I don't own any part of Legally Blonde- book, movie, musical- I just love it. Especially the musical.

My story takes place right after Callahan hits on Elle. In this version, Vivienne and Warner see it exactly as they do in the musical- Vivienne shoves Warner out before he can see too much, but she sees it all. However in this version, they do not go into the room and talk to Elle. Elle has no idea that anyone witnessed the scene. She is alone as she leaves, after being fired…


Elle walked out of the building, shaking and crying. In one, lousy moment, she had gone from the top of the world to absolute rock bottom. Callahan hadn't believed in her. Respected her. Thought anything of her mind. Thought she had an ounce of potential.

She had left court today floating on air, believing for the first time ever that she actually was exactly where she belonged. She believed she had the respect of her peers for once – on an intellectual level. She believed she was one of them. A serious law student. A future lawyer. And Emmett…

When she was with Emmett, she believed she could do anything she set her mind to. Why was he so nice? They were friends – best friends even – sure, but he must have realized why Callahan hired her. Deep down, did he wonder why she got the internship? After being kicked out of class so many times? After putting off studying and doing any homework for so long?

Now she was really crying. The thought that Emmett realized any of this, but was too kind – too good of a friend – to clue her in broke her heart. How would she tell him, she wondered, as she headed back to her dorm, where she knew he would be waiting for her.

At that thought, she stopped short. No. No, she couldn't tell him. No one saw. No one had to know. Least of all Emmett. He was such a good friend, he'd do the noble thing and support her. But at what cost?

"Two jobs, plus law school – how did you do it?"

Her own voice echoed in her mind, as snippets about Emmett's life – things he'd shared with her over the course of their friendship.

He grew up in the Roxbury slums by his mother and men who showed him all the ways that men can fail… what did that mean? She'd always wondered. Was he abused? Did he witness some awful man abuse his mom? Were they drunks? Or just losers?

And with his upbringing, he worked harder. He got out. And he is living on a promise to help his mom get out too. To buy her a dream home and move her somewhere she deserves to be…

He was angry at her not that long ago about not giving the alibi. He admitted he hated to disappoint Callahan. He admitted he wanted to impress the man.

"He is my boss! If I impress him, he's going to make me Associate!"

She closed her eyes as the sweet voice of her best friend once again filled her consciousness.

"With the chance I've been given, I'm going to be driven as hell. I'm so close I can taste it, so I'm not going to waste it…"

She took a deep breath, her resolve steady. She would not waste his chance either. Callahan was his boss and he was so close to breaking through and making it.

She was at square one again. Why on earth would she bring him down too? Instead of heading home, she turned on her heel and headed to Paulette's apartment, hoping her good friend wouldn't mind a little girl talk and giving up her couch for the night. Plus, Bruiser was having a sleepover tonight with Rufus. She really needed some affection from her sweet little pup tonight.


It had been a half hour since Emmett had arrived at Elle's dorm and she still was nowhere to be seen. He looked at his watch again, and exhaled, a little nervously. Maybe he should have waited outside Callahan's office for her, to walk her home. He hadn't wanted to seem too eager. And he hadn't wanted to annoy his boss. So he had left.

He had needed to clear his mind anyway. He had knots in his stomach all day because… well, tonight he had planned to tell Elle everything. For the past few months, he'd been falling – hard – for his friend. She was all he ever thought about anymore. He cared about her more than anyone. He smiled for the fiftieth time, thinking back to her smile during the champagne toast in Callahan's office. She had seemed more confident than he had ever seen her and she had every right. Without her instincts and confidence, they would not have had such a breakthrough.

She alone saw something no one else did and she wouldn't let it be until it was brought to light. He knew a lot of law students and a lot of lawyers. There was a difference between the two, and only some would transition from one to the other. Elle was it. Her tenacity, her bravery and even her uniqueness – made her an asset. He'd always known she had potential, but he swelled with pride today hoping that she finally saw that as well.

He knew she'd been judged for a long time as being nothing more than a fashionable, beautiful blonde. The opinions of others had probably shaped who she was all her life – right down to her break up with Warner and her naïve belief that she needed him to be happy. It didn't matter now because all of that brought her here. And for that, he was grateful.

She was the best thing about this place.

But where on earth was she?

He reached for his phone again. She hadn't answered any of his calls or texts…

"I should have walked her home," he thought for the thousandth time, hoping beyond hope that she was somewhere safe, but knowing that she was supposed to head straight back here. She knew he'd be here, waiting…

"Where are you? Are you alright? I'm getting worried…" he texted again.

After a few long moments, his phone finally buzzed.

"I'm sorry, Emmett. I'm sorry I made you worry. I never meant to. The thing is, Paulette needed some girl talk time and asked me to stop by. She's pretty upset… Bruiser and I are going to stay here tonight. Thanks for being a great friend. Sorry again for making you worry, but rest up. You have a big day tomorrow. Emmett… no matter what, keep going. You're so close… "

A frown deepened on his face as he read the text. Something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on what. He walked home, dejectedly. His big speech about love would have to wait. She wasn't coming home tonight. But… something nagged at him about her message, something that replaced all thoughts of love with a feeling of real worry.

Normally she overused exclamation points and smiley faces to the point of exasperation. You could almost hear her through every message. This…. This was subdued. The message felt sad and lonely… and almost like a goodbye…

But how could that be?

He sighed, as he climbed the steps to his apartment. He was being dramatic. Paulette was upset and Elle was always such a good friend to her. She must've just sent off a quick text – and her odd note to him at the end the seemed to have traces of goodbye in it were probably just a quick attempt to motivate him for tomorrow's court date.

After changing into pajamas and climbing into bed, he realized how tired he really was. All the late night study sessions, his growing feelings and emotions, the very struggle to keep it below the surface and focus on her studies and his job and their case…

He rested on his pillow, exhaustion creeping over him, he saw his best friend's somber message replay once more…

"no matter what, keep going. You're so close…"

What did that mean? Well, he would see her tomorrow and he'd feel better. Just seeing her would make everything okay. It always did. And then maybe tomorrow he could tell her everything.

Yes. Tomorrow.