Waiting sucked.

He returned to the villa, his mind in a frenzy. When, where would he see Ginny again? How was she still alive? A million other questions ran through his mind as he practically ran home.


He laughed out loud. "How can I sleep? I'll stay awake tll dawn, then come and find you. Where shall we meet?" he cried aloud.


Harry ignored her advice. "How about the lagoon? I'll meet you there at dawn, okay?"


Harry raced up the stairs of the villa, excited beyond belief. "Dobby? Dobby!"

Dobby appeared, a look of relief on his face. "Oh good, master is home,"he sighed.

"Dobby, you'll never believe it, Ginny's alive!" cried Harry, picking the little elf up and hugging him.

"But-I has not been feeling her," protested Dobby. He paused and sent out his feelings. Harry watched him anxiously.

Dobby nodded, a smile on his face. "I feel her now, she is still weak, but she is there. Miss Ginny is here, on this island!" he cried, flinging his arms around Harry.

Harry hugged him back, tears of happiness in his eyes. He put the elf down and started pacing. "She said I can see her tomorrow, but I don't know where, or when. Merlin, should I send an owl to Sirius and Remus? No, not yet, I want to see her first. Dobby, she's ALIVE!" he cried in joy.

Dobby followed behind Harry as he paced. "Dobby has much to do. Miss Ginny will be needing delicious fresh food to help her recover. Dobby needs to put clean bedding on the master's bed. Flowers! We be needing fresh flowers for Miss Ginny," he said.

Harry nodded in agreement with everything Dobby said. "Yeah, we don't know how she'll be, she may need lots of rest, or maybe a healer, yeah, if she needs a healer, perhaps we can get Tonk's mum to come here, stay for awhile till she's better. Hell, they can all come, they'll all want to see Ginny," he said. "What's the time?"

he groaned. "Not even one? Damn! Well, I might go take a shower, I doubt I'll sleep tonight, too wound up, you know?" he said, rhetorically.

Dobby had his head cocked, as if listening for something or someone. Still, when Harry looked quizzically at him, he nodded. "Perhaps some hot cocoa?" he suggested.

Harry shrugged. "Fine, whatever." He was already stepping out of his shorts as he headed for the ensuite bathroom.

He showered, then entered his bedroom to find the hot cocoa waiting for him. He sat on the edge of his bed, just a towel around his waist, as he sipped it.

His free hand ran over the huge bed. Soon, Ginny would share it with him, would share everything with him. He had so much to tell her, about what had happened to him after he'd let Tom cast the Killing Curse at him. He chuckled at the irony that they were the only two people who could compare the Killing Curse with each other.

He yawned, and spun around to lay down, propped up against his pillows. Soon, Ginny would be in his arms again, and everything would be better.

Without meaning to, Harry fell asleep.

Dobby quickly popped in, before the half empty cup of cocoa spilled over the bed. "The sleeping potion worked, Miss Ginny," said Dobby.

Needs sleep

"Master Harry needs you," said Dobby, cheekily.


Dobby smiled and disappeared back to the kitchen.


Harry woke up and stretched. "Mmmm." A quick glance out the window showed the sun high in the sky.

"Shit, Ginny!" he cried, and sat up, then stumbled out of bed to the bathroom. Racing back he threw on the first pair of shorts he found, and grabbed a shirt. He was pulling it on over one arm as he hurried to the lounge.

"Dobby? Dobby! Damnit, I wanted to wake at sunrise! What if I've missed her?" cried Harry, shrugging the shirt fully on, but leaving it unbuttoned.

"Breakfast, master Harry?" asked Dobby pleasantly.

Harry nearly went purple. "I haven't got time for breakfast, I have to go and find Ginny! I told her I'd meet her at sunrise, in a place that was special to us. What if she thinks I don't want her, that I no longer care?" he said, aghast at the thought.

"Miss Ginny knows what's in your heart, Master Harry. Just as you could hear her, as she recovered, so she can feel your thoughts, through your bond," assured Dobby.

Harry skolled a glass of juice. "I don't care, I have to go. I don't know when I'll be back," he called over his shoulder, "it all depends on -"

He came to a screeching halt. Ginny was standing on the porch, looking in.

"-Ginny," breathed Harry. He slowly took a step towards her, then another. "Are you okay?" He took another step.

Ginny nodded, taking a step towards him. "You know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day," she said, gesturing to the lovely table Dobby had laid.

"What?" asked Harry, turning to look at the table. He turned back to see she was now standing as close as she possibly could to him.

"Aren't you...hungry, Harry?" she asked huskily.

He stared into her big brown eyes, mesmerised. "Starving, actually," he responded in kind.

Her eyes blazed at his response, and they continued to look at each other, almost daring the other to make the first move.

"Well good, Dobby is be making all of both your favourites," said a relieved Dobby. He pointed out various things. " Master Harry, we have eggs, bacon and sausages, and Miss Ginny, we have...master, mistress?"

He turned back to them when he got no response, only to see the two kissing passionately. "Erm, Dobby will be making a pot of tea. Perhaps you could call for Dobby when you be...finishing." The little elf popped back to the kitchen.

Harry's arms came up to hold Ginny close. "I can't believe you're here," he whispered, as their lips finally parted. "Merlin, don't ever do that again!" he kissed her again.

"I could say the same to you," quipped Ginny, caressing his bare chest. She dropped her head to lay a kiss over his heart.

"Where did you, no, how are you...merlin, I don't know what to ask first?" asked Harry.

"Before we get into all that, there's something you need to know," said Ginny. She picked up their linked hands and kissed the back of his. "I love you," she said. "I love you so much," she said fervently.

Tears pricked Harry's eyes. "You're the only one that's ever said that to me. I mean, I know Sirius does, and Remus, but it's the first time anyone has ever said it to me, face to face. I'm glad it was you," he said, tilting her chin so he could kiss her again.

Ginny's face looked sad. "I felt your sorrow, when you thought I'd gone. I felt your love, through our bond."

"How...how did you survive?" asked Harry. He pulled her over to the large comfy sofa, and sat down, pulling her into his arms. He had no plans to ever let her go.

Ginny settled back, happy to be in his arms again. "Fawkes again, I guess. All I remember was taking that step and feeling the curse hit me,"she said.

"Yeah, about that," said Harry gruffly. She quickly turned to face him.

"Ever since the Chamber of Secrets, I was determined to be there at the end, even if it meant giving up my life. When I lost my family, I kept thinking that it should have been me. They were looking for me that day, Harry. MY family died for me," she said sadly.

"Ginny, I never wanted you to die for me," said Harry quietly.

"I thought I was the Horcrux," blurted out Ginny. "Near the end...I wondered. And it made me even more sure that I was supposed to die."

Harry picked up her hand and kissed it. "I couldn't live without you," he said. "What happened next?"

"I woke up and I was at my favourite part of the Burrow, near the stream. There's one spot I can climb a tree and stretch out on a long limb and I can see the Quidditch pitch and the house in the distance, whichever way I look," she said.

"When I looked at the house, I was surprised to see the Burrow was standing. I don't think I knew I had gone on, you see," she explained, at Harry's confused look. "Then the door opened, and one by one, all my family came outside, waving to me to come inside. Merlin, Harry, you have no idea how much I wanted to go to them," she sighed.

"I took a couple of steps towards them, when suddenly, my mum was right in front of me. I hugged her so tight, telling her over and over I was sorry, but she told me I had nothing to be sorry for, it was simply their time, and they were glad I had gotten away to safety."

"I told Mum I couldn't wait to see everyone again, and I started to walk towards the house, but mum stopped me. Told me I had to make a choice. I could either go to the house, and we'd be happy there, all together again...or I could return to where I left...and be with you. She-she told me, if I returned, we would live to have a long and happy life, together," said Ginny, threading their fingers together, seeing her dainty feminine hands wrapped with his manly, strong ones.

"What made you decide? It must have been a hard choice," said Harry.

Ginny nodded. "I really, really wanted to see my family again, but suddenly, your Patronus was there. The biggest stag I've ever seen, outlined in gold. It was magnificent. It came to me, and I reached out to touch it and I felt you...your love. So pure, so strong...there was no choice. I belong with you."

Harry hugged her tight, pulling away to kiss her forehead. Ginny continued.

"I woke up a couple of days later, at the house I stayed in with Perenelle. I drifted in and out for a couple of days, and any time I tried to speak, I trilled, like Fawkes. I thought I was going mad, at first. Then I sensed you close, and it helped. The Flamel's elves looked after me, but I ached to be with you. I couldn't walk, and I only started talking properly yesterday," she said. "But I could talk with you in my mind, and I knew we'd be together again. When I woke today, the elves told me it was time, and brought me here," she said, gesturing to the villa.

"Nic and Perenelle are gone," said Harry. "They left the whole island to us, including the elves. We don't have to keep it, but if we don't, it will eventually perish," he told her.

"It's nice here. We fell in love here," she reminded him.

"I like it," admitted Harry, "but we don't need to make those kind of decisions just yet."

Ginny turned to him, cupped his cheek and kissed him softly. "Tell me what happened to you," she prompted.

"Everything made sense when I knew I was the Horcrux. The connection, the nightmares," he shrugged. "When I heard Fawkes say he would kill the Horcrux inside me, I knew what I had to do. Then, like you, I woke up," said Harry.

"Where?" asked Ginny.

"There, in Godric's Hollow, at my family's old home. It was kind of like an out of body experience. I looked over and saw you kneeling next to my body, and saw Tom passed out too. I saw Lucius drag you away, and I wanted to come and help you, but..."

"What?" encouraged Ginny.

"My dad came out of my house...my real dad, Ginny! I could barely take my eyes off him, but he assured me you'd be okay. Ginny, it was my dad!" cried Harry, tearing up at the memory.

"He came to talk to you, like my mum came to me," said Ginny, her hand on his knee in support.

Harry nodded, beaming. "He-he told me he and mum were so proud of me, with all that I'd been through. They told me they never wanted me to go to the Dursleys, and that I had to tell Sirius they were thankful he got me away from them," he said.

Ginny leaned her head back on his shoulder. "We talked about the prophecy, about him and mum changing their secret keeper from Sirius to Peter. Dad told me stories about me when I was a baby. We had a cat! I never knew that. Wonder what happened to it," pondered Harry.

"Maybe Sirius and the cat never got on," suggested Ginny with a giggle.

Harry chuckled. "Yeah. Anyway, Dad and I watched Nagini make her entrance, and Neville's brave heroics. Did you know, my parents knew Nev's parents. Dad said Nev's dad, Frank would be so proud of him. I have to tell him that," he said.

"He'd like to know that," agreed Ginny.

"Once we saw Lucius fall, Dad told me I had to make a choice. I had fulfilled the prophecy, Tom was no longer the Dark Lord, he was now human. I could come inside the house, where mum was waiting, or I could go back to the fight...to you. Dad thought you were great, by the way," he remembered.

Ginny smiled, knowing how much that would have meant to Harry. "Thank you for telling me that."

Harry squeezed her hand and continued. "Dad said it was up to me, but if I was anything like him, I'd always pick the red head...and he was right. I'd pick you, everytime," he promised.

Ginny swallowed, moved beyond anything. She knew how much his parents meant to him.

"Dad told me I made the right choice. He promised me we'd live a long and happy life," he said, echoing Molly's words to Ginny, "with lots of kids," he said, flushing happily.

"Define lots," requested Ginny, turning to face Harry.

He looked at her hopefully. "More than two, less than ten?"

Ginny sighed in relief. "I think that sounds reasonable."

They sat in companiable silence, thinking of all they had endured. Finally Harry broke the silence. "I guess we need to let Sirius and the others know you're okay," he said.

"And alive," quipped Ginny. "And hungry, now that I think about it," she said.

She stood and held her hand out to help Harry off the sofa. Dobby happily came out to serve them, pointing out all the food on the table, as if they couldn't see for themselves. They humoured him, for he was just so happy to have them both there, together again.

They took their time over lunch, feet mingling under the table, as if they couldn't touch each other enough. Finally, though, they got to their feet and Harry led Ginny out to the hammock. Laughingly, they both got settled in it, with Ginny curved to Harry's side, her head resting on his chest.

" So, you were at the other house on the island? What's it like?" asked Harry lazily, running his fingers through her hair and occasionally dropping a kiss to her head.

" Smaller than the main house. Perfect for a guest cottage, actually," said Ginny. "Pip and Pippette, Merlin, I forgot all about them. Harry, they can come back to the main house now, can't they?" she asked.

" Of course, although I don't know how much work we'll have for three house elves," mused Harry.

They rocked gently in companiable silence, with Ginny dropping kisses to Harry's bare chest. Hands began to wander and fingers became adventurous. However, their activities were threatened only by their location, as poor Ginny nearly toppled out of the hammock, shrieking with laughter as she clung to Harry.

With some difficulty, they hefted themselves out of the hammock and, hand in hand, returned inside. Dobby greeted them eagerly. " Is there be anything else Dobby can be doing for master Harry and his miss Ginny?"

" No thanks, Dobby...and we don't want to be disturbed for the rest of the day," said Harry huskily.

Dobby appeared disheartened.

" Dobby, could you go to the other house, and see if you can work out some sort of schedule with Pip and Pipette. The three of you will be our house elves, unless you want to return to Grimmauld Place? Our freed house elves," Ginny emphasised.

Dobby stood proudly. " Dobby is a free elf who chose to return to Grimmauld Place and help master Sirius and master Harry. Dobby now chooses to work for master Harry and his miss Ginny," he said. " Dobby shall go to the other side of the island, and wait for your summons with the other elves." With a POP he was gone.

Harry tugged Ginny's hand and took her to their bedroom. He stopped a couple of times along the way, simply to cup her face and kiss her breathlessly.

"Harry, no, wait, there is still one thing, mmm, one thing I-merciful heaven, your tongue! Harry, we still need to talk," murmured Ginny, her fingers unbuttoning his shorts.

" I can think of better things you could be doing with your mouth," growled Harry, nipping her ear. She retaliated by skimming his shorts over his hips and taking him in hand, lightly squeezing. He groaned, then she pushed him into their bedoom and onto the bed.

He laughingly protested, sitting up and reaching for her. She stepped just out of reach. " Wait!" she cried, holding up her hand. From her pocket she withdrew a vial, with a potion inside.

Harry halted. " What is it? A contraception potion?"

Ginny shook her head. " This is how I survived. Nic and Perenelle...before they destroyed the Philosopher's Stone, they used it, one last time. I've been having drops of this, every day for the last seven days. This morning, I had my last dose."

Harry stared at the vial, and back to her. " Are...are you saying you're immortal?"

Ginny shook her head. " No, I would need to use the Philosopher's Stone again, every one hundred and fifty years or so, give or take, to become immortal. Each dose is worth that, you see," she said.

" You're going to live till you're one hundred and fifty?" asked Harry. In the Muggle world, anything over eighty these days was a feat!

" No," said Ginny, meaningfully. She handed the vial to him. " We're going to live till we're one hundred and fifty...together. Please, Harry. I can't live without you," she admitted.

Harry took the vial. " I don't want to live without you either, I can't," he agreed, and without taking his eyes off her, he removed the stopper and drank the potion down in one go.

" Just...lay down for a bit, okay, give it some time," she encouraged.

He lay down, but protested. " I had other plans, you know."

" Just a bit longer," she suggested, then began undressing.

Harry put his hand under his head and watched the proceedings with great interest. Ginny was making quite a production of slowly unbuttoning her shirt, and sliding her shorts off. He found the green silky knickers quite enticing, and the lack of a bra quite titillating. He grunted his approval as she finally came over to the bed, now as naked as he was.

" About time," he grumbled, holding her tight as she lay on top of him, feeling his arousal.

" We're going to be able to do this for the rest of our lives," she told him amusedly. "I think you can wait just a bit."

" I've already waited...the most horrendous week ever," he pouted.

" I love you," she said, sitting up and taking him deep inside her.

" I love you, too," he said, his busy hands roaming her body, needing to reaquaint himself with it. It was almost in desperation, remembering how close he came to losing her. Never again would they be parted like that, he vowed.

They loved long into the night, stopping only to curb their other appetite before retreating back to their sanctuary.

Meanwhile, Dobby, Pip and Pipette waited on the other side of the island, for a call that would take a day or two to come.


It was a joyous reunion with Sirius, Remus, Tonks and Amelia three days later. The elves brought them to the island, excited to begin working for their new masters with a party!

As Harry and Ginny explained everything, Harry remembered something he wanted to ask Ginny. " Whatever happened to Fawkes? I haven't heard him since you, sort of, died?"

Ginny looked sad. " After he brought me to Nic and Perenelle, he died. His purpose was done. There was no flames, no rebirth, like other times with Dumbledore. He simply lay down and died. We buried him in a special spot."

" But you both still have the connection with each other?" asked Tonks, looking between them.

Ginny nodded, with a fond look at Harry. " Although it's been hard to test, as we've barely been apart since I returned," she said.

Harry only drew her closer, to place a kiss on her temple. " We were parted for a week, that was enough."

" But you've got me for another one hundred and fifty years," she protested, kissing him back.

" Still not long enough," groused Harry.

" I still can't believe that Nic and Perenelle did that, for you," said Sirius, shaking his head.

" Perenelle also left me this." Ginny showed off a beautiful necklace, with a small stone set in silver. " A wedding gift, her note said," she said, looking cheekily at Harry.

" It's lovely," admired Amelia and Tonks.

" So, is there going to be a wedding?" asked Sirius.

"Merlin, not yet," chuckled Ginny. "Harry's nearly of age, but I still have a year to go. Besides, we have plenty of time," she quipped.

" We will need someone to tutor us, we want to get our NEWTS," said Harry, with a hopeful look at Remus.

" I'd love to, Harry," said Remus.

" We thought we'd come to Grimmauld Place for lessons, if that's okay with you, Sirius. We'd stay there for the week, then return here for the weekends," said Harry.

Sirius patted Harry on the shoulder. " That's fine, Harry," he said. He'd been worried he'd lose Harry, now that he had Ginny, so he was quietly relieved.

Amelia smiled at him, aware of his concern. She too, felt quite protective of the two young ones, and hoped the four of them remained close.

" Tonks, reckon you could teach us DADA?" asked Ginny.

" Sure, Red," she teased. " Anything for the Comeback Couple!"

Ginny slipped an arm around her waist. " Thank you, Tonks, for everything. I feel like you were the first one, besides Bill, who really saw me, for who I was. That meant a lot," she said.

Tonks smiled and hugged the younger girl who she considered a little sister. " You're the strongest witch I know," she whispered in Ginny's ear.

" What's happening with you and Remus?" whispered Ginny back, teasingly.

Tonks pulled away and looked at her sharply. " Oy, we were having a moment there," she protested, laughing.

Ginny laughed and hugged her again.

7 Years Later -

Harry slid into bed, next to his sleeping wife. He thumped his pillow, trying to find the most comfortable postion to settle. As he sighed and finally got settled, he rolled over to see Ginny watching him in amusement. " Comfy?" she asked.

Harry slung an arm over her protuding stomach, thrilled to feel his child move under his hand. " Am now," he said happily.

Ginny glanced at the clock. " It's only one thirty in the morning. I expected you to be stumbling in here closer to three or four," she said.

Harry yawned and tucked his head on her shoulder, under her chin. " Hannah wouldn't let us keep Nev out that long," he said sleepily.

" Some bachelor night," huffed Ginny.

" The wedding is tomorrow, Gin...well, technically, later today," reminded Harry, rubbing his hand in circles over her stomach. " Sirius and Remus are still out there," he said.

" Tonks won't like that, you know Teddy wakes early in the morning, and can be a handful," said Ginny.

" Like our James, you mean," chuckled Harry.

Ginny slowly rolled to her side, so they were face to face. " James wants to do everything Teddy does," she agreed. " Luckily the girls are so sweet. They all fell asleep in the one bed, and we didn't have the heart to move them."

Remus and Tonk's daughter, Hope, was three, slightly older than Harry and Ginny's twin girls, Lily and Molly.

" I say we let James and Teddy wake their Uncle Sirius in the morning," suggested Harry. " And when he's all grumpy, we'll let the girls fuss over him, he'll like that."

Sirius took it upon himself to be the honorary grandfather to both Remus and Harry's children. While he was teaching Teddy and James the ways of the Marauders, everyone knew he was completely smitten with the girls, and they had him wrapped around his little finger.

"It's been nice having everyone here on the island again. We haven't had a wedding here since ours," realised Ginny.

" No, you're wrong, you know Luna insists she and Rolf were married by a merman at midnight, at our lagoon," laughed Harry.

Ginny giggled, caressing her baby bump. " I think Luna had too much elf punch that night. Thank Merlin Rolf insisted on a formal ceremony, just to be sure," she said.

"So, you'll be all right to stand up with Nev tomorrow, love?" asked Harry, placing his hand over hers.

" I'll be fine. I promise to sit after the ceremony, especially if it means you won't hover," she said. She had tearfully agreed when Nev asked her to be his ' best witch' and stand up next to him as he made his vows.

Harry nodded, knowing he'd be keeping a close eye on her. Still, he was glad Andromeda was attending tomorrow, then staying on till the birth.

" Did Nev and Hannah like the guest house?" Ginny asked him.

" They loved it, like everyone else who stays here," said Harry.

" There is something magical about our home, isn't there?" asked Ginny, rhetorically. " I've loved our travelling, but now I'm happy to be settled here. James will be able to start lessons with Teddy this year."

Harry and Ginny had become curse breakers after gaining their NEWTS. Happy to travel the world, to work and be together. They'd had many wonderful experiences, returning often to England to reconnect with their family.

Harry and Ginny had married on the island, after their first year away. Remus had given Ginny away, with Luna and Tonks by her side. Sirius and Neville had stood up with Harry, leaving Amelia, Andromeda, Xeno Lovegood, Nev's gran, Kingsley Shacklebolt and their house elves to look on as they made their commitment to each other.

They'd continued their nomadic lifestyle, even after the birth of their first child, James Sirius. He had been an easy birth, so after three wonderful months home, on their island, they packed the baby up and continued. Ginny did the research while looking after James, reluctant to leave him, even with Pipette along. Harry handled the grunt work; it worked well for them.

It was while researching that they came to realise that the necklace Nic and Perenelle had left Ginny was no ordinary necklace. Rather, the stone in the necklace was no ordinary stone. Stumbling across the information, Ginny checked and double checkled, before telling Harry what she suspected.

" The Resurrection Stone," he said reverently.

Ginny nodded. " And you have the Invisibility cloak," she reminded him.

" But the wand? The Elder wand?" asked Harry.

" Didn't Remus say that Voldemort got it off Grindlewald, then killed him? So, if Voldemort had the Elder wand..."

" But at the end, he didn't," protested Harry. " He summoned Nev's wand...because Bellatrix had picked his up."

" And you Expilliarmus'd it, right before I..." Ginny didn't continue, and Harry hugged her tighter. " Harry, do you know what this means?"

" We have the three Deathly Hallows," realised Harry.

" Does that make us the Masters of Death?" asked Ginny.

They looked at each other and laughed. " No!" they both said; the thought absurd.

They held each other close. " But...maybe," said Harry softly.

" We can do anything...as long as we're together," agreed Ginny. " Still," – she fingered the necklace – " I think this needs to go to the vaults."

" Under a Disillusion spell," agreed Harry.

" Along with the wand," nodded Ginny.

There was silence. " Not the cloak, though," said Harry. " That's for me to give to James, when he's older. Family tradition."

Ginny kissed his chin. " He'll have a great time with it at Hogwarts," she said.

A loud snore broke Harry's thoughts of the past. A glance at Ginny showed her sound asleep. Harry lovingly brushed some hair behind her ear. Gnny brushed his hand away in annoyance, and he chuckled to himself.

He planted a kiss on her belly, before pulling the light blanket over them both. He knew the kids would wake them early, and there was nothing Harry liked more than to have them climb into bed with him and Ginny for morning cuddles, even if James did say he was getting too old for that. Too old, at five! Harry grinned. His son was the image of him and James senior, but with his mother's fiery temperant. The girls shared Ginny's looks, with Lily a wonderful combination of both Harry and Ginny's personalities, whereas Molly was a bit quieter.

As he lay there, looking out the window at the moon, he thought about the life he'd led, to get him to where he was today. A beautiful home, the best wife in the world, great friends and family, and amazing children, soon to be joined by their second son.

William Arthur would be a wonderful addition to their brood, named for two great wizards and men.

Tomorrow, or rather, later today, would see Hannah be officially welcomed to their small, but growing family. Harry liked having them all around for special occasions such as this. Luna and Rolf, with their twin boys, Lorcan and Lysander, were arriving from Australia, in just a few short hours. Harry knew his kids adored Luna and Rolf, and Luna never failed to bring gifts for all the children from the many destinations they travelled to.

He felt himself growing drowsy. He tucked Ginny under his arm, with one arm resting on her hip. She rolled over and curled into him, as much as she could. He felt Billy kicked out at this new position, and Harry sensed it wouldn't be long before their son was with them.

Safe in the knowledge that all that mattered were close at hand, and with his wife by his side, Harry slept easy.

All was well.

A/N Thanks for reading xx