So these are going to be pretty short, but you know, just something to make you laugh. These are only my opinions, so please nobody get mad at me for doing these! :D


Dear FanFiction writers,

WHY DO YOU LOVE PUTTING ME IN DANGEROUS SITUATIONS!? Like, having me get captured by Outcasts or Dragon Hunters, getting hurt (when I said "pain, love it," I was being sarcastic!) or having me almost drown or get stranded on an island… why do you love doing that to me? It really boggles my mind. Why do you just love getting me into trouble where somebody has to save me?
Okay, I guess it's okay if Astrid, Dad, or Toothless save me, but I'm really getting tired of this kind of stuff!

So… yeah. I just couldn't help but be curious why.

[Oof! Toothless, back off please. Yeah, yeah, I'll let you have your say in a second but- hey! No! Give me back the charcoal! That's mine!] Excuse me I have to get my charcoal back from my stubborn dragon. I'll be back to rant some more! [Toothless! Get back here! No flying tonight or- hey! Don't- did you just swallow my pencil!?]

Sincerely, A very sick-of-being-sick-or-hurt-Hiccup.

Haha bad Toothless! XD

Just something I wanted to quick type up. I will do more if you want! Please let me know in the reviews! Tootles!
