Here we are chapter four, read and enjoy! I do not own Darksiders, only my characters.

Regan rushed down the fire escape wincing at every creek and groan from the rusted metal. But it held her weight as she leapt the last section and to the ground below. She ran back to the town center but skidded to a halt as the ground shook and a huge shadow cast over her, looking up she leapt to the side as a large stone foot came down causing a small quake making Regan loose her footing, landing hard on her rear end. Regan looked up in awe as her gaze met the stone behemoths. The creature blinked as it stared down at her, Regan looked up panting in both fear and exertion.

"Careful little one." She sat stunned for a moment as the stone beast continued it's journey.

"The stone-Gollum? Just spoke…It spoke?" She stared after the lumbering rock formation before remembering her reason for coming back this way. As she raced past the pedestal the wisp creeper poked his head out watching the crazed human girl pass, and with a shake of his horned head he descended back into the abyss.

Regan panted as she rushed through what looked to be a run down courthouse. She skidded to a stop at the top of the marble stairs seeing that she would need to drop down a good few feet. Bodies were strewn about obviously someone, or more likely, a group of people had come through. Regan panicked worried they would be gone before she could reach them. She looked about for any other way to get to the other side without injury and she noticed a chain, probably once used to hold up a chandelier it was now bare and if she took a running start, she could probably grab it. She took a deep breath trying to settle her nerves, before leaping into a run and taking a leap, and she jumped a lot further then she had originally indented. Flailing in the air she managed to grasp the chain, which in her momentum propelled her so far forward, she had to kick out and slam her foot against the marble side of the building to stop from smacking into it. The chain jangled and lurched, as Regan attempted to hold on while swinging the chain in the direction she wanted it to go. Finally after reaching an arch she felt like she could land she released her death grip and gasped, being higher then she had thought. Rolling up and bracing for impact she hit the floor hard. The wind was knocked out of her, and she unraveled from her protective ball slamming back first into another wall. She coughed taking a tentative breath, shocked that nothing felt broken, or at the very least bruised. She had to have fallen at least a good ten-fifteen feet. She stood nothing hurt, and she had made it to the other side unscathed. She glanced at her hands and her body more then a little shocked.

"Last I checked I wasn't this invincible…Let's just chalk it up to pure luck." Happy with that logic Regan was off, finding the exit she once again found her jaw dropping at the world before her. She thought the other side was bad? The scenery here was much worse. What had once been a proud metropolitan city now lay in crusted ruins, her exit had once been another building attached to the courthouse but it had collapsed, rotted papers waved about in the sudden gusts of wind one slapping against her leg. Picking it up she attempted to make out anything besides the huge headline reading the end is here, but no luck as most of the ink had run and or the paper itself had ripped. It truly looked and felt like she was in a different world, she couldn't be on Earth…She just couldn't. But what took the cake was a giant black spire in the horizon. It gave Regan chills; it looked medieval in design skulls spikes dark brooding color scheme. It looked like a place she didn't want to go near. Even more so when she noticed flying shapes going to and from different parts and openings of the tower, similar to an anthill, there was a lot of activity there and she was probably better off keeping her distance.

"This has to be Hell…" She whispered pressing on when her gaze finally pulled from the spire to the platform a few yards away, where two hulking brutes fought, her heart gave a fearful palpitation as the two clashed. One holding a huge sword that even from where she stood she could see the sharp edge shining in the dim light, the other boasted a wicked looking ax. One looked like a demon his armor reminding her of some of the depictions of demons she had seen in her Aunt's old bible, the other wore a hood and looked more human then the other so all her hope went into that he was someone who could help. She launched into a sprint then, not giving herself a moment to actually collect her thoughts and maybe figure out a way to help the sword wielding figure. She gasped as the hooded figure faltered and the demon gave a growling laughing hitting him hard with the blunt end of his ax, sending the other sliding a couple of feet.

"Hey!" Regan shouted over the howling wind, this caught both of the fighter's attention; she pulled her guns and just started firing. Seeing as how she had never shot whilst moving her aim was of-a lot. She managed to get one bullet to graze the demon's face. Which was enough to make the giant beast react, bringing up his arm his armor took the shower of bullets easily. Regan skidded to a stop and as she did the demon reacted swinging his ax in a deadly arch down Regan thankfully was back far enough that the ax end just missed the tip of her boot. With a cry she fell back dropping both of her weapons, now up close to the demon she realized how out matched she was. The demon was massive towering over if she had been standing he would have been at least three feet taller then herself. She noticed it had horns like the other she had run into but with blue flames writhing between the horn points on the crown of it's skull. It's skin was a violet purple, and orange yellow smoke trickled from it's sharp toothed mouth.

She skittered back her gaze locked on the ax as he easily pulled it from the several inches deep crack his hit had created. She scrambled back when her hands lost purchase on the ground due to some sort of liquid flowing through the cracks. She also realized she didn't have many options to run to; this whole place was suspended over a lake of lava, Regan looked up as the demon smirked.

"Pitiful." Was all he spoke before raising his ax above his head Regan let out a squeak of fear closing her eyes waiting for the final blow to come, the sound of armor cracking and flesh slicing reached her ears, and a splash of…something warm hitting her. Regan fearfully opened her eyes looking up to see the demon impaled on a sword. A few choked garbles came from his mouth along with a few more wet spurts of blood before the sword was quickly ripped out. Toppling over dead the creature hit the ground with a wet thump. Regan gasped, trying hard to hold back the gags that wanted to empty her stomach. A shadow descended over her, her attention now back on the other fighter and for a moment she forgot how to breathe. Before her stood what she would have thought to be a human man at first glance, he was bulky his frame reminding her of the incredible Hulk. Gauntlets one much larger protected his hands then the other, both clawed, his shoulders were squared and sturdy. He had a face was strong, everything about this guy looked like he could take a punch and then some. A strong square jaw a nose that looked as though it had been broken more then once, his eyes though were something that didn't seemed to go with his face. They were blue white, no pupil or iris that she could see; she almost would have thought he was blind if he wasn't staring at her so intently. On his forehead strange glowing scars, pure white hair hung down to his chest. Both remained silent for a few long seconds before Regan finally found her voice again.

"Than—" She almost spoke her thanks when a creature appeared from his massive gauntlet and Regan let out another sad shriek as a black six-eyed face was shoved into her own.

"A human, but I wasn't aware—"

"She is human then?" It was the red hulk that spoke this time around his voice wasn't deep but there was a rough tone to it as well. Both stepped back, well one floated back. Regan stood tip toeing around the dead demon and going to pick up her dropped weapons she gasped as she finally noticed her bloodied hands, and the blood drying on her shirt. She tried to ignore them for now holstering both guns she turned back to the duo.

"Okay since you haven't tried to kill me, I am super confused. Where am I? Are there more people like you? What was that thing you were fighting? What is going on—" The floating ink sprite answered her first.

"Not so fast, how do we know you're not some trickery sent by the Destroyer?" Regan blinked at that.

"Destroyer? I'm assuming that should mean something?" She looked to the warrior with a pleading look. "Please my name is Regan, I remember meteors falling from the sky, and I remember dying." Saying it made it so much more real as Regan felt her chest tighten and the edges of her vision darken for a moment. She gasped for a breath for a few moments before a voice reached her in her fear.

"She comes with us, if she is the last of the third kingdom I will protect her." She looked seeing that red hood had been speaking to the floating sprite.

"Fine but she'll only get you killed quicker War." And with that threat it seemed to evaporate. Regan looked up from her hunched position at…War?

"Is you're name really…War?" He nodded and that was all the conversation she got before he started to look around. Regan stood and followed.

"What are you doing?" She finally asked after a few minutes of them just…looking around the platform.

"This is a prison, we need to open it—"

"A prison? Like for evil things? Why would we open—" War turned on her suddenly fixing her with a gaze that clearly said 'you're either going to help or shut up' and so she chose the shut up and help route. She glanced down at her blood stained hands then her memory recalled her slipping, looking to where the cracks and patterns of the platform filled and flowed with blood. She gagged again, but after another soothing breath she followed its path to a gargoyle statue where the blood regurgitated from it's open carved maw.

"Hey War?" She turned seeing the hulking warrior turn toward her. She pointed letting his gaze follow her gesture. "I think the others should be joining in the puke party." He didn't seem to enjoy the joke as a look of annoyance passed over his face before his attention turned to the other statues. Running over to help, she stopped short as he easily pushed one of the solid stone gargoyles to its placement and a blood spout joined the others. And so was the repeated process for the last statue as well. They all bled into the middle of the platform pooling for a moment before the grinding of metal, and gears screeched and what looked more like a portal then a door opened. And with it a deep roaring laugh that set Regan on edge, orange fire and energy shot out from the newly formed opening. She pressed in behind War as the orange energy was joined by black smoke that swirled in tight twisters, or listless strings.

"War! Are you here to play executioner?" The creature that emerged from the pit…Probably would have made her Aunt cross herself and say a million Hail Mary's. It looked like the living embodiment of Satan himself, red skin, the horns, the wings that looked similar to dragon's wings, and finally the deep growling voice that awakened a deep primal fear in Regan. And as compared to War he was massive standing at what Regan could only guess as fourteen maybe sixteen feet tall, and the wings dwarfed her and her companion even more so. She hid behind War more then happy to keep out of the thing's sight.

"They should have sent all four of you." Four? So there must be more, thought Regan peaking out every now and again.

"I have no interest in killing you, Samael." War spoke with a lot more confidence then Regan was feeling at the moment. She wracked her brain for that name she had heard it before, probably in some old sermon she had never paid much mind to as a child. But it was obvious the two knew each other, she hoped she wasn't duped and was going to be given as some sacrifice to the demon.

"Ha! The Destroyer? He's beyond your reach. Beyond mine." Regan watched as Samael gestured to the distant spire.

"Has prison made you a coward." Regan didn't have time to react before Samael did. With a deep gut-wrenching roar Samael stooped forward nearly bathing War in flames scorching from his mouth. Regan let out a terrified shaking breath and buried herself into War's back. It would turn out to be a huge mistake as her fingers brushed against the sword on War's back for a moment the world fell away and all Regan could hear was screaming; horrid, agonized screaming. With a cry she pitched back. Much to her horror when she looked up the demon was staring right at her Regan had never been one to mind others staring at her, but Samael's gaze felt more like it was devouring her body and soul rather then just taking her in. Regan was quick to attach herself back to War's side; Samael for now seemed content to ignore her, thankfully, returning to the conversation with War.

"Perhaps there is a way… But you will need to get into the Destroyer's spire. The tower is guarded by four of his Chosen, bring me their heats and ask me no questions. My reasons for helping you are my own." Chosen? Hearts? What was this guy on about? And more so why was War just going to go along with it, maybe he had a plan?

"Where can I find these guardians?"

"First, seek the Twilight Cathedral, where the Bat Queen Tiamat has gone to roost. The whole of her domain is a blistered inferno." A bat queen? Regan tried to piece together what that would look like but her mind just kept coming up with batman in a crown with little bats around him. "By land, you will never reach it." Regan's shoulders slumped at this.

Then how are we supposed to get there?

"Find the high ground with this," with a wave of his metal clad hand a teal smoke wafted over War who rose from the ground for a moment, Regan back stepped as burned wings sprouted from his back. Lowering him gently to the ground. Once again while she was exposed she felt the demon's gaze on her, she did her best to ignore it rather making sure whatever he had done to War wouldn't harm him. Thought what could she possibly do if it had?

"And bring me her still beating heart." With those last words Samael's wings wrapped around himself and he descended back into his prison.

Regan finally let out a loud sigh looking at War,

"He does realize a heart stops beating out of a ribcage after only a few seconds right?"