A/N: So, today is my birthday and I decided to gift to, as well as me... the 13th and FINAL chapter of this story! I had so much fun writing this and I hope you all enjoyed it! I tried to put in as much of the BatB story as possible, but obviously, I had to change a few things around. I have another fic in the works, but I want write it out a bit more before I start posting it, so keep on on the lookout! ~HufflepuffMommy

As Hermione professed her love, and Draco lay there, lifeless, Mrs. Malfoy rolled up slowly on her tea cart. She had seen the whole thing and glanced over at the rose, noting that the last petal had fallen.

They were too late.

Sadly, she rolled out slowly out of the room.

The only sound that could be heard in the room was Hermione's sobs.

But then, Draco started to glow. Hermione lifted her head and gasped as she stood up.

Draco's body lifted from the floor and the glowing emanating from him seemed to get brighter and brighter, until she was forced to close her eyes.

When she opened them again, Draco, the real Draco, lay on the floor where his beast form once was, and was stirring slightly.

She stood back, unsure if she should go him, as he rolled over onto his stomach and pushed himself up slowly. He glanced at his hands, then down at his body before turning around quickly, his eyes locking on Hermione's.

"It's…it's me. It's really me," he said in disbelief.

Hermione's eyes watered as she smile and nodded. "Yes, it is. You broke the curse."

Draco walked straight up to her and crushed his lips onto hers.

"No, you broke the curse. It was all you," he said, kissing her feverishly.

"Me?" she asked, breathlessly. "But how-"

"It was a love curse. It could only be broken if I could find love, and have them love me in return," He lifted his head and looked into her eyes again. "I never told you that because I wanted to love me on your terms, and not be influenced by some stupid curse."

Hermione's arms wrapped around his middle and she hugged him tight. He returned the gesture and they stood there, swaying on the spot, breathing in each others scent and relishing in each others warmth.

They were interrupted when Harry ran into the room, looking frantic.

"Hermione!" he said. "There you are!" He stopped, noting that she was wrapped around Malfoy. "Malfoy? Is that really you?"

Draco nodded as Hermione smiled, letting go of Draco to give Harry a hug. "Sorry if I worried you, Harry. Cormac attacked Draco and then- oh no, Cormac! He fell over the side-"

"He's fine," Harry said quickly. "I saw him falling and caught him before he reached the ground. He'll be heading to Azkaban as soon as we clear out of here."

Hermione sighed, relieved, then looked over at the door as someone else entered.

"Mother," Draco said, walking over to the tall, blond woman who was looking at everything in disbelief.

Hermione smiled as she watched Draco and his mother, happy to see that everyone was back to normal.

When Narcissa finally let go of her son, she looked over at Hermione and smiled. She walked over to the brunette and, without a word, hugged her as well, shocking everyone in the room.

"Thank you," she whispered.

Hermione squeezed her eyes shut and returned the hug.

When they finally released each other, Draco walked up next to Hermione, slipping his hand into hers, interlocking their fingers together.

Harry looked at the three other people in the room before fidgeting and scratching his head. "Well, I need to get going. McLaggen is downstairs in a full body bind and I should probably take him into the Ministry."

As Harry walked out, Narcissa looked at her son and Hermione. "Well, I think the first thing I'm going to do, now that I'm back to myself, is have a nice, long bath. I'll see you two later?"

At their nod, she kissed her son's cheek and squeezed Hermione's hand before leaving.

Alone again, Draco tugged at Hermione's hand and led her to one of the sofa's in his room.

"So what's the first thing you want to do now that you're back to normal?" Hermione asked.

Draco grinned and leaned over to kiss her softly. Hermione giggled and pushed him back slightly. "I'm serious," she said.

"Well, probably a shower without having use a whole container of conditioning potion, and then maybe, go out? Take a walk in Diagon Alley. Visit the bookstore, the quidditch shop...get a new wand." He looked over at Hermione, moving a wayward strand of hair behind her ear and rubbing his thumb against her cheek. "Would you care to join me?"

She smiled at him, turning her head slightly to kiss the palm of his hand. "I'd love too.

They kissed again, softly and slowly, both not wanting to take it any further just yet.

Hermione rubbed her thumb along his chin when they broke apart and she frowned.

"What?" he asked.

"Well, I was wondering," she looked up into his steel grey eyes and asked very seriously. "What would you think about growing a beard? I've grown rather used to how you looked the past few months and-"

She was cut off by his lips crushing hers and she could have sworn she heard him growl.

The following winter found the couple strolling down Diagon Alley hand in hand. They nodded and smiled as they passed by other witches and wizards and Draco shook his head. "I don't know if I can ever get used to people treating me this way…"

"In what way? Cordially?" Hermione asked.

Draco nodded and Hermione halted their steps. She placed both her gloved hands on his face and looked him straight in the eyes. "They are treating you this way because you've earned it, Draco Malfoy. You're the one who has set up homes for those who lost theirs in the war. You're the one who started up the company Malfoy's Potions and deliver them worldwide to all the wizarding hospitals for free. You're the one who donated money to St. Mungo's to go towards the mental health ward. You're the one who-"

"Ok, ok I get it," said Draco, chuckling lightly and blushing a bit. He leaned down and kissed Hermione softy. "You know I couldn't have done any of it without you, right?"

"That's what makes us such a great team," she said, beaming up at him.

Draco stared into her eyes for a moment before nodding to himself. He reached into his pocket and produced a small, velvet box and lifted it up to her eye level.

"What's… that?" she whispered.

"I've been waiting for the perfect time to give this to you. I thought maybe Christmas, but that was too cliche. I thought maybe New Years, after I kissed you, but again, cliche. I thought about Valentine's Day, but that's just too damn far away for me to wait to ask if you'd be my wife," he said breathlessly.

He stepped closer to her, resting his forehead against hers as they both watched him open the box. Hermione gasped at the ring inside. It was gold, with a ruby stone in the middle and emeralds down the side. It resembled, well... a rose.*

She finally tilted her head up to at him again. A smile formed on her face as she went on her tiptoes and kissed him softly.

"Yes," she whispered.

They were so close together, that even though they were in the middle of the sidewalk, surrounded by people, that no one knew what was happening.

Draco took the ring out of the box while Hermione took off her glove. The ring fit perfectly when Draco slipped it on.

Hermione threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. When she pulled away, she was wiping away tears from her face, but she was smiling.

They both turned back to the direction they were previously going, hand in hand again, and started to walk when an old woman pushing a wooden trolley cart suddenly stopped in front of them.

"I see congratulations are in order," she said. He handed Draco a rose and winked at him. "She is a beauty, Mr. Malfoy."

Before he could form a response, the old woman walked away.

Draco and Hermione looked at each other in disbelief.

"Was that…?" she asked.

"I think so," he said.

They both looked in the direction the elderly witch had taken, only to find that she had disappeared.

They looked at each other again, and smiled. Draco handed Hermione the rose and she inhaled the sweet fragrance.

They continued their walk, smiling to themselves. Draco heard Hermione chuckle and say, "I should write a book about this whole adventure. I have the perfect title for it too." She looked over at him, her eyes twinkling with laughter. "Beauty... and the Beast."


I know that ending was a tad cheesy, but I just loved it haha

*This is the ring that Draco gave Hermione: