Hi guys! Here I come with the first chapter of my new fic!

I didn't had time to rewrite Upside Down, and this one has a few chapters ahead too so I'll keep this up for a while ok?

So, a few things here that I changed from the canon story:

1- On Namek Arc they went to the space with a ship built by Bulma, not on Kami's ship.

2- They think Cell is an alien; it'll have an explanation though the story.

I think that is it. If I need to tell something more I'll do on future chapters!

Disclaimer: I don't own DB or DBZ! Just this crazy idea.

The wanted

Chapter 1

"Today is a great day for the whole world. To explain why, we call Dr. Wickey!" Cheers could be heard coming out of the TV sound, the audience going crazy all over the man. He walked into the stage with firm steps, showing that he was utterly confident about himself. His white and gray hair was tied in a low ponytail, his sunglasses covering his eyes, and a wide open smile crossed his face as he stopped in front of the mic that was on the middle of the stage.

"As you can see Keyn, the world has been in danger since the arrival of aliens, the most recently being Cell. The world greatest authorities had signed up the document that allowed us to initiate our project, and after a few years of research and a lot of time spent in getting samples of DNA, we bring to you guys the first generation of robots!" The tall man gestured to a huge curtain behind him, and with a big grin on his face he pulled it open. There was four lines of robots, all of them in a silver human skeleton; their eyes as red as blood, they all had a dangerous aura together with their huge height. "I present you: the Keepers!" As the crowd cheered up, Gohan frowned worried at the TV. Would his family and friends be fine? The DNA they collected had to be from them, their fights usually let a lot of blood, hair and stuff. He had to hope that they didn't have anything to link them to that. He knew Piccolo and Dende were going to be fine, for now at least, since no one knew about the temple, but Vegeta was a problem alone; the prince just couldn't hold his instincts back. His thoughts were turned off when he heard the man talk once again, after his public got quiet.

"You guys may be thinking: but he has proof that aliens are here?" The crowd was still quiet, and the house he was too, at least until Erasa spoke.

"I hope they have it. Otherwise they spent our money for nothing." Gohan looked at her worried; he sure wanted that they didn't. But again, what they would possibly have?

"They have." Videl spoke and Gohan gulped in fear. "As my father won against Cell, they did the test on us first. They suspected that we were aliens because of his strength, but he is just human. We asked for proofs of their doing and they showed us some pictures..." Gohan frowned as his worries just grew. But he also knew that if it was something about him, he would have been already caught.

"Yes we have. Please look at the screen over there." The white screen at the side of the stage made a bright light before an ancient space ship was shown. From the deteriorate state and the form of it Gohan was sure it was the previews Kami ship. Worried he bites his lips. "This is the oldest ship we've found until now, some pieces were already damaged beyond repair, but it helped us to get some DNA; we suspect it has over than 500 years." He then pressed a button and the slide changed. Now was a small ship, not known by the half saiyan. "We suspect this is from 50 years ago, the time was nicer to it than the previews one and it had actually pieces of skin inside." Gohan frowned; so as he suspected there were another aliens beside them. The new slide made him wide his eyes open as he recognized it: it was a sphere with a red glass in sphere format; it couldn't be from Raditz because it was destroyed, so it was his own father's. "This one is more recent, as we managed to translate the language we could find that it came to earth 36 years ago." Everyone was in silence and the next slide was a video, what made Gohan immediately hold his breath. The video was about Raditz, his uncle, Piccolo and his father fighting to rescue him as a kid. As it was made by a satellite, the image wasn't very clean, but for Gohan, it was clear as a day. He just couldn't forget something like being kidnaped and watching his father die before his eyes. "As you see, it seems that they were having personal problems, and it could be worse for us, humans." Gohan bite the interior of his mouth when he heard that. 'They don't know anything at all. Stupids.' The next video was better, since it was made by a cellphone of a survivor of the disaster at Western Capital. The half alien looked away from the TV with a frown as he saw two ships colliding with a city, Vegeta and Nappa well seen on the screen destroying the place. "As you can see, they are dangerous, but for some reason they vanished. We couldn't find these two anywhere on the planet." Gohan could see Bulma hitting Vegeta now and a smile crossed his face.

"What are you grinning for brains?" Sharpener asked rising an eyebrow.

"Nothing, something came to my mind just now." The blonde boy raised one eyebrow, and would talk again if it wasn't for the female voice that came right after Gohan spoke.

"Be quiet! I wanna see it." Erasa made both look at the screen again. The images kept going and were getting better in terms of quality and that worried the half alien. They also had a pic of Feeeza and the ruler's father, together with mirai Trunks. As that time they were hid, the Z group didn't show up in the pics, and for a change he was happy that the future person wouldn't be living the hell he was sure they'd from now on. A few images of other supposed aliens were shown and Gohan had to be sorry for them; he felt guilty to be partly responsible of the humans' discovery, before Cell they didn't really hid their power. The picture that troubled the teen more was some of the Cell's game; again from a satellite so it wasn't a clear image, and it helped to easy his heart a little, even with Wickey talking something about Vegeta. When the slides were over, it was time to turn on the Keepers; he could feel, even at a distance the ki of some people rise in fear; he could say that his was up too, but he managed to keep his 'cool' face. Pressing the button to ON, the robot's eyes shined in a red light, their skeletons shacked a bit for movement, and after a few minutes they started to scan everyone on the audience, and unfortunately there was an alien among the humans. Gohan had to hold his instincts to go and protect the poor man, which like him looked human, as he was grabbed by any possible ways by the robots and once he wasn't able to move anymore, he got some kind of injection that made him fall asleep.

"OMG! There was one watching it!" Erasa put her hand on her mouth, Videl was smiling and Sharpener kinda felt sorry for the man as he didn't had a chance against the giant robot. Now Gohan was sure: they were in big trouble.

The next morning was like hell. ChiChi didn't want to let him go to school, but he knew that if he didn't, his friends would think 'he didn't come anymore right after the robots are on? He must be one of them!' So in the end she let him go, but she was still unsure of it.

"Just take care ok? We can't have you taken to who knows where..." He understood his mother's concern, and he would be lying if he said he wasn't worried too, but it wasn't like he had a choice. Gohan usually went flying until he was near the city, and once there he'd use his jet, that Bulma gave as a birthday present, to get to school. This time, to be cautious, he used the yellow cloud, Nimbus, to get to the city. He immediately saw a lot of robots on the streets as he flew with his jet through the city, scanning people and even getting some aliens. Once near the school, he landed in a space reserved for student's jets. Right after he put it back into a capsule, and into his bag, he saw his friends and after a deep breath he walked to them.

"Hey guys." He said smiling making them smile too.

"It'd be a good morning if it wasn't for these robots waking up everyone to do their scan." Videl said a little upset, but the smile was still on her face.

"Come on, it's for our safety." Erasa said putting her hands on her friend's shoulder, making Videl giggle a bit. Sharpener on the other side sighed; he wasn't all happy with the robots.

"Yeah, but they still could be nicer to the aliens. I mean, what is the need to get them by brutal force?" Gohan raised an eyebrow in surprise; he wasn't expecting that his male friend had this side. He always saw Sharpener as a bully and lover for martial arts.

"You'll need to be scanned before getting into the gates Gohan." That made his attention goes to Videl, away from his own thoughts.

"Huh? Why?" He scratched the back of his head in innocence and his friends sweat dropped. He could be really dense sometimes.

"Really? The outsiders' students have to be scanned because they don't live in the cities. They don't have enough robots to scan the whole planet at once. Yet." He blinked and smiled knowing that for now his family was safe, at least until they found his house.

"Sorry, I kinda forgot that." As they walked near the gates he could feel his heart racing. He needed to calm down; he was only half alien, so no big deal right? He wouldn't get caught, right? He took a deep breath before walking near the tall metal skeleton, attracting Videl's attention. The girl frowned a bit as she glared at her friend 'Is he… nervous?'

*Scanning – beep *

The red eyes shined, a wide laser could be seen. The scan started, the red light went first on his head; passing by his whole body, and once on his foots it turned off. Gohan was trying his best to not yell and ran away from there; the waiting was killing him, even though it was only a few seconds. For him it was an eternity.

*Beep – human*

His shoulders fell off, a sigh of relief come to his lips; it was as if a huge stone was lifted from his back, and a genuine smile crossed his features.

"Seems like I'm human after all guys." He said playfully and Erasa giggled.

"That's good to hear cutie." Gohan scratched his head; he really liked Erasa, but she already made it clear that she feel disgust for aliens. That just made him think how she'd react if she found out about him…

"Ok, let's go or we'll be late." Sharpener said getting closer to his male friend, while putting his arms around Gohan's shoulders with a smile. The half-breed giggled; they had their differences but it was good to have friends the same age as him.

"Gohan, were you worried?" Videl asked walking by their side with raised eyebrows showing concern, it made the boy flinch; he wasn't hiding his feelings properly then?

"No, why?" He looked at her with the best poker face he could do, and it seemed to work out fine, as Videl shrugged. In fact she didn't really believed in him, but she trusted enough on him to feel that he'd say if it was something important. She decided to play instead.

"Huh, I thought you were afraid of robots." At that the group of friends smirked. Gohan blinked, remembering seven years ago when he fought the androids. He sure had a bad story with robots. 'If only you knew…'

"Yeah they are all evil robots that came to conquer earth and are slowly getting over the planet." He said playfully with his own memories, and while walking away no one really saw the Keeper that scanned him paralyzed, it was like the robot was still analyzing his data.

*Beep – Alien*


That's it! I hope you all liked it, sorry for my bad English once more. My beta is too busy so I didn't want to annoy her… so… well.

Please read and review! Let me know what you thought about it! See you all on the next chapter!