Title: Eternal

Author: Tiamat's Child

E-Mail: [email protected]

Rating: G

Characters: Kotori/Kamui/Fumma

Summary: The dream is over, and the reality has begun. Something of a ghost story.

Note: A little ficlet for Saint Valentine's Day.


Kotori's boys have come to her. The three lie full out in the grass together, letting the sun soak their hair and skin, filling their bodies up with warmth. The wind sings welcomes to them.

You were gone. Fumma says. You left us.

I'm here now. She tells him.

So you are. He says and draws her into the crook of his arm. She reaches out to pull Kamui in close as well. He comes easily and happily.

I think I dreamed that you where dead. Kamui whispers in Kotori's ear.

I think I dreamed that dream too. Kotori whispers back to him, and kisses him.

There was a battle in my dream. Fumma tells them both. I wonder who won?

Hush. Kotori tells him, kissing his cheek. It doesn't matter. It was a nightmare. It's over. Everything's all right now.

And it is. And they still lie all knotted up together. But they don't mind. It's rather nice to be so tangled.

Now they have forever.