Thanks for giving this a read, enjoy!

Rays of orange sunlight were beaming through a window, casting a the shadow of the tips of pine trees onto a wooden musty, and slightly dusty, atmosphere of an Oregonian tourist trap was quite serene.

The day was coming to an end and the last few tourists who were still browsing the attraction's gift shop were making their selections and handing their banknotes to a redhead manning the shadow laden wooden counter.

She took the notes with a trained retail smirk, pressing a button on the nearby cash register. A pleasing "ding!" came from the machine, a drawer full of the day's accrued income slid open; the redhead cashier placing the tourist's money into it and closing it back up with a polite "Come back soon!" as she ended every transaction at the museum of weirdness, Gravity Falls' own Mystery Shack.

The ginger stretched her slightly sore arms, her back popping once or twice after sitting on the same stool for the last couple hours, deciding to get up and shake some of the stiffness out of her body.

She walked slowly through the gift shop, stopping as she saw her own reflection in a window, giving herself a quick look over. Her hair was long, going halfway down her back, a trapper hat topping her crown.

Freckles be-speckled her cheeks and nose. Her emerald green eyes traveled down to her attire, a green and black plaid flannel shirt and a white tank top underneath. She spotted a name tag pinned with the name "Wendy" on the right of her shirt.

The redhead rolled her eyes at the formality, which her boss had suddenly sprung onto her the same day, recalling that he read somewhere that "name tags make customers happy, and happy customers spend more money!" Wendy giggled quietly to herself, continuing her walk through the gift shop.

She came to another stop as her saunter had led her out of the gift shop and at the foot of a staircase leading up into the higher floors of the Mystery Shack. Her mind quickly went to the two young twins living up there.

A dorky, hyper, sweater-wearing, and lover-of-knitting Mabel Pines and a smart, sweaty, noodle-limbed, equally as dorky Dipper Pines.

A warm smile formed on the redhead's face as she remembered the times the twins had spent together over their summer break in Gravity Falls, her smile widening as she realized that it was only half over, plenty of time to hang out with her favorite pair of dweebs.

Wendy stuck her head into the next room; a living room out of the way of the rest of the museum. A TV sat at one side of the room, currently off, while on the other side sat a old mustard-yellow recliner that her boss frequently was after closing time.

She didn't expect to see him there, as the Mystery Shack just closed, but the redhead also didn't expect to see a tent made out of white sheets and various pillows in between the television and the chair.

The cashier raised an eyebrow at the weird pillow fort in the living room, but she quickly deduced that of all people to do something of this nature, it was most likely Mabel. She walked up to the pillow fort, her mud-stained boots barely making a sound on the carpeted floor, stopping right next to the tent and crouching down.

"Hey Mabes, everything alright under there?" Wendy asked, expecting a sound of glee and the fort to come down as she got a face full of a sweater-coated hug, but the sound she heard was not quite what she was expecting.