READERS YOU NEED TO READ THIS NOTE: Okay guys... I feel so bad I can't even tell you. I really can't. I love all of you so much, so it's hard for me to say that this is the end... I'm sorry, so sorry. I'm going to give you an in-depth summary of what was supposed to happen, but it's been so long and I can't remember a lot of the plot details I had planned, so I hope you'll bear with me. I've got a lot going on right now, starting at my local junior college and trying to rewrite an original manuscript, on top of some personal issues. But let's get started, yeah?

Pregnant Severus is adorabel and temperamental, always demanding and scowling and ordering students about — and the students never question him because it's Snape and no student questions him without losing house points. He finds himself seeking cuddles and touch from Harry as the pregnancy progresses, something he sometimes despises about himself.

Severus and Harry stay locked away for most of the pregnancy, fearing an attack should they go out in public, and their fears are confirmed when they attend a mandatory meeting at the Ministry of Magic and are attacked. AFter being struck with a spell, complications arise that put the baby in jeapordy. Fortunately for everyone, Poppy is the best medi-witch in magical Britain, and ensures the baby's overall health, however cannot say whether or not the baby will be born with disabilities.

The baby is born a squib.

Severus and Harry decided not to tell anyone until the child's sixth birthday, the common age for accidental magic to begin making appearances, and only tell a select group. Hermione and Remus are supportive, as is McGonagall.

It takes a bit of research but with Hermione and Remus' help they find out what happened to Eileen. They find out that Eileen had sought out help from Dumbledore when Tobias began abusing her, only for the wizard to tell her that he was "legally bound" and couldn't do anything to help her. This she understood since she was mated, and married to, Tobias. But when Severus was born, and Tobias got worse, she went to Dumbledore again, only for him to outright refuse to place the child in a safe home. Sixteen years later Severus killed Tobias after his mother's death. Dumbledore also arranged the marriage between Aurora Ting (Narcissa) and Lucius.

Hermione begins to take action in wooing Remus, knowing the werewolf to be shy — and knowing that he'd feel bad about the age difference. The two get over their differences and mate and marry happily, with a proud Harry walking her down the aisle. In the front row Severus sits with a baby on his hip, one hand resting low on his abdomen and hinting toward a second child. Hermione and Remus can't wait to have their own.

Ronald ended up being banned from the magical U.K. after pulling several stunts with an anti-creature group and attacking Hermione and Remus while Severus and Harry were in the building. He migrated to America, severely injured, where he looked into a job as an Auror for M.A.C.U.S.A.. No one has heard from him nor has there been news of him since.

McGonagall became headmistress and appointed Remus the permant position of D.A.D.A. teacher, much to his and Hermione's joy. Hermione herself became the head of Ravenclaw House, and the new Charms teacher after Flitwick offered it to her.

I've got an idea for a sequel too, if you guys want to keep reading. I can come up with ideas but I can't seem to write them so... someone else feel free to write this as an idea.

Draco is shunned for his past after the war, and goes into hiding, living under a new name, using the Malfoy vaults at Gringotts to pay his modest life. He works as an translator, working with old spellbooks in forgotten languages and converting them to common languages. He uses the money from his work to start a vault to pay for schooling for his future children — if he has them.

An attack on the small town leads to Draco being bitten by a Naga, something he was unaware had been nearby — for a moment he thought bitterly of the wards on the Malfoy Manor that would've alerted him. He quickly shuts down those thoughts, reminding himself that he was lucky to escape with his life, even more lucky to have been mostly unscathed.

His re-entrance into the magical world isn't taken well, and he finds himself shunned by even the healers he visited to get advice on how to treat a Naga bite. They give him a phamplet and tell him to come if he has any questions.

He returns the next week, with a long list of questions. The healers answer a few before telling him to leave, that they have an appointment with "The Boy Who Won" and his mate. Draco leaves angrily, wondering whether or not other healers would be kinder — he doubts it.

While walking along Diagon alley, he spots a carriage pulled by Thestral, thinking back on the death's he'd unwillingly witnessed that had lead to his ability to see the horse-like creatures. his attention however was drawn to the little girl wandering out in front of the speeding thestrals's path.

His instinct acts before his brain — pupils enlongationg as his eyes flash gold, his body launching itself to grab the girl and move her from harm's way. The sting of cobble stones doesn't bother him, but the whimpering five-year-old in his arms does. He shushes her with soft hisses of reassurance, inquiring as to where her parents are, the little girl directing him to the hospital.

He enters and before he can say anything, the nurses are running from the room, presumably to fetch the girl's parents. A few seconds later, the door across the room is blown open, a furious Harry Potter striding through, followed closely by Severus. The little girl is snatched from him by his godfather, the man stroking the girls hair to calm her in the presence of her father's anger.

After a short confrontation with Harry, which is ended by the little girl, Draco is forced into polite small talk, saying that he'd been at the hospital once that day and had only come back to return the girl, Sibyl. Severus convinces him into admitting why he'd at the hospital in the first place, reavealing he's now a Naga, although the transformation isn't complete.

Harry grudgingly invites him to stay at Hogwarts, where both he and Severus teach, and Draco hesitantly agrees, fearing that perhaps it may be a trap. But the happiness in his godfather's eyes at the acceptance dissapates his fears.

Draco ends up finding his place at Hogwarts as his change into a Naga is completed, and he finds himself seeking out his old enemy more and more often, enjoying the talks they have, challenging his brain as it hasn't been challenged for years. When he confesses his self-doubts and hatred, Harry is shocked, quickly taking him under his wing (figuratively guys, figuratively. No one but Sevvie get's to see Harry's real wings) and caring for him, bringing him into the family.

That Christmas, Draco gets a green, knitted sweater with the letter 'D' on it, and he nearly breaks down in tears, remembering all the times he'd teased the others about their sweaters — and now he had one.

He supposed the biggest shock, and best surprise, for him is when Hermione and Remus announced their first pregnancy two years after he'd joined the little family. No, that's not right. The pregnancy wasn't the surprise.

The surprise was when Remus and Hermione asked him to be the child's godfather.

Okay guys, this is the end... I'm sorry I couldn't finish this. I really enjoyed writing it, but right now I've got lots of stuff on my plate. I can't say for sure, but maybe one day I'll come back and finish this. I don't want to leave you guys with just this as an ending, but for now I must. I love you guys.

All of my love and apologies,

- Flower