Charles's Office

I was in the rec room working on some of the conjugating that Miss Stella had assigned us when Professor Xavier's voice filled my mind. "Anna Marie, can you come to my office, please?"

That was unexpected. We'd already had our session that morning, and I'd thought it had gone really well. "Sure, Professah. Ah'll be right there."

Collecting my things, I stood up. "Where are you going, Rogue? I thought we were going to work on our Spanish together," Theresa said, looking a bit upset at coming into the room just in time to see me leaving.

"The Professah wants to see me," I said. "But Ah should be back soon."

"Oh," she replied. "What does he want? I mean, you're not in trouble or anything, right?"

I shrugged, laughing a bit. "Guess Ah'll find out."

I made my way to the Professor's office, just as Remy was coming from the other direction. His eyes lit up when he saw me, causing butterflies to war with the sinking feeling that I knew why the Professor wanted to see me. "Hey, chere," he said, stopping in front of me. Which happened to be directly in front of the Professor's office door.

"Ya can't call me that," I hissed. "A' least not here."

"Chere, I'm pretty sure dat is why we're here in da first place," he said, smirking at me in that way he knew made my knees weak. "But don' worry. It's not like the Professor's gonna fire me. I'm too good of a teacher."

"Ya certainly have a good opinion a yarself," I grumbled, going to knock on the door.

"Ya know ya agree, chere," he grinned at me right as Professor Xavier called out, "Come in."

Remy opened the door for me, giving me one last cheeky grin before we both sat in front of the Professor.

"Now, I'm sure you both have figured out why I called you here to my office," he began.

But Remy couldn't keep his sarcasm to himself. "No, Professor, Remy has no idea." I elbowed him in the side, eliciting a yelp from him and the tiniest grin from the Professor.

"You have been very discreet, but I am a telepath. And Anna Marie, we've been working so closely together to help you control your power that it's been impossible for me to not hear some of your thoughts. I know you've been working so hard for control so you might be able to further your relationship with Remy."

I was beyond mortified. When he put it like that, it made me sound so… bad. After all, a Southern lady was always the epitome of grace and decorum, my mama's voice sang in my head. And I might have taken the girl out of the South, but I couldn't take the South out of me.

The Professor started speaking again. "Now, I know that you are over eighteen, Anna Marie, but you are still a student." Remy chuckled softly, and I elbowed him again. This was no time for his sarcasm to come out to play. This was serious. "Technically, there are rules against students and faculty dating, but with you being so close to graduating, as long as you're very circumspect around others, I don't have a problem."

My jaw dropped open in shock. That was not what I'd been expecting to hear from him. A glance at Remy told me he felt the same. "Ya… Ya don' mind if we keep datin'?" I finally managed to get out.

"I would prefer if you waited until after June fifteenth, but I also know how unlikely that is," Professor Xavier chuckled. "Plus, I've had a bit of forewarning. And you're hardly the first couple to find themselves in this situation. Now, please, keep your relationship quiet for the next month."

Remy and I agreed mutely, then quickly saw ourselves out. "Dat went better dan expected," he laughed, once the door was closed behind us.

"Ya're the biggest idiot Ah've eva met," I said, laughing as well.

"But I'm your idiot, chere. Now, I tink we should go practice how well ya've got dose powers under control."

"Ah'd love to, but Ah promised Theresa I'd work on our Spanish," I said regretfully.

"I still don' know why ya won' let me teach ya French, instead," he grumbled, pouting adorably.

"'Cause Ah'd get too distracted by the gorgeous teachah to learn even one word." That perked him right up. "An' besides, ya can teach me some French latah, ya know, once Ah've gotten my powah real under control."

Remy smirked, then kissed my hair. "I like da way ya tink, chere."

AN: It's a bit shorter than I imagined, but I liked where it ended. And I got to play with my two favorite X-Men of all time! Though I absolutely loath writing dialects, so this is probably the one and only time I'll ever write either of them. But this is the end of Stella's glimpses. Thanks for sticking with us! And a huge thanks to brigid1318 for all of the lovely reviews. They never fail to make me smile!