A new story! This time, it's not a crossover. I believe some of you don't know about ROM hacks, right? This story is about the SM64 ROM hack called Last Impact; a brand new adventure created by Kaze Emanuar, written in SM64 DS style, like if it received a port (because another major hack called Star Road created by Skelux is receiving a port). Last Impact is my favorite SM64 ROM hack, so that's why I wrote this.

Also, this will take place after the story events of another ROM hack, this one only for the DS version, called Another Super Mario 3D, made by The Newer Team. That was another interesting hack that I tried out. If you don't know either these ROM hacks, check the videos of them on YouTube.

I hope you enjoy! ;)

Chapter 1: An unexpected attack and Wildlife Valley

It was a fine morning in the Mushroom Kingdom. On this time, a letter from Princess Peach had arrived on Mario's hands. Let's see what it says:

'Dear Mario

I would like to invite you, Luigi and Wario for a cake to commemorate the last time you and Yoshi foiled Bowser's plans by rescuing the 73 Power Stars in his castle. Yoshi is already at the castle, and he's taking a good nap as always! Meet me at the courtyard.


Mario remembered about the last adventure when he, his brother and his frienemy snuck in Bower's castle to recover the stolen Power Stars, but ended up getting captured. Thankfully, Yoshi saved them and they worked together as a team of four to recover the rest of the stars and foil Bowser's next plan.

"I guess a good celebration after that would be a great idea! Thank you as always, Peach." Mario said to himself.

He then left, and told Luigi and Wario about the invitation. Both agreed to come with Mario at the castle and they all made their way there.


At the castle's courtyard, a Toad and Princess Peach were waiting for Mario and his friends to come. Yoshi was sleeping peacefully at the roof of the castle, lying on his belly. Everything seems peaceful and quiet, until…


All of a sudden, three meteors, one big and two small, fell from nowhere out of the sky and crashed down. The big one landed in the area on the other side of a closed gate, and the two small ones landed on both sides of the Toad and the princess, creating two Spiny Piranha Plants surrounding them. Peach and the Toad screamed in horror. That crashing sound had also woken up Yoshi.

Yoshi looked down from the roof upon waking up, and spotted Peach and Toad calling for help down there.

"Oh no! The princess and the Toad are in danger! I gotta help them, like I always do!" Yoshi said and leapt out of the roof to fight the Spiny Piranha Plants.

Once he defeated both of them, Peach sighs in relief and told him:

"Thank you, Yoshi. But I'm sure these things didn't just randomly drop down. Even if Mario hasn't arrived yet, I feel danger coming. Yoshi! You have to gather the Stars to protect the Mushroom Kingdom!"

Yoshi knew that if the princess said was right, then another adventure was about to unfold. He sure hoped it wasn't Bowser again. He knew that if he waited for Mario to arrive, things would get bad very quickly. So he once again set off on his own to gather the Power Stars. He went to the left side of where he was standing, and found a path leading to the first course. There was sign next to it saying "Do not consume" with a Fuzzy from Yoshi's Island printed on it.

"Oh god, not these guys again…" Yoshi said in his thoughts; he was getting bad memories just by looking at the Fuzzy printed on the sign. He takes a deep breath and set foot into the first course: Wildlife Valley.

Wildlife Valley was a very simple place; a valley with plant and animal life and swamps. Small patches of orange flowers were decorating this landscape. Rocky pillars, grassy hills and a massive tree were also there. Yoshi arrived on a corner of the area and immediately checked his Star mission list.

Star 1: Touch Fuzzy Get Dizzy

The area was filled with Fuzzies that when touched, they make the person sick and start seeing unusual things, like if that person has consumed LSD. Upon arriving at the course, Yoshi turned right, crossed a bridge and climbed the grassy hills. At the top, he spotted a few Fuzzies roaming around. He turns right towards the rocky pillars crossed over by bridges and more Fuzzies roaming. There was a nearby sign saying:

'Beware! Strong winds ahead!'

The green dinosaur not only had to traverse the bridges while dodging Fuzzies, but he also had to fight against a strong wind current. If he falls off, he'll have to backtrack to the beginning on the first rocky pillar and start over. After a few tries, Yoshi managed to get his first Power Star.

Star 2: Lil' Rabbit Lost

"So I guess it's a rabbit instead of a penguin, right?" Yoshi guessed for himself.

This time, the Fuzzies were absent in this mission. Yoshi found the little rabbit at the leftmost part of the area. The rabbit was trapped in a cage, so there has to be a way to free him. Yoshi found the rabbit's parents standing on a nest, who were worried about their child.

"Our son went missing! I bet these Taptaps have something to do with that. Can you try and help our son?" the mother rabbit asked.

"If you want to beat these Taptaps, try luring them into the swampy area." The father rabbit said.

Yoshi thanked for the advice and found the Taptaps guarding the cage. He lured them into the swamp and once they did, they sunk beneath it. One of the Taptaps held the key to the cage. Yoshi picked up the key and eventually, the cage lowered down and the little rabbit hopped out in happiness towards his parents' nest. Yoshi went there as well and the father rabbit thanked the dinosaur:

"Thank you! You saved our child! We want you to take this star, to show you how thankful we are."

The father rabbit handed another Star to Yoshi. He took the second Star of this course.

Star 3: Go Up the Giant Tree

In this next mission, Yoshi has to scale inside the large tree. Unfortunately, the Fuzzies were back. The large tree was right on the left side of where the first Star was located. There was a small opening in the tree. Yoshi goes inside.

The inside was all made of dirt. There were tall pillars of dirt, wooden bridges, tree logs and giant red mushrooms. All Yoshi had to do was to climb to the very top by using these elements mentioned earlier as platforms. He made it look easier by using his Flutter Jump, and eventually reached the top, where the next Star awaits.

Star 4: Find the Lonely Momoki

There was a monkey with blue fur hiding behind the giant tree that Yoshi just scaled. He went there to find this blue monkey who actually was the mentioned Momoki.

"Huh? Oh you found me. You are the first one to talk to me in a long time…" the Momoki said. He remained silent for a moment before finally saying: "How about we play tag?"

"Sure!" Yoshi agreed.

The Momoki began to run around the tree while Yoshi chases after him. Yoshi was doing long jumps to catch up since he couldn't slide-attack like Mario. After some seconds, Yoshi managed to tag the Momoki.

"Gotcha!" Yoshi tagged the Momoki, who fell on his belly on the floor.

"You caught me! Thanks for playing with me! I want you to take this, friend." The Momoki said with a smile and hands the Star to Yoshi.

Star 5: Floaty 8 Coins

Now it was finally time for the 8 red coins mission. Thankfully, they were all at the same part of the area; at the part with the floating platforms leading to wooden pillars, but also full of Fuzzies… This could be a problem.

The dinosaur had to maneuver around the Fuzzies in a very hard way if he was aiming for the red coins. After a while of constantly falling after being touched by a Fuzzy, Yoshi managed to grab the last red coin and the Star showed up from below. He went down and took it.

Star 6: Float through the Sky

For the last Star in this course, Yoshi had to find a way to reach to the opposite side of the tallest part of the area that is impossible to reach with normal jumps. He had to climb atop a large rocky pillar and found a dandelion. The wind blew on the dandelion, causing its fluffs to fly away.

"Maybe I could use one of the fluffs to reach the other side!" Yoshi thought.

He grabbed hold of one of the dandelion fluffs and rode with them in the wind. Once he reached his destination, he let go of the fluff and grabbed the last Star of this course.

However, he did not know about the recent events that happened back at the castle courtyard…

To be continued…

What could of have happened back there? Find out in the next chapter coming soon! Please review.