Author's Note: This is my first novel and English is my second language (I'm French Canadien), so be comprehensive for my lack of vocabulary. I am not a writer, just a fan who can't wait to see the next episode, so I decided to write it. I needed to write down all those ideas I had about what could happen after Lucifer left L.A. I never expected it to become such a long story though.

Starting from the title of the next episode in line at the time I began this story (post season 2 episode 13), «Candy Morningstar», and the rumor saying this Candy would be Lucifer's wife, I tried to find a way around it so Chloe and Lucifer could come to be together in the end. So don't be too much taken aback by that Candy and continue reading, things are gonna get better. The first 21000 words (15 first chapters) are more about Lucifer's and Chloe's relationship taking form and becoming stronger. Consider it as the first part of this long journey. But then, the real story begins, involving angels and demons along with celestial powers, mythology, and big surprises, while Lucifer's and Chloe's bond continue to grow. I hope you will enjoy the ride as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

It's been three months. Three months since he'd left her. It felt like a lifetime. He was a mess. He drank himself to death (well, he would have died if he wasn't so immortal), consumed drugs he didn't even know the names, and fucked as much as he could (even for him, it seemed an unbreakable record). All of that in the hope he could drown his pain and love for her, numb it to a point it could become bearable. But in vain. He was beginning to accept the fact that he would never stop loving her. He could not. Whatever he did, it would not go away. The Devil in love! How ridiculous! Assuming that fact, he'd started thinking of a way to live with it, along with the knowledge that he could never really be with her, at least in the way he'd dreamed of. No! He would not be a pawn in his father's game, he would not be led wherever his father wanted him to go. And Chloe… she needed to keep her freewill. She deserved to be happy, to live a real life without any manipulation. She deserved to really fall in love, without illusion, with someone who deserved it. His heart ached at the thought of her being with someone else. But it was the best thing that could ever happen to her. She had to get over him, for her sake.

He hoped that three months apart would have helped her getting back her senses. He had helped her as much as he could by leaving without a word, abandoning her when her hopes were obviously so high. He had been a jerk, on purpose. That should have done the trick, broken all her illusions of a possible future with him.

Oh, Goodness! What have I done?

If he'd just given in, he could have had it all! Chloe… For the thousandth time, he remembered their kiss, all the love he had felt pouring from her lips, the passion, the hope, hers and his, the tremendous joy he had experienced. For a moment it filled him again, this happiness at being in her arms, followed too quickly by the too reel feelings of loneliness, angst, and terror. Terror at the thought of never seeing her again. He could definitely not give in his father's game, but he had to see her again. An eternity without her was too unbearable a tough. At least, he could be near her during her lifetime, if not with her. That should ease at least a bit of the pain he was destined to feel for eternity. He didn't know how tough it would be for him to be close to her without being able to have her, but the possibility of never seeing her again was certainly much worse.

He picked up his glass and looked at the way the alcohol turned and shimmered in the light. He became aware again of the music around him, the noise, the people, and the futility of it all. It all felt like a dream, a long dream in which he had been stuck for the last three months. In fact, it felt more like he was stuck in Hell, reliving again and again what he had lost and would never have again. It was torture! Plain and simple. Maybe that had been his father's plan all along, to torture him here on earth because he had escaped hell.

Right in front of him, a striper was trying to catch his eyes. She was undulating her body languorously, trying to seduce him. He smiled absentmindedly at her just to be nice. He knew her, knew them all. He had been around for weeks now and had of course fucked each and every one of them, many times over. They were all crazy for him, of course. Who wouldn't be? He took a sip of his drink, feeling the heat coming down his throat, warming his stomach. It felt good and comforting. He snorted! Alcohol, drugs, and sex were really the only things left to comfort him, and give him a little pleasure in life. How pathetic! But it was better than nothing. And soon, he hoped, he would have Chloe back in his life and he would feel better, if not whole again. Chloe… was she ready to see him yet? Was she ready to give him back his place at her side as her partner, as her friend? Goodness, please, make it so! As an answer to his prayer, he felt someone sit beside him. Bloody time! He had been waiting for hours!

"Hello Luci!"

"Brother! What took you so long?" Lucifer said, exasperated.

"Well! As you know, I don't have wings anymore. The trip from L.A. is not a short one by terrestrial ways." Amenadiel was slumped onto the seat, seeming exhausted.

Lucifer was surprise to feel happiness at seeing his brother again. It had been too long. He was also surprised at seeing a smile on Amenadiel's face and what, maybe some relief too? He had not expected that, but rather a reaction of anger at what he had done. He hadn't given him, or anyone for that matter, any news of his whereabouts for the lasts months. Amenadiel was now quiet, waiting to hear whatever Lucifer needed to say.

"No sermon? No what the Hell have you done?" Lucifer asked dubious.

"No need. I understand just too well what you needed to do."

"You understand? Really?" Lucifer was stunned.

"Of course. As hard as it must have been, I think that walking away from Chloe was the best thing you could have done in the circumstances."

"I'm glad you approve. So, does it mean it worked? Did she get over me?" Lucifer's voice was a mixture of hope and dread. He was afraid to ear the answer, afraid that she had not turned the page, and terrified that she had. Amenadiel did not respond right away. He was searching for an answer, seemingly worried.

"What? What is it? Tell me, is she all right? Has something happened?" He was getting nervous with his brother's silence.

Amenadiel lifted his hands in the air, to calm Lucifer down. "No, no! She is fine! Or at least, she is working on it, doing her best to go on with her life."

Lucifer let go of a breath he didn't know he was holding. She was fine. For a moment, he had thought that something bad happened to her.

"So, does it mean she could be ready to see me again?" Lucifer was now leaning towards Amenadiel and looking at him intensely.

"What? Are you kidding me? She has been a mess for the last few months. She is just starting to look human again and you want to see her? You are going to kill her!" Exasperation was tick in Amenadiel's voice. Lucifer was so alien to human feelings it was draining sometimes.

"I… I don't understand, you said she was fine." Lucifer answered, confused.

"I meant in the circumstances. Maze says that Chloe has thrown herself into her job and is passing the rest of her time with her kid, trying to forget you. She cries every night in bed, so Maze says. But I am confident that she will someday get over you. Humans always do get through break ups."

"Chloe… I did that, I broke her heart!" He felt terrible, desperate. "No, Dad did it! Son of a bitch! If I put my hands on him…" The anger and hatred he felt for his Father were more bearable to feel than the feeling of guilt at thinking that he was the one responsible for Chloe's pain. "You really think that someday she will… but it's too long. She has to get over me sooner!" Desperation was taking over now.

"Tell me you did better at forgetting her with all this." Amenadiel laughed, looking at him and showing his surroundings with his hands.

"Well! I'm working on it, very hard!" Lucifer confessed uneasily.

"And does it work?"

Lucifer opened his mouth to answer, but nothing came out.

"That's what I thought. And you really think you are ready to see her again?" Amenadiel threw at him.

"I will never be ready for this. But I can't wait any longer. Believe me." He was pensive for a time, and his brother left him with his own thoughts. "So, you think she is not ready… Haven't I given her enough reasons to see me as unworthy, as a jerk?" It was a rhetorical question, and Amenadiel kept silent. "All right! All I have to do is find a way to show her how unworthy I am, how desperately immature and uncaring I can be, so she will never again see me as a potential lover again. She needs to get rid of this infatuation she thinks she has with me and go on with her life."

What could he do to make sure she would finally understand that it was all over for good? Could he make her believe that for him it never even begun? He had to.

The striper approached slowly from him, still trying to catch his attention. She was lovely, with her long blond hair and her little devilish smile. He knew that she was doing striptease to pay the rent and go back to school someday. She had had a hard life, and at 23 years old, she had been through more griefs than most humans in a lifetime. He liked her and even felt protective of her. She was funny, and sometimes helped him think about something else than his pain, even if it was only for a couple of minutes. It brought a smile on his lips and she smiled back at him. The light coming from the stage radiated around her as if she were an angel descending on earth. That's when it hit him. That was it! His solution! All the pieces came together and he knew, he knew what he had to do.

He looked at her with his most seductive smile. "Hello Candy! What about a romantic dinner tonight, followed by a night of love and promises?"