Chapter Eleven: Justice Delayed
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or it's affiliated characters, places, or things. Those are owned by JK Rowling and affiliated companies. The same applies to all DC comics characters locations and mechanical things. This plot is mine, however, and sadly for me, I can't/won't make money off this. Such is life.
A/N: Thank you for all those who've been reviewing. I want to thank Bountyhunter1977 for pointing out that I forgot some important stuff in the first chapter. I will be correcting this now, so once again I thank you Bountyhunter1977 for pointing this out. I would also like to give a head nod to the SuperCarlinBrothers YouTube channel. I got the idea of how to change quidditch from them. One last note the Tuatha Dé Danann here are Irish myth NOT DC comics, and I have changed the goddess who was helping Raizel from Cerridwen to someone from the Mythological Cycle in pre-Christian Irish religion. Lastly I am using JRR Tolkien Elven language. So, let's get into why you are here...
Ministry of Magic
Courtroom 10 8:15 AM
Barty Crouch was standing there fuming as he looked at Amelia Bones. This was so unnecessary it was almost funny. There was no way this woman claiming to be Lily Evans Potter was actually her. He wasn't here the other day to verify this himself, so he had to attack this from that angle. He just couldn't believe any of the tests that they had done concerning the woman. All of the tests could be redone here using people HE trusted. This would show everyone that this bastard deserved to be in Azkaban. He would also demand the arrest of the fake Lilly Potter. Once that was done they could get Violet Potter safely back to the UK. They might also have to offer Ms Kent's family a safe place to stay, so they could keep the bond nice and strong. He may be many things, but a sadistic bastard wasn't one of them. Keeping a young soulbound couple apart was so far beyond torture it wasn't even funny.
He looked over at Black and 'Potter' to give them one last good measure. 'Potter' looked about how he remembered her, but there was this coldness in her eyes that wasn't there before. 'This proves my theory in so many ways. Lily Potter would never have the eyes of a 'killer.' 'Something I can use to my advantage if it comes up.' Barty cleared his throat before bring up WHY he was right.
"Mr Crouch you are here to represent the Crown. What is the evidence the Crown brings against Mr Black?" Madam Bones asked coldly. Barty couldn't believe that the woman was being this disrespectful towards him
Barty cleared his throat. "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Wizengmot we are gathered here today for Mister Sirius Orion Black. This man had single-handedly responsible for the deaths of fourteen muggles and the Noble Hero Peter Pettigrew." There was a soft murmur that went around the room when he said this. "I know that thanks to Lady Potter we all think that this is a lie, but I will present enough evidence to prove the reason." Barty started pacing around. "We know for a fact that Mr Black was the one who killed the Muggles, and the testimony of the Muggles who have witnessed this will be all we need to prove all of this. I will also call in the Aurors who arrested Mr Black to prove it in addition to all of this to provide their encounters with Sirius Black to prove his cruel and twisted nature." He then looked over at Black. "I don't know what this man has DONE to Lady Potter, but I have my doubts about it being Chief Warlock Dumbledore that removed Lady Potter's memories, and that's IF this is the really Lady Potter. In fact, I doubt this is the real Lady Potter."
Barty was about to say something when his mouth slammed shut. The overbearing sound of Doctor Fates voice filled the room as he turned around to glare at Black. "Mr Crouch I can attest to this being the real Lady Lilly Amber Evens Potter. This has also been confirmed by your Ministry of Magic ten times over you have been informed of this information, and I am shocked that you would stoop this low to prove this point." The air around Barty was incredibly cold at this moment. "If the Ministry doesn't do anything about this I will. "You need to keep in mind sir that anything you do has the weight of law behind it, but in that same moment, you are bound by the law. Just because you THINK your right does not make it so. Keep in mind Mr Crouch that you have violated the law in this land, and you will be brought before this court to defend your actions in due time. Even if you get him convicted now you will still have violated the Habeas Corpus Act. So, keep in mind even if you win today you're just as much a criminal as he, so mind your tongue."
It was the young girl who took his place that spoke next. "He is correct Mr Crouch we have done everything to test Lady Potter's identity. She is not under the Imperious Curse. The same can be said by enchantments to make someone look like her. Nor is she someone using other magical means for someone to take on another's appearance."
Barty tried to hide his rage at the things that had been thrown against him. Sadly the one thing he didn't seem able to control at this moment was his magic. The fact that it was this THING and someone he viewed as beneath him telling him these things didn't help matters much. Barty withdrew his wand and tried to dispel this damned enchantment. When he flicked his wand he felt his magic stop at his wrist. He looked back at Doctor Fate with this look of rage on his face. He felt the magic around his mouth fade. "HOW DARE YOU! YOU KNOW FULLY WELL THAT I AM RIGHT!" He knew this probably not the way to handle this, but this entity had the gall to address him like a criminal when he was protecting people.
"No, you are not." Doctor Fate said. "I don't know what you know of me Mr Crouch but I am the closest thing you will run into that is anywhere near a godlike being. I represent order and law, and you have exploited both to favour your political future and keep your people safe. While those can be noble goals, neither of these give you the right to do what you've done. Now prove your case instead of expecting everyone here to do what you command." At that moment Doctor Fate sat down.
"Of course Doctor Fate," Barty said with a bitter tone to his voice. He looked at the other two 'heroes' to see if they wanted to say something thing but found that they were talking with a muggle woman sitting in the visitors' section of Court Room Ten.
Arcanist was sitting there listening to Barty trying to 'prove' himself in his opening statement. To be honest, if it wasn't so offensive she'd probably find it funny. She looked over at Sirius to see how he was dealing with this. Almost as expected the man had this coy smirk on his face. 'I really wish he didn't do this because it complicates things. The man really is an eternal teenager. Then again maybe he just needs to get laid.'
Arcanist felt someone tap on her shoulder. She looked to her left to find Supergirl looking at her with this worried look on her face. Supergirl leaned over and whispered: "You need to go talk to the reporter from the BBC she is wondering why this idiot is allowed to do this. I think you need to go talk to them. I would, but your the one from this culture."
Arcanist nodded and looked over her shoulder at the reporter. The look on her face was one of rage, and she didn't know exactly who the woman was mad at. Although following her line of vision led her to Crouch. Arcanist groaned. She scooted her chair back and kicked up off the floor and floated over to the reporter. As she drew near she could see the reporter's face take on this shocked look. Once Arcanist was next to the woman she smiled. "Sorry if I spooked you, but Supergirl brought your dismay to my attention. Is there anything I can do to clarify things for you?"
The woman leaned over and shuffled around in her carrying case. She came up with another set of headphones and a mic. "Yes, Arcanist you might be able to clarify some things for the Mundane public."
Arcanist took the headset and mic out of the woman's hand. Once she put it on she could hear a gentleman asked: "Is she putting on the other headset now Amber?"
"I have it on now sir." Arcanist said in a sombre tone. "Is there anything I might be able to clarify for you?"
"Yes ma'am, why is this man able to be this problematic? I mean he is ignoring common sense and all common laws from anywhere in the United Kingdom. I'm just wondering why." Amber asked.
"Well ma'am it's simple: He thought he was protecting people, and in the same moment he thought they didn't need to put Sirius Black on trial because he 'caused' the problems the Potter family faced. Sirius in a state of distress said: 'It's my fault that my brother, my friend, is dead!' Now that in and of itself that is a lot of bull. It was a statement said under a moment of duress, and he never checked why Mr Black said that. Even if he was right Mr Black was still due a trial if for no other reason to so Ms Violet Potter that they had the right man in prison. The lack of a trial is something I'm sure Bartimus Crouch was hoping no one would find out."
"That is the person acting as the prosecutor?" the gentleman on the end of headset asked.
"Correct," Arcanist said as calmly as she could. "This is not uncommon here. He does have knowledge of the law. He was the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."
"So, this man's actions were just allowed to happen?" the gentleman on the other end of broadcast asked.
"Yes sir, I may not agree with it, but things were different back then. Everyone around the Magical UK was looking for a break form a war that had held them hostage for over a decade, and he was looking to exploit this sense of relief. Not long after Mr Black's conviction, his son was arrested for similar crimes, and Crouch gave him a trial but didn't listen to his pleas for help. His son was saying that he wasn't the one that committed the crime. The spell used against the victims is one that carries a life sentence no matter what. The thing is relegated to the caster of the spell. So, instead of listening to this testimony Crouch gave everyone in the group the same sentence. This may have been caused by one of the fellow criminals saying that she did it, and was proud of it." Arcanist hated to defend Crouch Jr, but until he was revealed to be a willing Death Eater she had nothing to work with. "Even if he wanted to give Sirius Black a trial to save his own hide Bartimus Crouch was shunted sideways into the Department of Internation Magical Cooperation before he could do so. I think if he had admitted this back then he would have been put on trial for it."
"What was his son charged with Arcanist?" Amber ask.
"He was charged with using one of the Unforgivable Curses on another human-bing. The Unforgivable Curses are so-called because using them on another person is an immediate life sentence." Arcanist said as calmly as possible.
"So, there are some spells that the magical community views as wrong?" the man on the other end of headset asked.
"Yes sir, but there are people who take pleasure in it. These would be our equivalent of serial killers, mass murders, and terrorist." Arcanist cast a glance back at Crouch. He was going through the notes he brought with him. She couldn't read them from here but was wondering if it was his list of experts and witness. "They want to break people to make their views of the world a reality." Arcanist said this as sombrely as possible.
"Does the Justice League fight these people?" Amber ask.
"No, but the Magical Community has special members of the police force that do. You will also get groups of average witches and wizards who fight against them. Lady Potter is one of those people. The same could be said for her husband and Mr Black. In fact, there was a group of them fighting a dark wizard named Voldemort."
Arcanist attention was pulled away by the sound of Crouch's voice. "My first witness is Mr Jacob Babington."
"The fuck?" Arcanist said impulsively. She then flinched thinking about the hell she was going to catch from Ma and her Mum. "Forgive my language, but Crouch should NOT be calling this man as a witness for the Crown."
The man sitting in the BCC station laughed. "No worries ma'am even the best of us have a slip of the tongue sometimes. Is this a defence witness ma'am?"
"Yes sir, this man was one of the few people who had a clear view of the events occurring between Mr Black and Mr Pettigrew." Arcanist said with a slight tint of pink to her cheeks. "The thing is his evidence was disregarded by Crouch at the time because it didn't fit his story. While the man's memory was altered at the time it has since been restored."
"How do we know they weren't altered to make the man think these things?" the reporter asked.
"Ma'am, I took the time to investigate the crime. That included removing enchantments from people that the Ministry has 'removed' the event from a person's memory. It is too easy for the Ministry of Magic to identify false memories for me to consider doing it. Also wearing these robes during, even after, the event would be uncomfortable" Arcanist gestured to the white rim of her robes. "Also, these robes would be rendering my magic useless if I did such a thing. The Robes of the Archmagi do tell you the kind of person you are dealing with." Arcanist said in a calm tone.
"So the white robes means what exactly?" the woman asked.
"That I am good of character, or more bluntly that I am neither purely neutral or evil. I am not perfect, but if you were to define things along the line of good and evil that is what this means. Grey means neutral and black means evil, and before you ask yes this is an absolute certainty."
Before anything else could be said Crouch started asking his questions in a proud tone of voice. What he thought would be his 'victory ensuring' question. "Mr Babington what did you see Mr Black do to the victim Mr Peter Pettigrew on Saturday, November 3, 2001?"
"Nothing sir, if anything I saw Mr Pettigrew do things to Mr Black over there." Mr Babington said while pointing over at Sirius. "I told your people this as I was being treated for my injuries. Although you sir, didn't seem to take me seriously. You kept saying that I was bewitched, and kept insisting that other witnesses who couldn't see what I saw were right, and I was wrong."
Crouch had rounded on the man at this point. It was now more obvious that he had gotten this man confused for another witness. "Sir surely you are mistaken."
"No, sir. I told Madam Bones the same thing I just told you two weeks ago. Thus was after Madam Zatanna removing your memory altering spell. The thing is the two of them sat there and listened to me instead of ignoring me as you did twelve years ago. It shouldn't have mattered that I was the only one who wasn't saying that Mr Black had attacked everyone." Mr Babington sound more than a little upset at this point.
"Sir what did you see exactly?" Minister Fudge asked. He actually sounds concerned more now about what this case said about the Ministry itself than himself. Although Arcanist would put it past him to try and save his own arse for what he did a couple of months ago concerning Sirius.
"I saw Mr Black walking down the street. When he saw Mr Pettigrew he screamed out the man's name. The next thing I know Mr Pettigrew screams out that 'Sirius Black betrayed the Potter's' whom I'm assuming are Mrs Potter and her daughter. The next thing I see is Mr Pettigrew pulls a stick out of his sleeve. He then flicked his wrist at the ground. The beam that left his wand liquefied the concrete. I could feel the heat from where I was standing. I am assuming the heat caused a gas explosion. I was knocked back. The only thing stopping the shards of concrete and steel from hitting me was the protection that Mr Pettigrew had around him saved me as well. I think I was nocked out for a couple of seconds, but next the next thing I saw was Pettigrew pointed his wand at his pinkie finger, on his left hand, and magically cut it off. He then stopped the bleeding with a quick flick of his wrist. What happened next shocked me to this day. I saw Mr Pettigrew turning into a rat. I thought I'd gone mad, but now thanks to Lady Zatanna and Madam Bones I know this is a magical transformation that takes a while to master."
"Sir clearly you must have been..." Crouch started.
"Enough Barty!" screamed the defence solicitor. "It's clear you don't even remember who your own witnesses are. Those that were to be called by you have turned you down saved for one man, and he was not in a safe mental state at the time. Not that he cannot be trusted it is just that he had a limited view of what happened. Given where he was standing on the street even he doubts what he saw. The others only saw the events from the other side of the street. If this is the 'best' that you have I call for the Crown to drop the charges right now."
"I am afraid that I agree with you, Solicitor Longbottom." Madam Bones said in a sombre tone. "All of those in favour of dropping the charges?"
"Is this normal Arcanist?" the male anchor asked.
"Yes." Arcanist said swiftly. "I know this seems weird, but in a case like this, a person's trial is infront of the entire Wizengamot, the governing body of the Magical UK our version of the Parliament. That means that you're more than likely to see a few people posture for political grandstanding. Granted those numbers are very small."
"Well, that's good to know," Amber said with this tone of approval to her voice.
Before Arcanist could say a word she felt a flow of malevolence surge off to her left. She cast a glance down that way to see if a demon or something equally dangerous had broken into this room. The only thing she could see was the mass of people sitting in the public viewing area. She couldn't shake the feeling that someone was now walking down a very dark path. The sound of Fudge's voice pulled her out of this wandering. "All of those in favour of guilty?" Not a single wand was raised. "All of those for not guilty?" Nearly every wand in the Wizengamot was raised and lit at this point. They didn't even bother to count the number it was a clear not guilty. "Well, that concludes this trial then. Mr Black your wand, robes, and other belonging will be returned to you now. We will take this time to discuss what you are owed due to your false imprisonment Mr Black."
What followed next was a half-hour discussion on how much money was owed to Sirius. The took into consideration his payment as an Auror and the money his family would have invested into companies around the Magical UK. At this time though the reporters started talking to her once more about the robes. "So did you make these or did you buy them?"
"No, I was given these by Doctor Fate almost a year ago now. He knew what I was going to be doing before I did." Arcanist said with a smile. She couldn't tell these people the truth, but she could hint at how this stuff went down. "I could now make a copy of the robes myself, but that would take time and money. Both of which I don't have at the moment."
"So, you were telling us that you can tell the difference between them." the anchor asked.
"Right," Arcanist said with a smile as she looked over at the camera. "Before I say anything the knowledge of how to make these things are lost, and there are only three of them remaining as far as I know." Amber nodded. "Well the white-rimmed robes mean good, or someone who is like Superman, Dr Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Dr Fate, or a mage who is willing to put others before themselves. Neutral is rimmed with a grey colouring. It is a little harder to define, but I'll try. I kind of want to say that they are the average person. They aren't completely good or evil, but they don't have to do things like robbery or murder to qualify as neutral. They just don't have a strong pull one way or another. Evil is rimmed in a dark black colour. That is easier defined. It is someone like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, or Voldemort. The last one I mentioned is a man in the magical world who is the modern equivalent to Hitler. Thankfully he's been gone for over a decade."
"What would be the consequences of wearing one not suited for you?" The woman asked with more than a little tone of concern to her voice.
"The mage's magic would be weakened, their physical attributes harmed in some way, and the mental faculties would be diminished as well. That being said they won't turn into a quadriplegic or someone with a mental handicap. They will just find it harder to use their magic, and think correctly in certain situations."
"Wow," both reporters said as one.
"Indeed." Arcanist said in a calm tone. She didn't want to sound arrogant or have this 'I know more than you' attitude towards these people The banging of a gavel grabbed their attention once more. Once Arcanist turned her attention back to the centre of the courtroom she noticed Supergirl gesturing for her to float back down there. "I've loved talking to you, but I must go." Arcanist took off the headset and flew back down to Supergirl. "What's wrong love?"
"I can hear Ronald threatening you under his breath. I think the flair of Dark Magic we felt came from him." Supergirl said as she point towards the visitors' section of the room. Arcanist looked in that direction, and after looking around for a bit she finally found him. He looked more than little livid at the moment. She could tell that he was feeling unwell about all of this. She knew the bastard didn't like her, but Arcanist didn't think he was brazen enough to attack her right here and now. Especially with Doctor Fate standing next to her. The disparity between the two of them was beyond laughable. "Don't worry about it Arcanist I'll keep an eye on him."
Arcanist looked back at Supergirl and smiled. "Thanks, love," she said before leaning forward and lightly becking Supergirl on the cheek.
Once she backed away from Supergirl she turned her gaze fell once more to Minister Fudge. The man looked livid at the moment, and it was times like this that Arcanist wished she was good enough with Legilimency to read his surface thought without her wand being drawn. Arcanist followed his line of sight and found him glaring at a surprising individual. She was expecting it to be someone like Madam Bones, but he was glaring at Lucius Malfoy, and probably Anthony Nott. Those sitting around the two men were trying to put some distance between them. Dark or not they probably didn't want to seem so reckless right now.
"Mr Nott I can assure you that under no circumstances are we going to put Lord Black in St Mungo's for an indefinite amount of time. Yes, the man needs a Mental Healer, but to put him under permanent lockdown is absurd. We as a culture have already done that to him ONCE before, and I will not be responsible for doing it again! Now if that is all you have to say I would suggest that you keep your mouth shut!" There was a loud murmur in agreement with the Minister, and most of the people were glaring in the same direction. "Now if there is nothing else to say about this let us move on!" The soft murmur sounded more in agreeance to Arcanist, but hearing Supergirl snort meant that someone said something rather offensive towards Nott. "Now ladies and gentlemen of Wizengamot all those in favour of giving Sirius Black two-thousand galleons once a month for the next ten year?" Arcanist looked around the room to find that half the assembly had their wand lifted. When Fudge called for those that were opposed to it only fifteen wands were lifted up. "Well, now that that is out of the way I would like to extend an apology to you, Mr Black. A few months back I took the words of a man who I now know had no interest in doing the right thing concerning you. The man is also the reason that Mr Lupin lost his job due to a DISEASE that can be treated." Arcanist rolled her eyes at his attempt to save his own arse. "Had I known that Professor Snape was holding onto a childhood grudge against you and PROFESSOR Lupin I would have exposed this months ago. I know that Chief Warlock Dumbledore has found a new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor for this year, but I will extend him an offer to return to his RIGHTFUL job. Is there ANYTHING YOU'D like to add to that Dumbledore?"
Dumbledore looked around the room. If Arcanist had to guess what the man was thinking about right now it would be: How can I play this to make people see my way of thinking? It's not that Dumbledore was inherently evil, but he's been right concerning the way things so often that he doesn't think that he could be wrong. It also seems to her that he has fallen into that age-old stereotype of 'my way is the best way', and he cannot see that things that needed to be changed. It wasn't that he was completely off his rocker, but his actions would later on in time be viewed as foolish, and almost childish.
"I think that had we done things a little better at that time we wouldn't have needed to rely on children to correct our mistakes." He then looked around the room. "I should have set up a patronus to protect Mr Black before calling on you Madam Bones to clear things up. Instead, I relied on young adults to solve this problem. To Ms Potter and Ms Granger, I would like to extend an overdue thank you. The two of them saved peoples lives that night. Had Professor Snape not let his grudge against Mr Black guide his actions then perhaps this trial might not have been needed in this way."
Arcanist had to admit she wanted to congratulate the man on his self-saving politics, but she didn't really think it would work in this new world he was being thrust into. She cast a sideways glance at Ronald and what she saw made all the alarms she developed in the last two years of her life go off. There was this feeling of tones of dark magic hanging around the area Ronald was in. She cast her glance over to Dumbledore to make sure the same was not true for him as well. Thankfully for them, all the man was clean of such magic. She didn't know if Dumbledore would ever support her, but she KNEW he would oppose Ronald if he was doing what she thought he might be doing.
As Weasley left the room Arcanist turned her gaze back to Supergirl. The wry smile on her face made her worry. "What the bloody did he do know?"
Supergirl shook her head as the walked towards the exit. "It's not him I'm laughing at it's the things people said to him because of it. Molly said that he would find it very hard to get people to listen to him about you. After that Ginny told him that if he continued this the Bat-Boggy Hex would become a constant problem for him."
Arcanist looked over her should at Sirius. "Sirius I know you're going to be talking with them before we meet up again, so could you try and pull his head out of his arse."
Sirius nodded. "I'll try, but I don't know the boy that well, so don't hold your hopes that high."
Arcanist nodded before looking down the hall. She could see the flood of press people heading their way. "We need to keep this brief. Lily needs to meet up with Violet in fifteen minutes so they can hold that press meeting." Everyone nodded and ready themselves for the questions that would be heading their way.
Police Station
Little Whinging, 9:35 AM
Violet was walking around the room she and her Mum were waiting in for the Police Station. She looked over at the telly that was displaying the latest news about Raizel at the moment. Apparently, some arsehole had got a camera in Dudley's face an hour ago and started questioning him about his sister. The man didn't seem to get it that Dudley didn't know anything, and kept pressing the matter to the point that Dudley clocked him pretty good. The chief of police told her that Dudley wouldn't be arrested and that the man with the phone had actually broken leapt over the fence into the Polkiss backyard. The chief said that the press would be kept as far away from Dudley and Raizel as possible. This made her feel a little bit better about what was going on. Yesterday evening was nuts, to begin with, and the biggest secret Vernon and Petunia had kept from them had been revealed.
"Sit down Violet everything will be okay." Her Mum said as she patted the chair beside her. "You know everything is going to be alright. What happened last night was a complication that we couldn't have seen coming even if we wanted to."
"I know, but had Dudley or I known about her we could have saved her sooner," Violet said as she turned around to look at her Mum. "I am not saying that we would have done anything 'special about it, but WE would have done something."
Lily stood up and walked over to her daughter. She gave a tight hug. "Violet you don't know what we would have done about this if we'd know before yesterday." Violet nodded resting her head against her mother's shoulder. "We do know that had Dumbledore known about her things would have been worse for the both of you when it came to going to Hogwarts. He would have known about Raizel long before today. Hell, yes probably know about her since the school's notification alerts them about new students before their eleventh birthday. It would surprise me if they didn't know about her for a year."
"That makes this even worse," Violet said coldly as she stepped away from her Mum. "I cannot see Professors like McGonagall, Sprout, Sinistra, Vector, or Babbling to ignore something like this. Hell, the only professor I can see ignoring this is Snape." Violet said the last part more than little bitterly.
"Violet I know Severus has a problem with your father, but I doubt he would allow Raizel to be harmed in the way she was. If he has changed that much since I knew him I don't know what happened to my old friend."
"A lot may have happened with him..." Violet wanted to say more, but the opening of the door grabbed their attention. The chief of police, the prosecutor, Arcanist, and Supergirl were walking into the room. It was now that Violet knew what Hermione was talking about how one would feel if they saw their future self. It was a little discomforting seeing herself standing there, but this was better than the alternative. Violet looked at the chief of police. "Is it time Office Hughes?"
"Yes," the man with faded black hair said as he got closer. He looked between Violet and her Mum. "These two young ladies have told me that your niece is in a safe place. Is there anyone their to protect her from any kind of... unhealthy activity?"
"Yes sir," Lily said with a calm tone to her voice. "Arcanist helped two female members of the Justice League to protect her."
"How long will they be there?" Mr Smith the prosecutor asked.
"Two days, and then Violet, Kara, and I will be taking her with us to a place that will be under magical protection," Lily said with this stoic look on her face. "Before you ask where we will be going is being placed under the Fidelius Charm. Before you ask that is a spell that hides a location under a vow between two people. Only one of them will be able to hold the secret, and only through them informing you about the secret would it be revealed to you."
Smith looks shocked. "Wait, so someone can just remove things from people's memory?"
Lily shook her head. "Not really. Your mind still holds those memories, but those memories are being blocked by the magic. You won't physically feel anything happen to you, but you will not be able to recall where the house is even if you've been there before."
"So, how will we be able to check on Ms Taylor's well being?" the chief of police asked.
"The person who holds the secret, they are called the Secret Keeper, can pass inform to someone, but even if a person is informed about the secret they will not be able to pass the information on to someone else. The Secret Keeper has to be the one to inform them of the location. This can be done by leading the person there, or by writing the address of the location on a sheet of paper."
"That's it?" Smith asked.
"Yes, the building will seem to 'grow' from the ground up. You could be living next door to the building, but you wouldn't even see it. For someone who hasn't been living next door to the building things will look weird because you will be going from addresses 123 Parks Road to 125 Parks Road. To anyone living there, it is like the address run has always been that way." Lily said with a slight smile to her face. "I know this because this was done with the house I lived in with my..." Lily's voice faded away as the thought of Violet's dad went through her mind. "My husband."
"I am sorry ma'am. I didn't mean to cause you pain." Smith said with a sad look on his face. "So, I take it that the only weakness in this is the Secret Keeper?"
"Yes," Lily said with a little bit of anger in her voice. "The man that James' and I used as our Secret Keeper was used only because James wanted to pull a prank on everyone. The information is held in the Secret Keepers soul, so they will have to willingly have to hand out the information."
"Okay that's good to know." the Chief looked at the clock on the wall. "Well, it's almost nine o'clock now. Let's go Madam Bones is waiting for us. We've screened everyone who has come in here so there should be no one in here wanting to hurt you." The man was looking at Violet.
"Thank you, sir," Violet said with a smile.
The four of them walked out of the room. They walked down the hallway to the left. Violet could feel everyone looking at the group as she walked down the hallway. It was like her walking towards the Sorting Hat once again. This was not abnormal for her anymore, but it still felt weird to her. As Arcanist it was nothing, but as Violet Potter, it still felt like she was an animal in a cage at a zoo. Just thinking that made her smile a little bit.
"What's got you smiling Ms Potter?" the Chief asked.
"With all these people looking at us as we walk down the hallway it feels like my first day at Hogwarts. The first thing we do is get sorted into our school house, and while that is going on you have the entire school looking at you." Violet chuckled. "Well, while I walked up to get Sorted everyone in my own year was staring at me as I walked up to the Sorting Hat like I was an exotic animal in a zoo. In retrospect that was funny, and this feels like that." As the rounded another corner Violet could see Madam Bones. She nodded at her, and kept walking. Madam Bones started following them following just behind her mum.
Smith chuckled at this. "Well, I guess that is a little bit funny." He stopped in front of a door to their right. "Alright ladies, the press should already be here." He looked at both of them. "Mrs Potter I know you are used to this kind of madness because of your job within the Ministry of Magic, but have you prepared Ms Potter for what we are going to do?"
"Yes, I didn't tell her what she should say, but I told her that she should be careful how she answers questions they ask her," Lily said with a sombre look on her face.
"Okay, I just want you to leave the questions about what happened with your Aunt and Uncle to me. Also if they ask about anything relating to your cousin just say you don't want to talk about it for her safety." Mr Smith said calmly.
Violet nodded and then followed Smith through the door. As she walked through the door Violet could hear the flashing of cameras off to her right. The flashes of light were unsettling in a way. Sure she'd been through this before, but this would make the second time today that she's had this happen to her. This was going to take some time to get used to. Violet sat to the right of her Mum who was sitting to the left of Smith. The chief was sitting to her mum's right, and Madam Bones was sitting to his right. The table wasn't that long, but this moment made the table feel as long as the dining tables at Hogwarts. Once she was seated she could finally see how many people were in this room. It seemed like there were a hundred people in the room. She knew she was wrong, but in this room was the right size to hold that many people.
Violet started scanning the room for anyone that didn't belong there. There were a few police officers standing on the side of the door at the other end of the room. Standing at odd intervals along the walls were other police officers. Some members of the press didn't feel comfortable about this, but given what had happened on her way back to the Polkiss residence she couldn't blame the police for being this protective. There was a part of her that was wanting Lois to be there, but she knew that was impossible because at the moment she was in Metropolis handling another story about Lex Luthor. There was another reporter that was missing. Violet was actually glad that reporter was missing. She didn't even want to think of what Skeeter would write about the information she was about to tell all of these people.
After a few minutes silence Smith started the conference. "Thank you, ladies, and gentle for meeting with us this morning. I know we are a few minutes late, but both members of the Potter family were being informed of what had been going on with Ms Taylor." Smith looked around the room after saying this with this steeled resolve look on his face. "I know that everyone wants to talk to them about that, but that is not what we are here for. Both of these ladies are here to answer questions about Ms Violet Potter's life with the Dursleys. Now if we can keep our questions focused on that I think things will go smoothly."
At this moment the noise level of the room shot up a hundredfold. Smith pointed to a man wearing a green button-up shirt with a black tie. "Ms Potter a lot of us have been told that you've been doing magic on the Dursleys since you moved in with them. Is this true?"
"That is untrue sir. I've been living with Vernon and Petunia since I was a year and three months old. At that age the only kind of magic I could do was accidental, and even after going to school for it I haven't used magic in that house deliberately. I did have a slight display of magic when I 'inflated' Marjorie Dursley like a balloon last year after she said that all my problems come from be the child of 'bad stock. She said my dad was worthless and my mother was a bitch." Violet said calmly.
"Are those the same type of magic?" the man asked.
It was Madam Bones that answered the question. "Yes sir, and it is nothing you have to fear. It is magic done out of frustration, fear, or anger. Teens and adults are prone to this if you push them over the edge. Aside from what Ms Potter did, an example of accidental magic would be a toddler pulling a toy back into her hand from across the room. At that age no one can control their magic. In fact, it is very rare for anyone to learn how to control their magic until say ten or so."
The reporters started making noise once more. Violet pointed to a dark-skinned woman a row infront of the man who asked the last question. "So it is impossible for a child to put someone under mind control?"
Violet nodded her head. "Yes, ma'am. Even if that were possible doing it would have alerted the Ministry of Magic of my actions. It is against the law for people under the age of seventeen to do magic anywhere other than Hogwarts. Also, the only spell that would do that is not one you can just cast. You have to truly intend to be in control of someone or something else. It is one of the spells that are called the Unforgivable Curses."
A man on the left side of the room asked. "How do we know you haven't done that though ma'am?"
Violet looked over at the elderly man. "As I said, sir, the Ministry of Magic would have detected it being cast, and they would have sent a team of Aurors, magical police, to check out what was going on at number four Privet Drive. It wouldn't have taken them long to find out that such a spell had been cast, and I would have been placed in prison for life."
A woman in the last row on the right-hand side asked. "So, they wouldn't have treated you differently because you were a minor?"
Lily shook her head. "No ma'am, I was an Auror before I had to go into hiding to protect my family. The Imperious Curse, the one that puts someone else under your control, is so dark that it can only be powered by the intent to dominate someone else's mind. Before any of you ask: yes there are signs some is under the Imperious Curse. This will cause the colour of their iris to be dull in colour. A person's eyes would have this grey colour over the whole eyes if they are under it by weak witch or wizard or if the spell was done in quickly while the caster is under pressure. Also they will be acting a little out of place, and some things they would do regularly they will stop doing. Also for Petunia and Vernon to be under mind control for over a decade their closest friends would have noticed that something was wrong with them. Also, it makes no sense that any child would have their caretakers abuse other children in this way, and have them abuse themselves in a different way."
Madam Bones nodded her head before saying. "The Department of Magical Law Enforcement would have documentation of this happening sir, and I can assure you sir this would have been looked into if it was being done because of magic." Madam Bones looked down at Chief Thompson. "Chief Thompson and I have been working together so he knows what we do about that house."
The first report almost stood up at this point. "So, had Arcanist not revealed the Magical World you would have just swept this under the rug?"
Madam Bones just glared at the man. Some of the reporter sitting around him inched away from him at this point. "No sir. What we would have done is modified the memories of the children, so that magic wasn't part of their memory, then we would have used there statements as evidence, and then after a conviction we would have released a story of the conviction. The criminal would be sent to Azkaban, the magical prison, after that."
"So, what Mr Dursley's solicitor is saying is wrong?" a blonde-haired woman sitting to the left of the first reporter asked.
"Yes," Smith said with this steeled look on his face. "Aside from what Madam Bones has told us, I have had a hard time believing that a child would have set all of this up. It just doesn't make sense that the two of them have been doing this since she was a toddler, at least, and they have records going back to 2000. So, as Madam Bones told you there is no way Ms Potter can be responsible for this."
A reporter in the back row stood up at this point. "Ms Potter, are you having this meeting to put us at ease?"
"No, sir. I am doing this to be open about what I do and have done. I've been staying with my girlfriend and her family for two weeks now which is why I didn't know what Vernon and Petunia had been saying about me. I only came back here once after Vernon and Petunia were arrested. That was only for a brief visit to friends from school." Violet said calmly looking around the room. "I didn't even look at the magical or non-magical press until yesterday, so I didn't know about any of this. Hell, I wouldn't have known that my mum was still alive had she not dropped by my friends' house." Violet knew her wording was inappropriate, but she was trying to be the young teenager she was supposed to be.
"So, how did you know your daughter was there Mrs Potter?" the first reporter asked.
Lily shook her head. "I didn't know she was there. Her friends mum and I are old friends, and I went to her house just to say hello. I had to go there with Madam Bones to ensure that I wouldn't be stunned on first sight."
"Why would the woman have done that?" a reporter asked.
"The people in the magical world had been told that I died the night my husband lost his life. I don't know how I ended up in Central Park in New York City with no memory of who I was or where I came from. The only thing I remembered was the name of Shiera Hol. As for where that name came from it was the name of two different friends of mine from Hogwarts who had died days before that happened."
"So, what happened to you the night your daughter was 'orphaned'?" an Asian reporter in the front row asked.
"The man who killed my husband was not wanting to kill me for some reason. He told me that somebody 'wanted me to be safe'. When I refused to get out of his way he hit me with a spell, and the next thing I knew I was waking up with a man who became a friend checking my vitals." Her mum's face took on this wistful look. "After that, I spent a month going through tests to make sure I wasn't carrying a disease, and once all of that was cleared I was given the choice to become a citizen, or go back to whatever country I came from. I chose to stay and got a job in the US Government. I've turned in my resignation and will be returning here to take care of my daughter. Before any of you ask: yes I will be taking custody of my niece."
Smith spoke next. "That being said ladies and gentlemen this is about Ms Potter's life with Vernon and Petunia."
"What are the charges against the Dursleys now given that Mrs Potter returned?" a reporter in the front row asked.
"They have not changed. They have still abused Ms Potter for over a decade, and sadly the system that should have protected her failed. We have documentation of her height and weight measurements from school along with nurses turning in the notation of suspected abuse. The thing is there is no response from the police concerning this. It is like the notes never made it to us." The chief said in a slightly agitated voice. "I have a group of investigators looking into this problem. When we find out how this happened WE will be arresting the person responsible for it."
"So the problem is internal in that area Chief Thompson?" a man in the second row asked.
"So, there is no way this problem couldn't be a magical one?" the first reporter asked.
Bones answered this one. "It is possible. If a witch or wizard is responsible for it they will be hunted down, and arrested by the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."
"Will you be part of that investigation Mrs Potter?" a reporter in the third row asked.
Lily shook her head. "No, since my daughter is the victim I cannot be part of the investigation."
"Ms Potter did you know anything about what your Aunt and Uncle were doing?" the first reporter asked. He sounded like he was trying to bait her into saying something incriminating.
"No," Violet said sternly. "I saw them take a black sleeping bag up into the room one day, and I never saw them take it out again."
The same reporter asked in a more aggressive tone. "Yes ma'am, but what made you think that there was something wrong about that?"
"Sir, I am the one who cleaned the house. So it was odd when I couldn't find that sleeping bag anywhere in their room later while cleaning it out. Before you ask sir: NO I didn't have help doing while cleaning the house. I swept the entire house, I mopped, I cooked all the meals, I served the food, I cut the lawn, and I pulled all the weeds from the garden. Before you ask: No, Dudley didn't know anything about this either. He was too busy watching TV to notice anything like that. The only reason I told the police that there was something on the second floor is I was concerned about what they were doing. They could have been smuggling drugs or firearms for all I knew."
"So, that is why you told the police where your aunt and uncle's bedroom was?" another reporter in the front row asked.
"Yes sir, but I don't think they would have been hiding children in their room. Much less that they were doing worse things to those girls than they were doing to me." Violet said a little heatedly.
"What would they do to you ma'am?" the woman in the back row asked.
"Anytime I had a bout of accidental magic they would toss me in the cupboard under the stairs, and deny me food and water for the rest of the day. There were days I fell asleep starving. I've had to clean the mess I'd made in the cupboard the next day should they deny me the lavatory as well." Violet said a little calmer.
"So, they you didn't do anything that would be classified as misbehaviour?" the Asian reporter asked.
"Not really. There were a couple of times I talked back to Vernon and Petunia, but I never actively tried to do things that were bad. I even did poorly in my school work because it upset Vernon that I was smarter than Dudley." Violet thought about this for a couple of seconds, and went a little further. "Before any of you ask: I don't think the way Dudley treated me was done of his own volition. Vernon had been telling him how to behave his since he was five. It was never proper behaviour by most people's standards. He'd been accused of bullying at school this year, and Vernon and Petunia made excuses for it. Vernon later complimented him for it. The way I've seen Dudley look at times in the past, and the way he's treated me since then, has shown that he isn't like that because he liked it. Vernon had told Dudley that it was okay to chase me around the house and beat me up. He even thought it was okay if Dudley's friends did this as well." Violet started shaking her head. "You can ask any of the neighbours, and you'll find that they did this through the entire neighbourhood. They were doing this at school as well. Petunia would call that being boisterous." Violet took in a slow breath trying to calm down. She was getting a little heated at this point. "It's things like that that caused me to 'apparate' to the roof of the school one day, or to cause Piers to be wearing Dudley shirt and vice versa. At this point I hold nothing against them, so people shouldn't be harassing them on my behalf. I also doubt that he knew anything about Annabelle Taylor, so don't even talk to him about her."
"We only have time for a few more questions with them, ladies and gentlemen. After that Chief Thompson and I will answer any questions you may have about what we have found." Smith said calmly.
The first reporter raised his hand. When he was acknowledged the man asked: "So if the girls that were rescued were here what would you tell them?"
"I would tell them that they don't have to worry about Petunia or Vernon anymore. While I feel for them there is nothing else I could tell them, and nothing I can say would make what happened to them go away." Violet said calmly. This was an odd question. It was like this man was trying to get her to lose her cool. "Sir, I fail to see where this question is coming from."
"Ma'am we have all heard the story of the wicked witch, and now we have proof that you COULD HAVE helped..." the man had this wicked look on his face.
"ENOUGH Mr Lewis!" Smith snapped. "You have been told why she couldn't have helped or forced her relatives do what they are accused of. I doubt she knew the law that Arcanist is using to protect us. I don't know what you are getting at, but this young lady has been abused for over a decade, and we have proof of it from the nursing records from her primary school. If she weren't a witch I doubt you'd be acting this way!" The anger in Smith's voice was shocking. "Now, if you don't have a question that isn't trying to paint Ms Potter as a criminal I think you're done."
Thompson spoke next in an agitated voice. "I've had my men looking into her actions as a resident of that house for two weeks now. They have found nothing more than hearsay about her 'bad action'." The man seemed livid about the reporter's actions. "We don't know what turned her into a boy for thirteen years. That being said we have photos, videos, and written documentation that she was Harry James Potter for that length of time. IF she had done anything along the lines your implying we would KNOW!"
Madam Bones added to what Thompson had said. "Mr Lewis as I said the Department of Magical Law Enforcement would have known about her using magic in that house. The only instance of deliberate magic that was used when she was there was a Hovering charm. In fact I could tell you what it was used for." Madam Bones said the last part rather coldly.
"What was it used for?" a man sitting next to Lewis asked.
"To move a bowl of pudding across the room, and drop it on someone." Madam Bones said this more calmly. "Granted those alerts are under the name Harry James Potter, and they were disputed later. A magical creature had gotten into the house and done all of that."
"Ms Potter," another reporter asked. "Why are the documents have you under that name? Also why are all the video or pictures of you as a young boy?"
"Because someone who knew my parents was trying to protect me. They changed my gender to keep me out of the hands of people like Vernon and Petunia. I've talked to him about this. Given by his reaction to what had happened I don't think he knew that those two were the kind of danger he was trying to protect me from."
"Did he check in on you?" the elderly man asked.
"No sir, I don't think he meant ill will by it, but he never checked in on me after I was left in the care of Vernon and Petunia because there was no proof at this time of how dangerous it was." Violet said calmly.
"So, you had no control over what gender you were?" Lewis asked.
Violet growled. "No, and what turned me into a boy was a potion. Returning to my original gender was an unexpected thing. I didn't even know I was originally a girl. Changing gender was one of the most painful things that have happened to me. Before any of you ask: I only know of one way to change someone's gender, and that is a potion."
"Mrs Potter this isn't something you or your husband did to your daughter?" a reporter in the left asked.
Her mum shook her head. "No, James and I were proud to have a daughter. The man who did it had his reasons, and I won't hold them against him. I will disagree with it forever, but his reason was a sound one."
Smith looked down at his watch. He looked back up at the people in front of them. "That's it, ladies and gentlemen, I think these two ladies need to go meet with Ms Taylor now," Smith said calmly. If there are any other questions we are more than willing to answer them.
Violet and her mum stood up and followed a police officer out of the room. Violet looked at Lewis as she left the room. The man's eyes followed them as they exited the room. Violet was so tempted to follow this man as Arcanist after the conference was dismissed. That, however, was out of the question. She had to be at the other conference with Fudge and the Prime Minister in a few minutes. She was 'already' there with them at this moment, but Violet Potter was going to have to take a time jump to make this happen, and she had to back far enough to get Dumbledore's help wit that damn door at the manner. Once in the hallway, her mum told her to they would be apparating to Raizel now. Violet nodded and grabbed her hand, and instantly felt like she was being squeezed through a straw.
9:15 AM
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Headmaster's Office
Albus was pacing back and forth in his office wondering where he had gone wrong. He'd tried to call out to Fawkes a few times this morning alone, but he'd not been answered at all. He knew that phoenixes were picky when it came to their bond mates, but he didn't think he'd done anything wrong when it came to the way he handled Lily and Violet Potter. It was for the Greater Good that all of this was done, and yet even he felt bad about it after the fact. That was more because of all the things that had gone on over the last two weeks. The worst of which was done earlier this morning. That the Prime Minister was treating him like he was a criminal was something he was not used to. Sure, in the muggle world what he had to do would be viewed as wrong, but in the long wrong, the results would have revealed to be right. The way one had to deal with a Dark Wizard like Voldemort was different than the way one had to deal with a Nazi or those who wanted to enslave people in the muggle world.
The hooting of his new owl grabbed his attention. He turned and looked over at his Horned Owl. He looked more than a little agitated. He got this why every time Albus thought about Fawkes. "I'm sorry Jade. I know you don't like me thinking about Fawkes, but days like me regret what I have done."
"Hoot!" Aegis said with a stressed look on his face.
"I know that I've done wrong to Violet, but that was for her good. Had she been a girl her whole life who knows what would have happened to her? What some of the men in our world were wanting to do her is bad enough. Had I KNOWN about Vernon and Petunia I'd have NEVER left her in their care as a boy." Albus looked off to his left at a picture of the best headmaster of the school. "I wonder what Merlin would have done in this situation."
Albus felt the warning of someone apparating outside the gates of Hogwarts. He looked outside his window, and even from this distance, he could see Arcanist standing outside the gates. She opened the gate and started making her way towards the school. He knew Minerva would be there sooner than he would. He just hoped that what she was here for was an admission that what she had been doing was wrong. A small of a chance that that was it was the best thing she could do.
Albus walked over to his desk and grabbed the notes he'd been making on what Arcanist could do. He put them into the right-hand drawer of the desk. He cleared the desk of all other notes concerning where she could have learned all of this stuff from. Yes, it was aggressive magic, but it was all classified as grey because it could be turned to non-lethal magic. This was something he'd wished he knew about things like this years ago, but he didn't think learning this kind of magic would be something that would be classified as "Light" based magic. How could someone who calls themselves a hero do magic like this?
The sound of the Phoenix statue moving down caused him to put these notes in with the rest of his notation. He made his way behind his desk hoping that he could look calm right now. He didn't have to wait long for there to be a knock on his door. "Come in, Minerva." It wasn't long until the door. What he saw made him worried. Minerva looked beyond agitated. "What is wrong Minerva?"
"Arcanist is the one who sent that patronus message Albus." Minerva was glaring at him at this point. "She and Supergirl found out something that makes the Dursleys' look even worse now Albus," Minerva said in an overly angered voice.
"What do you mean Minerva?" Albus asked a little shocked.
Minerva held up a crystal phial with a silver liquid in it. "She says this memory has the proof in it."
"I would never fake a memory Professor McGonagall. Besides, I would gain nothing by making a fake memory. There are also other things that can be gained by an alliance as it were between us professor." Arcanist said in a calm voice. "Besides there is a dark wizard that has been supporting her tormentor for years."
"Who?" Albus was shocked by this news. There was no way there was an unknown dark wizard. He knew he didn't know all of them personally, but most were known to him.
Arcanist shook her head. "I wish I knew who, but sadly he has stayed out of sight for weeks. He's probably the one behind the attack on Ms Potter when her Aunt and Uncle were arrested. If that wasn't him then this is just a by product of Mr and Mrs Dursleys connections. Before you ask: I highly doubt they have anything to do with Voldemort."
Albus was shocked that she could say Tom's fake name so easily. "You have no problem saying Voldemort's name?"
Arcanist nodded. "I have to face things worse than him pretty much on a monthly basis now. Voldemort's forces wouldn't ever attack the muggle world. He would need a real army, but I doubt he has the capability to gather one. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but looking back on all the records the Ministry and Daily Prophet have don't show him that well. He looks like a terrorist at best to me."
"What do you mean?" Minerva asked a little shocked.
Arcanist sighed. "Compared to people like Joker, Darkseid, Sinestro, and many other far more dangerous individuals he's just a mass murderer at best, and not a danger that cannot be overcome. Before you say anything the only thing Voldemort ever did was attack individuals in their homes when they were least expecting it. Occasionally he would attack somewhere in Diagon Alley and even then took off long before the Aurors showed up. The dark things he did are horrible, but not once has he taken hostages, brought a city to a standstill, or been able to overthrow a government."
"That does not make him less dangerous," Albus said hotly.
"I know, but compared to these people he is not frightening. All of them have endangered entire cities, countries, or the entire planet. So, until Voldemort gets on that level he's not that scary." Arcanist said calmly. "I am not wanting him to get to that level 'cause I think he'd drag Potter into the middle of that madness, and we can't have that."
Albus was shocked at this. "You care about her?"
Arcanist nodded her head. "The girl has been through Hell as it is, and the last thing we need is for Idiot Boy to get any ideas. Before you say anything I am not quitting what I do. The Muggle world is relying on me now. Hell the Magical world across the boards, so long as it's safe to, is revealing itself to the muggles. So, going back into hiding now is stupid."
All Albus could do was shake his head. He'd hoped that one day within the upcoming century this could be done, but it was happening now right in front of him. "Ms Arcanist I think it is too soon to be doing this."
"Professor this is not about what I am doing within the Muggle world. This is about this memory and Ms Taylor. The girl was Vernon and Petunia Dursley's child. Before you say anything they sold her off into slavery at only a few months old." Arcanist said coldly. She held up the memory phial. "I am wanting to work with you not against you Headmaster." Arcanist said as calmly as she could. "That is the reason I am here, and why I sent the message."
Albus looked at the memory phial in her hand. Thinking back to that message made him wonder how bad things were. The idea that the Dursleys had a daughter bothered him. Would they have told them to reject the invitation to Hogwarts? They had a rejection letter this year, but the letter was from the girl herself. So, they didn't think much of it because not everyone would accept the offer. He had thought the girl had been selected for muggle boarding school. "Are you sure?"
Arcanist nodded with this sad look on her face. "Had she not cried out for Supergirl we never would have found her." Arcanist held out the phial. "You need to see this sir."
Albus took the phial out of her hand. "I take it you know about pensieve here?"
Arcanist nodded. "My mentor said it was a gift from Ravenclaw."
Albus cast a glance at the portraits of previous headmasters/mistresses of the school. These would be the only people who knew about this aside from the students or staff who needed it. None of them was still alive. Sure she might have learned it from one of the portraits, but that was something he would have to talk to them later. He looked back at Arcanist and took the phial. "This way ma'am." Albus led her to the cabinet that contained the pensieve. He opened the cabinet and pulled out the pensieve. He cleared the pensieve of any memory he may have been reviewing, and then put the memory from the phial to the pensieve. He looked back at Arcanist "Do you want to see this memory?"
She shook her head. "No, I don't need to. This is nothing disgusting, but I've read the document you are going to see in this memory."
"So, this document is important," Albus asked a little shocked.
"Yes, and once you read it you will know why. I could tell you what it is, but that feels like me pushing you towards a conclusion, and I don't want to do that." Arcanist said calmly. "Hell, I don't even want to tell you what is in the memory."
Albus nodded and looked back at the pensieve. He lowered the head towards the pensieve. He soon felt himself 'falling' into the memory. Once his 'feet' were on the ground he looked around. He seemed to be in a large storage room. The sound of someone walking off to his left grabbed his attention. What he saw disturbed him. There was a girl about eleven years of age walking along the large boxes using them as cover. She was wearing what looked like a muggle maids outfit that didn't look right on her. It wouldn't have looked right on anyone her age really. He looked from her to the area she was keeping an eye on. There was a group of people talking infront of what looked like an office. None of this seemed right to him. Why would a child dressed like that be in a place like this?
Albus turned his gaze back to the child. She'd moved further down the row of boxes. Albus followed her. He knew to find out what had been going on here he'd have to follow her. He started staying a couple of steps behind the girl. He could hear the conversation of those people near the office door more clearly now. What he heard bothered him.
"So, you think she's ready for this?" an elderly woman asked. He long grey hair was held up in a bun. Her muggle clothes were well done, and the dark red made her blue eyes shine.
The man standing infront of her said with a smile. "I think she is ready to learn the basics. I told the Dursleys she wouldn't be going to Hogwarts, but I never told them I wouldn't teach her magic." A sharp draft of air made Albus look at the girl again. She looked terrified, and Albus dreaded the reason why. "I mean given the way she really looks I don't think Vernon is her father. The man tried to have her ears changed three times, and they returned to their natural state overnight." The man gave off a deep belly laugh. "I think it is time we tape her with the ring off. I mean we have all seen her with the ring off right?"
The ten people standing around him nodded. A dark-skinned woman spoke next. "I am just shocked that they are a real thing. All the stories I've been told they went with the other magi to an alternate Earth."
The man smirked and nodded. "They did, and even if you can get to them learning from them is really difficult. The idea of having her fully grown in a video is exciting."
"I thought you wanted her younger than your allowed to 'entertain' her?" a man with snow-white skin asked.
"I did, but a contract is a contract. It also magically enforced and had her parent's known about that I don't think they would have signed it. Just talking about her makes me want to go 'enjoy' our evening's guests. So, why don't we go up and see what you two have brought us?" The man said this while gesturing towards the wall behind him.
Albus looked back at the girl. She was making her way down the boxes towards another pathway. One look behind him showed him why. There were people moving around behind in the pathway behind them. Albus started following the girl wondering where she was going. He stayed a couple of feet behind her observing the room around him. It seemed like there were men and women moving the boxes around, some people were loading things into boxes, other people were placing crystals into smaller boxes. He'd love to look at those later, but right now he needs to see what was so important about this girl's memory. He followed her as she moved slowly around the boxes. Albus looked around for those people that were talking earlier, but could not find them any longer.
The sound of someone moving off to his right grabbed his attention. There was a man walking out of an office on the other side of the boxes. He looked to the girl and found her watching him closely. He saw her mumbling something before a pink light flashed on the base of her shoes. Within seconds she was running for the door that was sliding closed now. She lunged forward and another bout of accidental magic caused one of the boxes infront of the man to topple over. The girl was now lunging forward and thrusting her hand in the doorway. The door was a couple of inches from being closed, but as it hit her hand it started sliding the other way. The girl took one look down the pathway. The man was now trying to pick the box up and was calling for someone to assist him. When Albus looked back at the doorway he found the girl on the other side of the door. Albus followed her through the doorway and was very happy that a memory door wouldn't be causing him any harm as the door closed on him.
Looking around the room Albus found what appeared to be an office. There where things showed other people on small portraits. This had to be muggle security measures. He knew about television, but he had no idea how it worked. The idea of having a magical television station was pitched back in the 1950s, but it had been shot down because of the possibility of it revealing the truth to the muggles. There were other things in the room that didn't make sense to him. There was this larger screen on a desk, but it only showed a picture of what looked like tiny files. Off to the side of this desk was a small cabinet, and the girl was walking towards it. He watched her as she opened the third drawer of the cabinet. She started sifting through the files that were there. She kept mumbling "Adoption" to herself as she did this. Every now and then she would look towards the door or at the little portraits. She got about halfway through the drawer when there was a catch in her voice. Albus walked up beside her and looked over her shoulder. The file she was looking at said 'Unique Purchase'. Albus was wondering why she'd been so taken back by this file. That however ended as he read the document within it along with her. The fact that Vernon and Petunia had a daughter, and had sold her off disturbed her. How could they do this to their own daughter? As much as he would love to say this was shocking to him he couldn't. After they had been arrested he could no longer ignore how horrible these people were.
The sound of her weeping pulled his eyes away from the document. As she wiped tears from her eyes Albus noticed a silver ring on her left hand. He moved over to her left side and looked at the ring. The ring was etched with runic writing in the centre, and even in the memory, there was this small glow to it as well. He looked once more at the girl's face and found her glaring down at the documents once more. She took the purchase documents and set them on the ground. She was reading the file behind the first document. It was an adoption document between the Dursleys and a Kyle Viktor Taylor. This man's name was on the first document and seeing this bothered Albus. That this man had 'raised' this poor girl made him worry more about what she would be like if they did nothing. Albus looked at her face trying to read what the girl was feeling by the look on her face.
There was this look on her face was one of a slow-burning determination. She looked long past the point of tears. "I can't believe you both just sold me!" Raizel said in a soft voice of rage. "How could you do this to me? Did you not love me?" Raizel said as she looked once more at the document on the floor. "I knew Dad was lying to me about who my parents were, but this makes it worse. I was only a piece of property to them. What about me was so disgusting that they had to get rid of me?" She took out the adoption papers and placed them behind the purchase document. She then put the file back in the drawer. She grabbed the documents, folded them up, and then put them in a pocket on the front of her skirt. She stood up and walked behind the desk. She looked into the mirror as she slipped the ring off her ring finger. "Is this what upset you father?" Albus' jaw fell open at this moment. Standing in front of him was an Aos Sí or Tuatha Dé Danann. These elves didn't have the house-elf look to them. They stood as tall as a human. Their pointy ears were not droopy, and their eyes where not tennis ball sized. They fell into the same category as vela. Though Albus doubted most in the Ministry would see it this way. The sound of her voice pulled him out of his thoughts. "Did you not like these?" Raizel said as he felt her ears.
The sound of the door opening grabbed both of their attention. Albus looked to the door expecting Supergirl or Arcanist to be rushing in but was disappointed to find just a man wearing a black business suit. As the man got closer to her Raizel slipped the ring back on her finger. "What are you doing here?!"
Albus looked over at the girl hoping beyond all hope that either heroin would show up soon. As the man reached for Raizel everything around Albus crunched together. The next thing Albus knew he was standing somewhere outside. Looking around Albus saw what appeared to be a garage door and the size of a large manor. Looking around for Raizel he found the pour girl running towards a forest. As he took off after her two men running towards her. They were carrying some kind of firearm. Now more than before Albus was worried exactly how Arcanist's girlfriend had found out about Raizel. The man with the firearm pointed it at her and fired the weapon. Albus was somewhat relieved to see a net of all things leave the weapon instead of a bullet. Just before the net hit her Raizel vanished in a blur of red and blue. This had to be Supergirl, and looking around Albus could see a small glint off about three hundred feet into the forest, and about two hundred feet in the air and climbing. At this point, the memory started over.
Albus just looked around at this point. Looking for the tell-tell signs that all of this was a modified memory. There were no skips, no alterations to peoples' voices as they spoke, no blurry writing on the documents, no noise that was out of place, and when she revealed her true form there was no ripple to the image that Albus was looking at. The rescue scene was the one point he was sure would be fake, but it didn't matter where he stood in it Raizel just vanished in a blur of blue and red. After his twelfth viewing of the memory, Albus chose to leave the memory. He blinked a couple of times as he looked down into the Pensieve. 'This girl has to be in a safe place now. In all the things I've seen neither Arcanist nor her girlfriend would do something nefarious. Or so I hope.' Albus stood up, and look back at Arcanist. "Why would you show me this memory Ms Arcanist?"
Arcanist sighed. "To get your help, and to prove that I do not mean you harm." She took a step forward and reached into one of her pouches. "This is from Mrs Potter, sir, and I think in this case everyone needs to work together for Raizel's sake. We are all heroes in her eyes sir." The sombre tone to her voice was somewhat shocking to Albus.
Albus took the note from her and started reading it.
Headmaster Dumbledore,
Albus I would like to inform you that I am taking custody of my niece Raizel Veronica Dursley whose been living under the name Annabelle Roxanne Taylor. The man who bought her from her parents, yes she was a slave, was arrested yesterday. You should have received a rejection letter from her a couple of months ago, but she says that she was ordered to write that letter. I was given custody of Raizel Jamie Potter because her adoption was declared invalid, and I would like you to inform you that she WILL be attending Hogwarts this year. If there is more that should be done to make this happen please inform Arcanist, and she will tell me. That is unless you are actually going to be HELPFUL towards us. If that is the case then I will be awaiting you at the Ministry afternoon today.
Lily Evans Potter
Albus looked from the message to Arcanist. "Is Mrs Potter really wanting to talk to me?"
Arcanist nodded and pointed to the letter. "She wrote that after I checked on them this morning before their press conference. She wrote that letter after she heard I was heading this way to talk to you." Arcanist shuffled around the cuff on the left sleeve of her robes. "Sir, I may disagree with the WAY you do a thing, but you do have good intention and I will never fault that. There is something incredibly magical in the house Ms Raizel Potter was held, and it is something that at the moment I don't think I can handle alone. This also goes for getting rid of the laws that would stop her from entering Hogwarts."
Albus was shocked at this point. How could someone so young be this tired? "What happened after... Supergirl rescued Raizel?"
"A battle that couldn't be avoided. Granted after Supergirl rescued Raizel she contacted me, and I opened a portal to her, and then I opened one to Ms Granger's house. Before you ask: it was the only place that I KENW she would be safe at. I would have sent her HERE if I could portal into Hogwarts from an outside source, but since it is related to apparition it can't be done."
"So, to keep your secret you relied on Ms Granger's understanding and kindness to keep her safe." Arcanist nodded. Albus thought about what he'd just learned. There was a tiny possibility that this was all a scam, but the odds for that were so small it wasn't even funny. Albus looked once more at the letter in his hand. The memory was too smooth to be fake, and the writing in the letter was definitely Lily's. He weighed all the option in his mind, and the more he did the less likely was it for him to turn this down. He looked back at Arcanist and set the letter on the pensieve. "Okay Arcanist, where are we going, and hopefully there will be time left in the day to change a few laws."
"Hadrian, Scotland sir." Arcanist said with a slight smile. "Thank you for trusting me." She looked over at the clock. "I am sorry sir, but I don't think I will have the time to help you and then you sir.."
"Your welcome, and don't worry about it come back when you are done Ms Arcanist. Now let's go," Albus said as he pointed towards the door.
9:25 AM
Granger Residence
Living Room
Raizel was sitting there watching BBC Channel 5 feed of the press conference concerning the Quidditch World Cup. It hadn't started yet, but the couple anchors that were talking made it sound interesting. No matter how cool it sounds this news couldn't keep her mind off the press conference that Violet had been on earlier. Raizel just couldn't keep her mind off that one reporter. Lewis seemed determined to cause Violet to slip up, and admit she'd done something wrong. The man didn't seem like he wanted to accept that Violet was a victim to a different kind of abuse. There was a part of her that wanted to read this man's article tomorrow.
The sound of a glass being placed on the coffee table grabbed her attention. Mrs Granger looked a little worried. "What's wrong Raizel?"
Raizel looked down at the ground and tried to gather her thoughts. This is what Father would have wanted her to do. How could she describe this man's actions? Raizel spoke calmly while looking at the ground. "I don't like that reporter named Lewis. It seems like he is either helping Vernon and Petunia, or he is out to find an evil witch to blame for what those two did. There is a part of me that doesn't like that."
Raizel cast a glance at Mrs Granger. The woman looked off in thought and a little worried. "There is nothing wrong with that Raizel. I don't know what kind of schooling you had, but there will always be someone who holds a different opinion than you. In this case, Mr Lewis may have been wanting to find out if Violet had been lying." Mrs Granger patted her on the shoulder. Raizel looked at her. The woman had a soft smile on her face. For the first time in her life, Raizel didn't feel worried about this. "It could also be that he was hoping to catch Violet in a lie."
"And since she wasn't completely lying the story didn't waver." Black Canary said with a slight smile. "She might have seen them take a sleeping bag to their room at some point, but it doesn't have to be related to the case in question." Black Canary shook her head. "It could also be that Lewis is connected with the Scourer organisation that we've been told about. Though how one ended up in the UK is beyond me at the moment."
Raizel was wanting to say something, but that was pushed to the side as the Prime Minister, a short man in pinstriped robes, and Arcanist were walking up to the lecterns. The flashing of cameras was kind of creepy to Raizel. She didn't know how Violet could do this. Had she been there she'd probably be very nervous about what was going on. She didn't know if she could take having that many people looking at her.
"You can tell that she's tired." Black Canary said with this worried look on her face.
Hermione snorted at this. "I told her that if she pushed herself this would happen."
Mrs Granger smirked and looked over at her daughter. "Was this before or after your adventure last night?"
Hermione looked shocked at this, and Black Canary snorted. Raizel could help but giggle herself. This was funny, and she couldn't deny that. Hermione looked over at her with this shocked or offended face. "Not you too!"
Raizel cleared her throat. "To be fair I did cause a bit of a quick cover-up by both of them." Raizel heard Mrs Granger snort. Raizel thought she might be able to get away with some joke with these people. "It's not like I was angry with you or anything."
"Not helping matters," Hermione said in an exasperated tone. Mrs Granger and Black Canary were fully laughing now.
The sound of the Prime Minister's voice grabbed everyone's attention.
"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. As you all know our magical countrymen will no longer be in hiding because of Arcanist here. Part of this new openness is them showing us as much of their lives as possible. This morning we were shown the highest court of law in the magical world at work, and thanks to Arcanist we know how parts of it work. Within the next few days, we will be exposed to another part of the magical world, and this side is more fun then what we've seen. Every one of us has our favourite sport, and the same can be said for the Magical World. The sport they love is quidditch, and just like Football, they have a World Cup. The Quidditch World Cup happens every four years. This year it will be held here in the United Kingdom. It will be held on Saturday. There will be mages visiting from around the world, and the Ministry of Magic has upped the security because of this. We have been given a list of the visitors and checked them for a possible threat. We will also be adding police to the area to ensure public safety. Arcanist and Supergirl will be there as well to help in the broadcast explaining what is going on. For a better understanding of what the game and when the World Cup is I will be passing it over to Minister Fudge now."
The short man wearing the robes smiled at the cameras. Raizel didn't know the man but she got the impression that he was more about looking good than doing his job. "Thank you, Minister, and good morning ladies and gentlemen. As the Minister said the Quidditch World Cup will be held on the 24thof August at 6:00 PM. This match will be between Ireland and Bulgaria, and it will be held in Dartmoor, England. We have not damaged the forest, and we will clean up after the event is done. Quidditch is a sport played on brooms by witches and wizards. There are seven players on each team, and the game last for four hours. The positions within the game are Keeper, four Chasers, and two Beaters. The Keeper protects the three goals on their end of the field. The four Chasers are the ones who move the ball, the Quaffle and try to score points by putting them through the goal post. Each time they get the Quaffle through a goal they earn ten points for their team. One of the Chasers has the special designation of Seeker. That player looks around for a ball about an inch in diameter called the Snitch. Catching this ball earns that team one hundred and fifty points. The Snitch moves around the field at a fast pace and is difficult to see and catch. The other two players are called Beaters who knock around the last two balls of the game, Bludgers, around the field to disrupt the strategy of the other team. Now since all of this happens at a rather fast Arcanist is doing something to give you a good view of the game, and for that, I pass it over to her."
Arcanist cleared her throat while holding her fist infront of her mouth. Raizel thought she might be hiding a yawn behind her hand. Once her hand was resting on lectern she looked over at Minister Fudge. "Thank you, Minister Fudge. Yes, I have made modifications to some cameras so that the high levels of magic do not disrupt them. I am doing them the same thing I recommended be done to the spacecraft that NASA, British Space program, and the European Space Agency will be doing to spacecraft so they can have mages in space. Not only will there be your normal cameras following this game there will be smaller cameras trailing the players and a few more on the field. There will be three cameras monitoring the goals on both sides. So, you will have a three hundred and sixty fields of view of the game. There will be another set of cameras in the Minister's Box, north point, south point, and a point across from the Ministers box in the stadium so you get a good view of the field. Muggle sportscasters, a magical sports reporter, and I will be there to tell you what is going on. There will also be a magical camera following the players. They will move out of the way of anything heading toward them so they will not hinder the game."
"Now are there any questions?" The Prime Minister asked.
"Well, that sounds interesting." Mrs Granger said with this smirk on her face. "I thought this game only ended when one team caught the Snitch Hermione?"
Hermione huffed. "Yes, those were the rules until today, but since Minister Fudge wanted to allow the muggles to see it VIOLET thought that it was a good idea to restore it to the older setup. She didn't tell me the changes to the rules, but now I can see why. That there are still Beater in the game make it dangerous."
Raizel looked between Mrs Granger and Hermione. "Am I missing something?" She asked in a meek voice.
Mrs Granger laughed hard at this. "Yes, Violet plays quidditch, and her position is Seeker. Although now I guess she is also a Chaser." Hermione picked up a small pillow and threw it at her mother. When it hit Mrs Granger in the left shoulder the woman grabbed it and threw it back at Hermione. "Oi, the truth hurts my dear."
Raizel flinched at this. That had been said to her so much before a beating that she couldn't help it. Mrs Granger was the first to notice this and her laughter died quickly. Black Canary was next, and Hermione brought up the tail end. "Is everything okay Raizel?"
Raizel nodded with a sombre look on her face. "Yes, it's just that Father would say that before he started to beat me for misbehaviour." Raizel gave flat laugh. "It was almost like he enjoyed taking a belt to me."
Mrs Granger placed a hand on her shoulder and squeezed it gently. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Raizel looked around the room. Everyone was looking at her with these worried expressions on their faces. None of them looked like they wanted her to entertain them, get them food or drinks, or to clean up around the house. This was an odd feeling to her. She was sitting here in the living room watching the telly, and no one in the room wanted to chastise her for making a mistake. This was all new to her. "Lertalan savsi lárë." Raizel said in almost a whisper.
Mrs Granger looked at her a little confused for a couple of seconds. "I've never heard that language. It sounds like familiar, but I can't place it. Does this have to do with what I found out this morning?" Raizel nodded. "Oh, wow."
Raizel blushed a little at this point. "I'm sorry I'll only speak English if that's what you want." Raizel said quickly.
Mrs Granger shook her head. "No, there's no need for that. I'm just curious what language you are using, and if you can I'd love to learn it. It sounds so beautiful."
Raizel's blush deepened at this point. Hermione answered Mrs Granger's question. "That would be Elvish mum. Violet knows it as well." Raizel looked over at Hermione a little shocked. "She learned that language when her Mentor told her how to visit the Aos Sí or the Tuatha Dé Danann. Although I don't think she's REALLY met the Tuatha Dé Danann. I mean that would be SUPPER rare to do."
Raizel looked over at Hermione with hope in her eyes. "There are other elves?" She asked hopefully.
Black Canary looked between the two of them. "Wait why are we talking about elves?"
Hermione was looking at Raizel with a raised eyebrow. Raizel looked at the ground once more. She could probably be honest with Mrs Granger and Black Canary. This was the one secret not that many people knew about her. "It's up to you Raizel if you don't want to tell them we won't say a word." When Raizel looked back at Hermione there was this worried look on her face. A glance at Mrs Granger showed she had this worried look in her eyes, but she still had this soft smile. It was like Hermione thought she'd done something wrong.
Raizel looked between Mrs Granger and Black Canary. The two women looked both curious and concerned. 'They care about me, and would hurt me would they?' Raizel thought while looking back over at Hermione.
'What's wrong kit?' Chase said as she walked around the corner. Zatanna was following Case around with this worried look on her face.
Raizel looked over at Chase. Her red and white tail swaying with every step. 'Should I show them the real me?'
Chase closed her eyes for a moment, and the nodded her head. 'The other one that was with me is still looking out the back. Given how strong that one is magically there is no way she DOESN'T know. If they are being honest with you, you should do the same for them.'
Raizel nodded her head and looked back at Black Canary as she was slipping off her ring. "Because I am one. I don't know why or how, but Vernon isn't my biological father." Every time Raizel took the ring off she could hear this soft fizzing sound. She could hear Zatanna and Black Canary breath catch in their throats. This was always someone's reaction before they called her a freak. She knew Hermione and Mrs Granger wouldn't do it, but she didn't know about the other two.
Back Canary was the first of them to speak. "Wow." She walked over knelt infront of her. "Did they do this to you, or did they force you to hide this?"
Raizel kept looking at the ground. "No ma'am I've always looked this way. One of the other girls tried to cut my ears, but they grew back this way." Raizel thought back papers she found last night, and the conversation she overheard. "And from what I hear Vernon and Petunia tried to do the same thing, but like with the time I know about it failed."
"Is this one of the reasons he treated you like an animal?" Zatanna asked as she sat down in a chair to her left.
Raizel nodded expecting someone to hit her, but what she got shocked her. Black Canary hugged her tightly. Raizel didn't know how to take this. Most of the time when she was hugged peoples hand would move all over her, but Black Canary's stayed at the midpoint of her back. The hug only lasted a couple of seconds, but it meant the world to her. She just sat there looking at Black Canary for a few moments. 'Is this compassion? Love?' Raizel thought. She knew what the words meant, but she'd never felt them. For the first time in her life, she truly felt loved. She felt like these people would keep her safe from harm. Never before had this been done for her benefit. She was property, a tool, a toy, or an oddity. She had never been viewed as a person. Raizel could feel the tears rolling down her cheeks.
Black Canary thought she did something wrong. "I'm sorry Raizel I didn't mean to hurt you." Black Canary said in this panicked.
Raizel shook her head and without even speaking said "Lertalan savsi nilárënna." She was still looking at the ground.
Black Canary reached out and gently moved Raizel's head up till she was looking the woman in the face. "I may not know that language, but I can tell you are in shock. Don't worry young lady we are here to help you."
Raizel started wiping her eyes at this point. "What I said was: I cannot believe this is happening to me. Granted this language doesn't have a word that truly means happened. So you just have to infer that by making sure the prefix and suffix are right." The tone she was talking in was her normal 'education' voice, and no one was yelling at her. This made her smile. "The word nilárënna means: 'me happen to'. The prefix ni means me, the core word lárë means happen, and the suffix nna means me. If you'd use the wrong word you could easily said 'Can happen' or 'happen with me'."
"That is an interesting language. The syntax seems interesting. Who taught it to you?" Hermione asked.
Raizel started shifting around a little. "She said I shouldn't tell anyone but people I trust, so this cannot leave this room." Raizel looked off in thought for a moment. "Well I guess the Justice League can know about this, so can Violet and Kara." Everyone around the room nodded. "I was taught this by a Lady Étaín. She said it is a language I should know."
Everyone just stood there blinking at her like she'd gone crazy, but what Hermione said next made Raizel stand there a little shocked. "Back to what I was saying, I didn't believe Violet until now. The Tuatha Dé Danann that she talked to said something about one of them being born here once again. I guess that would be you." Hermione said pointing at Raizel. Raizel didn't know why Hermione was telling her this. She just hoped she wasn't doing this to poke fun at her. It was like Hermione was reading her mind again. "I am only telling you this because I don't want to be like Professor Dumbledore and keep important things from you. The Tuatha Dé chose to stay out of things after the late bronze age from what Violet says. They may have done something to Vernon so that any child he had with Petunia was a Tuatha Dé."
Everyone was looking over at Hermione like she'd gone crazy for a moment. Once this moment past everyone just nodded. There was something that was still bugging Raizel about this. "Why couldn't they do something about what happened to me?" Raizel asked the anger she was feeling clearly in her voice.
Hermione got up from the chair and walked over and sat on the couch arm next to Raizel. "Hey, don't let this get to you Raizel. The Tuatha Dé that is you 'parent' probably cannot interferer on your behalf like Zeus couldn't for Heracles. That being said, they probably did do small things to help you."
'Like guide me to you.' Chase said as she jumped on the couch between her and Mrs Granger. 'You never know, maybe they were the one who taught you their language. So, hold out hope Raizel.'
'You have a good point.' Raizel thought back to her familiar. She then broke her gaze from Chase to back at Hermione. "Thanks, Hermione, what you said makes sense, and like Chase said how do I know they didn't guide her to me? Who knows maybe they were the one who taught me Elvish."
Mrs Granger nodded and smiled at her. "Just remember that we are here for you Raizel. Even if you never find out what happened we will always be your family."
Raizel smiled back at her and nodded. "Yes ma'am," Raizel looked back to Hermione. She was hoping to change the topic. "So, what else can you tell me about quidditch?"
Darthmoor, England
Quidditch Stadium
10:45 AM
Arcanist was sitting there looking at the computer monitor while she tried to make the satellite connection. Sitting watching the four dots bounce back and forth was one of the most annoying parts of this job. She already made all the cameras and tested them to see if they would send a video feed. Thankfully they did that after a few tweaks, but now she had to make the broadcasting signal work, and that was a higher level technology than just sending a video stream to a single computer. They had the BBC van parked near the forest, and a small satellite dish attached to the stadium to help boost the signal. If everything worked like she'd planned then her five hour back step through time wouldn't have been for nothing.
With a simple beep from the computer, Arcanist attention was drawn to the screen once more. It showed the signal was strong, and that they had connected to both the BBC and ESPN substations. The sound of peoples voices instead of static white-noise was a welcome thing. "This is Arcanist testing the connection from the Quidditch Stadium. Testing one, two, three. Are we coming in clear audio-wise?"
A male voice responded to her. "Yes ma'am, we are hearing you clearly here in London."
A female voice responded a few seconds after that. "Yes, we are hearing you here in New York as well."
Arcanist nodded and looked over to the four quidditch players from Ireland that had volunteered to test the cameras. "Okay now is when we need you guys to start flying." She reached out and turned on the cameras that were sitting on the table. She then started handing out the cameras. She looked at each of them with this stern look on her face. "Just remember that all you have to do to get them to follow you is touch them with your wand, and THEN touch your chest with your wand."
"Yes, ma'am." Lynch said with a smile. "This will also give me some more time to practice plays a little more."
Mullet rolled her eyes. "Just remember Aidan that all you NEED TO DO is be ready for a few passes."
"Of course, but that doesn't mean I can't keep up with you," Lynch said with a wry smile.
"Oh shut up, and get in the air," Moran said as she tapped the camera and then touched herself. She then let it go, and like planned the camera started floating around her chest. Once she was on her broom she took off and was quickly followed by Troy, Mullet, and Lynch.
Arcanist looked at the cameras to see what feeds from the cameras looked like. The ones around the stadium showed the vacant stadium and the tiny dots that were the players moving across the field. Arcanist tried the stadium cameras first. "Okay I am sending feed from Stadium camera one now are you getting it?"
It took a few seconds for London to respond. "Yes, it is a little fuzzy, but we are getting the video right now."
About twelve seconds later New York responded. "Yeah it is a little fuzzy but we are getting a video from you now."
"Okay, that is something I will have to work on tomorrow. Now let's see if the other cameras are doing the same thing." Arcanist said as started cycling through the cameras. The cameras stationed on the stadium were fuzzy, but the smaller cameras following the players were sending a clear picture. It could be a simple as she'd not completely connected the cables to the cameras. She muted the microphone before casting Amplifying Charm on herself. "Okay, guys you can land the cameras are working fine." She ended the Amplifying Charm and turned mute off on the microphone. "Okay unless you can think of anything else needs to be done I think I am done for right now."
It was the guy from London that responded. "No ma'am your good to go. We will have some of our technicians look at those cameras. We can handle that, and if we run into any problems with the magical ones we will let you know."
Arcanist nodded as the Irish team landed next to her. "Okay, then I'll be taking off then. I have some things that need to be dealt with in Scotland."
It took a couple of seconds but it was New York that responded. "Not a problem, and again thank you, ma'am. I don't think we could be doing this without your help."
Arcanist laughed at this. "No sir, I think someone would have thought of this had either mages or mundanes reached out sooner than we did. Well, I'm off now." Arcanist took off the headset and turned to the four players. She found them standing there with the cameras in their hands. "Did you just catch them, and tap them with your wands?" All four of them just nodded.
It was Troy who spoke first. "We figured that if you had to touch it with your wand to turn it on you just had to do the opposite to turn it off."
"Yeah," Mullet said with a smile. "It makes sense really."
Arcanist nodded and took the cameras from them. "Well, I'm off to a crime scene that I might be needed at." She looked between the four of them and smiled. "It's been a pleasure meeting you all, and I wish you the best of luck tomorrow."
The last thing she saw was the four of them nodding before she teleported to the Taylor Manor. She told the police that she would be teleporting to the entrance gate, and what they should be expecting when she did it. Given how much magic was around the Stadium she didn't feel comfortable opening a portal in the place. That much magic in one location could attract the wrong kind of attention. The last thing she need was to make Constantine upset with her for attracting 'guests' to the Moor.
It took only a couple of seconds to get to the Manor, but once there Arcanist could feel the pressure around her increase. It was like she was walking in a graveyard. The feeling was eerie and unsettling. Even though there were still some members of the press there Arcanist felt incredibly uncomfortable returning to this place somehow. It was like someone, aside from the press and police, was watching her. As she made her way closer to the gate a couple of reporters got up close to her.
"Ma'am how are you here and at the press conference?" a woman asked.
"A slight trick of magic is all ma'am. It is nothing that should be done lightly, nor can it be done by just anyone. Doing what I am doing right now needs the approval of the Ministry of Magic, and is being documented as we speak. So, I can't just do this level of magic without cause."
"So, setting up an international sporting event supersedes saving lives?" a young man asked with this wicked smile on his face.
Arcanist gave him a sour look. "No sir, it does not. The first things I did was go and get one of the professor at my school who might be able to aid the police with the magic in this place. Then I went and alerted the Potters to the blight of Ms Taylor. THEN I brought them both to the location I sent Ms Taylor for safekeeping. AFTER that I had the press meeting with the Prime Minister and Minister Fudge. All of the Quidditch World Cup things were set up HOURS before even I knew about what was going on with Ms Taylor. So, unless I am miscounting here sir, you're off base here."
"So, YOU DO care about people Arcanist?" another man asked with this hopeful look on his face.
"Yes sir, I do. Now if you all don't mind I have work to do." Arcanist said as she made her way past the press, and up the driveway. She walked up passed the car that Supergirl had that woman handcuffed to. The hole in the wall that led to the garage was still there, and just looking at it brought back the memory of impacting those walls. Just thinking about it made her wrap her rub her left wrist. She had to take a look at that bracelet once the police were done with it. She wanted to know how it was made so she had some kind of defence against it in the future. As she drew near the door a familiar man stepped into the doorway. "Good afternoon Inspector Reid."
The man smiled at her as he reached out with his hand. "Good afternoon Arcanist. Have you come back to help Professor Dumbledore?"
Arcanist nodded as she shook his hand. A gentle breeze blew by at that moment moving her hair to obscure her view a little bit. "Yes sir, I figure it's better to get someone who studied such magic to help you out in this case."
Reid looked pensive for a moment. "Are you sure he can be trusted?"
Arcanist sighed at this moment. She KNEW Dumbledore preferred to keep some things secret, but this was something that just couldn't be. There were too many people watching what he was doing, and there was no way for him to Stun everyone before being stopped. Nor could he slip anything into his pocket to look at later. "Normally I keep my distance from him, but not because he's evil. The man is over a hundred years old and set in his ways. Dumbledore has plans upon plans when it comes to some of the evil in the magical world. Sadly most of it is a sit and wait for approach. When there needs to be fighting he is the last to do so, and he will be the last to resort to lethal action."
Reid stared at her for what felt like hours before he said anything. "Is he the one who left Ms Potter with those... people?"
Arcanist closed her eyes and sighed. She could lie to him and lose a good ally, or tell him the truth and take ten steps back on gaining Dumbledore's trust. In the end, there was no middle ground. "Yes, sir." She held up her hand to stop Inspector Reid from saying anything. "From what I've gathered he didn't look into them that much, and according to Ms Potter, she never saw him until her first day of school at Hogwarts. So, the man had to change Ms Potter's gender, modify HER memory of her name, and then leave her with the Dursleys. Ms Figg across the street from Ms Potter may have been there to watch for mages, but I doubt she was aware of what was going on in that house."
Reid nodded at that point. "That's what the police in Little Whinging said. The poor old woman was devastated when she heard the full details of how Ms Potter was treated. So, we should just keep an eye on the old man. Just in case he tries to pocket something."
"Yes," Arcanist said with a slight smile. "Although I'd love to take a look at that locket they put around my wrist. The more I know about them the better chance I have in fighting them."
Reid nodded as he started walking into the manor. "Of course, but as you know that has to stay with us. The Ministry of Magic put something similar on Mr Taylor's wrist when they arrived last night at our station. Any idea why?"
"Probably to keep him from apparating away." Arcanist said as they made their way upstairs. As they made their way into the dining room it dawned on her that Taylor hadn't used magic at all last night. "That is if he could use magic. He should have tried to apparate away last night if he could. It isn't a rare thing to do, but not many people do it cause of the risks involved. Teleporting as I do doesn't come with the same risks, but is stupidly hard to learn, and it takes incanting to do right the first few times. After that, if you can silent cast you can do that at will. Granted you must KNOW were you going either way."
"So we got lucky with this guy?" Reid asked.
"I don't think so, he may be playing us. Where is he being held at?" Arcanist asked in a worried tone of voice.
"In our station right now." Reid said looking a little concerned now himself. "There are a couple of people from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement there to help us out. They say they will be taking him to a magical prison as soon as some things have been changed security-wise."
As they drew near Taylor's bedroom she asked in a casual tone of voice. "Did they say what kind of changes?"
Reid shook his head, and he sounds annoyed. "Something about the guards being changed out, and it being considered cruel and unusual punishment even having them do the work."
Arcanist nodded her head. "The former guards make you relive your worst memories. That dramatically shortens a person life. Even if you're in Azkaban for a short time you would be changed for life just being near those damn things."
"Well so long as they don't drop them here." Reid said with this worried look on his face.
"I doubt they will." Arcanist said as they entered the bedroom Taylor was in last night. Looking around the room. The door in the back of the room was still unopened, the four-poster bed was moved away from the wall, and the bedside table was sitting on the bed with its legs pointing towards the door. Dumbledore was taking notes in a notebook while muttering to himself. An officer was standing next to him looking a little worried. The orb from last night was sitting on the bed as well. It was in an evidence bag, but Arcanist could feel the pull of that magic. Taking no chances she walked around the bed as far away from that thing as she could. "How are things going Professor?" Arcanist asked in a soft kindly voice.
For a man of a hundred and fourteen, he was able to hold himself together quite well in a situation like this. He didn't jump from fright, have a catch in his breathing, or even remotely look disturbed. He just stopped writing, and looked over at her and smiled. It was this man that had the magical world in his hand Arcanist could see it now. He looked confident, calm, clear of mind, and quite healthy for a man of his age. When he spoke it wasn't the spattering of a man set on keeping things the way they were. No, this was a man given a new mission, and he would be damned if he failed at it.
"Things are going quite well Arcanist," Dumbledore said as he turned back towards the door. "Whoever did this is a master of runic magic. The look is a specific rune and it seems that it MUST be on a key to match this lock." Dumbledore pointed to the keyhole. "Although the police have looked all through this place and they couldn't find the key."
Arcanist looked over at Inspector Reid. "Taylor didn't have a key on him did he?" Reid shook his head with a sad look on his face. She looked off in thought for a moment while she tapped her foot on the floor. "Could it be magically concealed?"
"That's what I thought Arcanist." Dumbledore pointed around the room. "That is why the bed and table have been moved. Sadly there is no hidden compartment magical or mundane." Dumbledore turned around to look at her. "It is almost like whoever built this room KNEW that this MIGHT happen. So, they did everything they could to seal this door. The police have tried to pry this door open with a machine. They even took a torch of some kind to it, but the metal didn't melt. So, we are at a crossroads at the moment."
Arcanist looked at the aged man more than a little concerned. She'd been his pawn before, and she was not about to become one again. "What kind of crossroads sir?" Arcanist said this more than a little wary.
"Well I asked them to bring back everything they found in this room, and the only thing magical they brought was that crystal orb. Now I know that isn't a fortune-telling instrument, but it is clearly magical. Since your here maybe you could tell me what was being done with it."
Arcanist sighed almost relieved that it was something this simple. When she looked back at him she pulled her lips to the left in a spastic twitch while she thought about last night. "He said his boss wanted to talk to me, and he offered me more magical power, which I didn't buy, and he pulled that orb out to show me his Master's great power. I am only assuming this because not long after pulling that out he was knocked out by Green Lantern." Dumbledore was writing all of this down and nodding his head. Once this was done he walked over to the orb and picked up the bag. He set the quill and notebook down. He pulled out his wand and waved it around infront of the orb. The orb lit up like a rainbow shortly after that, and it was so bright that Arcanist had to look away. Once the light died down Arcanist looked back over at Dumbledore. The man was setting the orb down, and mumbling something about "fools" and "not knowing what they were doing". Arcanist wanted to challenge him on that but decided to bite her tongue on that topic. Once he was done writing Dumbledore turned back to her with this rather upset look on his face. "What is wrong Professor?"
"It seems that Mr Taylor used Ms Taylor's blood to turn this into a communication orb, and the container for something. Now whether that is key or some kind of magical weapon I do not know."
"You could tell all of that through those flashing lights?" Inspector Reid asked more than a little stunned.
"Yes," Dumbledore said calmly. "While you all saw bright flashy lights I saw spells, or rather the remnants of spells. The colour is the type of spell, and length the strength of the spell. After that, I saw what was done to the orb, but for that, you have to be looking at the orb. I am surprised you don't know that spell Arcanist?"
Arcanist felt everyone staring at her at this moment. She sighed as she shook her head. "I do know Detect Magic, and yes I'm using a simpler name, but I don't know the depth of magic you do. Also, I thought it better for you to be helping the police in this case. I am almost magically warn out." Arcanist was saying this flatly trying to be as honest with Dumbledore as she could. "I will be sleeping for several hours after all of this. I don't want the police waiting days for an answer, and since the Quidditch World Cup will now need me there I didn't want to, as Supergirl's adoptive father would say, half-arse this investigation." She looked around the room and everyone looked somewhat pleased with that answer. She looked back to Dumbledore and point to him then back to herself as she talked to him directly. "You've helped people in the past, and I'm helping the now. You want to protect people from evil magic users and so do I. You have done amazing things with magic, and so have I. I know what you have done because someone showed me the memories of your younger days." Dumbledore looked a little shocked at this. "That being said what you did was the right thing back then, and what I AM doing is the right thing to do. So, if I have to ask you for help I won't hesitate. I know you have good intentions. Your method of execution might be flawed about some things, but that doesn't make you evil. It just makes you human." Arcanist said the last part as kindly as she could. No matter how badly hated the man for what he did and what he wanted to do. She could not fault his reasoning given what he knew. Had he not painted himself into a corner maybe things would have been different with the war against Voldemort.
Dumbledore sighed and nodded at this point. It was like someone had kicked his puppy at this point. "I see your point Arcanist. So, you came to me because aside from your Mentor I was the only one you could think of to do this?"
Arcanist nodded with a slight smile on her face. "Yes sir, you and are going to butt heads, but that doesn't mean we have to be enemies." Arcanist looked back at the door. "So, what do you think we need to do?"
Dumbledore looked between her and Inspector Reid like he was weighing what he should say at this moment. How ever-fleeting the glimpse of 'heroic' Dumbledore was the man was still a planner, and if he could spin this in a way to save his plan concerning Violet Potter he was going to try. "I think we need to get the orb near Ms Taylor, or at least her blood." He held up his hand before anyone said a word. "I am not saying a lot of blood. Maybe a small phial of it will do, but since this is evidence I don't want to just take this to where ever she is, and not have the actions documented. Maybe having her real family around her will make her feel safe while all of this is going on."
"That isn't a bad idea, but I doubt Inspector Reid would allow us to just teleport with this all over the place." Arcanist looked over at Reid with a sly smile.
Inspector Reid nodded his head. "Your right Arcanist. Now if there is a known why to keep the continuity of evidence I won't mind it. I think I'm more than willing to accompany you to ensure this."
Arcanist nodded and pulled out her communicator. "I think I've got a way of doing this that doesn't involve magic." Arcanist pressed the call button, and the Flash's face appeared on the monitor. "Hey, Flash I'm going to need a pick up for Inspector Reid, Professor Dumbledore, and myself."
The Flash's arms became a blur. "Where are you going oh small one with big books?"
"Haha Flash very funny." Arcanist said with a smile. "I'm heading to London. We are going to need to land at a police station in a suburb, and then have a police transport."
"Why? What's going on?" the Flash asked as he stared at her as someone had just slapped him in the face.
"We are needing to see Ms Taylor." Inspector Reid said as he stepped behind Arcanist.
Flash nodded his head. "Okay, and if you guys need help protecting her just holler, and WE will come running ."
Inspector Reid smiled and nodded. "Not a problem Flash, and I'd like to thank you guys for doing what you do again."
"You're welcome." the Flash said while laughing.
When the screen went dark Arcanist turned to Inspector Reid. "I think you need to tell your guys what's going on."
"Already did that ma'am." Inspector Reid said with a smile. "I think we need to take this," he held up the orb, "...and head outside."
"Of course." Arcanist said with a nodded. She turned to look at Professor Dumbledore the man looked confused. "What's wrong Professor?"
"I understand the continuity of evidence, but couldn't we just apparate to a police station for this?"
Arcanist nodded with a sombre look on her face. "We might be able to have we certifiable ways to prove that the orb didn't change in transit." Arcanist pointed to the orb. "As it stands Mr Taylor's solicitor could just say that the orb was changed out during apparition. The portals I use fall under the same thing. Until we transport something that can be scanned and monitored electronically we are stuck doing things this way."
Dumbledore nodded with a sad look on his face. "Then lead the way, ma'am."
They all started walking out of the manor. Once they were outside Arcanist could see the Javelin landing in a vacant spot of the driveway. As they drew closer the Javelin Wonder Woman stepped out of it and started walking towards them. Arcanist cast a glance at Dumbledore. The man looked more than a little worried. "Don't worry Professor Dumbledore she's not going to hurt you." Arcanist said calmly.
Dumbledore looked shocked at this statement. "That is not what I was worried about ma'am. I am just worried that she might be a little more than an Amazon."
Arcanist nodded her head thinking about what had been revealed not that long ago to Wonder Woman. She'd learned all of this a month after joining the League in the previous timeline. "If she is headmaster, then she is one of the best of her kind."
"Is he worried that I am an Amazon?" Wonder Woman asked as she stood infront of them. "Or has the other news gotten to the magical world already?"
"More or less." Arcanist said. "Are you here to pilot the Javelin, or am I FINALLY allowed to pilot it on my own?"
Wonder Woman just shook her head with a smile. "Not quite, but so long as I'm sitting in co-pilot seat I don't see a problem with it."
"You will get no complaints from me." Arcanist said as she started walking towards the Javelin.
The others weren't far behind her, and once Arcanist was sitting in pilot seat she started checking everything. She closed the boarding door once everything checked out. She asked Inspector Reid to have the police to stand back during take-off to avoid hurting any of them. While they were doing this Arcanist started putting on her seatbelt, and asking everyone else to do the same. Dumbledore asked what they were talking about, and it took her and Reid explaining things for him to understand what was going. Once Dumbledore had his seat belt on Arcanist started the vertical take-off. Once they were about two hundred meters in the air she changed their directionality so they were pointed in the right direction. As they moved forward it took all her self-control to not laugh at Dumbledore's reaction to what was going on.
As they travelled Arcanist looked at the land they were flying over. The Highlands looked beautiful right now. It looked nice and calm right now. This was a stark contrast from the world Violet had left behind. Gone was the dread of what tomorrow might bring. Voldemort's minions had found somewhere to hide so the Justice League couldn't find them. Add to that the fact that Voldemort had his Horcruxes scattered across the UK made things worse. You couldn't even go out for a nice day even if you wanted to. The tension between magi and mundanes had gone right back to where they had been before Arcanist stepped out of hiding. Thinking back to all of this while looking at the scenery strengthened her resolve even more. 'I won't let him drag this world down that road again.' Arcanist thought to herself.
"Is everything okay Arcanist?" Wonder Woman asked in a slightly worried tone.
Arcanist nodded her head. "Just thinking back to some of my training. My mentor took me to another world that wasn't as nice as this one." Arcanist sighed at what she was having to do to keep her secret. "It was an alternate Earth, and it was ravaged by war. A dark wizard had driven a wedge between magi and mundane. It was just something so easy to prevent."
Dumbledore's response was so predictable for her. "Was it what some in OUR world fear?"
Arcanist shook her head. "No, it wasn't Voldemort. It was worse than that. The dark mage had taken evil magic to the next level and ravaged the world with it. You couldn't say his name without attracting his attention." Arcanist looked over her shoulder at Dumbledore. "Voldemort would love to have that kind of power. Sadly the only thing he could do is but his name under a Taboo spell."
Dumbledore nodded his head, and the look on his face was one of relief. "That's good to know Arcanist."
Even though she couldn't see him Arcanist could feel Reid look between herself and Dumbledore. "Who is this Voldemort you two are talking about?"
Before Arcanist said anything Dumbledore honestly answered the man's question. "Voldemort is an evil wizard who rose to power slowly over time. From the 1990s to the early 2000s he was going around and just killing people. He had his followers helping him of course. These would be the people Arcanist was talking about a couple of weeks ago. They are among Voldemort's closest followers. The only ones I think I can name are British wizarding families. That isn't to say he doesn't have them all over the world, but the ones he holds council with are British. That may be because he is using them for their financial capabilities. He knows how rich these families are, and would only look at someone outside of these families because they have a skill he thinks would be useful to him."
Even though she couldn't see it Arcanist could FEEL Reid looking at Dumbledore, and just studying the man for the tell-tell hints of a lie. Once Dumbledore passed this test Reid responded. "That sounds horrible. I've seen that news bit from New York City. Arcanist said that they hate to use, Muggles, and the mages born to us. Why would they do that?"
Dumbledore sighed and Arcanist could see him looking at the ground. "Because they think that your children who can use magic have somehow stolen the magic of a 'pure-blood' wizard or witch. After they believe that muggles are beneath them. That there is nothing you can do that would be better than what they do." Dumbledore gestured to the vehicle. "They would call this weak compared to a broom. They would also say that things like the Moon Landing in 19969 were fake."
"They aren't alone in that. There are plenty of people in the muggle world that think that as well." Reid laughed as he reached up and tapped Arcanist on the shoulder. "Thank you for explaining things to us through Arcanist. Now since you are going to be in school still this year could I ask you to keep an eye on my step-daughter?"
Arcanist looked into the man's reflection in the monitor. "Sure, what's her name?"
"Eleanor Branstone." Reid said as they were heading for a touch down in a police station.
"You three go out to Ms Taylor's location. I'll stay here with the Javelin." Wonder Woman as she took off the seatbelt.
"Okay," Arcanist said as she stood up. "We might also need to grab some evidence bags, tape, and paperwork."
Reid reached into his coat pocket. He pulled out some tape and paperwork. The man had a smile on his face. "Already ahead of you."
Arcanist nodded and followed them out of the Javelin. They were met by a couple of Metro Police. Some introductions were exchanged, but Arcanist was too focused on her surroundings to hear their names properly. The sound of traffic was grabbing her attention, the buildings around them with dark spots stood out more now, and the few people walking into the police station had her on edge. Someone could jump out and say 'boo' right now and get treated like Voldemort. The fact that she was this high strung didn't sit well with her. She might need to sit in the training room for a bit with Bats to calm down.
"Are you coming Arcanist?" Reid asked in a bit of a worried tone. The man was standing on the passenger side of a police car.
"Of course." Arcanist said as she started walking towards the police car. She opened the back door on the driver's side.
"Something bugging you?" the officer asked.
"No sir, just looking for possible threats. Don't want these guys sneaking upon us." Arcanist said calmly.
"They would be fools to attack a police station." the officer sounded a little offended at the idea.
"I never said they were smart." Arcanist said offhandedly. "Lucky yes, but that does not make you smart."
"Indeed," Reid said flatly.
The other officer didn't say anything. He just started following the other two cars out of the station. They travelled down the road taking more turns than Arcanist thought necessary, but they eventually made it into the Grangers' neighbourhood. Once infront of the Granger home Arcanist felt this weight fall on her shoulders. She didn't know how her cousin would react to all of this, and she couldn't guarantee that Raizel wouldn't call her Violet right now. As they got closer to the front door this weight just got worse with each step. Arcanist saw the blinds of the window next to the door move. Black Canary or Zatanna had to be looking out of the window. Once they were about two feet from the door is opened. Black Canary was standing there with a communicator in her hand. The look she was giving Dumbledore wasn't a good one.
"What is he doing here?" Back Canary asked in an aggressive tone.
"Easy, Canary he is here because I asked him for help. I'd rather have him as an ally than an enemy." Arcanist said calmly. "The man does know loads about magic. She winced as she the bitter truth. "If Zatanna's father was here I'd have him helping out as well."
This caused Canary to look sad and nod. "You have a point, but why do you guys here?"
"That part is better talked about inside," Dumbledore said calmly. "I'd rather not have this information floating around where anyone can hear it."
Black Canary stepped out of the way, and the five of them walked into the house. Arcanist closed the door behind her, and magically locked and sealed it. She scanned the room for magic other than her own, and only found some enchantments put up by Zatanna. She walked into the living room following Reid. Looking around the room the only things magical she could find were Raizel, Hermione, and Zatanna. Arcanist smiled at Raizel and Hermione.
"How are you two doing?" Arcanist asked with a smile on her face.
"We are doing fine Arcanist," Hermione said with a slight smile. The smile faded quickly as she looked at Professor Dumbledore. "What is going on sir?"
Dumbledore shook his head. "Nothing horrible Ms Granger, but I think we may need Ms Taylor's help to solve a problem we've run into at the manor."
Raizel tried to hide behind Dr Granger. "What could you need my help doing sir?" Raizel sounded scared at this moment.
Reid answered that question. "We won't need you to go back to that place... Raizel right?" Raizel nodded. "Raizel, we don't need you to go back to that place. Professor Dumbledore here thinks that all we need a little bit of your blood to open this." Reid held open the evidence bag with the orb in it. When she saw it Raizel inched back. Seeing this Reid lowered the orb, and tried to hid it behind his leg. "If they hurt you with this thing we'll take it away."
Raizel shook her head. "They didn't hurt me with it, but they did weird things with it, and that scares me," Raizel said as slid forward a little. "What exactly do you need?"
"We are going to have to cut your palm and let a few drops of blood fall on the orb. I am assuming they did this with the orb before. Am I wrong?" Dumbledore asked.
Raizel nodded her head. "I don't know if it was that orb, but they had me do put some blood on another orb. It was sitting at the centre of a pentagram in one of the rooms on the second floor."
"The small study on the right-hand side?" Dumbledore asked in a very tender voice. It was things like this that made him so beloved by the magical world.
"I think so," Raizel said as looked off to the right. She looked like she was trying to remember where this took place. "It was the study with bookshelves that went all the way to the ceiling. There is also a ladder on wheels in the room. Dad never let anyone of us into that room alone. There were some girls he didn't let into that room at all. He called all the one's inlet in the room: special."
Everyone else in the room looked at each other as she said this. Dumbledore looked back at Raizel and said in a calm soft voice. You could barely hear his voice over the telly. "Ms... Potter, I don't think you're going to have to go back to that place. If I have anything to do with it you won't for sure. Is there anything else you remember about what happened in that room?" Arcanist heard some cloth moving, and looked over at Dumbledore. She saw the old man pointing his wand at Reid. The old man flicked his wrist causing Reid's pocket notebook and pen fly out the man's pocket. As soon as Raizel started talking the pen started writing.
"When they took me into the room there was a pentagram on the ground. The orb Inspector Reid has was in the centre of the pentagram. Aside from Dad and the man who brought me to the room, there were three other people in the room. There was writing in weird language on the floor surrounding the pentagram." Raizel hand instinctively rubbed her ear. "Dad said that they would need my help hiding something. He held up this old iron key. The kind of key that you see in medieval movies. When I asked what the wanted to do I inched my way towards the door thinking they wanted me to do something disgusting. They told me it was nothing to worry about, and that it would only take a couple of minutes. I asked what it would take, and they said it would only take a few drops of my blood."
"A few drops of your blood?" Dr Granger asked sounding more than a little shocked.
Raizel looked over at her and nodded her head. "Yes, and when I asked why he told me it would be used to keep a secret. I thought it was what they were doing to us, but I was wrong. I let them take my blood cause I knew they would get by force if they needed it this badly. One of Dad's friends got a phial, and brought it over to Dad and I. When he got there Dad pulled out this silver knife and asked for my left hand. When I gave it to him he cut me across the palm. The took a few millimetres of my blood instead of a few drops. Dad's friend waved his hand, and the cut on my hand was sealed. I even felt a burning sensation like some had poured rubbing alcohol on it."
Raizel stopped talking and started rubbing her left hand. It was Reid who spoke next. "Was that all they did Ms Potter?"
Raizel shook her head. "No, they told me to go away. While I did walk down the hallway like I was going away I never left the second floor. I hid in the hallway off to the left of that room and peeked around the corner. I saw this weird change of light coming from the room, and them chanting in an unknown language. After about five minutes all of that stopped, and they came walking out of the room. I thought Dad had the key in his pocket cause they only had the orb. Dad was talking to someone, but no one around him was talking so I don't know who he was talking to."
"So, he was talking to someone on a cell phone?" Reid asked.
Raizel shook her head. "No, sir. I didn't see him holding his other hand up to his ear."
"So, he was talking to someone through the orb," Dumbledore asked.
Even though the haze of the past few hours Arcanist remembered Taylor offered her a chance to talk to someone through the orb. "That makes sense Professor Dumbledore. The man offered me the chance to join him and his Master as he pulled out the orb." Dumbledore looked over to her with this shocked look on his face. "Don't worry Professor I turned him down. I don't want to walk down that road, and to be honest, everything he did disgusts me."
Dumbledore sighed at that. "Of course." Dumbledore looked back at Raizel. "Is that it regarding the orb Ms Potter?"
Raizel nodded and looked down at the orb. "Until Inspector Reid showed it to me again that was the only time I've seen it. He had to have hidden it somewhere."
"That's okay Ms Potter." Inspector Reid said as he looked over at Arcanist. "Do you think this is the only way to get into that room?"
Arcanist nodded as she looked at Raizel. "Raizel I think we need to take a little bit of your blood again to open this orb." There was this scared look on her face at this moment. "I don't think we will need to get that much blood." Arcanist opened one of the pouches on her belt and withdrew a small phial from it. "We might need half of this but no more."
Raizel looked at the phial then at Arcanist and nodded her head. "Okay," her cousin said with a determined look on her face. "I'll do it."
Dumbledore looked over at Arcanist. "Ma'am, do you think you can open a portal for me back to Hogwarts?" Arcanist looked over at Dumbledore with a raised eyebrow. "I want to get her a Blood Replenishing potion. The last thing I want is to hurt... another child." He looked around the room. "I'll admit my neglect of Ms Violet Potter, but as she said this morning it was nothing I did deliberately."
'Saving your own arse. Not that I didn't do it for you this morning.' Arcanist shook her head. "I think that is in the past. Besides if your name had been on any kind of paperwork for the Dursleys I think you'd be under questioning right now."
"Of course," Dumbledore said flatly.
Arcanist sighed and looked over at Reid. "IF I pass out please catch me."
"Of course," Reid said with a stern look on his face.
Arcanist waved her right hand in a circle and opened a portal to just outside the gates of Hogwarts. Arcanist could feel she was about tapped out when it came to her arcane power. She might be able to get one or two more spells, but they couldn't be that powerful. Before he walked through the portal Dumbledore placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry about keeping this open Arcanist I will just apparate back her with the potion." Dumbledore looked over at to Reid's notebook and flicked his wrist ending the spell. As the pen and notebook fell to the floor Dumbledore walked through the portal.
As Arcanist closed the portal Reid picked up his notebook and started reading it. The man started nodding his head as he did this. "This is incredible, what did he do to my pen and notebook?"
Arcanist sighed as she looked at the man. "He turned your pen into a self-writing pen. As for the notebook, he enchanted it so that it would float near a pen, and that it would always go to an unused page."
"Interesting," Reid said as he put the notebook and pen away. "Does he normally do this kind of thing?"
Arcanist nodded her head. "Yes, and for the most part, he is right. He also has his mind in the right place, but he can be a bit blind to the consequences of those actions."
"Like Ms Violet Potter just barely escaping abuse?" Reid asked.
Arcanist hated to be this brutal but the man kind of did this to himself. "Yes, but according to him he never wanted Violet Potter to be abused. He was quite angry when he found out about what the Dursleys had done to her."
Reid picked up on that pretty quickly. "So, had it just been those girls he wouldn't have cared?"
Arcanist shook her head. "Not in the way your thinking about. He probably would have done all kinds of mind magic to the Dursleys and their victims. Knowing him he'd probably have made the girls the victim of another person on file for that kind of action. The Dursleys might have been put under compulsion charms to stay away from hurting girls in that way. Since Violet had returned to her original gender I cannot say for certain that he would even let her stay with them." 'I cannot say what he tried to do when I went to Mrs Fig's home. Cause that would identify me.' Arcanist thought this while shaking her head. "Also he has never profited from what those two did. So, I doubt that he is a threat to anyone now. Especially since Mrs Potter has returned to herself."
"And it is not illegal to have bad or illegal ideas," Reid said as he huffed in disgust. "Well, that's just lovely."
Arcanist nodded. "There is also the fact that it is him that is causing most evil wizards in the UK from doing anything."
One of the Metro Police spoke at this point. "So, if he goes to jail we will be attacked by the Death Eaters?"
Arcanist shook her head. "I doubt it, but it is a possibility. Without their boss, they would not do anything. Those four in New York were taking advantage of my stepping out into public view. IF the others did anything they would be under new leadership, and I doubt that they would be as coordinated as they had been."
Reid almost looked relieved at this point. "Well if things change I hope we are kept informed."
Arcanist nodded at that point. "I plan on it. Some of the magical community believe the leader of the Death Eaters didn't truly die. He studied some of the darkest forms of magic and has taken that magic further than others. However, I don't know if he is truly hanging around in some kind of apparition form."
"That's possible?" Reid asked a little shocked.
"Not the easiest magic to do, but yes it can be done, and it has only been done once. Well, that is the known times it has been done." Arcanist said offhandedly. "The man who thought that form of magic up was defeated not long after. This was in Ancient Greek, and that form of magic has only remained floating around as a warning." Arcanist said coldly and flatly.
"So, it is not something people want to do?" one of the officers asked.
Arcanist nodded her head. "It is one of the darkest things a mage could do, but it is also the most disgusting thing one could do. So, most wizards and witches, yes this includes the evil ones, stay away from this magic. It is too unstable and it is too easy to have that magic undone. Thus defeating the purpose of it."
"That's good to know," Reid said calmly as he looked over at Raizel. "So, there is nothing more you could tell us about the orb?"
Raizel shook her head. "No sir, I just saw it that once. He's had some odd things floating through the house, but I've only seen the orb once."
Reid held out the orb to Arcanist. Arcanist took the bag from the man. Reid pulled out his pocket notebook again. Flipping to the last page used. "What kind of things."
Raizel looked off in thought once more. "I've seen paintings, statues, vases, and plates come and go. I don't know what he was doing with them, but I saw them come into the basement."
"The place where he stored those DVDs?" Reid asked.
"Yes, sir," Raizel said confidently.
"Anything else you can remember?" Reid asked.
Raizel shook her head. "No, sir."
A small popping sound near the door grabbed everyone's attention. Turning around Arcanist saw Dumbledore walking towards them. "Sorry if that spooked you." The man said in a jovial voice.
"No worries Professor," Reid said as he looked at the man's hands. "Are those the potions you were talking about?"
"Yes sir, one of them is," Dumbledore said calmly as he looked over at Raizel. "If these men did what the Dursleys did one of the potions will prevent other issues."
Arcanist could hear Zatanna and Black Canary growl at this point. She spoke before those two could say a thing. "I don't think THAT happened, sir."
Dumbledore sighed at this point. "That's good," Dumbledore said softly. "The other potions I brought are the ones that will fix any physical harm you've had recently."
"Will this remove any kind of broken bones?" Reid asked.
Dumbledore shook his head. "No sir, that would be a different potion." Dumbledore looked over at Raizel and smiled. "Given what I have seen I don't think she needs that potion."
"Okay cause we still need to give her some X-rays," Reid said as he looked over at Raizel. "You don't mind coming over to our office and hospital tomorrow?"
Raizel looked over at Dr Granger. The woman nodded her head. "I won't mind bring her over. I know you are in Scotland, but we could always go on a trip." She looked over at Raizel. "You want to see the countryside?"
Raizel nodded her head with this smile on her face. "I've never seen anything outside of school, the house, and the few doctors we've seen."
"Okay, then I'll take you there tomorrow." Dr Granger said with a smile on her face.
"Not alone you won't." Black Canary said with a smile. "We'll stick around just to make sure you're safe."
Raizel looked between them and smiled. Before anyone said anything else Dumbledore cleared his throat. "I think we need to get this taken care of before Arcanist passes out." Everyone looked over at her an chuckled a little. "I would have brought you a Pepper-Up Potion ma'am, but I don't think you need that right now," Dumbledore said that with a knowing look on his face.
Arcanist looked away from him and blushed slightly. "Of course sir."
"What does that potion do?" Raizel asked with the most innocent look on her face.
"It is meant to warm up the body from being trapped in extreme cold or the common cold." Dumbledore smiled as he noticed how deep Arcanist blush was getting. "It also has a side effect of waking you up for a couple of hours after ingestion."
"Oh so her late-night calls would have hurt her so badly today?" Raizel asked with this innocent tone to her voice.
'There is a part of me that thinks she's doing this on purpose.' Arcanist thought as she looked over at Raizel with a raised eyebrow. A glance over at Dr Granger showed the woman was barely holding in her laughter. Arcanist looked over at her cousin with a sly smile. "Yes Raizel, it would make my mornings easier."
Dr Granger snorted at this point. Everyone looked over at her. She was waving her hand away from herself. "Ignore me." Dr Granger said with a smile on her face.
Reid looked back at Raizel. He had this serious look on his face at this point. "Are you sure you want to do this Ms Taylor?" When Raizel nodded the man turned to look at Arcanist. "Do you have another one of those cameras Arcanist?" Arcanist nodded and reached into the third pouch on the right-hand side of the belt. She pulled out one of the cameras and turned it on. The device immediately turned to look at her, but she pointed to Reid causing the camera to turn and look at him. "Thank you, Arcanist. This is Inspector Thomas Reid, and I am her collecting more evidence from Ms Annabelle Roxanne Taylor." He pointed to Raizel causing the camera to turn and look at her. When he started speaking again the camera turned to look at him. "We are here to gather some of her blood because Johnathon Michael Taylor has magically sealed a key to his home in this orb." Reid grabbed the bag and moved it so the camera could see it. "This was brought to our attention by Ms Taylor. With her consent..."
A knock on the door grabbed everyone's attention. Arcanist, Dumbledore, Black Canary, the police, and Dr Granger stepped in a protective position of Raizel. Zatanna walked up to the door and looked out the window. She looked over to the others and nodded, and opened the door. "Good afternoon Mrs Potter. We are talking to Ms Taylor right now. The police could use you as a legal guardian." Zatanna said as she stepped out of the way. What came rushing into the room was Arcanist's mum, Kara, and a well-rested Violet Potter. Arcanist cast a glance at Dumbledore to read his reaction. The man looked shocked at what was going on. When the man looked back at Hermione her girlfriend just shrugged.
"When Arcanist opened the portal to my home I was shocked. When she told me who Ms Taylor was I was more than willing to protect her. Not long after that Arcanist got Mrs Potter, Violet, and Kara here. They were all came through the front door." Hermione said flatly as she was shrugging.
Reid nodded his head. "That explains why they were coming through the portal."
Arcanist nodded and pointed to her necklace. "It was the first thing I did while using a Time-Turner. Now hopefully today will be the last time I use one this much."
"Of course," Dumbledore said as he looked over at Reid. "That device allows her to go back in time, but only a couple of hours."
"What's the maximum amount you can do with that device?" one of the officers asked.
"Twenty-four hours, and as I've told the Prime Minister changing any kind of major event would cause more problems than it solves. So, I am still only relegated to using it fight supervillains or stopping events that would be world ending."
"So, you can't just go back in time and stop someone from robbing a bank," Reid asked.
Arcanist nodded her head. "Two reasons for that actually. One because the perpetrator MIGHT kill someone there who was guilty of an even worse crime. Two it might actually be an event that needs to happen to save someone else's life. How that would fall I don't know, but I've seen the changes to time by just doing what I did today."
"So, everything you do has an equal and opposite reaction?" Reid asked. Arcanist nodded to that question. "Well, it's good to know you can't completely break the Laws of Physics." Reid looked over at Raizel who was known in Mrs Potter's embrace. "Ma'am since you are legally her guardian I am having to ask your permission to withdraw some of her blood."
"Why?" Lily asked with this shocked look on her face.
It was Dumbledore who answered the question. "Because we need it to withdraw a key from this orb." Dumbledore pointed to the orb in Reid was hold. "I know you and I are not on that good of terms right now, but I didn't mean you any ill will Lily."
Lily was staring daggers at Dumbledore at the moment. A tug on her shirt by Raizel grabbed her attention. When she looked down at Raizel the girl said: "He can be trusted about this Aunt Lily."
Lily looked back at Dumbledore with steel in her eyes. "I'll allow it, but if she is showing any amount of pain this will be called off."
Reid nodded at Lily. "Of course Mrs Potter." Reid tapped the camera and waited for it to turn towards him. "This was brought to our attention by Ms Taylor. With the consent of Ms Taylor and her guardian Mrs Lily Potter I will be withdrawing some of her blood, and applying it to the orb to see what Mr Taylor did to it." He pointed to Dumbledore and the camera turned to look at the old man. "Professor..."
"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore," Dumbledore said calmly.
"Will be helping us retrieving this object. He and Arcanist are the ones who have been helping us solve a problem in Mr Taylor's home. They say a touch of Ms Taylor's blood will be needed to resolve this problem." Reid pointed the camera back at Raizel. "Ms Taylor I want to ask you again: are you willing a little bit of your blood to help us with opening the door in Mr Taylor's home?"
Raizel nodded her head. "Yes Inspector Reid, and I am willing to tell you more about him if you want."
Reid nodded his head. "That can wait for Ms Taylor." He looked over at Arcanist. "Now how do we do this."
"Well, we need to get her over a sink, and get a knife." Arcanist said calmly. She looked over at Raizel who looked worried. "Don't worry young lady it won't hurt that much."
"This way then." Dr Granger said as she stood up. She started walking through the doorway to her right. Everyone followed her. They were now in the kitchen. Dr Granger got out a paring knife and handed it to Reid. "I'm trusting you, Inspector."
Reid nodded. "I understand that ma'am." He looked over at Raizel with this stoic look on his face. "Let's have your hand over the sink, Ms Taylor."
Raizel nodded and walked up to the sink. She held her hand over the centre of the sink on the left. Reid placed the blade against Raizel's palm. He waited for Dumbledore to place the phial just under her hand. Once this was done Reid cut into her hand. Raizel winced a little as the blade cut into her skin. Dumbledore closely watched the phial. Once it was filled to the point they wanted it he pulled the phial away. He then waved his wand over her hand. He grabbed a paper towel and wiped Raizel's hand clean of her blood. The cut that was on her hand was gone and there was no scar tissue. Both Raizel and Reid's eyes were huge at this point. Dumbledore handed the phial over to Arcanist. He rinsed his hands off in the water. "Before you ask: yes I took the time to alert Madam Bones about what was going on here. So, you shouldn't be getting a letter from Mrs Hopkins Ms Granger."
Hermione nodded. "Thank you, professor."
Reid held up the orb. "Let us get this back to Taylor's house, and test this out." Everyone that was going to be leaving nodded.
The Burrow
1:30 PM
Ron was pacing back and forth in his room they should have been off to pick up Hermione hours ago. His mum had gotten off a floo call from someone this morning that derailed that idea for some reason. His mum wasn't saying much about it other than: "Hermione and her Mum are indisposed at the moment. They have had a family emergency, and we won't be able to pick Hermione up until this afternoon." Ron didn't believe this for one moment. He was tempted to use his new things to go check on one of his girls to make sure everything was okay. The thought of someone hurting her made him very angry. The memory of what Violet was rescued from was flowing through his mind at this moment. He hoped that Hermione's parents weren't that bad.
The sound of someone tapping on his door grabbed his attention. "What is it?"
The door opened slowly and Ginny stuck her head in the room. "Mum says you need to get down to the living room. They are going off to pick up Hermione right now."
Ron nodded and smiled at his sister. This was the first good news he'd had in days. He tapped the rings on his hand. "Tell them I'm on my way," Ron said with this jovial smile.
Ginny rolled her eyes. "You are really creepy Ron," Ginny said this flatly as she walked away.
"Oi! No, I'm not!" Ron said running after his sister. He followed her down the stairs moving as fast as he could. Sadly the cunt was still ten feet infront of him. By the time he'd made it to the ground floor, She was gingerly walking towards their Dad. The man was laughing and talking to Bill who had the Daily Prophet in his hand. The part of the title he could read still caused his blood to boil. Quidditch World Cup to be Viewed by. The thought that muggles will be watching THEIR sport thanks to Arcanist. The cunt was ruining everything. There was nothing sacred to her it seems. The most solely magical things were being made Muggle because she stepped out of the Broom Closet. That the Prophet was using this term was making him feel even more anger. That both Quidditch teams wanted to step out of the Broom Closet made him hate all of them. No matter how skilled they were this was a bad idea. All it would take is one stupid muggle wanting to kill a witch or wizard to make all of this blow-up.
"What's wrong with you Ron?" Bill asking this question pulled his gaze away from the paper.
"Nothing," Ron said as calmly as possible.
"Don't let him fool you, Bill. He's probably still angry that the Quidditch World Cup is going to be broadcast to the muggles. Before you say a damn thing, Ronald, the term broadcast is described in the Prophet." Ginny said offhandedly.
Ronald turned to look at his sister lounging on the couch. He snapped at her like she had kicked his puppy. "NO SHITE GINNY, BUT WHAT IF A MUGGLE GETS IT IN THEIR HEAD TO ATTACK US! IF WE DEFEND OURSELVES THEN WE'RE THE ENEMY!" Ginny jumped a little at his volume, and then just glared at him.
"Ronald!" his Dad said in a rather sombre tone. "That is uncalled for a young man." The look on his father's face was one of pure disgust. "We've been telling you for weeks that where you stand on certain things is wrong. If this is truly about what was told in the Daily Prophet this morning then you can stay here. If you don't remember let me remind you that Hermione's parents are Muggles. So, if it is going to be broadcast to them then they will get to know the world there daughter has been living in a little better." The sound of feet falling on to the floor to his right grabbed Ron's attention. Looking that way revealed his mum not giving him the nicest of looks. His Dad's voice pulled his attention once more. "Now I'd like to hear exactly how this is going to hurt the magical community?"
"Like I said what if one of these camera folks tried to hurt someone," Ron said this with this smirk on his face.
"Arcanist is setting up the cameras because a normal camera won't work in a highly magical area. Also, she has created special cameras to follow the players so the muggles get some awesome views we won't." Charlie said as he entered the room from the kitchen. There was this ashamed look on his face as he entered the living room.
Ron looked over at Charlie a little shocked. "Well, what about those anchors that are supposed to be in the Minister's Box. What if they try to kill Minister Fudge?"
"That would be anchor Ronald Bilius Weasley." His mum said in a rather upset voice. At this moment Ron kind of wanted to hid behind his Dad to avoid being in his mum's gaze. "The anchors will be sitting next to Arcanist and Supergirl. Those two wouldn't let the anchors hurt anyone. The idea that you are so against this makes me wonder if you should even go to the World Cup."
"NO MUM!" Ron said with this shocked look on his face. "I still want to go!"
"Then behave!" His mum said in a stern voice. His mum then turned to look at his Dad. "Arthur are you about to go and pick up Hermione?"
His Dad nodded and smiled. He was probably thinking about all the muggle things he was about to see. "Yes Molly, and to be fair I am excited that they will be able to watch the World Cup with us."
"I'm sure you are." Ron's mum said with a smile on her face.
His Dad looked around the room. "Okay, who wants to go with me and Ron?"
"I'll go!" Ginny said as she jumped up off the couch. "Lord knows she's going to need a girl there to support her," Ginny said this while looking at Ron.
"Oi!" Ron said in response.
"Ronald..." his Dad said in response.
"Alright..." Ronald said giving Ginny a sideways look of disgust. 'You never would have gotten Potter without my approval.' Ron thought as he watched her walk towards the fireplace. She was the first person through the Floo connection. She was then followed by his Dad, and Ron's mum just stood there waiting for him to go. Ron nodded as he walked towards the fireplace while thinking of how suave he'd have to be to win Granger over. Ron stepped into the green flame while saying "Granger's Manor". After saying that Ron's world started spinning given the different position of fireplaces he was passing by. Unlike Potter, he knew how to exit the floo, and he just hoped he could do it with a level of class. As he started to slowdown Ron stuck out his right foot, and the moment he felt it touch the ground he took a CONFIDENT step forward. He looked around the room to find one of the girl's of his dreams. He found her talking to a young girl who in his opinion looked like a prettier version of Violet's disgusting aunt. Granted there had to be a different father because she would look remarkably ugly if Vernon Dursley was her father. When Hermione looked at him Ron smiled at her expecting her to do the same. All she did was roll her eyes at his advances. Ron shook this off and just walked forward. "Good afternoon Hermione," Ron said in the most cheer voice he could muster in this situation.
"Good afternoon Ron," Hermione said with a slight smile on her face.
"So how have things been Hermione?" Ron asked with a smile on his face. He cast a sideways glance at her mum to get a good gauge of what she will look like in the future. This did cause him to smirk a little.
Hermione rolled her eyes. She had to have seen him looking at her mum. "I've been fine Ronald, and how about you Ron, Ginny, and Mrs Weasley?"
Before Ron could say anything Ginny responded in a jovial tone. "I've been great Hermione. Just wish you could have visited more than that once with Violet and Kara."
His mum responded with this worried kind of laugh to her voice. "Oh, I'm sure she could have had there been enough time Ginny."
Ron laughed as he responded to this statement. "Of course she would have Mum. It's not like she would have been dragged off by someone." Ron walked up and threw his arm around Hermione at this moment. "She had ME, Bill, Charlie, and Dad to protect her if someone came to get her."
Hermione scoffed at this and tossed his arm off her. This was her normal reaction to him showing how much they fit together. "Ronald the only people who WOULD come after me are Death Eaters and after their but kicking in New York City I doubt they'd do anything stupid." Hermione looked over at the young girl standing by her mum. "Mum I'll write to you about what I enjoyed about the World Cup once at some point tomorrow. I'm kind of looking forward to your and Raizel's response to it."
"You've got it darling." Mrs Granger said with a smile. She looked down at the girl standing next to her. "What do you think? Do you want to write to Hermione, Violet, and Kara after the match Raizel?"
The girl, Raizel Ron was thinking, smiled and nodded her head. "Yes ma'am, I'd love to do that."
Mrs Granger smiled at the girl. "Okay, then Raizel. I'll show you what wizard and witches write with, and then let you send a letter to your sister." Mrs Granger looked over at Hermione. "Do you think Kara would let us use Fawkes?"
Ron stood there dumbstruck by this. There was no way that girl had Dumbledore's Phoenix. Hermione just nodded. "I could always ask her."
'Okay, that explains it.' Ron thought to himself. 'There is no way Dumbledore's phoenix is a girl.'
"How would you contact Kara right now?" Raizel asked with this puzzled look on her face.
"I could just call out for Fawkes," As Hermione said this Fawkes burned into existence. She was sitting on the table that was beside Hermione. "...and asked her to take me to Kara." Hermione reached out and petted the bird on the top of her head. "Hey, girl do you mind taking a letter to VIOLET at the moment?" Ron was confused about why she was stressing Violet's name so much right now. When Fawkes nodded her head in agreement. "Great my Mum and Raizel will be writing to her later, so I don't know when they will be done."
Fawkes looked over at the young girl in the room and stared at her. Ron noticed the girl was dancing around nervously right now. Fawkes stared at her for about a minute before she took off and lightly landed on the girl's shoulder. And lightly pecked at her ear for some reason before singing a soothing song. Raizel looked over at Hermione and asked in a shocked voice. "Is she always like this?"
Hermione nodded with this knowing look on her face. "She is always doing stuff like this for Kara and Violet. What is even weirder she 'talks' mentally to Kara."
"Oh, that's cool," Raizel said with a smile.
Ron could take this no longer. "Okay, Hermione what is going on here? I'm only guessing here, but how come your little sister is only now learning how to magically write to you. I mean I know people adopt children, but why didn't you tell your friends about this? Cause I can tell you that we would have welcomed her with open arms. Whether she could use magic or not."
His mum and Hermione's rounded on like two rabid wolves at this point. "What the bloody hell Ronald." His mum said in one of her more aggressive voices.
"Young man!" Mrs Granger said in a voice that made his mum seem tame. Even though she was not the target of the voice Hermione jumped at the voice. The spooky thing about it was that the volume of her voice wasn't that high. It was just below her normal speaking voice. "I cannot believe you. Hermione has told me nothing but good things about you, and for you to go and do this is unbelievable." She looked over at her daughter, and a much nicer voice asked. "Is this his normal behaviour?"
Hermione meekly nodded. "Yes, ma'am," Hermione said in prim and proper voice. "He has a tendency to speak before he thinks. I doubt he intended any ill will by what he was saying."
Mrs Granger and his mum looked back at him. "Young man you REALLY need to think about what you are saying when talking to people sometimes. You can't always, but about something like that it would be best done like this: Hey Hermione who is that your sister?"
"Yes, ma'am," Ron said with a defeated look on his face. He could feel the rings on his finger warm-up. It was like they were agreeing with his thoughts about this. This bint didn't know what real magical life was like so her opinion really didn't matter. Ron turned his gaze to Raizel the girl looked rather angry right now. "Sorry about that Raizel. I just never heard about you and was thinking about what relation you might have with Hermione. So may I ask what relation you do have to Hermione?"
The girl huffed and Fawkes just shook her head. "I'm not related to her. My Aunt Lily is letting me stay here while they go to the Quidditch World Cup. If it wasn't for Mrs Granger insisting they actually do that then they would be missing it to take care of me." This happy smile grew on her face. "I'm just happy that I'll be able to see it on the telly."
"What's that?" Ron asked more than a little confused.
Hermione pointed to the box-shaped thing on the infront of the coffee table and couch. "That is a telly Ron. It is what people used to watch thing sent by satellite and cable programs of audio and video (images). Think of the images like a magical portrait. The only difference is that the people it is showing you is either pre-recorded or the people on it can only respond to people in their immediate area (a room or within few dozen feet) of them. So what you are used to could happen." Hermione looked over at his mum. "In fact Mrs Weasley I think it would be great for you to come over here and watch the Quidditch World Cup as well. Cause it is free to do it that way."
Mrs Granger laughed at this point. "It is not free Hermione. We still have to pay for the cable service."
Hermione nodded at this point. "This is true, but it is not as expensive as a ticket, and you only have to pay for it monthly." She said this so matter-of-factly that Ron almost laughed.
Mrs Granger rolled her eyes. "I think your dad rubbed off on you too much."
Hermione laughed at this point. "Maybe a little."
Ron's mum was laughing at this point. "That sounds fun really. It also gives another pair of eyes to protect little Raizel." His mum looked a little frightened at this moment. She looked over at the girl standing by Mrs Granger. "Oh, I am sorry young lady. I didn't offend you did I?"
Raizel shook her head and smiled. "No ma'am, I've been offended by professionals."
Ron jaw fell open and he looked back at his mum. Instead of looking angry she had this coy smile on her face. "I can see you being a Potter. Your Uncle James would have said something similar. Well, I guess he will soon have become your father."
"Wow," Raizel said with this shocked look on her face. "Is Aunt Lily going to become my Mum?"
Mrs Granger shook her head. "We will have to make sure that the parent we change isn't the source of YOUR magic." Raizel nodded her head with the determined look on her face. "So, if it is your father then your Aunt Lily will become your Mum. Which given what I saw on the news will be a good thing."
"Okay, and yes I saw her mugshot on the Channel 5 News." Raizel cringed at that thought. "She didn't look like a pleasant person. According to Violet, I wouldn't have liked them."
"I have to agree with you." Ron's mum said with a sad look on her face. "Well, I think we need to go before the boys start coming over worried that we are under attack something. Why don't we let Hermione use the Floo Network first?"
"Sounds good Mum," Ginny said with a smile. She then pulled a pouch out of her pocket. "Here is the floo powder Hermione."
Hermione reached out and took the pouch. "Now if I remember right I take a pinch and toss it into the fire, and once the flames are green I step into the fire saying my destination clearly?"
His mum nodded with a smile on her face. "That is correct Hermione."
Hermione smiled and walked up to the fireplace and started a fire. This was probably the only time her mum had seen her cast a spell. The only reason she was allowed to do this was that there was a Magical Connection to the house right now. Once the fire was steadily going she tossed a pinch of the Floo Powder into the flames. Once they were green Hermione closed the pouch and handed it back to Ginny. She then stepped into the flames saying "The Burrow."
It was at this point Ron was wondering where Hermione's trunk was. "Mum where is Hermione's trunk at."
His mum rolled her eyes. "Ron there have been some magic users here helping protect Raizel. Right now they are in the kitchen." His mum pointed through one of the doorways. Ron looked into it and he finally noticed a girl standing there in this black and white top-half (it looked like some kind of muggle suit), she was wearing these netted socks and these boots that came up to her knee. "So this house has been taken off the Magical Alert System in the Ministry."
"Oh," Ron said with a shocked look on his face. 'Well, I'm glad Arcanist wasn't here I doubt I could have taken her, Granger, and this girl on at the same time.'
Sanctum of Solitude
Atlantic Ocean
2:05 PM
Violet was dreaming a happy dream about the future. She was sitting on a sun-touched beach with Kara and Hermione. They were sunbathing in some revealing bikinis. That wasn't the problem with this dream. The problem was that she could come up and hug either of them. She gets close to one of them, and their chaise lounge chairs would move away. It was like her every action was being thwarted by magic itself. Violet growled at this point and lunged forward. This, however, was done in both her dream and the real world causing her to fall off the bed she was sharing with Kara. Hitting the cold crystalline floor was an eye-opener for sure. They had thought about using Clark and Lois' apartment to cover their arses, but they had changed that plan because had anyone seen them then their secret would be out. So they had chosen to stay at Sanctum of Solitude. Her Mum had offered them the hotel room which they had used for one round of sleep, but they were not about to use it for the second round of much-needed sleep.
Violet stood up and looked around the room for Kara. She found her standing next to the stand they had gotten for Fawkes. Fawkes was gone and this caused her to worry. "Did you send Fawkes off with a letter love?" Violet asked as she wrapped a sheet around herself.
Kara turned around and smiled. "No, apparently Hermione and her Mum were talking about her. They were wondering if I would let them use her to write to you and me a letter. I told her it was up to her. She took off to be with them." This coy smile grew on her face. "There is something I am wondering though."
Violet tilted her head off to one side. "Oh?"
"Why my wife who was sleeping in the nude is now trying to cover that up? It's not like your Mum or Ma is going to show up down here." Kara said with a broad smile on her face.
Violet laughed at this point. "True, but I don't want to chance it."
"We didn't even do anything!" Violet said in defence of her state of undress.
Kara laughed a little harder now. "That is true, but she might not think that is true. I mean you were sleeping all... starkers. Did I get that right?" Kara asked this with this adorable little clueless look on her face. Violet wanted to snog her right and proper for that alone right now.
"Yes, my dear that is correct." Violet walked up to Kara and wrapped her into a nice tight hug. "You are making it really hard to resist doing this you know," Violet said before she tilted her head a little off to the left as she brought her face closer to Kara's. When they kissed Violet didn't take long to make this a passionate kiss. What Kara had done yesterday for her cousin more than deserved this. When they broke apart Kara had this stunned look on her face. It was like she was simultaneously happy and confused. "What has you befuddled my dear?"
Kara blinked as she looked at Violet. "Why are you giving me that good of a kiss so early in the 'morning'?"
Violet laughed a little at this point. "For saving Raizel from that hell hole, and preventing some really horrible things from happening to her as well," Violet said as she kissed Kara lightly on the cheek.
"Oh," Kara said with this sheepish smile on her face. "Well thank you, but I think you and I will have a LOT to answer for when we see her next."
Violet thought about this for a little bit and nodded her head. "Hey, it still has to be bugging her that Hermione and I were in bed together in a state of undress. I know we tried to mottle that a bit, but I don't think it really worked. So, I think we might have to be candid with her as much as we can be."
Kara nodded with this sad look on her face. "Yeah, I agree with you. I don't think we will EVER be allowed to tell her the truth, but we can at least ease her mind a little concerning our relationship with Hermione."
Violet nodded and tightened her hug with Kara. She was kind of wishing Hermione was here right now. Sadly she couldn't be here because she was supposed to be picked up by the Weasleys today. That thought got her thinking. "Wait we can go and see her. Hell, we can go and be with the Weasleys earlier than I was before if we time it right."
Kara looked down at her a little confused. "Wait for what?"
Violet took a couple of steps backwards toward the bed. "Okay, when the Weasleys came and picked me up last go around they did it in a group. It was Mr Weasley, Fred, George, and Ronald that showed up to bring to the Burrow. I doubt that Mr Weasley would show up to get Hermione. Primarily because she is a girl, and it makes more sense for Molly to go and do this. There is also the questions he asked Vernon, and had he shown up to get Hermione he would have NEVER asked them."
Kara started smiling at this point. "All we have to do is show up AS they are leaving."
Violet nodded at this point. "So all we have to do is call Fawkes to us, and have her take us to the Grangers home."
Kara started shooing her towards the bed. "Well hurry up then. That is unless you want to miss this opportunity."
Violet stood there letting the sheet fall to the floor so she could properly salute Kara. "Yes, ma'am." Kara was laughing hysterically as Violet got dressed. As Violet got dressed she was thinking it would be wise for her as Arcanist to go and get their trunks from her mum's hotel room to get their trunks. It would make things easier than having to mess with writing to her mum to ask for them. As she was tying her trainers this thought became more and more reasonable. Violet looked over at Kara to find the girl look at her like someone had kicked her puppy. "What's wrong?"
"There is a part of me that feels deprived right now," Kara said with this bright blush going on right now.
"Oi, you have seen me starkers plenty," Violet said as a wicked smile grew on her face.
"That is true," Kara said with a wicked smile of her own. "That doesn't mean it won't happen on our next Honeymoon."
"That is two years in the future," Violet said as she shifted into her robes. "I'll go and pick up our things from Mum's hotel room, and bring it back here. Shouldn't take me long."
"Okay, I'll contact Fawkes. I'll see if Fawkes can slow Mrs Weasley down." Kara said with a smile.
Arcanist nodded as she teleported from Sanctum to her mum's hotel room. Look around she found Sirius and her mum sitting at the coffee table drinking some Firewhisky. They both looked a little stunned for a couple of seconds. At this moment Violet shifted out of her Arcanist outfit. Once they were over being stunned that she was showing up her mum got up and gave her a hug. "What is going on Violet. Is Kara okay?"
Violet nodded her head. "She's fine Mum." Violet looked over at Sirius with a wicked smile on her face. "What's up old man?"
"Hahaha, very funny Violet. If I was EVER wondering if you were James daughter you've cleared that right up." Sirius said as he gave her a hug. "What brings you back so early?"
Violet smiled at both of them. "I am just here to pick up mine and Kara's trunks and then head over to the Grangers to meet up with Molly..."
Her mum cut her off at this point. "So, you can be there to help Raizel."
Violet was shocked for a couple of seconds. She wasn't thinking about that as she and Kara were talking. "Kind of, what Kara and I were thinking about was just being there for Hermione. I was kind of under the assumption that Janet and Molly would protect her. There is also whoever is pulling protection shift, so I doubt idiot boy would do something that would get him hurt."
Sirius shook his head. "From what I remember of the boy he might SAY something that hurts her, but I don't think he'd actually hurt her. He seems dumber than a sack of bricks though."
"He is, and I agree with on that point Sirius. He WILL say something that hurts her, but actually causing her pain is a no." Violet looked over at the two trunks near the door and then back at her mum and Sirius. "Could I ask the two of you to shrink them?" Violet asked with this sweet smile on her face.
Sirius smiled at as he tilted his head slightly to the left. "Why would we do that?"
Violet sighed at this point. "Cause I am Violet Potter right now not Arcanist." She gestured to her body. "Now I could have stayed in that form, but had anyone nocked on that door..." Violet pointed to the door leading to the hallway.
"You would have to some more time trips to cover our arses." Her mum said with a smile on her face. She walked over to the trunks. She shrunk both of them and bent down to pick them up. Violet turned to look at Sirius. The man had this wicked smile on his face. Violet raised an eyebrow. Sirius started dismissively waving his arms. "What's wrong Sirius?"
Violet turned to look at her mum. She had this wicked smile on her face. "Noting I just caught him looking at your arse." She said this with a smile.
Her mum rolled her eyes. "That is his normal behaviour. If he wasn't doing that I'd think there was something wrong with him." Her mum held out her hand offering her the two trunks.
"Good to know," Violet said with a smile as she took the trunks and put them in her pocket. "I think you should know that once he found out who Arcanist was he lost his lunch."
Her mum nodded with a coy smile. "As he should. You are too much of a daughter to him for him to be thinking those things about YOU."
Violet laughed as Sirius stood there looking between them. "You know I kind of wish James was still here. I need the back up with the two of you."
"Oh hush you," her mum said with a bright smile. Violet was shocked that her mum was not upset by Sirius saying that. "You'll get your back up when Remus shows up."
Violet stood there staring at her mum. "You wrote to Remus?"
Her mum nodded. "Yep, and I just got a letter back from him today." Her mum walked to where she and Sirius had been sitting. She picked up something from the coffee table. She walked over to Violet with a smile on her face. "He sent this, and I sent him a response already so don't worry about it." Her mum said as she handed Violet the letter. "You might like what he has to say about certain things."
Jasmine took the letter from her mum and started reading it.
It is good to hear from you, my old friend. I've read all the stories being printed in the Prophet, but I didn't want to believe them on principle. It is difficult for me to see Albus doing this, but there is no denying it now. That you are writing to me means that what Albus is telling me is a lie. I don't understand why he told me not to worry about Violet's well being. He told me that he would have her back in a safe place. I told him it better not be with her aunt and uncle. I can't believe your sister did that kind of thing. She always bothered me a little bit, but nothing like this. I shudder at the thought of what Violet would have lived through had Albus not changed her gender.
Well, that's enough of that let us talk about something a little more agreeable.
What do you think about Sirius finally getting his freedom? You have to be ecstatic about it. You'll have some help from Violet's godfather when it comes to her upbringing. This is both good and bad. On the good side, you have a man who will stand infront of a curse for her. ON the bad side you KNOW he will try to turn her into James right? The idea of her running around Hogwarts pranking people is both a disappointment and uplifting at the same time. I doubt that she will get into TOO much trouble, but her friend Ron might aid her in pranking people. So don't say I didn't warn you about them.
On a much brighter note, I have a question. Have you met her girlfriend? I was in MCUSA a little over a week ago and saw a very interesting story. Apparently Violet HAS a girlfriend from the muggle USA. Have you had the chance of talking with her about this? If so do tell me about her skilful capabilities. I mean she got her girl in one go. Her father had to chase you around the school for SIX YEARS before you even chose to acknowledge him in that way. She buts Sirius to even worse shame to be honest. The poor boy couldn't get girls to notice him that much until he was in his FIFTH YEAR. Violet did this in, according to a muggle newspaper, about two days. That they stayed together through letters being carried by school post owls amazes me. The girl has got to be REALLY good with the quill to do this. That the girl is still in love with her now that she is back to her original gender is amazing. If it were a lesser lass the girl would have run away from Violet screaming. Hopefully, I get the chance to meet her before she has to go back to Ilvermorny.
Anyway, I should end this letter now. I have to get up early tomorrow if I want to catch that train. See you next Monday.
Violet was smiling at this point. As always Remus wanted to trust Dumbledore, but at this point, you couldn't say the man didn't have his flaws. He had caused a lot of problems by trying to stop Arcanist, and given what he has hidden from everyone Violet didn't think Remus would trust Albus as much anymore. Violet handed her mum back to the letter. "That's cool, and hopefully you two will be behaving while we are around?" Violet asked Sirius with a knowing look on her face.
"I have no idea what you are talking about young lady," Sirius said as he looked towards the ceiling. "I think you need to go before your girlfriend breaks through the door."
"Of course." Violet shifted back into her robes. "I'll see you guys in a couple of days."
Her mum started waving at her. "See you."
Arcanist teleported back to Sanctum of Solitude. She looked around for Kara. She found her talking to her mum. Whatever they were talking about ended when Kara heard Arcanist arrive. Kara turned around and started walking towards her with a smile on her face. "Took you long enough. What kept you?"
Arcanist shifted out of her outfit and kissed Kara lightly on the lips. "My Mum received a letter from Remus today. He will be showing up on Monday after the World Cup."
"That's awesome!" Kara said with a bright smile on her face. "I always liked that man."
Violet looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Is there something I need to be worried about?"
Kara swatted her on the shoulder. "No, honestly Violet you know me better than that." Kara looked at her watched. "If we leave now she will have only been waiting for us for fifteen minutes."
"Okay then let's go," Violet said with a smile. "Before we go through what were you two talking about?"
Kara smiled at her and winked at her. "That's a surprise I'll be working on for you and Hermione. I will not tell you what it is, and I won't even give you a hint about it. It is going to take me according to Mom for about two years to complete it."
Violet looked Kara with a smile on her face. "Kara you don't have to build us anything."
"That would be a hint dear, and yes I do," Kara said this with a straight face, but Violet thought she could see this soft blue glow in her eyes. "Fawkes I need you," Kara said calmly and within seconds the phoenix was on her shoulder. "Take us to the Granger's please my friend."
Within seconds Violet found herself wrapped in a warm flame. It seemed like those flames lasted for a couple of seconds before they ended. What Violet could see made her smile. Standing there more than a little slack-jawed were Black Canary, Zatanna, Raizel, and Molly Weasley. Violet smiled at them and exited the hug she was in with Kara. She walked up to Raizel slowly. Once she was near the girl she gave her a gentle hug. "Hey, Raizel how are you feeling?"
Violet felt Raizel hug her back a little more tightly than before. "Better. You looked amazing on the telly."
Violet chuckled at this. "When?"
Raizel backed away from her and stared at her with this joyous smile. "When you had laid into that reporter. What you told him was to the point and scary. I think he wanted to make you look like the villain. I also liked it when you were making that Crouch stumble around. Well, you weren't really doing it, but you explained what was going on well enough. I wonder how long he will be able to keep his job?"
"Not long," Violet said with a smile. She turned to look over at Molly. "Hi, Mrs Weasley. Sorry to keep you away from your family, but I wasn't about to pass this up."
"Don't worry about it, dear. You are always welcome at our home." Molly said this with a smile as she walked up and gave her a hug. "Do you have your trunk, or is your Mum going to bring it later?"
Violet nodded and patted her pocket. "I have mine and Kara's trunks ma'am."
"Well okay then." Molly looked to Violet's right at Kara. Within seconds she had the Kryptonian in a 'bone-crushing' hug. "How are you doing deary?"
"I am doing well Ms Weasley," Kara said with a smile as she returned the hug. When they broke the hug off Kara asked: "Is the Floo Network still connected?"
Molly nodded her head with a smile. "Yes, it is dear. I just put out the flame cause I didn't know how long you would be. I'll also say you two should have sent a note. The game of guessing why sent Fawkes was fun for Raizel, but it was a bit annoying." Molly said this with a knowing look. Even though she wasn't her mum Violet kind of want to find a rock to hide under right now. A glance over at Kara showed that she was feeling the same way. Raizel laughing in the background wasn't helping them at the moment. "Well, shall we go?" Molly asked with a smile on her face.
"Yes, ma'am." Violet and Kara said as one.
Violet looked over at Kara with a smile on her face. She gestured toward the fireplace. "Ladies first."
Kara just rolled her eyes. "You are a girl now too Violet."
Violet held up her right hand with her index finger raised. "Yes this is true, but I am not a lady," Violet said this with a smile.
Janet and Molly looked at her with a similar upset mum look. "Violet."
Violet held her hands up in defeat and started a slow walk towards the fireplace. She was pacing it like she was walking down Death Row. She could hear some stifled laughing coming from behind her. She cast a glance over her shoulder. She could see Zatanna and Raizel hiding their mouths behind a hand. That being said the look she was getting from Janet and Molly had not changed. So, to save her own hide Violet increased her pace. She drew out her wand and started a fire. She then grabbed the pouch on the mantle. She opened the pouch and withdrew a pinch of Floo Powder. She tossed it into the fire. With a flash, it went green. Violet closed the bag then placed it back on the mantle. She took a step into the green flame and said: "The Burrow!"
Like all the other times she'd used the Floo Network Violet's world started spinning. Had she not been trained by people much better than Dumbledore she might still be struggling with this. Training under Batman for a month put grace to her step. Her sense of space had also improved because of the crazed guardian of Gotham. Violet wiped these thoughts from her mind as she felt the slight slow down to the 'spin'. At this point, she started counting doing from ten to one. When she got to two she stuck out her left foot and went through the motion of taking a step forward. As she walked into the room Violet looked around. What she saw made her smile as well as shake her head in shame.
Ron was running up to her as if she had fallen to the floor. Well, to be more accurate he started running toward the fireplace, but once he noticed Violet hadn't fallen to the floor he slowed down with this stunned look on his face. Standing behind with a worried look on her face for a few moments was Hermione, but once she noticed who had come through the Floo network she started running towards her. She wraps her arms around Violet and gives her a bone-crushing hug. Not long after that, she feels another pair of arms wrap around her. She knew this wasn't Kara because she hadn't heard the fireplace light up. A quick glance to her right revealed the figure she'd rather punch then hug. Though that hug didn't last long. Someone pulled him off of them. Violet could hear Mr Weasley talking to Ron a stern voice. "Ronald I don't think that is appropriate right now."
Ron's whiny voice filled the room. "DAD I was just hugging her because I was happy to see her." Violet could see him gesture towards her. "She was supposed to be talking to the muggle news people today. I'm just glad that she wasn't hurt by that stuff. We really don't know what those 'cameras' do, so how do I am just glad that they didn't mess with her magic."
Violet and Hermione growled at this point. Violet broke the hug between them and then turned on Ron. "Ron do you have the same fear of Wizarding Wireless Network?"
Ron stood there blinking for about a minute. "Well no, I know that all it is this frequency stuff sending sound waves across the country. Yes, it uses some muggle technology, but it is using a part of nature to imitate magic."
Hermione rolled her eyes and stepped up next to Violet. "No Ron that's not exactly how it works. A wireless station sends information through higher frequencies of sound than what even dogs can hear. No, Ron, there is not a magical creature that can just 'hear them'. Technically Superman and Supergirl could hear them, but they are an alien species that evolved that way." Hermione said all of this matter-of-factly and had this upset look on her face. "The telly, or television, broadcast use similar things, but instead of sending just sound they send out images as well. So you can see the people who are on the program." Hermione's voice lightened and she smiled as she looked over at Arthur. "Mr Weasley the sound waves are picked up by satellites floating above Earth, and then sent back down. That is how the Quidditch World Cup will be broadcast all over the world. The only problem with all of this is because high amounts of magic disrupt the electrical currency. So, what you are afraid of is not only impossible but is baseless. There is a HUGE difference between radio waves and radiation."
"What the hell are you talking about?" Ron snapped back.
Kara responded a lot more calmly than Hermione. "Radiation is a type of energy output. Being near it can disrupt your bodies ability to heal. To be blunt it causes cancer, and the worse the exposure the quicker you die." Kara was rotationally waving her hand infront of her chest. "And if they were going to do THAT then it would be way too obvious. They would be in these weird suits to protect themselves from the effects of rocks like uranium. So it is unlikely for ANY muggle going to do something like that. This stuff is going to be shown across the world, and most of the people in the muggle world have a disdain for genocidal behaviour. The Muggle World War Two taught them that."
"That's enough of this talk girls." Mr Weasley said sternly. "Ronald this is ridiculous if this is how you are going to act at the World Cup then you can stay here."
"WHAT?" Ron screamed as he looked at his father with this shocked look on his face. His arms where held a little wider than normal. His palms were facing outward toward Violet now. It was at this moment that she noticed he now had a pair of black rings. The ring on his right hand was on his middle finger, and the one on his left hand was on his index finger. Violet felt out, but she couldn't feel any magic from them. What she felt instead was a void of magic. It was like whatever these rings were doing made her more than a little worried. This was something she would have to look into later. The sound of Ron's voice pulled her out of thoughts. "Dad I'm just concerned about what this stuff will do to our world."
"Well don't worry so much son," Arthur said with a smile. "I'll have to admit I'm glad that Arcanist is opening the muggle world to us. Had she not I would have never know my collection of batteries was actually quite dangerous." His face took on a more sour look. "Ron you might what to let the girls go set their things in Ginny's room. You and I need to talk about some things personally."
"What can you be wanting to talk to me about?" Ron asked looking more than a little confused.
"Ronald I don't think you understand a few things, and I think it better this be done without the girls here." Arthur's look did not vary as he talked to Ron. Violet didn't know what the bastard had done, but she was glad that Arthur was not going to let him get away with it.
Violet looked over at Kara, Ginny, and Hermione. The other three nodded to her as the Floo lit to life as they walked out of the room. Violet didn't know what had kept Molly at the Granger's house, but a glance over shoulder revealed a smiling Molly. 'Everything must be okay if she's smiling.' Violet thought as she made it to Ginny's Room. Hermione and Ginny were talking about how stupid Ron had been since she'd arrived. The idiot was getting a little touchy-feely with Hermione. His hand never left the middle point of her back, but it was clear what he intended to do. Violet was shaking her head as she entered Ginny's room. The room was still painted pink and the Gwenog Jones poster was on the wall next to her bed. Her trunk was sitting at the foot of her bed. Her dresser drawers were against the wall next to the door like Violet remembered them. Even though everything looked the same as she remembered it being there was something off about it. Even though she'd only been looking at it for a couple of seconds something about it looking this was bothering her. "Ginny I don't know why, but something seems off about your room," Violet said calmly as she followed the others into Ginny's room.
Ginny laughed as she tossed herself onto her bed. She was sitting there looking at Violet with this mischievous look, and this made Violet feel even more uncomfortable. "Mum expanded the room goofy. Since there are now going to be FOUR girls sleeping in this room Mum thought it a good thing to expand the room a bit. I've been begging for this for YEARS, so thank you, Violet."
Violet stood there blinking at Ginny. "For what?"
Ginny giggled at this point. She pointed at Kara as she raised her eyebrows twice. "Forgetting a beautiful girlfriend, AND returning to your original gender. That meant that there WOULD be more girls sleeping in this room. So now all I have to do is convince Mum not to shrink the room." The smile on Ginny's face was beaming at this point.
Violet started chuckling as she shook her head. "I don't know how, but I feel used at this moment."
Kara walked up to Violet and wrapped her in a gentle hug. "Don't worry my love I will protect you," Kara said this as she started running her hand through Violet's hair.
Hermione looked over at the bed and saw Ginny's pillows. She pointed to them and mouthed 'Give me one,' to Ginny. Ginny smiled and nodded as she leaned over to grab a pillow. Ginny waited for Kara to be facing away from her, and for Violet to have eyes closed before she threw the pillow to Hermione. Hermione caught the pillow and swiftly started beating the two 'love birds' with it. "All right you two break it up!" Hermione said as she delivered the first few hits to her girlfriends.
"Hey!" the two of them said as one.
Hermione laughed as she hit them once more. "What? You started this."
"I'm telling you, Hermione, you should stop this," Violet said with a wicked smile.
Hermione smiled back with squinted eyes. "Try and stop me." She said with a wicked smile of her own. She hit the two of them three more times.
Violet looked over at Kara and nodded towards Hermione. "Get her," Violet said in a 'menacing' voice.
Kara broke off from her hug with Violet. She 'charged' at Hermione, and wrapped her in a hug that held both her arms to her side. She picked her up off the ground and started laughing. Hermione started kicking with her legs and started swinging the pillow backwards. She was hitting herself in the face, but she was also hitting Kara on the top of the head. This lasted for a few more minutes, by the end of it everyone was laughing, and Ginny was grabbing her sides saying she couldn't breathe. Kara put Hermione down. Hermione turned around looked at Kara and sticking with being the fourteen-year-old she was supposed to be she stuck her tongue out at Kara.
"Don't show that unless you plan on using it," Kara said with a smirk to her face.
"Oh, I plan on it," Hermione said with a wicked look to her face.
Ginny was looking between the three of them for a couple of seconds as she caught her breath. "So what... Fred and George said... was true?"
Violet looked back at her and smiled. "Depends on what they said."
Ginny pointed to the three of them. "They said that the three of you are in a relationship." Ginny looked sceptical at this point.
Violet looked over at Hermione and Kara. The other two nodded, and Violet looked back at Ginny. "Yes, and I kind of confessed it to Bill. It slipped out in a conversation. One of the things I didn't tell you guys is that in all that chaos after my aunt and uncle were defeated is that Arcanist was able to get Hermione over to Kara's place. One thing led to another, and after a conversation, we decided to give this a try. Before you ask no this WAS NOT my idea."
"Whose was it then?" Ginny asked looking between them.
"Mine," Kara said with a smile on her face. "I could see the way Hermione looked at Violet. I told her that if things happened between them at Hogwarts I would understand, but I also told her that I wouldn't be opposed to sharing."
Hermione cut in at this point. "Which lead me to say that it wouldn't be sharing if she was part of the relationship."
Violet smiled at what those two were doing it was like they were reading each other's mind. Violet couldn't help but add the most cliche thing that came across her mind to this story. "Not long after that Hermione kissed Kara for a good minute. My only complaint is she doesn't snog me that good."
Hermione swatted Violet on the shoulder. "Oi, I'll have you know that I kissed you just the same that night," Hermione said this rather sternly. Violet could hear Kara stifling a laugh. Hermione turned back to Kara. She held up the pillow. "Do I have to hit you with this again?"
Kara shook her head. "Nope." Kara looked around the room found a chair. She walked up to it spun it around so it was facing the bed. She sat down in it and smiled over at Ginny. "Anything happens that you think we need to know since we've been out of the loop for a while?"
Ginny smiled and shook her head. "You mean you didn't read the American magical press?"
Violet nodded her head with a sad look on her face. "Yep, hell I didn't even get one copy of The New York Diviner caught my eye as we were buying Kara's school supplies."
Ginny looked a little confused at this point. "What caused you to notice the paper then?"
Violet looked over Kara. Kara smiled at her and nodded her head. Hermione tightened her hug that she was giving Kara. Violet looked at Ginny. "Our soulbound woke up Kara's magic, and in the last couple of weeks she's been learning the magic we've learned over three years," Violet said rather calmly.
Ginny looked more than a little shocked at first, but it didn't take long for her to start smiling. "Violet that's impossible. You would never truly learn something in that short amount of time."
Hermione smiled at her and nodded. "Normal people can't do that, but someone with photographic memory can." Hermione pointed a finger at Kara. "She's got that ability, and hopefully when you two were explaining this to the staff of Ilvermorny," she pointed at Kara and Violet, " two didn't confuse that for eidetic memory."
Violet held up her hand and had this proud look on her face. "I may have confused the two, but I stand by my decision."
Hermione looked over at Ginny again. "Give me the other pillow."
Kara wrapped her arms around Hermione. "NO!" Kara said as she did this. "Let's not start that again. The next thing we'd have is the two of you in an hour-long pillow fight. We are trying to find something out okay?" Kara said this softly and in pleading tone. The sparkle in her eyes though was almost asking them to continue.
"Fine, but this will cost both of you," Hermione said as she caressed Kara's thigh. "I'm thinking a rotational back massage will do."
Kara and Violet looked at one another and nodded. "Done," Kara said with a smile. She looked back at Ginny. "So, Ginny what has the Magical UK been up to?"
Ginny shook her head. Until this morning it hadn't changed much since last you were here. There were a couple of people saying you still should be arrested, but they were clearly outweighed by those who were wanting to uphold the law. What happened this morning came from the Daily Prophet and Wizarding Wireless." Ginny bit her lower lip and looked at the ground for about a minute. She looked back at Violet. "Did Arcanist really come and get you last night?"
Violet nodded her head. "Yes, she came to the hotel room my Mum, Sirius, and I was in. Kara was there with us because of the World Cup. There was a planned press conference about my aunt and uncle. Arcanist helped set all of that up last night, and I am grateful for that because if she hadn't I would look like such a bitch."
"Why?" Ginny asked a little confused.
Violet blushed a little. "Well given that I am going to be at the world cup, and it is now going to be broadcast to the muggle world if I didn't do this I'd look like such a bitch."
Ginny looked a little shocked at this point. "They could see you on this Television?"
Violet, Kara, and Hermione nodded. "Yes," Hermione said in a sombre tone. "I don't know where we'll be sitting, but I know that the cameras will see everyone who is at the match. If someone slowed down the feed they might be able to catch a clear shot of Violet's face. By 'shot' Ginny I mean a picture of her face."
Ginny's eyes went wide. It was like she got why Violet had wanted this done in the first place. "If your aunt and uncle's solicitor could use that to make YOU look the bad guy." It sounded like Ginny was growling at the end of that statement.
Violet nodded her head. "They've already been trying to do that. The neighbours were not much help in this area for them. Granted they had only been doing this because Arcanist went public with her powers. So, this press conference was to shot those rumours down. Madam Bones from the DMLE was there to help us do that."
Ginny looked impressed. "Wow, Violet how did that go?"
Violet moaned, "Well if it wasn't for one reporter it would have gone much better." Hermione and Kara nodded and mumbled some unkind words about the man. "Aside from that one guy, all the other reporters had decent questions. I think had my Mum and Madam Bones not been there things would have gone worse."
"How has that been going for you, Violet?" Ginny asked with a smile on her face.
Violet smiled at her. "It has been going great. It is a bit weird getting to know my Mum after thinking she was dead for my whole life." Violet said this with a smile on her face. "My only regret is that I couldn't have been there for Sirius' trial. I'd have loved to throw the bastard who put him in jail under the bus."
"Yeah, the Wireless was kind of laying into Mr Crouch after the trail. I can't believe he gave his son a trial but didn't even bother giving Sirius one." Ginny looked incredibly disgusted with the man. "Dad introduced me to him years ago. Said he was one of the best men to have ever been an Auror. I don't believe that anymore though."
Violet nodded her head. 'Just need to save Winky in a few days is all.' Violet thought as she smiled at her friend. "Well, at least you are seeing the man for what he is."
Ginny nodded her head. "An idiot," Ginny said a bit colder then Violet thought possible for her. "He is still going to be at the World Cup, but I don't think he will still be doing it as the Head of Internation Magical Cooperation. I don't think the Ministry is going to keep that fool on as a member past the World Cup if he still has his job."
"Agreed," Kara said looking more than a little disgusted. A wicked smile grew on her face after saying that. "So, does your brother still plan on marrying him?"
"Oh my God," Ginny said while rolling her eyes. "Not really, but he is still planning on presenting him with his report on Cauldron Quality a couple of days early. It's like he is thinking this man will help catapult him into a better position within the Ministry."
'No one EVER said Percy was normal.' Violet thought to herself. She could help but smile at the thought of what might happen to Percy IF Barty lost his job. "Aside from all of that anything else happen that you think we should know?"
Ginny looked a lost for a couple of seconds. "I can only think of one thing. Ron has been running up to Hogwarts to talk to Dumbledore. He only told Mum that that's what he has been doing after she hid the Floo Powder. She checked in with Dumbledore and confirmed this. I couldn't hear what he said they were talking about, but he said he didn't want people to know they were doing this. He's done this four times that I know of, and the twins say they've seen him leave a couple of more times themselves." Ginny's tone was more than a little worried.
Kara and Violet looked at one another. Not long after that Kara asked: "How has he been doing that? I thought you had to get on a train to get there?"
Ginny nodded her head with this upset look on her face. "You do, but he's been using the Floo Network to go to the Three Broomsticks, and from there walking to Hogwarts. He could also have used the Floo Network to get to Dumbledore's office, but I don't think Dumbledore wanted people to know this was going on. Although as of their last talk Ron doesn't like Dumbledore so much. The man has apparently backed off fighting Arcanist."
"Do you know why he's been going to talk to Dumbledore?" Violet asked as she leaned forward a little bit.
Ginny shook her head. "No, but since the last visit, he hasn't been talking to highly of Dumbledore. He thinks Dumbledore needs to be more aggressive against Arcanist. Apparently, Dumbledore has dropped his anti Arcanist stance recently. Ron doesn't like that because he thinks we should stay hidden from the muggles. To be honest I don't think we'd have been able to stay secret for much longer given how advanced the muggle technology is getting."
All three of them nodded their heads. It was Hermione picked up on this. "It may have been started by Arcanist here, but more magic users are acting as heroes then Dumbledore or the Ministry would love to admit. There is Dr Fate, Zatanna, John Constantine, and Raven doing all these heroic things before Arcanist showed up."
Ginny looked a wowed by this. "I knew about Dr Fate, but the other three I was unaware of. So where are they based out of?"
Violet smiled at this point. "Oh yes there are more. Constantine seems to be fighting demons and dark wizards. Zatanna is the same with dark wizards and other types of villains. Raven is more a fighter of demons like Constantine, but she also fights villains with her old friends."
"How did you learn all of this?" Ginny looked more than a little worried.
Violet waved this off. "It is relativity easy to find this information in the muggle world. The Internet is filled with this information. All the newspapers in the muggle world can be found on the Net as well, so it's not too hard to find what kind of things these heroes fight."
Ginny looked more than a little stunned at this point. "You can find all of this out for free?"
Kara nodded and smiled. "For the most part. Most newspapers will have you pay a relatively low monthly fee to have full access to there site. That being said big stories like Arcanist stepping out as she did will be free to read. That, of course, is if you can have a computer, and have access to the internet which you have to pay for, to begin with. The same goes for your electric bill. None of this stuff is for free."
Ginny looked a little confused. "Why?"
"Well, the electricity and internet services coast money because of maintenance that needs to be done to them. Think of it like the Floo Network." Hermione said with a smile on her face. "That is covered by a tax of course, but these things are provided by private companies. Even in places where it is provided by the government you still have to pay for how much electricity you use per hour. The internet is a little bit different. You have to pay for it because the company has to run a cable somewhere in your house for the router (a device that connects you to the internet), and there are a bunch of other things involved that I don't know that much about, but all of those have to be maintained. The one in your house probably won't need to be fixed, but other things might."
Ginny nodded at this point. "That makes sense. So how much would hooking it up out here cost?"
Violet frowned at this point. "A lot sadly Ginny." They would have to run an electrical line out this way to give the house power, and then the internet provider would have to set some stuff up to get the internet out this way." Ginny looked a little sad at this point. Violet couldn't help herself at this point. "BUT I think I can have it run out this way, and I think my Mum would mind paying all those fees."
Ginny started waving her hands. "No Violet you don't have to do that."
"Nonsense Ginny, what are friends for if not stuff like this. Besides, I think your Mum is going to love this stuff. Well, once she learns how it works."
"You're forgetting something love," Hermione said with a smile. "Arcanist is going to have to help with making sure the amounts of magic don't sort things out."
Violet waved this off. "I'm sure she won't mind helping out a little. Even Superman does tiny things of community service." Violet smiled at this point. "Should I remind you how the Flash learned construction in less than a minute and rebuilt an entire apartment building in less than an hour because of it."
Hermione held up her hands. "Okay, but I was just trying to let you know that it is an UNLIKELY event."
"Whatever," Violet said with a smile on her face. She was loving this game she was playing with Hermione. She looked over at Ginny and the girl had this look of hope in her eyes. "So, Ginny is there anything else we should know?"
Ginny shook her head. "No, I don't think so. I mean the Wireless was saying that Arcanist was going to be taking a small break probably because she was still in school."
Hermione picked it up at this point. "She said as much in one of her times on the muggle news. Although I think if she was really needed she'd show up." Hermione cast a sideways glance at Violet.
Violet was lucky that Ginny was too lost in amazement to notice this. Ginny nodded and her smile broadened. "I hope she does. The last thing she needs is the muggles think she has abandoned them."
"Word," Kara said with a smile on her face.
Molly knocked on the open door and stuck her head in the room. "Hey, girls the cooking is almost done. Could I get you to take out the plate?"
Ginny nodded her head and looked over at the others. Everyone nodded their heads. Molly smiled and took off to the kitchen. They all stood up and started walking towards the kitchen. As they walked towards the kitchen Ginny let them know about something else that had been bothering her.
"Have any of you noticed that Ron has these two new rings?" Ginny looked more than a little worried.
Violet nodded her head. "I noticed that after I got her. He didn't have them the last time I was here."
Ginny nodded her head. "He's had them for about a week. Since his last visit with Dumbledore. At first, I thought they were gold, but when I looked at them again they looked like they were black in colour."
Violet raised an eyebrow. 'This doesn't sound good, but until he does something there is nothing I can do, AND I have to be able to prove it was him doing it.' Violet thought as she entered the kitchen. Molly already had four stacks of plates ready for them to take outside. The girls walked up to the counter and grabbed one stack of plates each. Kara quickly put her plates on the other stacks. Ginny looked at her with an open mouth of shock All Kara said was: "Someone has to open the door." She was beaming as she said this. She was walking back toward the door.
"So, you are going to do that?" Ginny said with a sly smile on her face.
Kara nodded her head as she got to the door. She reached back and opened the door and bowed down to them. "Ladies first." Kara was looking at them with an even broader smile.
The other three looked at one another and rolled their eyes before they walked through the doorway. Violet looked over her shoulder and saw Kara watching them walk away. Violet smiled and just started sauntering toward where the tables should be. Ginny looked over at her with a raised eyebrow. Violet just giggled nodded her head backwards towards Kara. Ginny looked back at Kara and started laughing. Violet looked over at Hermione and found her rolling her eyes. It was moments like this that what made what they do okay. This was a normal life, and they needed that as much as possible right now.
The sound of banging noise pulled her out of these thoughts. Looking to her right revealed to Violet that Bill and Charlie were fighting with tables they were supposed to bring out here. This must have been something they were doing because they wanted to mess with Percy. Violet just smiled at this and chose to encourage the 'fight'. "COME ON CHARLIE MY GALLEONS ON YOU!"
As Kara stepped in next to her she joined in on this task. "NO BILL YOU CAN BEAT HIM!"
Both men laughed at this. Charlie was the one who responded. "Now I want to beat you more Bill." The smile on his face was broad. He slammed his table into Bill's a little harder. The four of them started cheering on a little bit louder. Violet knew that she and Hermione were doing it to annoy Percy on purpose for what he did in the future. The others were doing it because he was an arsehole in general. Bill slammed his table into Charlie's. This trade went on for another five minutes before Bill's table broke Charlie's into five pieces. "Damn it," Charlie said with a smile on his face.
"Yes!" Kara said while jumping up and down.
At this point, Percy stuck his head outside his window. "Could you keep the noise down!" Percy screamed down at them. The look on his face was one of irritation.
"Sorry about that Perce," Bill said with a wicked smile. He looked over at Charlie and chuckled as he set his table on the ground. Charlie repaired his table and set it next to Bill's. He extended his table to have enough room for the number of people that were going to be eating.
Bill conjured a tablecloth for the table. Violet, Hermione, and Ginny started walking around the table. Bill was helping Violet set the plates on the table, Charlie was doing the same with Ginny, and Kara was helping Hermione. Once all it was done Bill said he would go see if his Mum needs any help in the kitchen. The girls chose to sit down and carry on the conversation they were having earlier. It was Kara that picked it up.
"Ginny IF you were given a computer would you like some lessons on how it works?" Kara said this with a little inquisitive look.
"I'd love it, but given what all has to be done I don't know if it could be done," Ginny said with a little blush.
Hermione patted Ginny's hand. "Don't worry Ginny we'll help you guys out. Not because you can't afford it, but because we know how things are supposed to work. So, don't worry about it."
Charlie smiled as he took a seat. "Not only will they help you, but so will I. I make more than enough to cover the cost of this stuff."
Ginny looked over at him with this stunned look on her face. "Really?"
Charlie nodded his head. He had this cheeky smile on his face. "The amount of money I get to do what I do is more than enough to cover these costs. The only thing that we might have a problem with is getting Arcanist's help."
"It shouldn't be too hard to do that," Violet said with a smile. "If she's going to be at the World Cup, and we see her all we have to do is ask."
"Well, I don't want to impose," Ginny said with a slight blush.
"You won't be," Kara said with a smile. "She's a superheroine, and that comes with a reputation of its own. They do all kinds of small things to help people out in addition to the big things you've heard about."
"So, she helps get kittens out of trees?" Charlie asked with a smile on his face.
Hermione laughed at this. "I don't know if she's done that, but yes she would do that if it needed doing."
"Okay moving on to much more exciting topics," Ginny said trying to divert the topic. "What do you think about the changes to Quidditch Charlie?"
Charlie laughed and started tapping his finger on the table. "I was shocked at first, to be honest, but I like the changes really. I mean we've only had a few hours to think about it, but they make sense. Especially since the muggles will now be watching it. Like Arcanist said when asked by Tappers from the Wizarding Wireless it doesn't make sense to keep catching the Snitch as the end of the match. The old time limit makes sense in this situation." Charlie's face took on a sombre look. "Although I think there are going to be people like Ron that don't like it."
Violet nodded her head and smiled at the memory of what had been talked about. "You have a good point Charlie, but I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in the room for that."
Ginny nodded her head. "Yep, what they've done is going to change everything. That there are now four chasers is interesting. That you can have your designated Seeker be playing as either is risky."
Violet nodded her head. "It is, but it makes sense. I know you've never seen the sport, but Football has a similar thing. If you are up one player compared to the other team can have an advantage. It means that more points can be scored and that once they have a good lead the Seeker can break off and go look for the Snitch."
Charlie nodded his head. "Yeah, that sounds like fun. Makes me wish I was still at Hogwarts." He chuckled as he thought about this. "Well, there are other reasons I'd want to go back this year."
Ginny sighed. "Would you just tell us what is going on."
"Nope, Dad may have told me and Bill, but he said that we shouldn't tell you cause it would ruin the surprise," Charlie said this with a wicked smile on his face.
"This is so unfair," Ginny said looking more than a little upset.
The sound of Fred or George's voice broke the silence that followed. "No, what is unfair is that Fred and I have to carry out the silverware." One of the twins said this as he put a knife next to Violet. "This is a complete unjustified I say."
"I concur brother." The other twin said with a sour look on his face. Violet was fooled because there was this light in both their eyes. "I cannot BELIEVE our mother asked us to do this."
Charlie smiled at this and looked at Fred. "Well, Fred she could have had you clean the bathroom with your toothbrush. I'd say this is a much better task."
The girls snickered at the look of horror on Fred's face. "Brother please don't give me such horrid nightmares!"
Charlie looked remorseful for about ten seconds. "Well, she could also have you do it with George's toothbrush."
George was staring daggers at Charlie right now. "You know this means war don't you?"
Charlie looked George with a smile on his face. "I look forward to it."
The conversation stopped as Arthur, Bill, and Ron came out of the house carrying food. Fred and George got back to setting up the utensils. Once they were done the food was placed in the centre of the table. Within a matter of minutes, the table was groaning under the weight of Molly's cooking. Violet got Hermione to sit between herself and Kara. When asked why she said: "I just want them to see us together."
Hermione was blushing at this point. "They already know thanks to you."
Violet smiled sheepishly. "Yes, but showing them that we both love you would be a nice thing wouldn't it?" Violet asked this as she took hold of Hermione's hands.
"That would wild dream come true love, but you don't have to do that. Especially not here." Hermione said as she squeezed Violet's hands. Hermione looked to her left. Violet looked in the same direction. She could see Ron standing there more than a little stunned. The sound of Hermione's voice pulled her gaze away from the bastard. "If you want to say something to everyone I won't object."
Kara closed the distance between her and Hermione and wrapped her arms around the brunette's waist. "Neither will I love."
Violet turned her gaze to everyone at the table. Everyone but Ron was smiling at them. Molly looked more than a little happy right now. Why that was Violet did know, but it probably had to do with her wanting what was best for them. Bill was just smiling and taking something from Charlie under the table. 'Why do I feel used right now?' Violet thought as she looked at Bill smiling. Fred and George looked more than a little justified. Ginny was just smiling at the three of them. Violet couldn't help but do the same this was the first time she'd seen Kara and Hermione be this tender with one another. Arthur was just smiling and shaking his head at what was going on. The man was probably okay with what was happening but probably didn't need this much of a public display of affection. The last person she looked at DEFINITELY didn't need it. Ron looked more than livid right now. Even though he was 'smiling' the corners of his lips didn't meet his eyes. His eyes were squinted, and there was this fire to his gaze.
"Okay love birds break it up," Bill said with a slight chuckle to his voice. He looked over at Charlie. "I told you that this would happen this week."
"You had no idea when it was going to happen to be honest," Charlie said as Violet, Kara, and Hermione took their seats. "I'm mean sure we knew that Violet was in love with both of these two, BUT we didn't know if Kara loved Hermione."
"Charlie brings up a good point Bill," Fred said with a smile. "We only knew that Violet loved them both."
"Also we KNEW that Hermione was into girls before ANY of you. So we feel like we are owed money for that bet!" George said sternly.
Hermione looked at the two of them rather shocked. "How could you possibly know that?!" Hermione said sharply.
Fred started the explanation like he was leading a class. "Well, the first signs that you were into girls came up in the latter part of last year."
George picked up where his brother dropped off. "You were looking a little too closely at the posterior of a few girls. In particular Gemma Plank from Slytherin. If it wasn't for her blue eyes she'd be a dead ringer for what Violet might look like in a few years."
Fred jumped in at this point. "There is also Madam Rosemerta of the Three Broomsticks. You've umm... examined her assets in a longing way."
At this point, Hermione was blushing a bright red colour. "Okay you two need to stop," Hermione said sternly. "This feels like you've been stalking me."
"We haven't!" Fred and George said as one.
Kara wrapped her arm around Hermione's waist. "It's okay Hermione. We'll get them back somehow at Hogwarts." Kara looked at Fred and George menacingly. "You have declared war sirs."
Fred and George stood up and saluted Kara. "WE ACCEPT!" The twins said as one with this look of determination on their faces.
Molly was just shaking her head at this point. "Sit down boys. Let us start eating before the food gets cold."
With that everyone started getting food. Once everyone had some food conversations started picking up around the table. Percy was once again trying to get one of the younger kids to ask him what was going on at Hogwarts. Violet, Hermione, and by extension Kara knew what he wanted to tell them, but they didn't deem it worth their time to do that. A part of Violet wanted to ask him how Penelope was doing just to get under his skin. Violet didn't know when the two of them broke up, but she knew it happened sometime between this year and 2017. The problem with the uncertainty was that she knew Penelope would get together with Gemma Farley after that. The fact that she had to save both of them from Snatchers still bugged.
Charlie and George talking about quidditch pulled her out of these thoughts. "I'm telling you, George, these new rules will make the game a little fairer. Think of it like this. If the game goes on for a week or two the score will be so high that the Snitch no longer means anything. Likewise, if the Snitch is caught early on in the match that is just unfair to the other team. I was like you until I read the reasoning for it in the Prophet. If the original quidditch players did it THIS way then us going back to it make sense. If this game went on for two weeks I'd only be so much of it before I HAD to go back to work." Charlie then pointed to Fred, George, Violet, Hermione, Kara, Ron, and Ginny. "You six will have to be going to school in a few days. Missing one or two days would be fine, but I doubt Dumbledore would let you miss two months to watch a game."
"That's a good point, but I kind of wish it could be enacted during the next World Cup," George said sombrely.
Violet pitched in at this point. "Why are you worried George? You're a Beater, I'm the Chaser that now has to learn an entirely new playset." Fred nodded his head. "That being said," Violet smiled wickedly at the twins. "I think we can beat Slytherin hands down this year if I am an additional Chaser."
"Why is that?" Charlie asked as he took a bite of his stake.
Violet drank some of her butterbeer before answering. "Well if you think about it the answers simple." Violet looked over at Charlie. "Malfoy isn't that good of a Seeker, to begin with. Add on top of that his new requirements, and he will collapse under pressure. Add on top of that the fact that I am now a girl, and I don't think he will be able to think clearly enough to win the match."
Charlie shook his head. "That is putting a lot in one player Violet." He looked over at her more than a little worried. "Why would you think Malfoy would be doing that though?"
Violet swallowed her bite of a biscuit. "I've seen the way he looks at some of the girls, and now that I am one I'm more than a little worried about being near him."
"He can't be that bad," Ron said sternly. Every girl at the table just glared at him. "I mean he is a creep, but he would never do something to another student."
"That is an easy assumption Ron, but if he thinks his father can get him out of trouble I wouldn't put it past him to try something disturbing," Hermione said more than a little upset.
"We also have to take into consideration girls that Arcanist is still a student, so she might be looking out for stuff like that," Ginny said with a smile. "There is a part of me that hopes she starts busting the Slytherins that are bullying people."
Kara nodded her head. "That would be nice wouldn't it?" Everyone who was a student at Hogwarts nodded except for Ron. Kara noticed this and looked at him more than a little worried. "What's wrong Ron? Do you think Arcanist won't help us if something like that is happening?"
Ron wiped his mouth off before he started talking. This was odd. Normally he just opened his mouth and food would go flying, but now he was being polite? Something was up. "No, I don't think she will. Why I think that is simple. I think she is only doing this 'heroic' stuff to lull us all into believing in her. When we are all docile she's going to show her true colours. You just have to look at history to prove that. Grindelwald had got a whole bunch of people believing in him before he attacked anyone. The man was deceptive. Though I cannot prove it I think Arcanist is doing the same thing. Add on to that the fact that she won't tell us her real name."
Ginny looked like she was ready to strangle her brother. Molly looked like she wanted to sell tickets to the event. Thankfully for Ron, it was Arthur who spoke up. "Ronald this goes along with what we talked about earlier. Just because you think things should be a certain way doesn't mean you're right. The way you behaved earlier was improper. This kind of thinking is the same way. I know for a FACT Arcanist, Supergirl, Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman saved a bunch of young ladies from some horrible stuff. They were shot at by muggles, and some of those muggles took some kind of drug or potion to increase their strength. After that, they physically started beating them." Everyone around the table's jaw was hanging open. Violet, Kara, and Hermione for the fact that Arthur knew about this. I don't know who the girl is that got their attention, but I know she's magical. Mafalda said that there had been an apparition at that site a few seconds before the fight to protect the children began."
Percy looked over at Arthur more than a little shocked. "I thought that magic was done by a house-elf?"
Arthur shook his head in dismissal. "No, I'm afraid not Percy. I don't know what you've been told, or who told you, but there is a HUGE difference between a house-elf and a Tuatha Dé Danann. Were talking both physically and magically. The poor girl was being held as a slave."
Violet started sweating at this point. "What did Mafalda say about the Tuatha?" Violet asked offhandedly as she took a bite of mashed potatoes.
Arthur took a sip of butterbeer while shaking his head. "Not much other that, but I think there is something worse going on that we just don't know about." Arthur shook his head. "Mathilda Grimblehawk said that she'd looked at all the kids rescued from that place, and none of them was the child of a pure Sidhe and a human." Arthur took another sip of his butterbeer. "I'm telling you if there is one it is going to cause problems."
"How so, Dad?" Ronald asked as he inched himself forward.
Arthur sighed as he looked at Ron. "Well for starters Ron she would fall into the same category as Vampires, Vela, and Divine beings. Before you ask Ronald, since Wonder Woman has revealed herself, and it has been confirmed that the Greek Deities are real things, that another type of being needed to be added to the list."
Ron cut in at this point. "Yes, but I thought that was done to satisfy the show-off."
Violet looked over at Ron and scowled at him. "What are you talking about?"
Ron looked over at her more than a little shocked. "Wonder Woman! I think her kind needs to be registered and watched more closely! She is doing all of this heroics for publicity, and probably something more nefarious."
"Bollocks Ronald," Charlie said as he stared his brother down. "I've seen her in action. Some crazy person was trying to attack a group of people near the Romanian Dragon Reserve. She just shows up and starts protecting people. Those bullets that they were using she was bouncing off her wrist bands. She then ran at them and started physically fighting them. It was impressive to witness."
Ginny looked at Charlie a little stunned. "Why didn't you tell us this?"
Charlie shrugged. "It didn't seem relevant tell now. I mean it is not every day you can see a woman who stands maybe five foot ten inches tall pick up a van with one hand. We scanned her for magic Ron. We found none. The creepy thing is I think she could HEAR us and the dragons in the distance. As for the publicity thing Ron she took of as the press was arriving. They barely had time to get a photo of her."
Ron just looked confused at this point. "I want to know why she caused there to be a new category in the Beings Division?"
It was Arthur who caused Ron to drop his fork. "Because she is a demigoddess Ron. She's the daughter of Zeus and the Queen of the Amazons. At least that is the latest news I've heard from the muggle world."
Violet looked over at Mr Weasley a little shocked. "How do you know about that Mr Weasley?"
Mr Weasley blushed a little at this point. "There was a prophecy given about such a person centuries ago. The Department of Mysteries was talking about it a couple of days ago. We don't know how they got the prophecy because it is old and Greek in origin."
Violet nodded here head a little more at ease about this news. 'I'll also have to tell Diana about this. She might want to pay a visit to the Greek Magical Government soon.'
Charlie nodded his head, and the sound of his voice brought Violet back to the conversation. "That makes sense. It would explain her speed and strength. Also explains her weapons and gear. I don't want to be on the receiving end of that sword of hers." Charlie shivered.
"Or the rope," Bill said with a smile. "According to my boss that is the rope of Hestia. The sword is supposed to be magical in some way, and the shield is Amazonian so it's probably magical as well. Before you ask the goblins don't know what the things are made of, but it is loads better then anything they can make."
"Sounds impressive," Molly said as she looked over at Violet and Kara.
"What do they do?" Ron asked sounded more irritated than placated.
Violet chose to answer his question. "Well given that I've been watching the news as of late I can tell you a lot." Violet held up her hand to stop Hermione from saying anything. "I got this love." Hermione nodded and then glared once more at Ron. "The sword is stupid sharp. I've seen it cut through stainless steel on the telly. The shield is the opposite of the sword. I think the sword is divinely made, but the shield was probably made by the Amazons. That being said it can take dozens of rounds of gunfire. The fact that it doesn't break is amazing. The Lasso of Hestia is also known by another name." Violet let that sit there for a few seconds. Ron inched forward once more. "It is also called the Lasso of Truth, and unlike Veritaserum there is no chance of lying underneath it. It was crafted by the Goddess Hestia. The Goddess of Harth, Home, Domesticity, Family, and State. Now, why is she a goddess that can invoke the truth?"
Charlie was the one who answered. "Cause you shouldn't want to lie to your family or the state."
Violet nodded and smiled at him. "Correct," she then looked at Ron. "Now Ron why do all of these people seem like the bad guys to you?"
Ron looked off in thought. Violet took the time to eat some more food. She didn't know how long it would take Ron to come up with an answer, but she couldn't see him one come up with one too soon. Much to her amazement, he answered her within ten minutes. "Because they think they have a right putting their nose in other people's business."
Ginny shook her head as she swallowed a bite of her salad. "So you are okay with terrorism, murder, theft, and much worse crimes?"
Ron shook his head violently. "No, of course, I am against those things, but I would alert the Aurors to the problem instead of trying to fight a group of people who have guns. I wouldn't try to step in and save someone just because I was there and had powers."
Molly shook her head. "That's the problem, Ron. They are doing this because they can. Superman, Supergirl, and Wonder Woman are exceptionally gifted people. They are nigh indestructible, and instead of using those powers to enslave us they use them to help protect us. They work with the Aurors, Muggle Authorities, and one another to aid people in dire situations."
Ron just shook his head. "I just think we shouldn't trust them."
Violet shook her head. "You can have your own opinion Ron, but don't think that we are all going to see things the way you do."
Arthur nodded his head. "Well said, Violet." He looked back at Ron. "Ronald I will ask that when we are at the World Cup that you behave yourself. Arcanist and Supergirl will be there. They will be sitting in the Minister's Box. So, they will be near us, and the last thing I need is for you to make the wizarding world look bad."
Ron's face for the briefest of moments took on this sour look. It was like he'd just learned the Chuddley Cannons had chosen to close their doors, and sell off all their things to cover the cost for all their staff. This look was replaced though by one of sorry, and Ron looked to the table. "Yes sir, sorry for causing this much of a problem." There was this small part of Violet that didn't believe Ron for a minute. She just kept staring at him for a couple of seconds before returning to her food.
Even though the conversation turned to more agreeable topics the occasional look toward Ron showed he was still brooding in his hatred. Violet just hoped that he wasn't heading down a dark path. Even thinking that thought made Violet want to kick herself. She didn't like how much like Dumbledore she sounded right now, but that Ron seemed to be focused on proving Arcanist was evil didn't sound good. Add to that his new dislike of the Justice League. Given what he'd just said even a mundane good Samaritan was evil to Ron. This needed some monitoring for sure. The last thing she wanted was to have her own Two-Face. Pour Harvey Dent had mental issues, but Ron didn't have as many issues as Harvey. The idea that he could be giving himself some more issues bothered Violet. Yes, she wanted to end their friendship, but she didn't want to drive him over the edge. As Violet thought of this she looked at Hermione. Hermione looked as worried as Violet felt right now. Kara looked concerned at best, but she didn't know the Ron that Violet and Hermione knew. This Ron was new to all three of them. Violet and Hermione knew the kind, lazy, and somewhat loyal Ron. Hidden behind all of that were the jealousy, petty desire, and lust for something that would never be his.
The sounds of plates being placed on top of one another. Violet stood up and started helping gather everything. She tried to stay as close to Kara as she could, but given the size of the table, there were a couple of moments she was away from her. Thankfully Bill, Charlie, or Hermione was near her when Violet wasn't. Violet also tried to keep some distance between herself and Ron. The look on Ron's face was one of hurt at this moment. Violet couldn't tell though whether that was because he couldn't get near Violet or Kara. The thought of him doing either was upsetting really.
Once everything was collected everyone started taking things into the house. Molly told them to just put things into the sink. Once this was done everyone else walked towards the living room. Violet told them she'd be back. She walked into Ginny's room and set up her trunk. Arthur said why she shouldn't be doing that. To which she said with a smile: "I've been helping Kara for nearly a month Mr Weasley. I'm kind of off the Underage Wizardry list for a while." She was saying this because it was going to come out eventually. She knew Ginny wouldn't tell anyone, but all it would take is Skeeter or another reporter to read the New York Diviner. In fact, she was surprised that it hadn't been done already. Whoever was looking into it was probably taking their time to get every detail they could. She was just hoping that it was Skeeter, but given her luck, it probably was that unholy bint.
Violet shook her head of these thoughts, and reached into her pocket and pulled out their trunks. She Set them down and cancelled the shrinking spell on them. She then levitated them over to the wall next to the door. Once that was done she walked over to her trunk. She pulled out her Firebolt and her Broom Servicing Kit out of the trunk. The Firebolt probably didn't need any maintenance, but it did need a polishing. The more she thought about it her wand needed a good cleaning as well. The last thing she need was to be doing a quick cleaning of her wand at the Wand Weighing ceremony. Once she was back in the living room she found Ron stomping towards the stairs. One look around the room revealed that most people were staring at him as he made his way upstairs. None of them looked happy. Violet didn't want to ask the question, but as they say, curiosity killed the cat. "What happened?"
Arthur exhaled and responded in a ragged voice. "Ronald didn't believe that Kara's magic is her own." Arthur looked over at Kara and smiled. "We've known about it for two weeks." Arthur was gesturing to himself, Charlie, Bill, and Percy. "We read about it in the Daily Prophet. Dumbledore said this was impossible, and kept saying Kara had to be pure-blood or half-blood. I think he is still worried about Violet's safety though, so he may be more than a little stressed." Arthur looked over at Kara and he was just beaming with joy. His eyes also had this sparkle to them. This was probably because he knows had a muggle he could talk to about muggle technology regularly. Violet just smiled and shook her head as Kara looked over at her for help.
Hermione spoke at this point. "What irritates me, is that he thinks she STOLE the magic somehow."
Arthur shook his head in disgust. "We've been trying to correct him on that for over a week. I don't think he is becoming a pure-bloodist, but he is talking like one. We've threatened to give his World Cup ticket to someone else." Arthur gestured to the three soulmates. "Your soulbond proves that magic has as much to do with our blood as it does our soul. We just don't know which one is the most important."
Bill responded with a slight chuckle to his voice. "Probably both, I mean I can't see God making it more the soul than the blood, but somehow the blood is still important."
Hermione chipped in at this point. "We are probably talking about genetics really not just blood."
Bill looked over at her with a quizzical look on his face. "What do you mean?"
Violet looked over at Hermione and gestured for her to pick it up. She walked over to the couch and took a seat. She rested her broom against the wall. She opened the Service Kit. She pulled out the Tail-Twig clippers and started looking at her broom tail for loose twigs. She wasn't expecting any. She just listened to Hermione talk about genetics.
Hermione smiled and said in a soft voice. "Humans and probably most magical beings have twenty-three genomes. To answer your question a genome is the chemical way your body is built. You get half of your genetics from your father and the other half from your mum. I'll have to show you pictures of some of this stuff later, but your mum also gives you your mitochondrial DNA. Mitochondria are the parts of your body that give your cells energy from the food you eat." Hermione's voice was going into teaching tone, but it was staying away from the 'I know more than you' tone. "Your genes make up the codes of your DNA and RNA. Now I don't think RNA has anything to with magic, but I could be wrong. Anyway, your DNA determines how you are going to look, how smart you are going to be, and pretty much anything else you could do/want to do in life. Now we know that Dudley isn't a wizard so one of his father's genes negates the magic gene from his mum. That being said, maybe what happened is Kara's magic was dormant because her soul wasn't strong enough, or maybe it was waiting to be connected to Violet's."
Charlie smiled at this point. "That makes sense, we try to keep some dragons away from each other. If they cross bread you could end up with something really nasty."
Kara nodded her head. "That sounds like a good idea."
Violet shivered at the thought of Hungarian Horntail cross-breeding with a Common Welsh Green. She put down her broom and looked over at Charlie. The idea was a little scary. "Please don't give people bad ideas like that Charlie."
Charlie laughed hard at this point. "I don't have to because some idiots have already tried. It didn't end well."
"Good, we don't want that flying around!" Violet said dramatically.
Charlie chuckled as he pointed at Violet. "You misunderstand me, Ms Potter. It didn't end well for the man who tried it. There was one successful cross-breeding in the late 1990s. My Reserve has it, and we try to keep her near Hungarian Horntails."
'That is what I get for thinking that.' Violet thought to herself as she looked over at soulmates who were trying to stifle a laugh. Might as give me the 'killing blow'. "What did they breed it with?"
"A Peruvian Vipertooth," Charlie said in a sombre tone.
'Oh, that's even WORSE!' Violet thought as her jaw fell open. She shook herself free of the shock. "Let me guess whoever did it did by bite?"
Charlie shook his head. "Nope, it lit his robes on fire. The man was trying to use it to fight the Reserve response team. Unfortunately, his attempt at mind control failed, and since he annoyed the dragon it unleashed on him first."
"Okay, that sounds even more unpleasant than I'm sure it was," Kara said in a shaky voice.
Charlie nodded his head. "This level of stupidity is right up there with what Ron is showing right now. The only thing is I do feel slightly sorry for him right now."
Violet tilted her head and looked at him more than a little confused. "Why?"
Bill responded to that with a laugh before pointing at Fred and George. "Because he has to share a bedroom with those two for the next couple of days."
The twins said as one. "We are not going to harm him... much."
"Sure you are," Bill said as he patted Fred on the shoulder.
Violet put the Tail-Twig clipper down. She got out her Fleetwood's High-Finish Handle Polish and a rag. She put her index and middle finger in the polish and pulled out a small dollop. She applied it to the top of the handle. She then started rubbing the polish into the handle with the rag bring her hand around counter-clockwise. At this point, Arthur went back to what they had been talking about earlier.
"I think Ron still cares about you, but I think he has this misguided idea of being with you romantically. You've hidden nothing from us when you arrived the last time." Violet flinched a little when Arthur said that. If she was hoping that he didn't notice this it didn't last long. "What is wrong Violet? Is there something you didn't tell us?"
Violet looked over at Kara, and the blonde shook her head. Violet looked over at Arthur. "Yes sir, but right now it is not safe to tell you. One because Ron might overhear this, and he MOST definitely cannot learn this information."
"Is it that important?" Charlie asked.
Hermione nodded her head. "Yes sir, but it's not because the information is bad. They know information about her cousin that if Ron blabbed it out in school might not end well."
"Can you tell us why?" Arthur asked.
Violet nodded her head. "My Mum and I got to know some secrets Arcanist discovered about my cousin Raizel."
The sound of footsteps heading down the stairs caused the conversation to come to a stop. When Ron showed up everyone was watching him. He was staring at Violet as she had somehow betrayed him. The look on his face was one of rage. Violet didn't know if this was because she mentioned Arcanist, or because she'd been 'given information' that he couldn't learn. Ron stared at her for what felt like ten minutes, but his irritated gaze moved from her to his father. Violet could see his nostrils flare out with each breath. She was honestly expecting him to start screaming but he didn't. Ron turned away from everyone and walking towards the fireplace. He pulled out his wand and ignited a fire. At this point, Arthur stood up. "What are you doing Ronald?"
Ron turned around to look at his father. "I am going to talk to Professor Dumbledore. There are things I don't understand, and I am wanting to see if I am mistaken. I know everyone here accepts that Arcanist and this 'Supergirl'," Ron's face as he put Supergirl in quotes was one of doubt and disgust, "...are here to help us, but I still can't come to terms with it. I want to see what Dumbledore has found out about her. He had to be there in the meeting between the Prime Minister, Minister Fudge, and Arcanist."
Arthur looked angry for a few seconds, but it faded quickly. Violet would love to bet that this was an Argument the two had more than once today. "Ron you don't know if he learned anything that we already don't know," Arthur said with a sad look on his face. "I know you going to go even if I don't want you to, but hopefully Albus can talk some sense into you."
"I don't NEED your permission to do this." Ron snapped back at his father. Before anyone could say anything Ron turned around and tossed the Floo Powder into the fire.
Violet could hear some heavy footsteps coming from the kitchen. Molly was coming into the living room with a violet colour to her face. "What was that Ronald?"
Ron didn't even turn around to look at his mother. He stepped into the fire and said "Hogwarts Headmaster's Office." Within seconds he was gone in a flash of green fire.
"I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!" Molly nearly screamed. She started stomping towards the fireplace. Charlie intercepted her. "Charlie move I need to stop your brother before he does something stupid."
"He's already done that Mum, and to be honest I think Dumbledore is the only one who can talk some sense into him right now," Charlie said with a sad look on his face. "I don't know what those two have been talking to each other about. I do know that Dumbledore has talked some students of making some really dumb decisions."
"That hasn't always helped Charlie," Arthur said sounding more than a little scared. "Molly I don't think we can stop him from doing this. He's been doing it for the last two weeks. I talked with Albus about, and it seems all Ron is concerned about is an improbability. He thinks that Arcanist is only saving people to satisfy her ego."
Violet, Kara, Hermione, and Molly just looked at one another at this moment. What could Ron truly be thinking about Arcanist if he told Dumbledore this? What could those two have been talking about regarding her? She knew Dumbledore just wanted her to stop, but what could Ron want Arcanist to do? A better question to ask what could he want to happen to her? Just thinking about that sent a chill down her spine. The little bastard until recently had warned a nice face around people, but given the conversation with Rebeca, she doubted it was anywhere close to legal.
Molly spoke before anyone else could say something. "Violet why don't you go check on Raizel before you go to bed. If they need you to do anything within reason go ahead and take care of it."
Violet could help but smile at this. "You have a good point, Mrs Weasley. She did seem a little out of place when I left." Violet walked over to the fireplace and picked up a pinch of Floo Powder. She turned around and smiled at Molly. "What is the name of the Floo Connection?"
Molly smiled and looked over at Arthur who was blushing. "Muggle Haven, and don't ask me why he chose that name."
Violet chuckled as she shook her head. "I'm sure he had a good reason." She looked over at Arthur and winked at him. She turned around and tossed the powder into the fire. She looked over at Kara and smiled. "Do you want to come with me?"
Kara thought about it for a couple of seconds before shaking her head. "No, I have to get my evening run in." Kara looked over at Molly and smiled. "I'll just go running for about a mile then return."
Violet nodded her head. As Kara stood up to go get her 'running' outfit Violet stepped into the fire. "Muggle Have," Violet said this with as much clarity as she could. Within seconds she started spinning around. She might have the chance to go check on the World Cup Stadium. Hopefully, the technicians didn't mess up while setting things up.
6:30 PM
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Dumbledore's Office
Ron was pacing back and forth in Dumbledore's office. The man was not here, and none of the portraits knew where he was. They did tell him that Arcanist had shown up, and talked to him about something vitally important to Lilly Potter. The portraits couldn't tell him much about what had transpired, but what they couldn't tell him that much about it. They said before he took off with Arcanist the bint hand showed him a memory for someone named Raizel Dursley. Ron knew this was impossible because the Dursleys didn't have a daughter. The only kid they had was a morbidly obese son.
Just thinking of this made Ron look to the Pensieve that was sitting there in the office. He didn't want to violate Dumbledore's trust, but he couldn't shake the idea that Arcanist had tricked him somehow. Ron looked once more at the clock. It had been fifteen minutes since he arrived. He didn't know what the cunt could have done to him, but Ron wouldn't put it past her to trick the man. There had to be a way to find out if Arcanist was bewitching the man he respected. Ron looked around the room for anything that would help him. When his eyes fell on Dumbledore's desk he saw a piece of parchment, a quill, and some ink. He didn't know when Dumbledore would be getting back, so Ron didn't think this would be a bad thing to investigate.
Ron walked over to the desk and grabbed the quill. He grabbed a piece of parchment. He dipped the quill into the ink and started writing. He knew that Arcanist was strong magically, but he didn't truly know what she was capable of. So, he was having to think quickly about what he was going to do, and what he wanted to tell himself. He learned a new trick about the rings the last night. He could get them to warm up should he need to be alerted about something. He tapped the ring on his right hand while thinking of warming up in fifteen minutes. Once this was done he tapped the parchment with his had to dry the ink. Once the ink was dry he took the time to see if he needed to make any adjustments.
You wrote this message at 6:40 PM on August 20th. You are in Dumbledore's office hoping the old man shows up soon. You found out that Arcanist showed up, and showed him a memory from someone she claims is 'important'. I think that there was some mental magic done to the memory, and the bitch has somehow bewitched Dumbledore. So, I will be looking at the memory, and if you feel compelled to go ANYWHERE go immediately to St Mungo's.
Ronald Bilius Weasley, also known as Arcane Nova.
Ron smiled at what he'd decided to call himself. If Arcanist could make up a foolish name then he would give himself a name with actual meaning. He didn't know where she got the name Arcanist, but he doubted that it was based on what she had told the press. If there where truly other forms magic then they would cover that in Hogwarts. Hell, it would be part of Hermione's favourite book Hogwarts A History. This was something else he would have to double-check with the old man once he arrived. Ron shook his mind free of these thoughts and folded up the parchment. He held it in his left hand and tapped the ring on that hand while thinking about fifteen minutes alarm. Once this was set he walked over to the pensieve and lowered his head into it.
The sensation of falling down into the scene was weird to Ron. He knew how these things worked because being raised in a magical home, but he had never really used one. Neither of his parents had one, and these things were hard to make. They also didn't have the money to buy one, so this was probably going to be the only time he'd ever use one. Once the sensation faded away he looked around to find out what was so special about this memory. What he found was kind of shocking really. He was looking at a little girl wearing a maids outfit standing next to him. 'Is this Halloween or something?' Ron thought as he looked at the young girl. She couldn't be any older than most first years, but the outfit she was wearing was a little revealing of her arse at this angle. Ron watched as she moved to hide behind a large box.
The girl was looking over the box at a group of people that looked odd to Ron. If these were muggles they were dressed awfully strange. Well, there were only two people that weren't dressed strangely to him. This old woman and they were all listening to. Ron was shocked when the man wearing the muggle 'business suite' spoke of teaching some girl magic. It sounded like the man had promised some other people that whoever he was talking about would not be sent to Hogwarts. That the man agreed to do this bothered Ron a little. How could this man talk about such things as if it was a business deal? Sadly it also sounded like the man was a touch bonkers. How could a girl with a ring off look so different? Illusion rings that did things like that were restricted for a reason. You didn't want a Hag walking around with an illusion ring on that made her look like a model did you? As the conversation went on Ron felt more than a little nauseated. Sure he had a marriage contract that would have made Violet and any woman she was married to HAVE TO sleep with him, but they were talking about children like that. That was just sick.
As the group started walking away Ron looked back at the girl. She was now moving along the boxes like she was trying to get somewhere. Ron figured this memory had to be her's, so he started to follow her. He could hear movement behind, but if this girl had been seen whoever it was would have made some noise. It was as he followed her down the pathway that he realised who this was. This was Violet's young cousin Raizel. This made no sense to him right now. How could her cousin be in a place like this instead of the shite hole of a house on Privet drive? This was really odd.
Ron kept following the girl down this pathway. The only thing that stopped her movement was some arsehole coming out of a room. Raizel started mumbling some nonsense at this point, and Ron thought she was going to get caught. However that didn't happen, but Ron didn't know why. The girl was moving, and yet the idiot could hear her feet hitting the floor. As she lunged forward to put her hand in the door a bunch of boxes fell infront of the bloke. The man started screaming for help to pick the damn thing up.
As Raizel made her way into the room Ron felt his ring heat up slightly. Even though he wanted to follow the girl into the room he knew who this was and figured Arcanist had been sent by Potter to help her cousin out. Ron figured this would be a good bit of information to play on to get Potter to view him a little differently. Ron thought of leaving the memory. Ron tapped the ring to shut of the alarm. He turned around to see what time it was. Sadly for him not only did he find out what time it was, but he also found out that he was not alone. Standing behind him was Albus Dumbledore with this cheeky smile on his face. "Good evening Mr Weasley. Hopefully, you understand the importance of keeping that memory to your self?"
Ron nodded his head swiftly. "Yes sir, what that girl had to have endured is disgusting."
Dumbledore nodded his head with a sad look on his face. "Yes, that is truer then you realise."
"So, is she really Violet's cousin?" Ron asked almost tentatively. "Because it wouldn't surprise me if Arcanist faked all of this."
Dumbledore shook his head with a sombre look on his face. "Sadly Ronald it is all true, and Raizel Potter has endured worse treatment then Violet ever did. Had I been more mindful of what was going on in that house she never would have been placed in danger."
Ron was shocked by this information. The Dursleys had a magical child, and just tossed her away? "Surely we are going to be doing something about this Professor?"
The aged man nodded his head. As he spoke Ron felt for the first time in his life terrified to be in the man's presence. It was like he could feel the power pouring off Dumbledore's body. As the man spoke Ron felt like he was in the middle of an inferno. "I am doing everything I can Ronald. Lilly, Inspector Reid, the Prime Minister and I are doing everything within our power to speed the shift of custody over to Lilly. As it stands she is under the protective custody of the Grangers. Mrs Granger will be staying with her all day today and for the next few days." The old man smiled at this point. "Never in my life have I seen so many people with unique gifts standing up to help out someone so young. To be honest this isn't the first most of these people have done it."
"Your kidding?" Ron asked a little shocked.
Dumbledore shook his head. "That is what I've been doing since I finished working at the Taylor residence. Arcanist asked for my help specifically to resolve some problems. It seems that Vernon and Petunia Dursley had some dealings with a Dark Wizard or Witch. He was the one helping Mr Taylor magically protect that house." Dumbledore held up a bunch of parchment. "I've made copies of everything I discovered and gave the original documents to the police. So, that explains my absence when you arrived here over half an hour ago. What it does not explain Mr Weasley is why you are here?"
Ron cleared his throat as he thought of how to tell the old man what he was concerned about. "I'm worried about what Arcanist is doing sir. I think she is deliberately doing all of this 'good' stuff to lull us into trusting her, and when our guard is down she will strike. She is one of the most powerful witches I've seen, and the fact that she carries around a book to cast most of her spells makes wonder why she does that. Is she stealing other people's magic or something to do those spells?"
Dumbledore sighed and Ron didn't know why, but he felt sorry for saying that. "No Ron she doesn't steal peoples magic to do this. There is a reason she carries that spellbook as well." Dumbledore looked off in thought for a moment. "Ronald, do you really KNOW what a shaman is?"
Ron was confused at this question. With a raised eyebrow he said: "Of course I do sir. That is what some ancient cultures called a witch or a wizard. Here in the British Isles, we use to be called druids."
Dumbledore just smiled and shook his head. "You are both right and wrong young man."
"How so?" Ronald asked feeling a little more pissed then he should have. Dumbledore was actually teaching him something. He should feel proud of this fact, but he felt more insulted right now then proud.
The old man just chuckled. "In all my years Ronald, my boy, I've learned so much about magic that I think there is nothing I don't already know. Then there comes something that I didn't know anything about. When Arcanist showed up I started trying to stop her from doing what she does. As you know that backfired. So, once I could no longer do that I started looking into who she might be. I started by looking into her 'name' think it had some connections to an organisation." Ron nodded his head following Dumbledore's thoughts at the moment. This made sense a girl this skilled had to have training somewhere. "What I found was rather shocking, but not in a bad way. Let us start with the shaman. yo- Shaman does not only know the magic you and I use they also had some spells that you couldn't just learn once and repeatedly cast it. A shaman also drew on literal divine power to cast unique spells that neither you nor I can cast."
Ron stood there slack-jawed for a second. He shook the shock from his mind. "Why not?"
Dumbledore chuckled at this point. He was giving Ron this 'I know what your thinking look'. "Because they drew their power for those spells from nature around them. A literal divine blessing was bestowed upon them to do these spells. They had other abilities because of this blessing, but that isn't important right now. What is important though is the way they cast those spells. Unlike you and me were all we have to do is memorise and a master a spell a shaman had to prepare their spells each day. Before you say anything I'm not talking spells like Lumos. I am talking about divine spells. How this applies to Arcanist is that she like a shaman has to prepare her spells every day. That is why she carries that book around. If I'm right, and I think I am, even if she doesn't have the spell prepared she can switch it out so long as she has the spell in her book."
Ron stood there thinking about what Dumbledore had just said. It sort of made sense from a certain point of view. That she had to study her spells though meant that she has to be lying about being a student at Hogwarts. "If that's the case, sir, then she can't be a student here at Hogwarts. She would be incapable of learning our magic because she's not STRONG ENOUGH to do it."
There was this excitement lit in the old man's eyes right now. "Ah, but she is Ron. You see like the shaman she can learn our magic, and if I am right she was doing that long before she started learning about being an arcanist. You see an arcanist like a shaman is an old rare magic-user. They were prominent when we were living with the muggles and helping them out with all sorts of things. While they could do almost anything they were used primarily for research, defence, and combat. This is why Arcanist has so many aggressive spells. The book she got I'll lay you a wager came from the Tuatha De Danann."
"That's impossible!" Ron screamed at the top of his lungs. "They went with the Magi to that parallel world they created!"
Dumbledore's smile grew a little more. "Not all of them, Ronald. Some of them stayed behind and took on the form of fairies. The good and the bad. House-elves used to serve the Tuatha, and now they sever us. Also, I've heard that there is a new High Elf walking around though I think she is going to keep her identity hidden."
"Why?" Ron asked more than a little confused.
Dumbledore sighed and shook his head. "Because Ron a High Elf, or more simply an Elf, is the child of a Tuatha and a mortal human. They are like us in almost every regard except for their ears. Their ears are pointed, and unlike house-elves, their ears aren't droopy. It is like your ear tucked close to their head, but it is pointed instead of rounded."
"That's just weird," Ron said with a little bit of hate filling his voice.
"That may be Mr Weasley, but that does not mean they are beneath you. She is like a veela, vampire, or werewolf and will be considered capable of learning wandlore. In fact, the wandlore restriction law is on the way out, so it will be impossible for her wand to be taken and snapped."
Once again Ronald felt like he wanted to be anywhere else but here right now. The fire in the man's eyes got more intense at this moment. It was like Ron had kicked the man's little puppy or something. The fact that HE was protecting this child meant more to Ron than anything else. Though at this moment Dumbledore probably was only really caring about Violet Potter. There was a possibility that the bint would also be the soulmate of such a creature. The image of this fat distorted creature floated into his mind. It took all of his will power to stop from laughing at this moment. He needed to change the topic to something that they both agreed on. "So, what are we going to do about Violet's soul-bounding to two birds?"
Dumbledore's mood changed, but only slightly the fire in his eyes was still rather intense. "Fortunately for us both Ronald my research into soul-bonds revealed a few three-way soul-bonds. To answer your question: we are going to do nothing about that Ronald. If you try to mess with it they could all die. Although since it is soul-bound to more than two people it would probably not be a smart thing to try and mess with them. The question I have about this though is who is she bonded to aside from Ms Kent?" The question was soft and kind it was like the man was concerned about what was going.
Ron sighed and tried to control his anger. "She is also soulmate with Hermione, and it seems that Kara is also soul-bound to the both of them. So it is a three-way bond. How am I going to impress all THREE of them?"
Dumbledore just shook his head at this point. "Maybe this is Fate telling you Ronald that you should cast your eyes elsewhere. A three-way soul-bound is incredibly rare. There have only been three known bonds like this, and that is including this one."
Ron growled at this point. "Who were the other two?"
Dumbledore chuckled at his rage. "The first one was a bit shocked when I found out about it. The first one is Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Helga Hufflepuff. The second is only speculation because it is from antiquity. According to notes of a wizard from a time before Ancient Greece Menelaus king of Sparta, Helen of Sparta, and one of her friends were bonded together through the magic that came from the soul. This, of course, is undocumented by anyone else, so it could just be a fable."
"The whole Trojan War is a muggle myth," Ron said under his breath.
Unfortunately for him, the old man heard him. "Not so Ronald. The muggles found the city of Troy in the last century. Not too long ago they found proof that the war actually happened. Now how it took place and why we don't know. Although it is clear that Helen was kidnapped instead of running off with Paris of Troy if she was soul-bound to other people."
"So, I am stuck to our original discussion. Instead of having to impress just Violet and Kara I know have to add Hermione to that as well?" Ron almost sounded defeated at this point. Though deep down Ron felt like he'd been betrayed. There was this rage building within him, and if he was honest with himself he wanted to kill the old man right now.
Dumbledore nodded his head with a sad look on his face. "Yes, Ronald you will have to do that, but I cannot tell you can do that. This is something incredibly unique."
Ron nodded his head in false agreement. "Yes sir, well with that I'll leave you." Ron walked to the fireplace and took a pinch of Floo Powder. He looked back at the old man to make sure he wasn't paying attention to what he was doing. Dumbledore was walking into his bedroom at the moment, so the man shouldn't hear where Ron was going to Knockturn Alley. He tossed the powder into the flames and once they were green he stepped into them. "Leaky Cauldron."
Dart-moor, England
World Cup Stadium
10:34 PM
Arcanist was helping the technician working on the camera that was on the east side of the stadium. Every now and then she'd catch the man looking at her like she's about to attack him. This was funny for the first ten minutes they were doing this. Now though it was a little annoying. She needed to focus on how much ambient magic the wire could take now. The fact that the Ministry of Magic helped cover the cost of all this was kind of amazing.
"So, um how does all this stop magic from interfering with electronics?" the man asked in a little bit of a shaky voice.
'Showing his courage now I guess.' Arcanist thought with a slight smile. "Magic is a highly energetic thing to do. When you have a lot of enchantments or a bunch of items with magic placed upon them in a location it affects the electromagnetic field in the area. Because it is doing that it will cause lightbulbs to flicker, tellies to shut off, or computers to critically crash. So, it is basically causing small electromagnetic pulses causing small short outs. It would completely kill the electronics, but it will complicate things."
"You mean to make things short out like the wiring is all wrong?"
"Yes, but it is only with tons of magic in the area. Take this Stadium for instance. There is so much magic that is placed around it and in it that I guarantee you that none of this stuff would work without the modifications I'm helping you do." Arcanist said this with a smile as saw the green light ignite. "And we are done here."
The man nodded his head. "Thank you Arcanist I don't know what the guy who was setting this up earlier did wrong."
Arcanist just smiled at the man. "Don't worry about it. People make mistakes, and this is new stuff. Just imagine all the things I've helped you guys do, but done to a spacecraft."
The man shook his head. "No thank you."
Arcanist smiled at him waved at him as she walked away. She turned her gaze at the guy working in the Minister's Box. Even though she didn't have Kryptonian vision she could tell he was relieved right now. Arcanist cast fly on herself once more and flew over to the Minister's box. As she travelled across the field Arcanist looked around. She could see the Bulgarian team taking a break on the field beneath her. She couldn't really see their faces Arcanist thought that they were all excited about what they'd been doing. Arcanist didn't really know how they were going to play it, but she thought Viktor might be seeking the Snitch at the start of the game. Once the Snitch was caught he might be playing on the peripheral of the field trying to intercept passes from the Irish team. Given his Seeker years, this was probably going to be a good thing. Though if Ireland were smart they would have the Seeker doing the same thing. With a Firebolt they would be almost guaranteed to intercept the Quaffle.
As she got closer to the Minister's Box Arcanist looked one more at the man sitting were the anchors would be sitting. The man was smiling and nodding his head. Once she got five feet away from the box Arcanist could hear him talking to his contact in New York or London. "Yes, the picture looks good to me as well. I am telling you that tech didn't know what he was doing earlier." The man looked at Arcanist and nodded his head. "Thanks, Arcanist, I still don't know how the guy stripped the protective coating off the wire."
As her feet touched the floor of the Box Arcanist shook her head. "The guy probably removed it thinking it was junk. That it takes the magical application to ensure it will work here is almost a pain in the arse." The two of them started laughing. Once the laughter died down Arcanist asked. "Is there anything else you need me to do?"
The man shook his head. "No everything else is set up, and all we have to do here is set up the rest of the monitors now that you've fixed that problem."
Arcanist nodded her head and took off flying once more to check in on the check-in on Mr Roberts. She checked on Payne earlier. The man was still in a little bit of shock that everyone staying in his field was a witch or a wizard. Though he stressed to Arcanist he had no problem with it. He just didn't know there were this many around the world. She hadn't checked on Mr Roberts though, and she wanted to make sure that the Ministry had stopped Obliviating the man. As she flew over the forest she was grateful for all the training she'd received.
As she flew over the forest she was once again in awe of the things that the Tuatha had given her. She could see clearly as if it was the midday. The low level of light from all the campfires helped made this possible. The fact that even in the absence of light these glasses would allow here to see made her smile. Granted if someone took them off she was kind of boned, but that was the price for having any kind of magical object boosting your abilities.
The sight of children still running around this late at night made her smile a little. Granted most of them were being dragged back into their tent by their mother or father. Those around her age were talking with one another. She could see the Irish tents from here, and she was wondering if Seamus and Dean were here already. There was a part of here that wanted to fly low when she got there to find out, but she had to ignore it. It was too late to mess with this. Had there not been a massive fuck-up with the installation of the camera earlier she probably would have. Now though there were more important things to handle.
It didn't take her long to get to Mr Roberts house quickly enough. Thankfully even though there were probably twelve Death Eaters at this site right now none of them was attacking her. Given that she had beaten four of them this month she knew they had a hatred for her that rivalled what they felt for Violet Potter. Though they would never know the two of them were the same person. As she made her way to land Arcanist could see Mr Roberts talking to a Ministry employee. The man was as poorly dressed as most wizards trying to dress like muggles. He was wearing a flannel shirt and a kilt. Not the worst thing to wear, but still not something you saw every day.
"No Mr Roberts, I can assure you we haven't been doing any magic IN your house. I don't know if it is your son or your daughter, but one of them could be a magic-user." The man sounded like he was trying to placate Mr Roberts.
"I still don't understand how my wife's hair can go from black to bright green!" Mr Roberts said rather aggressively.
"Is something wrong gentlemen?" Arcanist asked as her feet touched the ground.
Mr Roberts looked at her and the man looked more than a little annoyed. When he saw who it was his face lost a little bit of it agitation. "Ma'am something has happened to my wife's hair, and it happened after one of the Ministry of Magic officials left our house. I don't know what they did, but my wife's hair went from dark black to bright green."
Arcanist nodded her head. "Has anyone fixed that sir?" Arcanist asked this as kindly as possible.
"Yes, but they haven't explained HOW they are going to do it?" Mr Roberts sounded more scared than hateful right now.
Arcanist nodded her head. "Ok, I can help you with that Mr Roberts." She looked over at the man from the Ministry. "May I get your name sir before I go further?"
The man nodded. "It's Dustin Mathris ma'am."
Arcanist nodded at the man before she turned back to Mr Richards. "Sir what may have happened to your wife's hair because of accidental magic from one of your kids. If she was arguing with them about their hair their anger about it could have changed her hair because that's what they were unconsciously wanting. It will happen within seconds. Are you following me so far?" Mr Roberts nodded his head. Arcanist smiled at him and continued. "Now as for HOW it happened, that is quite simple. There is a part of reality that is the source of all magic. If that is a field of energy like the electromagnetic field or something like the force of gravity we do not know. However, with this field of energy, a mage can alter the physical world to a small degree. Whoever your wife was talking or arguing with could have been really upset, and unconsciously thought of turning her hair green. Their magic would then have made that a reality."
"Okay, that makes sense." Mr Roberts said in a calmer tone. "So, for a Ministry of magic to do it what would have to happen?"
Mr Mathris took over at this point. "They would have had to pull out their wand to cast their spell. Even if they did it silently they would have still needed to use their wand." The man looked over at her with this sheepish smile. "How you cast those spells without one is rather impressive ma'am."
Arcanist chuckled at the man's admiration. "It took months of practice sir. I had a really good mentor, and the place they trained me was removed from our time stream."
"So you spent months where?" Mr Roberts asked more than a little curious.
Arcanist shivered at the thought of training under Merlin. "In a place, I don't think any of us wants to be sent for a long period of time. I don't think I am allowed to say where that is before either of you ask." Both men nodded in acceptance of this. "Mr Roberts are your children still up?"
Mr Roberts shook his head. "No ma'am, why are asking?" The man sounds more than a little worried.
Arcanist shook her head. "I just wanted to cast a spell that will detect if there is magic in your house. If there is I'll be able to see it. Let me explain what I mean. All magic gives off an aura. The type of aura is dependant on the classification, or school, of magic that is the strongest within or on it. There are nine schools of magic. Those schools are Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, Transmutation, and Universal."
Mathris was standing there a little slack-jawed. "Where did you learn this?"
Arcanist shrugged her shoulders. "I learned the basics from my mentor. After that, I did some travel and learned more. Also, there is some information on this in the History of Magic textbooks."
"So if one of my kids is magical you'll be able to see it?" Mr Roberts asked.
Arcanist smiled slightly and nodded her head. "Yes sir, and if they are asleep I'll do this magic silently, or in the living room where you and your wife can see me do it."
Mr Roberts nodded his head. "Thank you, ma'am. I think my wife would like that."
Arcanist nodded and gestured towards the front door. Mr Roberts nodded started walking back into his home. As she entered the living room Arcanist saw Mrs Roberts for the second time in her lives. Mrs Roberts was sitting there on the couch watching the telly with a worried look on her face. Arcanist turned her gaze to the telly to see what had the woman worried.
On the screen was a news feed concerning Vernon and Petunia. The tag line at the bottom read: Dursleys Now Face Slavery Charges. The news was showing Raizel defending herself from being shot. Just seeing that caused Arcanist to growl a little bit. What the reporter was saying made The screen changed to a mugshot of the man who attacked Raizel. Arcanist was a little worried when she saw his name: Charles Nott. The report's news regarding the man also didn't sit well with Arcanist.
"The man who attacked Raizel Dursley today has broken out of jail. There is no visual record of him leaving his prison cell. He just vanished. The British Ministry of Magic says there was a display of magic in the prison. When they were told the name of the prisoner they informed the police that the man was a wizard who had been on the run since 2001. They do not know who he was working with now, but they informed the police that he was working for a man called Voldemort. The man's family has said they are not helping him do any of these things, and would be more than willing to do anything to prove it."
The screen shifted back to the anchor of the show. "Daniel do we know if Ms Dursley is being protected right now?"
Daniel nodded his head. "Yes Joseph, she is somewhere safe right now. We do not know where Arcanist took her, but we do know where ever that is, has members of the Justice League there to protect Ms Dursley."
"Do we know who?"
Daniel shook his head. "No, but we know they are female, and that they are prepared for anything. The police and Aurors are also going by on a regular basis as well just in case Charles Nott shows up in that area. It is unlikely that he will show up there, but the chance is possible."
"Is there anything else that has happened today regarding Ms Dursley?"
Daniel nodded his head with a slight smile. "Yes, there is some good news. Mrs Lily Potter has turned in the paperwork to gain custody of Ms Dursley. We do not know if they will change her name, or if they will keep name Ms Dursley has known for the last ten years."
Mrs Roberts said in an almost disgusted tone "Hopefully they change it. I think the name Raizel is much nicer than Annabelle."
"They will be changing her name." Arcanist said with a slight smile. The woman jumped in her seat as if she was unaware that someone had entered the house. "Sorry about that ma'am."
"What's going on Nathan?" Mrs Roberts asked.
Mr Roberts gestured towards Arcanist. "She's able to see if one of our kids is a wizard or a witch."
"Really?" Mrs Roberts asked looking more than a little stunned. Had this been a couple of months ago Arcanist wouldn't have put it past the two of them to laugh their heads off right now. "One of our kids could be like you?"
Arcanist smiled a little. "Well not exactly like me, but yes they would be able to use magic. Is this the first time this has happened, ma'am?"
The woman shook her head. "No, when Nathan was gone Bridget and Chester were in an argument over who was going to help me make the cake. The flour started floating above them, and then it just dropped. The two of them had ended up covered in flour. At first, I thought they had thrown it into the air, but no I don't think so."
Arcanist nodded her head. "That sounds like accidental magic. Whoever it is that is the magic-user will have had more of this happening around them." Mr and Mrs Roberts nodded at this point. "Now do either of you have a pair of glasses?"
"Why?" Mrs Roberts asked.
"Because I can enchant them to show you what I see." Arcanist said with a smile. "The spell I am going to cast on myself and the glasses is called Detect Magic."
"You will blind them!" Mathris nearly screamed.
Arcanist shook her head. "No, that is a lie. The spell only shows you the magic in the immediate area. If they were to look at me they would see the strongest type of magic on the gear I am wearing."
"Which would be?" Mathris asked.
"Abjuration is on my robes and most of my gear. Enchantment on my glasses, necklace, and boots." Arcanist said with a smile. "Nothing dark on the things I were saved for the gloves, but that is something I don't use unless I have to."
"Good to know," Mathris said with a distrustful look on his face.
Arcanist looked back at the Roberts. Mrs Roberts was holding up a pair of glasses. "These are my reading glasses. This spell won't change the prescription will it?"
Arcanist shook her head. "No ma'am, it will only allow you to see the colour the magic is giving off, and it will tell you what type of magic they are strongest with. Before you ask the colour of magic means what type they are strongly associated with."
Mr and Mrs Roberts looked at one another for a couple of minutes. Mrs Roberts turned and smiled at Arcanist. "Okay, we're on board with this."
Mrs Roberts held out her glasses. Arcanist took the glasses and walked over to the coffee table. She set the glasses down on the table. She grabbed her book and started magically going through the pages until she got to the spell she wanted. She chose to exchange one of the spells she'd had prepared for this one. A flash of silver around her person showed that the exchange was complete. It wouldn't take too long to explain what was going on. "Okay, what you guys just saw was be exchanging one spell for another. Normally I can do this on the fly, but given that I am going to be enchanting something I chose to take my time with this so I don't freak you guys out."
Mr and Mrs Roberts nodded with a look of relief on their faces. Mathris though looked more than a little worried. "What are you talking about?"
Arcanist chuckled a little at the man's worried tone. "Unlike all the spells we learn at Hogwarts these spells are a shite load more complicated. Given the complexity, I have to prepare my mind and body for them. I truly do know all of these spells, BUT I can't just cast them at will. There is a coast to them in terms of arcane energy. The spells at Hogwarts kind of have this as well, but they don't take nearly as much as these spell's do. The only one that does is the Killing Curse, and I am not touching that one with a ten-foot pole."
Mr Roberts spoke before Mathris could. "So these spells do to you what exercise or hard labour would do to me?"
Arcanist nodded with a sombre look on her face. "I have more than enough arcane power to just do this on the fly, but given what I do it is better to preserve that energy for more pressing situations." Everyone nodded at that comment. Arcanist then turned her gaze back to the glasses. She started gestured towards them. "Now I am making the spell permanent, but that will only be temporary. I will remove it afterwards."
Mathris jaw fell open at this point. "That's impossible! Once a spell is made permanent it cannot be removed!" Thankfully for the child, the man wasn't screaming. Though his raised voice was getting him glared at by Mr and Mrs Roberts. The man lightly blushed. "I'm sorry I'll try to keep it down."
Arcanist just chuckled and shook her head. "That would be advised, sir. To answer your unasked question: Yes you can. People in the magical world have just been trying to do it wrong for centuries now. You do not try to remove the spell that is being made permanent you remove the Permanency spell itself. Now depending on the age of the spell, the power of the caster, and the length of time the spells have been on it spells cannot be removed. The Archmage Robes I'm wearing are over a thousand years old. They changed appearance because this is the way I wanted them to look." Everyone nodded their head. Arcanist looked back at the glasses. She started moving her hands in a clockwise circle around them a blue circle of light surrounded the glasses. "Nomën pícë tulcasirina." As she said these words the words wrote themselves in Elven. Once the phrase was completely around the glasses the blue light started reaching out and touching the glasses. Within seconds the glasses were glowing blue. Once the blue glow faded she said: "Aira."
When Arcanist turned around to the other three she found them standing there a little slack-jawed. Before she could say anything Mrs Roberts asked: "What language was that? You sounded so... beautiful speaking it."
Arcanist could feel herself blush. "Elven, and don't worry your kid won't need to learn it to cast magic."
Mathris looked more than a little shocked. "The house-elves have their own language?"
Arcanist shook her head. "No, I'm not talking about house-elves here. I am talking about the Tuatha or the Aos Sí. Before you ask yes they look like the muggle," Arcanist gestured to Mr and Mrs Roberts, "...depiction of elves in modern fantasy works."
Mr Roberts looked a little shocked. "You mean like from the Inheritance Cycle?"
Arcanist nodded her head. "Yep and house-elves are more like the goblins of folklore. Or if you've read it the story the Cobbler and the Elves really happened. It just became folklore after we went into hiding."
"Interesting." Mr and Mrs Roberts said as one.
Arcanist picked up the glasses and handed them over to Mrs Roberts. "Here you go." Once Mrs Roberts put on the glasses her jaw fell open. "What do you see?"
"You've got this bright green glow surrounding you with this slight orange glow hugging your body. There is also this dark red colour on your hands." Mrs Roberts said more than a little shocked. "This gentleman," she pointed at Mathris, "...has this light red glow around him."
Arcanist nodded and smiled at the woman. "The orange glow means I am strong with evocation spells, the aggressive magic you've seen me use in the news. The green colour represents conjuration, and that would be all the teleportation and portals you see me do."
"Who taught you this stuff?" Mathris asked.
"My mentor and the Tuatha." Arcanist said this as she chuckled. "Trust me Mr Mathris, the Tuatha know more about magic then you could ever know. They are immortal, and we aren't so they've had time to master magic."
"Why haven't they helped us if this is the case?" Mr Roberts asked.
Arcanist shrugged as they started walking down the hallway. "They did promise the ancient Irish, Welsh, Scottish, and English that they would not do anything that would put them or their descendants in danger. Since people have been wanting to kill all magic users for centuries do you really think they would step out to help us?"
Mr Roberts shook his head. "Good point," once they got to the first bedroom Mr Roberts held his finger to his mouth. "This is my son's room." Arcanist nodded and silently cast Detect Magic upon herself. When she nodded her head Mrs Roberts opened the door, and her face took on this sad look. When Arcanist got up to the door she found out why. There was no strong amount of magic in the room. It was like he was exposed to magic at some point today, but it was fade enough that it couldn't have been done within the last hour. The hint of magic was a very light white glow on his eyes.
"What happened to his eyes?" Arcanist asked.
The look on Mrs Roberts face took on a little anger at this moment. "To get back at his sister for what happened with the flour he opened the bathroom door to spray her with a water gun. She was going to the bathroom at the moment so he saw more of her then he should. Once she was in the hallway she slapped him pretty hard. His eyes after that were a bright blue instead of their normal dark green."
Arcanist just stood there stunned at childhood stupidity. 'Well, that is something that I think Dudley would NEVER have done... I hope.' Arcanist looked over at the worried couple. "Well this kind of answers my question, but let us go check on your daughter just to make sure." Mr and Mrs Roberts nodded their heads as Mrs Roberts opened her daughter's door. The sharp intake of air made Arcanist a little worried. She walked up and looked into the room. What she saw made her breath out a sigh of relief. She could see why Mrs Roberts was shocked. Her daughter was wrapped in a bright purple colour. The alignment to universal magic might change as she gets older, but given the strength of the colour, the opposite might be true as well. She looked over at Mrs Roberts and the shocked look on the woman's face was more than a little humorous. "Everything is okay Mrs Roberts, as I told your husband this colour means Universal magic. To clarify, Universal magic means spells any magic-user can use. There are a total of seven spells that I know that can be classified as Universal spells. Permanency is one of them. What it means in general though your daughter won't have a problem casting magic from any of the other 'schools' of magic. Schools of magic are the classifications I told you about earlier Mr Roberts." Mr Roberts and Mathris nodded. "So, why don't we go."
Mr and Mrs Roberts nodded. As Mrs Roberts started closing the door a voice made them all stop. "Wait!" The young voice of the youngest of the Roberts woman sounded more than a little scared. Everyone near the door turned around and looked inside the room. The young girl was sitting there up in her bed was the young girl. "Is this happening to me because of the magic users around us?"
"Oh my," Mrs Roberts ran into the room and hugged her daughter. "No, darling I don't think that's what is going on. Right Arcanist?" Mrs Roberts was looking over shoulder at Arcanist.
Arcanist nodded as she walked into the room. "Your Mum's right young lady. You are born a witch or wizard. It is not something that you become by being around witches, wizards, magical creatures, or highly enchanted areas. You've probably been having accidental magic happening around you your whole life. Accidental magic is stuff like the flour bomb earlier," Arcanist smiled at the young girl as she blushed, "...and what you did to your brother for his act of foolishness."
The girl breathed a sigh of relief at this point. She then looked back at Arcanist with a hopeful look in her eyes. "Will I learn the spells you use?"
Arcanist smile grew broader at this point. "Sadly no, most of the spells you see me use are spells that I learned a specific way. If you choose to learn spells this way it will take years to master them. The spells you will learn in Hogwarts will be helpful, and most you can master in a few months. If you're wanting to be like me I would recommend being an Auror or a police officer. You don't need to be a superhero to use your magic to help people."
The girl nodded her head vigorously. "Okay."
Arcanist looked back at Mathris. "Do you think you can answer any questions they may have?"
Mathris nodded his head. "Sure, but I'll let Headmaster Dumbledore know what's going on. He might send a professor to answer the questions a little better."
Arcanist nodded and thanked him as she made her way out. "All of this because we have changed just a few things. Granted those things were huge, but I wasn't thinking things like this would change." Arcanist opened a portal right to the Watch Tower. She walked in and looked around at the people that were here at the moment. Thankfully Booster was off dealing with something or sleeping. Green Lantern was standing there talking to J'onn J'onzz. Diana was sitting there talking with Batman, and the Bat was laughing about something. This, of course, worried Arcanist there was nothing that made the Bat laugh that hard except someone doing something incredibly stupid. 'Well, at least it wasn't me this time.' Arcanist thought as she walked up towards them. "What's going on you two?"
Batman turned around and looked at her with this smile on his face. "Booster thought it a good idea to make a pass at Supergirl. Apparently, she's found a way to carry her wand in her outfit. She hit him with some kind of bruise causing spell right in his balls. I could hear all the way in the training room."
Arcanist winced, for the first time in her life she felt sorry for Booster Gold. "I would not wish that on anyone." Arcanist stopped and thought about that for a moment. "Okay ALMOST anyone, because there are a couple of people who might need it a little more than Booster Gold."
"Every male chauvinist?" Wonder Woman asked with a smile on her face.
Arcanist laughed and nodded her head. "Yes, them too, but I was thinking of Ronald Weasley and Draco Malfoy personally. Those two definitely need that kind of a wake-up call."
All their laughter stopped as Superman's voice came across the intercom. "Arcanist there is a call for you from Molly Weasley."
Arcanist looked between the other heroes with this confused look on her face. 'Why would Mrs Weasley be calling for me here?' Arcanist thought with more than a little bit of concern right now. "On my way Superman." Arcanist called out as she started running for the elevators. Batman was running alongside her, and from what he could see of the man's face he looked a little worried. He was probably thinking there was some kind of magical problem that the League needed to solve. Once at the elevators, Arcanist noticed Big Barda and Huntress leaving one. She ran between the two of them. "Sorry ladies got to go!" Arcanist held the doors open for Bats and Wonder Woman.
Once the doors were closed Batman looked and asked: "Why would Mrs Weasley be wanting to speak to you?"
Arcanist shook her head in the negative. Her bangs were getting in her field of vision as she did this. "I don't know. Something has to be really wrong for her to be doing this. The only place she can be making a phone call from is where we have Raizel safely placed. So she's probably calling through Zatanna's or Canary's communicator right now. Whatever it has to be so bad that she would leave the Burrow to do this."
Wonder Woman looked off in thought for a couple of seconds. "Would she be related to a Charlie Weasley?"
Arcanist looked over at her a little shocked. "Yes, how do you know his name?"
Wonder Woman smiled. "I could hear him, his friends, and their boss talking while I helping some campers in Romania. They had stumbled across a drug-making location. The people behind it followed them to their camp and tried to kill them. I think they magically scan me now that you're bring the magical world into the public eye."
Arcanist nodded her head. "They did, but that's because they thought you were using magic to do what you did. Also there I think you need to know."
Wonder Woman chuckled at this point. "Oh, and what is that?"
Arcanist didn't know how to say this delicately so she just said as simply as possible. "There is apparently an ancient prophecy about your birth from Greece. Now, who made it, and when it was done I don't know, but they hold the prophecy in the Ministry of Magic within the United Kingdom as well. If you want I can get us in there after the World Cup so you can see it."
Wonder Woman looked a little worried at this point. "Given what I just did to protect my father and Athena this is kind of troubling."
Arcanist nodded her head. "I know, but until we see this prophecy we will not know it is about. I'd love to take you right now, but the Ministry is closed at the moment, and tomorrow I have to keep a presence as Violet. Ronald Weasley cannot know about this identity. He is already showing distrust for me, but the last thing I need is to drive him over the edge. Even though I plan on breaking off our friendship this year I don't want him to become a villain because of this."
Batman sighed as she said that. "Sadly kiddo, there may be no way to prevent that from happening."
Arcanist sighed. "I know, but I'd be a fool if I didn't try to do this." The bing of the elevator meant they'd made it to the main communication area. Arcanist looked around and the place was buzzing like normal with heroes moving around. Blue Beetle was talking with Bumblebee as they walked towards the elevators. Nightwing was on a communication call with Oracle. Arcanist knew there about sixty people here right now, but she didn't have time to look at them all. The closer they got to communications Arcanist could hear Supergirl talking to Molly. "When did Supergirl get here?"
Wonder Woman shrugged her shoulders. "Not long before you did. She looked upset, and she didn't say why she was feeling that way."
"Maybe Mrs Weasley sent her here." Arcanist said as she took the final step. Standing infront of the communication centre was Superman, Supergirl, J'onn J'onzz, and Green Lantern. Once she could see the monitor Arcanist could see Molly standing next to Black Canary with this worried look on her face. Once she was close to the communications panel Supergirl walked over and wrapped her in a tight hug. Arcanist returned the hug before turning to look at the screen. "What's wrong Mrs Weasley?"
Molly looked at everyone gathered around her with a nervous look before she said in a shaky voice. "After you and Supergirl left Ronald never returned. He usually returns from his visits with Dumbledore after about thirty minutes, but he's now been gone for nearly two hours. I checked in with Dumbledore, and he says Ron left over an hour ago. I went to Hogwarts to look for him, but he was there. Dumbledore is having the staff that is there looking for him. Given what Ronald has been saying, and the way he's been acting I think he might be out trying to do something stupid."
Superman nodded his head before interrupting her. "So, you want us to look for him?"
Molly smiled and nodded her head. "Yes please, that is if you don't mind?"
Superman smiled at Molly. "We won't mind Mrs Weasley."
Arcanist felt Supergirl's hand grip her hand and interweaving their fingers. Arcanist looked over at Supergirl and found her wife with this worried look on her face. Without saying a word she asked: 'What's wrong?'
Supergirl pointed to Mrs Weasley and Arcanist didn't need her to talk to understand what she wanted. 'Maybe we should have Molly tell her family about us.'
Arcanist lifted an eyebrow. 'Even Ronald?'
Supergirl shook her head. 'No, absolutely not. Just Arthur, Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, and Ginny. Percy is an arsehole so ignore him as well.'
Arcanist nodded her head. Before she could say anything Batman asked: "Would you girls like to tell us what you're 'talking' about."
Arcanist could feel her cheeks warm up, and a glance at Supergirl showed that she was in a similar situation. Supergirl answered Batman's question. "I was wanting to know if Arcanist wanted to tell the good members of the Weasley family should be told who we are. They found out rather violent about it last time, and I think we both want to avoid that from happening again."
Before Batman could say a thing Molly said: "You girls don't have to do this."
Arcanist smiled and nodded at Molly. "You're right, but you are family, and most of our families know about what we do. The only people who cannot know are Percy and Ronald. Percy because should Fudge or another Minister ever have it out for me I wouldn't put it past him to divulge that information. Putting all of us in danger."
Molly nodded with this sad look on her face. "I can understand that V... Arcanist he has a tendency to be a hardliner for the rules. I'll go by your Mum and Sirius' hotel and get her help explaining all of this. Just so I know how long have you actually been doing this?"
Arcanist looked over at Supergirl and they both smiled. Arcanist looked back at the monitor. "Since the start of summer. I've been doing small things here and there around Little Whinging. It was at this point that I learned the truth about the girl I fell in love with."
"So she was coming to visit you when she found those girls looked in that horrible room?" Molly asked a little shocked.
Arcanist nodded and smiled. "Yes, now I think we should let you go and start on this search."
Molly nodded her head. "Of course, I'll go get your Mum and then head back to the Burrow."
The screen went black and everyone turned to Supergirl and Arcanist. It was Wonder Woman who asked the question that was in all of their minds. "How long has it been since you guys came up with that explanation?"
"About three weeks, Supergirl and I came up with it during some pillow talk at KF. Also, I'm thinking of doing some longer distance time travel to get all video evidence that this stuff really happened. That includes me and Supergirl meeting one another in London." Arcanist said nonchalantly.
Batman nodded his head with a little bit of approval showing due to the smirk on his face. "Good plan, with all the time travellers in the League this could be done easily. You'll have to have a guardian for Kara. If you time it right you'll have a few days were Superman is off the planet."
Superman smiled at this point. "That would explain the smile on Lois' face when I returned home in 2013."
Wonder Woman cleared her throat at this point. "I think this all well and good, but we do have a missing young man to go and find."
Superman nodded his head. "Okay everyone where are you going to be searching?"
Kara said quickly. "I'll search the area around Hogwarts and Hogsmead. Once they are cleared I'll expand from there."
Arcanist tapped her foot on the floor. 'Where would Ron go if he didn't go home?' she thought with a worried look on her face. There weren't that many places he'd go this late at night. He might go to the Leaky Cauldron to listen to people talk, and see if he was the only one who thought what he did about Arcanist. The same could be said about the Three Broomsticks, but Kara had that area covered. He might also have gone to talk to her Mum. This kind of narrowed her area down for sure. "I'll cover London from the Leaky Cauldron out."
Wonder Woman nodded her head. "I'll cover everywhere else in London."
Superman hummed for a bit. "I don't know that much about the magical community, but I'll swing by Constantine's place and ask him to aid us."
Batman nodded his head at this point. "That sounds good for now. If you know of anywhere else he might be let us know, and we will send someone to go look for him."
"Okay." the four of them said as one.
As they started walking away Arcanist tapped Supergirl on the shoulder. "I thought you were going out for a run?"
Supergirl nodded. "I did, but when I got back Molly pulled me off to the side and told me about Ron. I suggested we go talk to your Hermione's Mom to see if he went back. When we didn't find him there I told her to the League and took off to get into my gear. Thankfully Ginny wasn't in her room. Once I was changed I head here."
Arcanist nodded her head agreeing with what Supergirl did. "Now I know why you wanted to tell them about us."
"Yes, this will help us out during the upcoming couple of days," Supergirl said with a slight smile on her face. She leaned in and kissed Arcanist lightly on the lips. Arcanist returned the kiss, and when she broke the kiss she looked at her wife. There was this worried look on her face. "Good luck finding Ron."
Arcanist nodded and moved her hair behind her ear. "Same to you love." Arcanist opened a portal right into the Leaky Cauldron and walked right through it. She closed the portal was once she was through it. Arcanist looked around the room and found Tom smiling at her from behind the bar. There were also a couple of people scattered around the bar. Arcanist walked up to Tom and smiled at the old man. "Hey, Tom have you seen Ronald Weasley tonight?"
Somewhere in Scotland
11:10 PM
Ronald was walking around the cave and smiling. There were tomes that he'd never even heard about sitting in bookshelves to his left. There was a potion lab to his right. Further, in the cave, there was a bedroom and a magical lavatory. Off to the left of the bedroom were a kitchen and a small dining room. This wasn't a manor like the Malfoy's had, but it was something he could use as a base of operations as Arcane Nova.
"Master is there anything else I can do for you?" the soft sweet voice of the homunculus filled the room.
Ron looked over at the red-headed girl and smiled. "Not unless you can get these books to me whenever I need them Caitlín." Ronald look the girl up and down. He heard about all the horrors that can happen when creating a homunculus, but the man who created this one did it flawlessly. The girl still had deep red eyes, but her body was fucking flawless. Her hourglass figure helped make her look stunning. She stood a few inches taller than he did, but as he grew this would be negated. Her chest grabbed his gaze every time he looked her over.
"You wear my Father's things, so I will come to you whenever you call me," Caitlín said with a slight blush to her face.
"So you apparate like a house-elf?" Ron asked a little shocked.
Caitlín shook her head. "No sir, but I can make you a bag that can carry as many books as you want to take with you."
Ron nodded his head in approval. "That sounds great. How long will it take you to make one that can carry twenty of them?"
Caitlín looks off in thought for a minute. "I can do that one in about three days."
Ron nodded and walked up to the first bookshelf and started looking at the books that were there. As he started reading the spines of the books Ron started thinking about how he got here. Ron had felt bad about going into Knockturn Alley, but that was the only place he could think of that would have anything about the type of magic user Arcanist really was. Unfortunately for him the moment he took a step in Knockturn Alley he found himself being followed by three people. None of them looked like they wanted to help him do anything. As he made his way towards Borgin and Berkes Ron tapped the ring on his right hand thinking of a way to get out of here to someplace safe. The next thing he knew Ron found himself being pulled through a straw. He knew what was happening because his Gran had apparated him to St Mungo's once, but he'd never accidentally apparated somewhere. When he came to a stop he found himself on his knees in this cave.
Ron shook his head of these thoughts and turned his gaze back to the bookshelf. His gaze followed the row until his gaze fell on a book titled Wizards and Witches of Antiquity and Their Powers. Ron pulled it out and started skimming the table of contents. It was here that he saw for the first time outside of the news the word Arcanist. Ron turned to the page that this classification was listed. He started reading it and was kind of shocked at what he read. An arcanist's power comes from their ability to rotate through spells, and how they could use arcane energy to activate the powers they learned as they grew in power. None of what this type of mage did appeal to him. Ron went back to the table of contents and started looking for that other thing the bint had called herself, but he could not find the term Technomancer. So, the idiot had to be meddling around with magic to create her own classification of magic-user.
Ron closed that book and turned his gaze back to the bookshelf. He could only find three other books that appealed to him. They were spellbooks that contained ancient charms and enchantments. These were things he could use against Arcanist should the bint show up at Hogwarts. Granted the fight would have to take place out of Dumbledore's sight at this point. He walked over to the table and placed the books on the table. He then went back to the bookshelves and started looking at the next one. He found a couple more spellbooks and add to the table. When he got the third bookshelf the first book he came across stopped him in his tracks. My Time With the Tuatha Dé Danann by Nikmor Tabsteal. Ron pulled the book off the shelf and started reading it. Apparently, a wizard in the 1300s had gotten into the realm of the Tuatha, and spent six months with them. If there was going to be a half-breed of theirs going to Hogwarts this book might come in handy.
"Master Weasley it is almost one in the morning," Caitlín said softly behind him.
"Thank you Caitlín," Ronald said with a smile. "I'll try to be back tomorrow."
"Of course Master," Caitlín said with a smile. "Now remember all you have to do to apparate until you learn it is keep your finger on the ring on your right hand."
Ron nodded his head and looked down to his right hand. "Thank you Caitlín." Ron looked up at her and then touched his ring thinking of returning home. Once again Ron found himself being pulled through a straw once more. Once this ended Ronald found himself outside the house about twenty feet away from the front door. Ron was at least of sound mind to keep a strong image of what he looked like. The last thing he needed was for him to leave a piece of himself back in that cave. It would have given the Ministry the location of his new base.
Ron shook the dizzy sensation off of himself as he started walking towards the door. The smell of smoke filled the air around him though. The sound of someone taking a breath behind him grabbed his attention. Turning around revealed to him a blond man standing in a tan coat, white long sleeve shirt, red tie, black pants, and black shoes. The slight smirk on his face bothered Ron a little. "Well, you've had us all worried lad."
Ron was a bit shocked at this point. "I thought I got away from you?!" Ron said loudly.
The man shook his head. "Nope Mr Weasley, until right now I didn't know where you were. Until your Mum asked us to start looking for you the Justice League didn't know you were missing."
Ron growled at this point. 'One of Arcanist bitches.' "So, how long have you been working for Arcanist?"
The man took another puff off his fag. "I don't work for her. If anything I work for the innocent people of this world." The man looked behind him, and Ron looked over his shoulder back at the house. His Mum was running out of the house running up to him. "You know you've had her really worried."
"Could have fooled me," Ron said softly.
It didn't take long for his Mum to get up to him, and wrap him in her embrace. "Oh, Ronald where have you been?" The sound of her voice was more worn and ragged then Ron thought it would be.
Ron had to think of something quickly. Given what the man had to have seen he couldn't just say he went for a walk. A glance at his Mum revealed that Arcanist was here as well. This complicates things further. She probably would have gone to Diagon Alley, so he couldn't say he just went for a walk around Hogsmead. "I went to Diagon Alley to clear my mind. While I was there I was being followed by three people. I tried to get away from them but I couldn't. As I take a turn down one alley I was thinking of any way of getting away from them. The next thing I know I feel like I'm being pulled through a straw. I ended up in some mountainous area." Ron smiled at his Mum, and the woman seemed to be taking his half-truths. "It took me a long time and lots of concentration to apparate back here. It felt weird, and I don't feel too good."
Everyone looked at one another for a little bit, but after a while, they all just nodded their heads. His Mum spoke at this point. "Ronald the next time this happens just use the spell to alert the Aurors. I know He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had a way of blocking that spell, but not many people know that spell, so it should be safe to use that spell." His Mum stepped out of the way and gestured towards the house.
Ron yawned and nodded his head. "Yes, ma'am." Ron started walking towards the house. He noticed that Arcanist and the bloke were staring at him like something was wrong with him. Ron hoped they couldn't see the outfit he was wearing. Ron shook his head of this and thought he'd deal with it when he had the chance. Once he opened the door Ron looked around and smiled sheepishly at everyone. What he saw was not what he expected. Everyone in the room saved for Percy looked shocked. As for the 'great' Percy, he seemed annoyed about something. "What's wrong with everyone?" Ron asked as he looked around the room.
"For some reason, Arcanist had something IMPORTANT to say to everyone but me," Percy said rather hotly.
Arthur looked over at Percy with a sad look on his face. "Percy what she had to say applies to us all, but given that you work with Barty you had to be excluded from it. She also knows your track record as a prefect. She also does not trust you to keep the secret she told us." Arthur looked over at Ronald. "And given the way you have been talking about her we've all taken a vow not to pass on this knowledge."
"WHY?!" Ron exclaimed.
Charlie said calmly but his low tone let you know he didn't like what Ron was doing. "Because you have a tendency to talk wildly about things. Given that you claimed you helped Violet fight the basilisk in your second year I can understand her hesitation to trust you."
Ron hated to admit it but Charlie was right. All Ron could do was nod his head, and then started walking upstairs towards his room. He knew Fred and George would be giving him hell tonight, but this is what he had to do to keep his secret.