Welcome to my story, everyone!
This is a Harry Potter / Aliens vs Predator crossover.
I don't know much about the Predators, so if someone can give me some Predator names to work with or some of their languages would be a big help!
Summary: Kacela Potter was not, in fact, Lily Potters daughter no she was in fact, the Goddess Kali's daughter. After becoming Sterile due to a potion accident James and Lily Prayed for a child until one of the gods answered. Now a 14-years-old she is dragged on an adventure with her adopted sister and mother to an unknown temple.
Kacela Potter-Woods: She is the daughter of James Potter and adopted daughter of Lily Potter, her real mother is the Goddess Kali (Looks like the one off Smite the Default skin) she was born with a second pair of arms and thicker skin than most humans. When the Dark Lord killed her parents she was taken by Sirius and given to Lilly's other family friend Alexa Woods, Alexa helped Kacela keep her heritage hidden until they went to the Antarctica.
Zarola Woods: She is Kacela younger technically half-sister and adopted daughter to Alexa, she like Kacela is a girl with a human father but a Goddess mother. Her mother is also Kali who at the time had heard her parents prayers and decided to give her first daughter (Kacela) a younger sibling and so gifted Zarola's parents with a child, she was taken in by Lex when a car crash killed her parents. Zarola like Kacela has a second pair of arms and thicker skin.
I do NOT own Harry Potter or Aliens vs Predators! I only own my Ocs and story idea.
Also, what should I name the Predators in this story? Let me know in the Reviews
CHAPTER 1: Meet the girls
"Come on girls! Only a few more feet to the top!" A female voice yelled while climbing up the icy cliff face, the voice belonged to 28-year-old Alexa Woods or Lex as she likes to be called.
"We hear you loud and clear!" A younger female voice yelled back up, this voice belonged to 14-year-old Kacela Potter-Woods as she climbed up after her mother.
The girls raven black hair was in a braid as she climbed with a pair of sunglasses over her emerald green eyes, she was tall for her age being taller than the average 14-year-old being 5 foot making her look older than she really was.
"Yeah! And so does my freezing behind!" Another voice yelled below Kacela, this voice belonged to 13-year-old Zarola younger adopted sister to Kacela and adopted daughter to Lex.
Kacela chuckles as she glanced down at her sister to see her ink black hair in a ponytail with ice blue eyes, she had on thick layers of clothing to keep her warm. Kacela smirks as she waited for her sister to catch up a little while catching her own breath.
*Beep Beep!* Kacela jumped at the sudden sound as she looked up to where the source was coming from only to hear her mother on the phone, Kacela frowns at this, who would call them way out here?
Kacela did a quick glance at her sister who was now waiting right under her, Kacela sent her a nod before climbing after their mother. As they both got closer they could hear their mothers replies.
"When? And I'm bringing my daughters, they have just as much as experience as I do," Lex said as she neared the top of the cliff.
"Tomorrow's gonna be a problem. Take us a week to get back to the world," Lex said as she made it to the top with Kacela and Zarola.
"He said he didn't have a week," A male voice reached the young girl's ears as they watched their mother climb on top of the ice edge before helping them up.
Kacela raised an eyebrow when she saw a man standing in front of a helicopter with a phone in his hands, she looked at her mother with a confused look.
"Who is this guy?" Zarola asked while looking the guy over, she couldn't see any weapons on him.
"This is Maxwell Stafford, he's our escort," Lex said as she looked at her daughters before saying "I'll explain everything on the way there,"
Kacela nods but eyed the man in front of them with suspicion, something felt off here and she did not like it! Not one bit!
Zarola yawns as she slept next to her sister on the helicopter while Lex sat next to the right window of the helicopter, Lex smiles as she watched her daughters sleep. Even though they weren't her biological daughters, Lex treated them like they were her own.
Sometimes it was hard to raise two daughters of a female goddess's and magical parents, she still remembered the day when Kacela's mother Lily Potter an old friend of hers had rung her up one early morning to tell her the news that she was a Godmother now and fainting shortly after the news. Oh how Lily teased her for days about it, Lex was just glad that the family friend of Lily was able to get Kacela to her safely before delivering the news of Lily's death to her.
It had saddened her greatly and at the time she was also trying to get over the death of another family friend of hers, said family friends were the parents of Zarola who was in fact, Kacela's 'half-sister' in a way since they both had the same goddess mother. But Lex managed to pull through and raise the girls the best she could, she had a few hard times mostly with hiding the girls um..heritage but it was a great joy to watch them grow up.
The sound of beeping made Lex jump snapping her from her thoughts as she looked around the helicopter, only to see the other guy who had gotten on the helicopter with them. Oh right, she had almost forgotten about him but she was busy helping her daughters at the time since they were uneasy when the ride started.
"Wha?" A low groan was heard as Kacela started to wake up from her short sleep, the flash of the camera had woken both girls up.
Lex sighs as the man also took notice of the awakening girls, "Oh! I'm sorry, I should've, um, switched the flash off," He said as he looked his camera over.
Kacela stretched as she yawns this also knocked the magazine off of her lap, she had been reading it when they boarded the helicopter but soon got bored of it.
The man saw this so he leaned down and picked the magazine up saying "There's your magazine, excuse me,"
Lex nods saying "That's Ok," At least this man was nice as she placed the magazine on the seat.
The man nods as he lifted his camera up with a hint of fatherly pride said "I'm documenting the trip for my boys, this is them,"
He showed the picture on the screen of a woman and two young boys either side of her, all three were smiling at the camera.
"Jacob and Scotty," The man said as he pointed to the two boys from right to left, Lex smiles at this somewhat glad to have a fellow parent around on this trip.
"Would you mind taking a picture? Just wanna show them that their dad wasn't always so boring," The man asks as Lex nods saying "Sure," she took the camera and held it ready to take a picture.
"Smile," Lex said as the man nods, but Lex took the picture as the man looked out the window but it still made a good picture.
"Here you go," Lex said as she handed the camera back, the man nods as he took it back before holding out his hand in greeting.
"I'm Graeme Miller, I'm a chemical engineer," The now named Miller said as Lex leaned over and shook his hand.
"I'm Alexa Woods, environmental technician, and guide," She said before looking at her daughters saying "And these two are my daughters, Kacela on the right and Zarola on the left,"
Miller smirks as he looked at both girls, in his opinion they were both adorable but held a mature edge to them. But he did wonder why they were on the expedition.
"Who's their father?" Miller asked as he looked at Lex, who shook her head saying "There my adopted daughters I'm their godmother, I took them in when their parents died,"
Miller nods at this, before changing the subject he didn't want to bring up bad memories for the small family in front of him. While the two parents talked Kacela was talking with her sister, both girls were slightly bored and wanting to stretch their limbs but due to being in the air and having another person on the helicopter was not a good idea.
Zarola sighs as she felt the helicopter shake as they hit turbulence, she then took note of the man she had heard say his name it was Millen? Micky? No, Oh It was Miller! Right, anyway he was buckling up. Looking at her family she saw them doing the same, with a shrug she copied she just wanted to land and get the cramps out of her arms.
"Here we are," Lex said as they entered a big room, it was a four person room and big enough for the trio.
"Finally!" Zarola yelled as she tossed her bag on the second bed and took off her jacket, she was closely followed by Kacela who was also taking off her jacket.
Lex chuckles as she closed the door making sure it was locked she turned to see her daughter's coats hit the floor as a second pair of arms unwrapped themselves from the girl's waists, Lex smiles as she watched Kacela and Zarola stretch out all of their limbs the two daughters of Kali smiled as they looked around the room.
"Man! That feels much better!" Zarola said as she flexed her second pair of arms, she hated hiding her arms.
"Does anyone else have a strange feeling about this whole thing?" Kacela asked as she crossed her four arms both under and over her chest.
Lex nods saying "Something big is coming, be on your guard and use the lessons you've learned from your Mama," Lex said as she looked at her watch.
"We will," The sister's said as they went to unpack their clothing while Lex went to the meeting, she would tell her daughters all of the details later she would leave unpacking to them knowing how boring meetings made them.
She did not want her daughters getting board and breaking out into a fight and destroying the ship, it always happened when the two of them got bored.
How is it?
I have yet to work out who I'm pairing the girls with, I'll think of something sooner or later.
In the next chapter, the girls learn of the reason why they are in the Antarctic.
SaberbladePrime signing out!