Here's a super bowl special on this Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! It's short but I hope y'all like it. And also this will kinda tie in with proud to serve but will not come into play until a later date.

In an effort to better strengthen the already frail alliance between Narnia and Calormen High King Peter decided to put together a tournament with all the neighboring countries. Even Archenland who was still upset with Calormen was there. So far there has been no problems, no injuries, no breaking of the rules, everything was great. High King Peter who was one of the last contestants was fighting the Calormen champion. The man was built like a warrior, not huge and bulky but when he struck it was hard. He was also fast, he'd already taken out King Edmund and that was an impressive feat. Oreius advised against both of the Kings competing but Edmund had just gotten off of bed rest and was antsy.

Peter swung, stabbed, parried and dodged. His opponent was very good at using his scimitar. Peter managed to trip his opponent, earning joyous cried from the Narnians in the audience. Peter went to "finish off" his opponent but his opponent caught him by surprise, the Calormen jumped out of the way of Rhindon and scored a hit Peter using a good kick, causing Peter to fall, before Peter could react his opponent pressed his advantage, before he knew it Peter was on the ground with a sword pointed at his neck. And for one of the first times ever, High King Peter of Narnia lost a tournament. The Calormens cheered while the Narnians groaned. Peter was going to get up when a tanned hand reached down. Peter looked up and saw the Calormen smiling. Peter took his hand and stood up.

"Good job." Peter said to his opponent. "For a Calormen." As soon as it left his mouth Peter regretted it, he sincerely hoped that he took no insult in it. That would cause a hefty amount of trouble between the countries.

"You did pretty good yourself. For a Narnian." The two chuckled and walked back to the King's booth, feeling mighty good. Except when Oreius told the High King that training would be intensified.

"My condolences King Peter, but I am not jealous of you."

"You don't suppose I could manage a trip to your fare country maybe?" Peter asked jokingly.

"I don't know your majesty, but until then I suggest you work on your training." The two laughed but then they had to go through the ceremony of Susan awarding the prize and all that stuff.

Happy super bowl Sunday, hope whatever team your routing for wins.