"Elsa, you're home!" Anna squealed as she threw her arms around her older sister.

The queen barely had time to brace herself for the assault. "Oh! Anna, it's good to see you, too."

Anna pulled back, smiling broadly. Governor Hans Westergaard bowed, "Welcome back, Your Majesty. Was your trip a profitable one?"

Before Elsa could provide an answer Anna squealed again, then crushed her older sister in another giant bear hug. Elsa chuckled. It wasn't as if they hadn't been separated before. This time, however, the distance was not measured by the thickness of a door or a ride across the country, but by an entire ocean.

Ever since the Duke of Weselton had been expelled from the Kingdom of Arendelle trade negotiations between the two kingdoms had broken down. The Duke, who was a vainly proud man, did not take his expulsion well and provided ever more obscenely one sided proposals in trade negotiations with the Kingdom of Arendelle.

Elsa, fed up with his games, terminated all negotiations. The Duke countered by effectively cutting off the exchange of all goods between the two countries. This left Arendelle with one less trade partner. Unfortunately, Weselton was a wealthy country and as such comprised a significant portion of Arendelle's annual exports. The loss threatened to depress the economy leaving Elsa's people to suffer without another prosperous trading partner as a replacement.

To that end the Queen of Arendelle struck out to win over other countries. Princess Anna was named regent in Elsa's absence while Governor Westergaard was temporarily called up from his post as Governor of the Province of Fenwick to serve as a trusted advisor. Hans Westergaard had proven himself during the crisis of Fenwick so much so that Elsa was willing to entrust the safety and sovereignty of her kingdom to Anna with Hans at her side. Fortunately, her trust was well founded.

"It was a most productive trip," Elsa replied in between many happy hugs from her sister. Queen Elsa had managed to secure treaties with a number of small nations on the far side of the Atlantic Ocean. There were some interesting visits to be sure, however, one nation in particular stood out from the others: Avalor. When word arrived that the true heir to the throne had returned Elsa wondered where he or she had been. Upon arriving in port at Avalor's capital city she met Crown Princess Elena Castillo Flores and learned the truth of her return.

Governor Hans had a chuckle explaining that the stories of the evil sorceress Shuriki of the Northern Islands was little more than a myth meant to frighten little children. "Supposedly she was banished many centuries ago. I can't believe you would actually believe such nonsense."

"Except that it actually happened, Governor," Elsa explained. "Shuriki is not a myth, but a real person. Princess Elena defeated her after being released from her forty one year imprisonment in the jewel of a magical amulet."

Hans Westergaard was shaken by this news. The myth of Shuriki had originated on his homeland. To learn that the legend was based on a living, breathing person did not sit well with him.

"Don't worry, Hans," Anna told him. "She's long gone. Right, Elsa?"

"Yes. And I have some treats for all of us," Elsa told them. First were recipes for foods that were an important part of culture in Avalor, including tamales, pan dulce and buñuelos among many others. Included with the recipes were some of the ingredients not easily found in Arendelle such as ground corn, various spices and something called a jalapeño. "Trust me, these are delicious foods. I'll have the royal cooks begin preparing a meal immediately."

"Ooh, I can't wait," Anna enthused.

As it turned out, neither could Governor Westergaard. He plucked a jalapeño from its barrel and took a bite. A second later his face turned several shades of crimson and beads of sweat immediately appeared on his brow which then rushed down his face and into his shirt collar. The governor's eyes watered up and his pupils seemed to dilate when he finally let out a spine tingling howl just before snatching a mug of rum from a sailor and downed it immediately.

"HOT!" he bellowed. "MORE RUM!" The sailor complied and Hans consumed several more filled mugs before the painful heat of the tropical pepper faded from his mouth and tongue. "Promise me, Your Majesty, you have no intention of importing this insidious fruit."

Elsa choked back a smile. "We'll be receiving ten barrels every quarter, governor. But I'm sure sales of rum will see a rapid increase," she teased.

As it turned out, Elena of the Kingdom of Avalor had many things in common with Elsa of the Kingdom of Arendelle. Both lost their parents before either was ready to assume the throne and both had younger sisters who were very energetic and supportive. Elena was shocked but delighted to learn of Elsa's unique powers and Elsa marveled at Elena's own special talents including the ability to summon a spirit animal, speak to ghosts on a special night each year and that she had absorbed ambient magic from the amulet which was channeled through her scepter.

"Speaking of sisters, Elena's younger sibling Isabel gifted us this strange contraption," she said, pointing to what looked like a portable armoire with a bicycle attached. The device was meant to help someone change their clothing in only seconds. When Anna tried it, with Kristoff pumping the pedals, she promptly emerged wearing a thin, white dress embroidered with colorful designs that wrapped around the neckline, sleeves and hem.

"It's lovely," she gasped. "Ooh, and chilly."

Elsa giggled. "Well, Avalor is in a warm climate so light, airy fabrics are ideal."

"Oh, I wish I could have gone with you, Elsa," Anna chattered. "It sounded like so much fun."

"Well, the real treat was flying."

"Flying?" Anna and Hans stammered together.

"How," he asked, disbelieving, the sting of the hot pepper now just a painful memory.

Elsa explained about the half jaguar, half macaw flying cats which were native to the land. The Jaquins were magical creatures capable of flight due to their large wings and colorful plumage. "I took a ride on one of them. It was the most sensational feeling I've ever had," Elsa gasped. "You feel unhindered when you are among the very clouds."

"I have to visit!" Anna screamed. "I hope we can go back soon."

"Actually, Elena will be coming to Arendelle in October of next year," Elsa told her. She explained about a unique holiday Elena's people celebrate called Dia de los Muertos or Day of the Dead. In Elena's culture, on this day people go to the cemetery with ornate altars and cooked foods to remember the lives of those family and friends who are no longer with them.

To Anna this sounded morose.

"It's actually quite the celebration," Elsa told her. "That is why I invited Elena to visit our nation. You see, it is on this one day when Elena can see the ghosts of the dead. I'm hoping she can see our mother and father and we can talk to them one last time."

Anna gasped. "Mother and father? Elsa, please. This sounds like dark magic."

"It isn't," the queen reassured her sibling. "But, I… we never…"

"You want to know if they are proud of you," Hans stated bluntly.

Elsa nodded. "Yes. Of both of us. And also so we can have a chance to say goodbye to them."

Anna was uncertain, but yielded to her older sister's judgement. "If you are okay with this, Elsa, I'll go along."

Hans, though, considered it pointless. "I doubt anyone has the capacity to see spirits and ghosts." Elsa set him straight by informing the governor that Avalor's court magician summoned Zuzo, the animal spirit and Elsa was able to see and converse with him. "I don't doubt you, Your Majesty, but the idea still seems far-fetched."

"I understand, governor," Elsa replied even handedly. "I had the same doubts myself until I was face to face with Zuzo. Perhaps when you meet him you will change your mind. Now if you will both come with me, there are much more serious matters to discuss."

This story continues where To Warm the Frozen Heart left off. Diplomacy will still be a dramatic story, though it will be a lighter affair than the previous story in the arc.

I do hope you enjoy this new entry.