A/N Thank you all so much for reading and commenting. This chapter we move forward not only in time but in the relationship of our couple.


One Month Later

It was Saturday morning and Rick was a walking bundle of nerves, she could see it on him. Beth was a little nervous herself but this wasn't nearly the big deal for her it was for him.

She kept reassuring him the kids would be great, they were always great. Sure they each had their moments but she wasn't going to remind Rick of that now. Not when they were about to load those kids up and take them out to the farm for the first time.

Instead she wrapped her arms around him and she could feel how tense he was, "Sheriff it's going to be great. Come on now, your children are so well-behaved and they have such nice manners. Please try to relax and remember it's not like my parents have never been around kids. If they could deal with my brother Shawn and my sister Maggie, they can deal with anything."

That got a laugh from him. He'd met Maggie and he could tell right away she had that spunk, the special kind of spunk that could be used for good or mischief, depending on her mood. His laughter helped ease the anxiety he was feeling and he pulled her close whispering, "Thank God I have you to remind me of the obvious."

For their part the kids could hardly contain their excitement. Carl was dying to see a real farm, check out the pond and see the horses. Judith wanted to see real chickens and bunnies.

Everyone was in a happy frame of mind as they drove to their destination, and that festive mood helped to calm Rick's nerves.

Mama and Daddy were waiting on the porch when Rick pulled down the farm's long driveway. Carl had built up so much excitement he was out of the car almost the minute it stopped. Rick cautioned him, "Calm down a little son."

Carl didn't seem to hear his father's words as he went right up to the Greenes and announced, "Hi I'm Carl Grimes. Thank you for inviting me over, where's the pond?"

Hershel and Annette were smiling, just about to introduce themselves when Rick was at his son's side, "I said calm down, let's all take a minute to get acquainted. Hershel and Annette, this is my highly excitable son Carl, and I see Beth is coming with the far more reserved Judith."

His Dad's intervention hadn't wiped the smile from Carl's face, "Judith just doesn't understand all the cool stuff that's here."

Finally Hershel got a chance to speak, "It's very nice to meet you Carl, and you too Judith. Don't worry Carl we have all day to see just as much as we can see." He shook the boy's hand as well as Rick's, and then suggested, "Why don't we all get settled in for a minute and then maybe, just maybe Beth and her Mama can take Judith to feed the chickens, check for eggs and meet the bunnies; while you, your Dad and I can see about dropping a line in the pond."

The little boy was beaming, "Really? Dad please, Beth please, can we?"

Beth answered first, "As long as it's alright with your Dad I'm more than happy to spend some time with Mama and Judith. What do you think Rick?"

"I say Hershel if you're willing to take us fishing I'm more than happy to go."

Annette packed them a small basket of drinks and snacks and they were ready to load the fishing poles, the tackle box and themselves in the 4-wheeler for the short ride to the pond. Rick lightly put on hand on Beth's shoulder, leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "Thanks Sweetheart, love you."

Carl looked at Hershel as he rolled his eyes and said, "They do that stuff all the time."

The day turned out to be a a lot of fun, as well as being a successful coming together of Rick's children and Beth's parents. The couple were aware just how much this day meant on so many levels. It was a huge relief to Rick that Beth's parents were so accepting of his children, and that they genuinely seemed to enjoy spending the time with them. Just as importantly, it was a big step forward for Rick and Beth as they felt themselves becoming more and more of a family unit.

The day also set the stage for a new routine. No longer on Rick's weekends with his children did Beth come to the farm alone on Saturdays. Now they all came to the farm together on those Saturdays, even occasionally spending the night. Of course Rick and Carl stayed in the downstairs guest room, and Judith stayed with Beth in her old room. What made these stays significant was that Rick, Beth and the children were doing things together as a family, and Hershel and Annette were treating them as one.

However, sleeping separately was different too. As Rick and Beth continued growing closer as a couple their love for each other, along with their increasing desire to be together intimately grew. Beth spent most of her nights at his house. The exceptions were every other weekend and every other Wednesday, when his children spent the night. Rick and Beth had yet to cross that line.

It became so much time that soon they'd both gone through their closets and dressers, weeding out the articles of clothing and all the other items people accumulate but no longer want or use. All those things made a nice donation to the local shelter. The true goal was reached as they freed up enough space for most of Beth's wardrobe to wind up in Rick's closet and dresser. She kept very few things at her own place, just enough to get by when she did stay home.

They continued working hard in the shop as well. She'd closed it down for a week while they sanded and refinished the floors. An undertaking they agreed they'd never choose to do again, but they were thrilled with the results. The old wood floors looked brand new. The tile floors in the kitchen area were given a steam cleaning, freshly grouted where needed, and resealed.

They felt like they'd worked their butts off to get it to that point, but they also had such a sense of pride in their accomplishments. The best part was the huge project was something they'd done together. And they'd done it together without fighting or complaining. The shared goal and their respect for one another had made it as enjoyable as hard work can be.

Two more big projects remained, the painting of the walls, and moving in an arranging the furnishings. Rick painted the walls while Beth hand painted decorative scrolling around the edges of the front windows. She painted quotes from books and lines from songs on canvas, and hung them on the walls in different areas of the now large shop. Then the couple organized the seating and kitchen areas. Finally they hauled over the art, the books and the other items she had purchased and stored in her garage.

Together they set up the art, reading and music areas in a way they agreed was inviting and aesthetically pleasing.

When all the projects were completed they stood back holding hands and taking in the full scope of the work they'd done. Beth lay her head on Rick's shoulder and softly spoke, "I can't believe it's all come together, and I'm so happy with how it all turned out. I wasn't realistic in my perception of how much work this was really going to be, and I realize I could never have accomplished all of this without you Rick."

"Sure you would have Sweetheart, it may have taken a little longer but there's no doubt in my mind you can accomplish anything."

She turned to face him then, her hands resting on his hips as she looked in his eyes, she sounded very serious and at the same time so loving, as she told him, "Sometimes I wonder if you're even real. I ask myself where did this man come from? He's a little too nice, a little too generous, way too supportive, way too loving and handsome to be real. But when I hold you and when we make love I know just how real you are. Rick you're as much a part of this as I am, maybe even more. I want you to be my partner in this business, not give up your job, but still be my partner. Even more than that I want you to be my partner in life, forever. Will you marry me?"

She'd caught him completely by surprise. He was stunned, flattered and excited. He was all those things and also completely overcome with emotion. He'd wanted to ask her to marry him for some time, but he hadn't been able to work up the courage. He was too afraid she'd balk at the idea of a lifetime commitment.

He was speechless for just a moment so instead of talking he simply whispered out a 'yes', and then his lips were on hers. The kiss he gave her was intense; it held all the emotion he was feeling and she felt unsteady on her feet from the power of it, and very grateful his hold on her was so tight.

They locked up and left the shop, stopping for a bottle of champagne on the way to his house. He filled their glasses and they went to his room. They toasted one another and then took turns undressing each other. They were both so full of love, a love that was enhanced by a deep-seated faith that this love they had was real, true and solid. They were certain it would endure whatever challenges they may face, and that it would last a lifetime.

Their lovemaking contained a new and powerful element, it was charged with the knowledge and all the feeling that comes with knowing you belong to each other forever.

Sated, content and feeling the warmth and the glow of their love, they lay in the bed propped up on pillows while sipping champagne and talking of their plans.

They had decisions to make and most important of those was who to tell first. They decided Beth would talk to her parents and he would talk to his children. Beth was concerned, "Maybe you should tell their Mother first, rather than have them telling her. It might go down a little easier that way."

"You're right and it's also more thoughtful. I'm picking them up Wednesday right after work, I'll call her Tuesday and ask if she and I can talk privately for a few minutes when I get there. I can tell the kids everything when we get back to the house. I don't imagine they're going to be too surprised and I'm feeling confident they won't be upset in any way. You're already a part of our family."

"Thank you for that Rick, that's what I want, to be part of your family. I love you and I love Carl and Judith. I'll drive out to the farm straight from the shop Wednesday and tell my folks the big news. I think they're going to be happy for us, and I don't think they'll be too shocked. They've known for a long time how we feel about each other."

Rick did have one concern, he knew her Father was a very traditional man, "Do you think your Dad will be upset I didn't come to him first and ask for your hand?"

She smiled at him, laughing just a little, "How could you do that? I'm the one that asked you, have you already forgotten?"

"That's a moment I don't think I'll ever forget and I never want to. That was the most wonderful surprise I've ever had. Have you thought about where?"

"I think there's no more beautiful place than the backyard right here at home. I hope you'll agree to keep it small and intimate. Just your children, my family and maybe a friend or two. Would that suit you?"

"Oh thank God, that sounds perfect. I don't even know why I was concerned when I know so well you're not the type, but I was suddenly afraid you'd want big and flashy."

She moved her body on top of his, looking down into his eyes as she ran her fingers through his hair, "Sheriff you can be such a worry wart sometimes. All I want is for us to make that promise and then to live that promise. It's not a wedding I want it's you I want, a lifetime with you. I love you Rick."

With her words his hands moved to her hair while the couple continued looking intensely in each other's eyes, he told her, "That's exactly what I want Beth, to make that promise to you and to spend the rest of my life proving just how much I love you." He lifted his head from the pillow while drawing her face closer to his. They kissed and again they made love.


Wednesday he spoke to Lori who although was a bit terse, was not impolite. There was really nothing she could say that was negative or disapproving in any way. On the few occasions she and Beth had crossed paths Beth was always gracious and polite. There was also the fact Lori herself was remarried, and the manner in which her relationship with Shane had begun was not without reproach. There was really nothing she could object to. Lori simply said, "As long as she remembers I'm their Mother."

Rick didn't bite on that, choosing instead to take the high road, "I don't have any concerns that Beth will try and insinuate herself into your role Lori. Long ago she and Carl discussed that topic and she was very clear when she told him you are, and always will be his and Judith's Mother."

When they got to his place he sat the children down at the kitchen table. He knew Judith was still too young to really get the concept, but since she was a part of this he was going to include her and treat her like she had a voice. "Beth and I have come to an important decision and I want to talk to you a little bit about that. This isn't just about her and I, it affects you guys too and we're aware of that."

Before he could finish his thought Carl said, "Let me guess, you're getting married."

Rick's mouth fell open just a little as he looked at his son, and asked, "And just what makes you think that?"

"Oh let's see, you're always holding hands, you look at her like you're her puppy or something, and you tell her you love her like a thousand times a day, so it's kind of obvious."

Rick couldn't help laughing even as he asked, "A thousand times a day? And I look like her puppy? Gee Carl I was hoping I was just a little more manly than that." They both started laughing hard and so Judith joined in.

"We've had a laugh at my expense, now let's be serious for just a minute Carl. How do feel about this, about Beth and I getting married and her moving in here with us?"

"I feel fine about it. I don't know why she should have to sneak home every time me and Judith are here."

Again Rick just looked at his son, he shook his head slightly and said, "Maybe you'll be a police detective when you grow up."


When Beth called her folks Tuesday to say she'd be over late the next afternoon, they knew something had to be up. Beth never came to the farm during the week unless it was either Hershel or Annette's birthday.

When she showed up in her baker's clothes they knew for certain there was some kind of big news, but they still weren't going to speculate. Of course Mama had dinner ready but first they hovered close to their daughter, "Bethie what is it, what's wrong? You're not sick are you?"

"No, no not at all. I'm sorry you've been worried. The news is good, at least I think it is. Rick and I have decided to get married."

Mama immediately started gushing, "Oh this is just wonderful I'm so happy. He's such a good man Beth and it's obvious you two are very much in love. At first I was a little worried about you taking on someone else's children, but Carl and Judith are such nice children and Rick is a wonderful father."

Beth was watching her Daddy and although he didn't look angry, he did look a little miffed. "Daddy? What's wrong? Are you unhappy about this?"

"No daughter not really. I'm just a little surprised and disappointed Rick didn't speak to me before he asked you. I would have expected that from him."

"I can explain that Daddy. It's because Rick didn't ask me to marry him. If he had I'm sure he would have come to you first, in fact I know he would have because he brought it up later. The truth is I proposed to him and he said 'yes'."

Mama's hand covered her mouth, and then she started to laugh, "Beth Greene, my liberated daughter."

Daddy was smiling himself, "I happen to think Rick is a very lucky man to be getting a woman like you, and I think you're a very lucky woman. He's a good man Beth. And I'm gaining three new fishing buddies, Judith will soon be big enough to go with us."

One Month Later

Now that the decision was made they couldn't think of a good reason to wait. They planned to go away for just a few nights after the wedding so Rick had another talk with Lori. Once she agreed to allow the children to attend on a Saturday they would normally be with her, they set the date.

They both felt there was no reason to decorate the yard, the flowers were all the decoration they needed. The minister from her parent's church, the church she grew up attending, would officiate and Maggie would stand up with Beth and Carl would stand with Rick.

Afterwards Rick would grill steaks, Mama had made potato and fruit salads and Maggie had made fruited muffins and the wedding cake.

Rick kept it simple and classic choosing to wear a traditional dark grey suit and black tie. He had no idea what her wedding dress would look like, and when he saw her his smile spread. Leave it to Beth, she'd stepped completely away from the traditional and taken him back to the first big date, the party favor. She was wearing a stunning and tight fitting red dress with sky-high red heels. He couldn't take his eyes off her, except when he quickly glanced at Carl and saw his son's smile was as big as his own. He heard her Mama giggle and Maggie softly clapping her hands.

They'd agreed they'd each write their own vows, but just one sentence each. They had a shared desire to keep things simple, and they held a firm belief it was possible to express great love in just a few words.

Beth hadn't had to think long about what she wanted to say, she knew why she loved Rick and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. She held his hands in hers as she gazed in his eyes and softly spoke the vow, "You're the finest man I know Rick Grimes and I love you with all my heart, I promise to show you that love every day for the rest of my life."

He wanted to kiss her then but he knew the time for that hadn't yet come. He clasped his hands around hers and held them to his heart. He marveled at how calm he felt. He had absolutely no doubt this was what he wanted for the rest of his life, for Beth Greene to be his wife. "I love you Beth and I will love you and treasure you from now until the end of time."

When the brief ceremony came to a conclusion and the minister presented them as Mr. and Mrs. Rick Grimes, they were so fully engrossed in one another they were oblivious to everything else around them. Until the minster said, Rick you may kiss your wife." He didn't hold back, he kissed her with every bit of the love he felt.


A/N This brings our Rick and Beth romance to a close. I hope you enjoyed this little journey of lives coming together. Please leave a comment or review. I have two other Brick stories I'll be debuting soon so please check back for those, or follow me here on FF or on tumblr for updates. The photo for this chapter, and it includes the picture I promised of Rick and Beth's house, is posted to my tumblr blog bethylmethbrick, as well as the Facebook page Beth Greene FanFiction. Again I thank you all so much and hope to "see" you again very soon. Until then remember, I love ya large! xo gneebee