before, d-don't want you uncomfortable or missing out on the marathon or anything!" Dipper said.

Wendy giggled and ruffled the mystery hunter's hair via moving his trucker hat around on his head, "It's perfect, man! Let's get up in there, the first movie is about to start!"

Dipper smiled with glee, but he could feel his butterflies starting to flutter again, "U-Um, s-sure! D-Don't want to miss anything!"

Wendy didn't waste much time, grabbing the remote for the TV, carefully backing herself into the pillow fort, amazed by how sturdy and by how spacious, yet close it all felt. There was plenty of head, arm, and leg room, although her extended legs made her shins and feet poke out, yet it still had that pillow fort feeling of privacy and serenity.

Dipper quickly got his flashlight out of his backpack, just in case. He walked to the open entrance of the linen garrison, crawling in headfirst and sitting next to his secret crush. Stuffing the flashlight into the sturdy pillow wall, he dared not look up at the redhead. He could feel his face getting warmer by the second, not to mention his palms getting sweaty and his noodle arms getting itchy.

Wendy could tell her dork was a bit anxious, giving him a soft nudge, "You alright, dude? You're a bit tense."

"H-Huh? O-Oh! I'm fine, i-it's just the caffeine from the soda k-kicking in!" Dipper replied, which was partially true, although it was mostly the fact that he was this close to his secret crush again. He tried calming himself down, finally letting out a figurative sigh of relief as the movie marathon started.

The sounds of a B-grade horror movie came from the TV, Wendy grabbing the remote and turning the volume up, cheering jubilantly.

"Woohoo! Let's get this night started!" The redhead said, pumping her fist into the sheet above her head. She smiled pleasantly as she watched the TV, the first movie, "Space Uprising," starting. The both of them knew this was going to be a good collection of B-grade movies, with the first shot having the boom mic visible at the top of the screen, making them laugh heartily.

Dipper soon calmed down, the mood becoming much more relaxing again. He watched the first movie, laughing and giggling at almost every shot, Wendy doing the same. In what seemed like a half an hour, the nearly two hour movie was done, the two marathoners almost in tears from laughter.

"I can't believe this is supposed to be a serious movie! That was hilarious!" Wendy exclaimed, wiping a tear of joy from her eye.

"Did you see when one of the actors died and then showed up in the next shot? That's still making me laugh!" Dipper chuckled, patting his thigh as he giggled.

"Oh my god, that was too much, man. This night's already freaking awesome! Thanks for coming over and stuff, Dip." The ginger said, giving her dork a playful punch to his shoulder.

The mystery hunter rubbed the back of his neck, "N-No problem, Wendy! Glad to be here with you!"

Wendy felt a surge of happiness go through her, her cheeks quickly blushing a soft pink, going away soon after as she settled in for the next movie, Dipper doing the same.

For the next couple hours the two sat in the pillow fort; watching, snickering, and commenting on each movie. For the both of them, it was a purely enjoyable evening. They slowly drank through the other two liter, finishing it by the end of the second film.

In the commercial break before the next reel, the redhead got up to use the bathroom. Dipper pulled his phone out in her absence. Mabel had sent him some encouraging, and embarrassing, texts.

He read through them, rolling his eyes and chuckling at each of them, sending her a text back that read, "having a great time, thanks for earlier, sis!" He deposited his phone back into his shorts pocket, using the rest of his alone time to fully take in the feeling of the pillow fort.

He grabbed the nearby remote and turned the TV down to the point where it was still understandable, but not bothersome. He let out a peaceful sigh, the moonlight shining through the thin sheet covering the fort.

The same feeling of peace and quiet came back, a natural pleased smile on his face. He could sit there for hours, just like last time, enjoying the calmness the linens gave him.

Wendy looked at herself in the mirror, trying to figure out her thoughts. Throughout the entire second movie she was trying to build up the courage to make some kind of move with Dipper. By the halfway point of the movie, all she could think about was hugging him and not letting go.

She wanted to watch every bad movie with him, listen to his theories of Gravity Falls, to go on every weird adventure with him. She wanted to kiss him. The redhead's eyes widened as she thought that last phrase.

"Look at you, dude, you've fallen for Dipper in less than a day!" Wendy thought to herself, giggling. "You're just as bad as him when it comes to getting all anxious!" She turned on the water to the sink right below her, grabbing some cool water and splashing it on her face, looking back up into the mirror.

"You can do this, Wendy. You're a Corduroy! Your dork isn't leaving until he knows how you feel!" The redhead said outloud to herself, making sure not to say it too loud, not wanting Dipper to overhear her. She grabbed a towel and patted her face dry, hanging it back up before leaving the bathroom and returning to her own room.

Dipper didn't even notice Wendy come back into the room, surprised to see her backing back into the pillow fort. He had calmed down quite a lot just being alone in the linen garrison, but hadn't lost any energy, his attention being brought back to his returning secret crush.

"Hey dude, I didn't miss the next movie did I?" Wendy asked, crossing her legs as she sat comfortably in the serene fort.

"Perfect timing! It just started, "Monas: Palms of Destiny," it's called. Looks like it's the worst one yet!" Dipper replied, his palms not sweaty, his arms feeling normal.

"Sweet~" said the ginger, grabbing her phone. She decided it was now or never, putting on a song ( watch?v=atVwNb21vW8 ) and turning the volume up a bit, sitting her phone next to her. She let the first couple seconds of the song play, scooting a bit closer to the brunette sitting next to her, feeling their elbows touch.

Dipper looked up at the moonlight shining on the sheet, the song playing making the sense of calmness and serenity increase. He felt Wendy's elbow brush against his, almost instinctively leaning against her, resting his head on her shoulder. He let out a content and blissful sigh, thinking to himself, "I love this..."

"Me too, Dip." Wendy replied, to which her dork eeped in surprise.

"D-Did I say that outloud?" Dipper asked, sitting back up straight, his cheeks turning red.

Wendy nodded, which Dipper tried apologizing about, stammering and tripping over his words. Wendy just smiled at her anxious dork, the urge to hug him and hold him close coming over her again.

But this time, she gave in. She wrapped one arm around the brunette, squeezing him close against her side, smiling peacefully down at him.

"W-W-W-Wendy?" Dipper stammered, looking up at the redhead with wide eyes, taken totally aback by her action.

Wendy looked into Dipper's eyes, finally understanding why he stared into hers so much. You can see so much of a person in their eyes, how much they wanted something, how much they cared for something, how they would do anything for that something.

The redhead kept looking into the mystery hunter's surprised eyes, amazed about how deep of a brown they were, while still being a pleasant shade of coffee with cream and sugar. She could feel her cheeks warming up, and well as the urge to be even closer to him coming over her again.

She didn't hold back, as Dipper was starting to stammer a "W" sound again, Wendy wrapped her other arm around her dork, turning her body toward him and giving him the hug both he and her needed and wanted so badly.

Dipper couldn't speak, he didn't know whether it was from shock or because he didn't want anything to ruin this moment. He felt her warmth against him, the soft flannel of her shirt pressing against his neck and cheek, the smell of strawberries coming from Wendy's hair as his head rested in the crook of her neck.

He didn't move, his brain taking in this intense moment. After a few seconds, his arms started to move, wrapping them as far as they could go around his secret crush.

For his whole time since the day at the Dusk2Dawn, Dipper wanted this. He wanted to badly for this exact thing to happen. He tightened his hug around the redhead, his lips turning into one of the most content and tranquil smiles smiles he's ever grinned. This was bliss.

Wendy felt her dork finally hugging her back, and she almost broke down into tears from the feeling of someone she finally realized she needed so much returning her embrace. Her own arms tightened around Dipper's as his did. She was so happy, but her job wasn't done yet. She pulled back from the brunette, smiling as she looked back into his eyes.

"W-Wendy..." Dipper started.

"Shh, before you say anything, I need to get something off my chest." Wendy interrupted, which the mystery hunter replied to with a nod.

"Remember how I said yesterday that a place like this," Wendy motioned to the calming pillow fort surrounding them, "you could be you here. No one to tell you otherwise, a place for just you and anyone you invite in."

Dipper nodded again, his brain going super fast, trying to put together all the theories in his head about what was happening.

"I can be me here, and the me I want to be is, well, w-with you..." Wendy said, her cheeks a warm pink as she told her dork her true feelings for him.

Dipper's heart was racing, his mind having so many questions going through it: "With me? What does she mean? Does she mean what I think she means? Does she mean just friends? Is it confined to pillow forts?"

"Dipper, i-it's been a crazy day for me since yesterday. I thought about it all night last night, and I don't think it's something I can hide. Dipper..." Wendy said, building up one last burst of confidence to get out those last three words.

"I love you."

Dipper's mind exploded into a huge display of fireworks, the only things he was conscious of were his heart racing and Wendy's declaration ringing in his head. For those few seconds, all other thoughts left his brain, his mind totally focusing on the fact that his secret crush just confessed her own secret crush for him.

He finally returned to Gravity Falls, trembling from the adrenaline starting to going through him.

"W-W-W-Wendy, I-I-I-I..." Dipper stammered, not sure where to start.

"Shh, I know, Dip. I've known for a while, ever since that day at the old Dusk2Dawn, which is where I think I started feeling something for you too." Wendy assured the brunette, who was finally starting to calm down.

"Wh-Why didn't you say anything s-sooner?" Dipper asked, not wanting to ruin the moment, but this was something he needed to know.

"I didn't really figure out those feelings until last night, but they're true, real feelings. Since you got here, I've been holding back from just picking you up and hugging you nonstop, dude..." Wendy replied, blushing as she finished her sentence.

The mystery hunter had so many emotions going through him, happiness, excitement, stupor, and bliss, all rolled up into one big burst of feelings. He wanted to say something, he needed to say something, but he couldn't think of any words to sum up what he was feeling, but he did know something that could.

He tightened his arms around Wendy again, blushing a bright strawberry red, leaning in to do something he had only dreamed of. Wendy realized what her dork was doing, her own blushing cheeks matching the brunette's.

They both felt each other's hands grip tight as their lips brushed against each other, both of them kissing the person they cared about more than anyone else. In that moment, everything disappeared. It was just them, Dipper Pines and Wendy Corduroy, in a place of peace and quiet, finally telling each other how they really felt.

The kiss lasted for what felt like an euphoric eternity, the two only pulling back from it to catch their breath.

Wendy pulled her dork into her lap, finally being able to hold him as close as she needed him, giving him another kiss, which Dipper happily returned, resting her forehead against his after.

"W-Wendy... You... are amazing..." Dipper finally managed to say.

Wendy giggled, squeezing her not-so-secret crush, "Pssh, not as much as you do, dork."

Dipper giggled back, his legs and arms wrapped around the redhead, sitting comfortably and blissfully in her lap, staring into her emerald green eyes with a bright smile. The two of them sat like that, purely content and happy with being in each others embrace, happy to finally have the truth out there and that it was totally mutual.

After their adrenaline rushes calmed down, Wendy spun her dork around in her lap, so they both faced the TV, watching the last movie in the marathon, giggling softly at the horrible quality of it.

Their bodies finally caught up with them, feeling drowsy as the last scenes of the movie were playing, Wendy leaning back against the pillow fort wall that was just sturdy enough to hold her weight with her dork leaning back against her. They both started to succumb to sleep, a peaceful grin on each of their faces.

"Wendy?" Dipper said, drowsy.

"Hmm~?" Wendy replied.

"I love you too..." Dipper finally said, which Wendy replied to by squeezing her arms around her dork once more.

Soon they both fell into a blissful, tranquil sleep, drifting off to dream together in their place of peace and quiet.

Happy St. Valentine's Day!

Thanks for reading my first ever fanfiction, here's to many more!