I only own any OCS that I add to it.

Translators are

Sindarin is like this (hi)

Westron/common is like this {hi}

Orc/Uruk hai speak is like this [hi]

"(Little ones?)" Legolas asked as Aragorn stood up straight in surprise with Gimli asking a question in another language.

"{What did she say?}" Gimli asked in concern.

"(What is this about little ones?)" Legolas asked with a tilt of his head.

Aragorn spoke softly to Gimli and Eomer what she had said.

"(I tried to tell the human male that the little ones had run into the woods, but he did not understand me. We must go back... They could have gotten injured while running... They had were so young... they had no weapons... and their hands where tied... they could be in danger...)" Elena stuttered out. "(What if when we left they were found by more of the Uruk Hai?)"

Legolas gently grasped her hand from where it was shaking in the air. "(Calm yourself, My Lady. We will go now and search for these little ones.)" He glances at Aragorn, who had been translating for Gimli, Eomer and his men.

Eomer looked haunted. "{I left CHILDREN in the woods near the Battle?}"

Eomer's men started to shift and mutter to themselves in concern.

"(What did the little ones look like? What color was their hair? Their eyes? How old? Did they say what their names where?)" Legolas asked at Aragorn's prompting.

Elena grasped Legolas's hand tightly. "(They where about half of the man's height with golden brown hair... and blue green eyes. I could not guess their age for I have not been around their kind before. They had no shoes on their feet... They will get sick for sure...)" She managed to say before Aragorn interrupted.

"(Did you get their names, My Lady?)" Aragorn asked.

Elena turned to Aragorn. "(They did not tell me their names... but they did call each other something... would that help?)"

"(Anything would help us find these little ones..)" Legolas cut in as he lightly glared at Aragorn.

Elena glanced at Aragorn before looking at Legolas once more."(Pip and Merry... I think... they repeated those words quite frequently.)"

Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli's eyes widened in disbelief.

Eomer asked. "{We are searching for little ones named Pip and Merry?}"

Legolas asked quickly. "(Did Merry speak Sindarin?)"

Elena nodded quickly. "(Not very well, but enough to get basic thoughts into conversation.)"

Aragorn started.

"{What is it?}" Gimli asked.

Legolas turned to Aragorn and Gimli. "{I had been teaching Merry words in Sindarin during the journey.}"

"{He has been feeling like he was not doing enough to help.}" Legolas explained to Aragorn and Gimli.

Eomer waved to his men and they brought forward 2 horses. A Bay and a Pinto where brought forward. The Bay was 16 hands high and almost black in several spots. The Pinto was 15.3 hands high and was black and white in color. "{Good Luck finding the Children.}

Eomer waved to his men and they brought forward 2 horses. A Bay and a Pinto where brought forward. The Bay was 16 hands high and almost black in several spits. The Pinto was 15.3 hands high and was black and white in color. "{Good Luck finding the Children.}

Legolas frowned as he helped Elena down from Eomer's horse.

"(Are you injured, My Lady?)" Legolas asked. "(Did you hurt your front? You are clutching your chest like it hurts to move it.)"

Aragorn turned from Eomer and Gimli when he heard Legolas ask this.

"(Ah, it is not bad, but it is hard to hold Cal while he is sleeping.)" Elena tried to explain.

Legolas looked confused for a moment. "(Cal?) He asked.

"(My Son.)" Elena pulled back her cloak so that Legolas could see the baby strapped to her chest.

Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli all stare at the child in shock.

"(A child?)" Legolas gasped out.

"(Yes, my son is just over a month old. His name is Calenmaethor. But I just call him, Cal.)"

Legolas turned to Aragorn. Who is staring at the child in shock.

Eomer watches this in confusion. Looking between Aragorn, Legolas and the Elven Female.

"(Should we not be going to search for the little ones and not wasting time like this?)" Elena asked in confusion.

Hearing her gentle repremand, snaps Legolas and Aragorn back to now.

Aragorn turns and helps Gimli up on the Bay before mounting.

While he does this, Legolas takes Elena's hand and leads her over to the Pinto and helps her to mount the horse. Jumping up behind her, He gently wraps his arm around them. Gently cupping his hand around the curve of Calenmaethor's spine. "(My Lady, we will not allow the Uruk Hai to hurt you again.)"

Elena turned her head after watching him do this. "I have not felt safe in a while. It may take me a while to trust the feeling, but I will try to trust in you.)"

"(That is all that we could ask of you, My lady.)" Legolas said as he smiled widely.

After about 20 minutes, Legolas started to notice that Elena was leaning a little more of her weight against him. Looking down he realizes that she had fallen asleep against him. Smiling a little, Legolas tightened his arms around the pair.

Aragorn turned his head towards his friend. He smiled when he saw the possessive hold that Legolas had on the Ellyth.

Legolas shook his head and slowly raised his finger to his lips. "{She is alseep.}"

Gimli smiled. "{I am glad that the Lady feels safe enough with us to sleep.}" He said at a loud whisper.

Legolas smiled softly when he heard what Gimli had said. "{As long as she is safe, then all is good. If only we knew what happened to Merry and Pippin after they entered the Forest of Fanghorn.}"

"{I wonder what promted the Lady to suggest they run in there.}" Gimli asked with a small frown on his face.

~~2.5 hours later~~

Arriving at the Uruk Hai's funeral Piers, they started to search on horse back for the split tree that Elena had described to them.

Aragorn waved Legolas over to the tree when he found it. Elena and the baby woke up when the horse stopped.

Elena put the child to the breast while Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas discussed how to proceed.

Pointing to the left of the tree, after she managed to put the child back to sleep, "(They went into the forest there. Merry and Pippin ran into the trees there to escape the Uruk Hai and the Attacking humans. I told them to find a large old tree and ask for its protection. I told them to say, ~IM BAUR LAUN~. The tree people should have protected them.)"

Aragorn looked at her in confusion.

Legolas said. "(The Ents have not walked in the open for so long, Elena. For more than an Age. Why would you tell Merry and Pippin to ask that?)" He asked.

Elena looked up at Legolas. "(What do you mean? The Entwives have always talked to us and helped with the gardens.)"