Only warning is mention of sex and possible language.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of CC's character only the plot line.

Chapter 1: Satus A Novus Amor

At first Jace Herondale was just a fantastic stress relief, someone to help her relieve that aching need for human closeness and lack of sexual activity. Friends with benefits she supposed most people would call them, but she and Jace weren't friends. Barely anything but acquaintances. Acquaintances that slept together.

Clary and Jace were in the same maths and English literature class but otherwise didn't see each other unless one texted the other a simple coded message with a time. They had their own special meeting place where no one heard from them until both were done expressing their feelings physically. Now though she wanted something different.

Maybe it was when she opened her green eyes after she and he had finished, his bare chest visible but his lower half concealed by a sheet as he slept beside her.

She examined every part of his perfect chiselled features, his golden hair reminding her of her childhood prince charming. Maybe it was when she realised she wanted nothing more than to draw him in all his glory.

"Jace." Clary whispered, Jace stirred, mumbling an incoherent reply that sounded a lot like 'what.' The red head pressed her lips together in a thin line before speaking. "Do you… do you ever think we could go out sometime." Though his eyes were closed his eyebrow raised, confirming he was awake and listening.

"Why?" He seemed repressed by the thought.

"I was just thinking, we only have sex, that's it, did you ever think about giving us a real shot." Jace smothered his face in the white pillow beneath him, shaking his head as if to wake him up before opening his golden eyes and lifting them to face her.

"Not particularly" –he kissed her softly- "because I don't want anything to change. I like being here with you, we connect quite well, you and I." His lips pulled away and then returned, she smiled into the sweet gesture.

They were in one of his parents many buildings. The Herondales were a rich family and owned a lot of properties, all in which Jace inherited when he was 10, not that he got any of his inheritance until he turned 18 but this loft he had managed to get a key for. The loft was perfect, Clary thought. She would ask Simon, her long time best friend, if he would cover for her and say she was staying with him for the night. Instead she was really with Jace.

The loft had a cosy feel to it. The bedroom, kitchen and lounge were all connected and there was a large spacious bathroom next to the bedroom. Clary enjoyed how Brooklyn it felt. Jace and his adopted siblings lived on the Upper East Side of Manhattan yet Clary and Simon were Brooklyn kids through and through. Her favourite thing about the loft was that it was always ridiculously clean thanks to Jace and that the fridge was always full.

"We have school you know." Clary pointed out to Jace about half an hour later, his cheek plastered against her stomach as he groaned.

"Why?" He moaned, his large hands wrapping round her middle and pulling her down under him so they were face to face. His lips were quickly on hers and she found herself incapable of denying him such pleasure. He was right about them connecting, they were like two puzzle pieces that fit together side by side. There passionate actions were quickly interrupted however when Clary's alarm went off. She swung her head back in disappointment but got up quickly.

No they weren't even friends, Clary concluded, not as they sat side by side eating breakfast silently, talking about absolutely nothing and no one because neither felt obligated to speak.

Just as Clary went to slam her locker closed Simon grabbed the door, surprising her. She jumped and let go, glaring at Simon for his unexpected appearance.

"Don't do that." She complained, readjusting her books in her arms and looking up at her best friend, the boy's dark hair looking as if he had just gotten out of bed and his brown eyes almost hidden by his glasses but she could see the darkness surrounding the rim of his eyes. "Big night?" He nodded.

"Band practice went late." Clary apologised to Simon's neighbours in her head. "And speaking of big nights, how was yours with the mystery boy?" He exaggerated the words 'mystery boy' and she frowned.

"Alright, I asked him about the thing." She said as they walked to class.

"The thing?" He repeated, not sure by what she meant.

"The do you want to be more than benefit buddies thing." Clary clarified.

"And?" Simon said after a few long seconds.

"And I got distracted." Simon wanted to laugh and cringe at the same time, taking his seat in their classroom beside her. He was almost sure she was making sophomore year more complicated than it needed to be. But then again at least she was perusing her romantic interest, rather than him, who just quietly admired Isabelle Lightwood from affair as she and her adopted brother laughed at some joke.

Simon didn't miss the wink Jace threw Clary's way, the one she didn't respond to with anything but a tilted head and unimpressed expression. Unlike most of the girls who received such a gesture from Jace Herondale she just brushed it off which had Simon thinking.

Clary found it odd her mom hadn't caught on to her golden addiction. Always believing she and Simon were having a sleepover or going to The Pandemonium Club late on a Friday night when really she was with Jace. Clary thought at least her step father, Luke, would have caught on.

The class went by quickly, Simon discretely texting the girl beside him though her mind seemed to be elsewhere. Elsewhere being the schools golden boy.

Simon: Omg you've been sleeping with Jace HERONDALE! Haven't you!

Clary's lips were sealed tightly shut, as if she were about to burst due to embarrassment, her cheeks glowing a bright shade of cherry red.

Clary: Yeah… but it's a long story. We just fit together really well you know and he's so addicting.

Simon wanted to barf, an intense wave of jealously falling over him.

Simon: I wish this were a verbal conversation so I could have interrupted you 12 words ago! EW!

Clary turned to face Simon, giving him 'the look', the one she gave him whenever he was being over dramatic. Doing a vomiting motion to make her laugh he was relieved when he'd succeeded, despite the fact that his heart was aching at the thought of her with someone else.

Clary's day went by in the blink of an eye, her sneakers pattering against the wet concrete path as she and Simon parted ways. She was soaked and wished she had brought an umbrella like a smart person would have done. Running her hands through her red curls in the corner of her eyes Clary spotted something. No someone.

He was standing in the rain just like her, completely drenched. Haltering to a stop she tried to recognise the person staring at her. He was in between two small buildings and leaning against the brick wall of one of them. His dark eyes, dark hair and distinct features revealing who he was.

Sebastian Verlac, her elementary school protector, middle school bully and high school stranger. He was a junior, if Clary remembered clearly, only a year or so older than herself.

"Sebastian." She called out, confused as to why his eyes were fixed on her and her alone. A raindrop fell just above her eye right in that moment, Clary attempting to blink it away but when she looked at Sebastian again he was nowhere to be seen and Clary was once again alone in the street.

"Luke, not now okay." Clary heard Jocelyn's voice from outside the wooden door of their small apartment.

"You know what this means? You can't just ignore this she isn't a little girl anymore." Luke said, his voice pleading yet tired. Clary would have entered but she knew the both would stop whatever conversation they were having and Clary was almost certain it was about her.

"Yes I can, Valentine isn't important anymore, I took care of it." There was silence for a good 30 seconds until Clary pushed open the door, being faced with her parents. Her mom looked up, a letter in her hand that Clary was tempted to ask about. Jocelyn's gaze seemed effortless as the older woman stared at the sophomore.

"Is everything alright?" Jocelyn shook her head.

"Is it? Where were you last night?" Alarm bells went off in Clary's mind, imagining all the possible consequences of her next few words.

"I was at Simon's remember." Clary said, wishing she was a better liar.

"I called Simon's mom because we needed you home last night and she told me you weren't there. Don't lie to us Clary." Luke's voice was full of authority but Clary couldn't take her stepfather seriously at that moment because clearly she wasn't the only one keeping secrets.

"You want to know what I was doing last night? Why don't you tell me what you were just talking about and we can trade stories?" Clary spoke, almost proud at how strong she sounded.

"Clary…" Jocelyn trailed off.

"No, okay, I'll see you in the morning then." Clary practically stormed off into her room, the newly 16 year old furious with her parents. They couldn't expect her to tell the complete truth if they wouldn't do the same.

Night came too quickly, her homework was finished and about 4 complete and detailed drawings lay on her desk before she decided to go to sleep, Jocelyn nor Luke had attempted to come in and talk or yell at her so she took that as a win. But sometime as she was laying in her decent sized bed she realised how lonely she felt. How she missed the smell of the teenage boy who she had shared a bed with the previous night.

Jumping off the mattress Clary pulled on a pair of jeans and a large winter coat, heading over to the window and into the cold night.

Alec Lightwood like many teenagers was not quite comfortable admitting his sexuality. But as he lay in his boyfriends arms he couldn't help but feel complete serene and at peace with who he was. Magnus shifted under him, the older boy's fingers running through his black hair as if to usher him into sleep.

"You know I have to go soon right. It's 11." He whispered into Magnus' bare chest. Magnus Bane was a high school dropout, didn't care much for the education system, swore it was ridiculous they didn't let you where glitter to school, or at least the amount of glitter he wore. Somehow though, without a job (at least a job that Alec was aware of) he had a lot of money. And a cat. A cat that was incredibly fond of the senior.

"Don't go." Magnus whispered, his hands trailing down from Alec hair to his chin. "Stay Alexander."

"I have to go." Alec insisted. "Unlike some, I have a curfew."

"You're 18 why do you need a curfew?" Red creeped onto Alec's cheeks.

"Because I still live with my parents." The boy replied, getting off the bed and sorting through the pile of clothes on the messy floor to find his sweater. Magnus' apartment was a complete dump in Alec's unexpressed opinion. He left everything everywhere.

The raven haired man collected the rest of his things, beginning to walk out the door before two strong arms wrapped around his stomach and pulled him close.

"You have to say goodbye first though darling." Magnus muttered, his lips close to Alec's ear. Alec's blue eyes dropped in exasperation.

"But you know that whenever I say goodbye I just stay longer."

"Exactly." Magnus said cheerily. "Just stay with me for one night."

"I can't." Alec turned, giving Magnus a one sided peck on the lips than looking at him upset when he didn't kiss him back, the older boy pouting at Alec instead. "Come on Magnus don't be like that." He tried to kiss him again but Magnus just bit his lip and pulled away. "I love you." Alec said finally, knowing that was all he could do before leaving in a hurry.

Magnus just glared at the door, feeling like Alec thought staying with him wasn't an option and wishing his boyfriend would just admit who he was to his parents.

Clary was woken abruptly but a slamming door, Jace striding into the room with his usual grace.

"What are you doing here?" He asked from the kitchen as Clary rubbed her green eyes, sitting up in the bed and pulling the sheets away. She crossed her legs and played with the hem on one of Jace's long sleeve shirts she had put on the previous night when she had gotten cold.

"Had a fight with my parents. I didn't really want to be at home." Clary admitted. Jace flashed her an almost wicked grin, walking over to the bed.

"Want to talk about it." His smirk grew as his golden eyes flickered with mischief.

"And by talk about it you mean have sex." Jace shrugged.

"Well, isn't that what we do? I mean who doesn't enjoy all this?" Jace motioned to himself with his hands. Leaning down on the bed before her.

"You are so full of yourself." She pushed past him with a slight laugh and headed for the fridge. Jace rolled his eyes playfully.

"Okay so what happened?"

"You really want to know?"

"Well we never said relieving stress had to be expressed in just sex, why not tell me?" Clary frowned, that was actually very true. "I'll even throw in breakfast."

"You can cook?" Jace nodded.

"Better than my sister can." She supressed a laugh, very aware of how terrible Isabelle Lightwood was at cooking. It wasn't often but every now and then Jace's anger or stress would be because of his siblings and he had once whispered something about how dangerous her cooking was.

As Jace wondered around the kitchen and grabbed all the ingredients he needed for pancakes Clary recalled her story. Smiling brightly when he slid a plate in front of her. If she were being honest she felt better, not just because she'd told him about everything but because for some reason the golden boy just made her world a little bit brighter.

"Thanks." She mumbled, grabbing another pancake.

"Thank me later." Jace replied and Clary raised a dark eyebrow. "You said you wanted to give us a real shot. Well I'm taking you out somewhere today." He said in matter-of-fact manner.

"Oh really? What about school Jace?" She pondered, not objecting when he leaned closer from the stool he was sitting on as both ate at the kitchen bench.

"Well I guess we'll just have to ditch." Clary grinned, liking that idea.

"Okay." She agreed. "But first you have to tell me why your fridge always has mangoes in it." Jace threw his head back in laughter and Clary couldn't help but think his smile was the most beautiful thing she had ever set her eyes upon.

Chapter 1 is finished! I'll be updating every Sunday to Monday if anyone was wondering and I plan to make other chapters longer but I just felt this one needed to end here. I hope everyone who read this enjoyed and if you have any thoughts on the story you'd like to share please don't hesitate :P Thank you for reading!
