Madame Metamorphosis
30 Day OTP Challenge
Beast Boy x Raven

Day 1. Holding Hands.
A/N: I seem to think that this prompt should be expository and dramatic. I dunno why. But every time I do this challenge, this prompt is all "this character loves holding hands" and "that character doesn't like being touched."

Raven wasn't a very physical person. She didn't like getting close to people. She didn't like touching. She enjoyed being left alone in her indigo cloak with her spell books and meditation. She was perfectly capable of being social, as she often expressed with her four best friends, but she very much appreciated her alone time. When her friends were being immature and obnoxious, the purple-ette could be found levitating in her room, legs crossed and eyes closed, blocking out all other sounds.

Beast Boy was a very physical person. He liked hugs and high fives and wrestling with the guys. He took advantage of his shape shifting abilities and morphed into a cat or other small, furry creature to demand the attention he wasn't getting. Starfire was usually the first person to notice, picking up the green cat and cradling him in her lap.
But that wasn't the lap in which Beasty wanted to be held.

Their relationship was uncertain. They were friends, definitely, but anyone who saw them together knew there was a tension, a silent yearning for something more.
Raven was too proud and soft spoken to admit it, and every one of Beasty's attempts was shot down and mistaken for a joke.
They were always there for each other. No matter what scrape the Teen Titans got into, Beast and Raven sought each other out and ensured the other's safety. After every fight, they could be found together, whether it was magical healing, the comfort of a furry animal, or simply sitting together and reminding themselves that the other was alive.

Today was one of the latter.
The Titans had fought a whole team of villains, and they almost hadn't made it out. They had been unprepared and outnumbered, and every move they made to fight only seemed to help the enemy.
Beast had gotten hurt. Bad. His left arm had been broken and his entire left side was littered with bruises and gashes. Raven had seen it all from where she had been fighting, and seeing Beast hurt sparked something inside her. She threw all of her demonic power into fighting and defeated the villain she had been against. Before more could come at her, she rushed to the green boy's side.
She was able to heal the physical damage, but he would be sore, and she knew his heart hurt.
When the team finished off the fight, coming out injured but victorious, Raven carried Beast back to the Tower.
They sat on the couch, no background noise to distract them from what had occurred. Raven sat to the right of Beast as to not remind him of the soreness on his left, letting him rest his head on her shoulder.
Beast breathed out a sigh, his hands lying limp in his lap. He was normally energetic and loud, still hyper after a fight. But he had no more energy today. He was hurt and tired, and if Raven hadn't been there, he may not have made it.
Taking a chance, he rested his right hand on her thigh, waiting for her reaction. To his surprise, and tired delight, she placed her hand over his, lacing their fingers.
He turned to look at her, a lazy smile on his lips, his sharp lower tooth sticking out of his mouth. She smiled softly back at him, resting her head on his.

After that, holding hands became routine. Whenever the two were in a room together, they could be found lingering close and locking fingers.
Beast stood in the kitchen, frying veggie burgers in a pan at the stove. He hummed to himself as he flipped them, adding seasonings and swaying his hips to the music playing from his speaker on the counter.
Raven sauntered in, intent on fetching herself a glass of iced tea. She pulled the chilled pitcher from the fridge, summoning a glass from the cupboard, pouring her drink. After returning the pitcher to the fridge, she moved to stand beside Beast, watching him cook.
He turned to meet her gaze and smiled. "Hey, Mama."
She chuckled softly. "Hi, Beast Boy."
"You want a veggie burger?" He knew her answer, but he thought it polite to ask.
She shook her head, sipping her tea. "I just wanted to see you."
He smiled at her honesty, keeping the spatula in one hand while offering his other to her. She accepted it with hers, lacing their fingers, symbolizing the bond they shared.
As he finished cooking his food and then assembling it into a sandwich, his hand never left hers. Their fingers stayed linked as Beast one handedly poured ketchup and mustard onto his burger, loading it with fixings, and even poured himself a glass of tea to wash it down.
He headed to the dining room to eat, sitting down and making sure there was a chair for Raven to sit beside him. She complied, nuzzling her face into his hand as he ate. He grinned his signature dorky grin at her, condiments dripping from his mouthful of food. Raven giggled, reaching out with her free hand to grab a napkin and wipe away the escaping food.
They sat in near silence as he ate. Once he was done, she floated the dishes to the sink, saving him a trip. He smiled at her helpfulness, rising from the table and pulling her with him.
"Movie?" he suggested.
She nodded, squeezing his hand as they walked into the living room. They had the room to themselves, and Raven followed him to pick out a movie. She would normally wait on the couch, but that required her letting go of his hand, and she didn't approve of that idea.
Beast found The Secret of Nimh 2 and put it in the player before sitting on the couch and holding Raven beside him. She leaned into his side, occasionally holding their joined hands to her face to nuzzle. During the movie, her head found its way to his shoulder, and his head rested on hers. They spent the entire afternoon relaxing together.