Sorry I know I said I was going to type up the next chapter of The Gold Dragon and the Black tiger but nothing is coming to me so I'm giving you guys a brand new White Rose Modern AU fanfiction with slight Role Reversal.

Enjoy and review

The Ticket

"How is she so good at playing the violin?" Weiss sighed dreamily as she watched a music video of her favourite artist for the umpteenth time that day. Dancing across her laptop screen while playing the violin was a young woman in what Weiss would call a punk rocker outfit, her black red-tipped hair pulled into a small ponytail revealing a slightly shaved undercut with a rose design on the nape. But what really stood out from the outfit was the silver wolf mask the girl always wore in her videos.

Silver Wolf was the name of the artist, of course it wasn't her real name. Which Weiss had always wondered what was her actual name was.

It was a few years ago, when Weiss had been introduced to Silver Wolf's music. Her friend Ceil Soleil had given her a link over Facebook almost begging her to check it out. The white-haired woman remembered how she rolled her eyes and clicked the link and by golly within the first minute of the song she was hooked. There were no lyrics, just the beautiful sound of the violin notes and a few beats that worked well with it. By the end of the video Weiss had demanded Ceil to give her links to all the music Silver Wolf had made while she went on a research rampage trying to find any information about the young artist. The most surprising piece of information was how old the violinist was, she was only thirteen years old when she made her first song, only two years younger that Weiss was and already she had fame, clearly a musical prodigy. She was also the daughter of the late Summer Rose who was the CEO of the Rose-Thorn Music Record Studio in Vale, Weiss's home town. The person running the building now was a man by the name of Qrow Branwen, a close and dear friend of Summer Rose and Uncle like figure to Silver Wolf.

Now nineteen and studying in a degree of singing and dancing at Beacon College Weiss was still obsessed with the violinist's music. Scrolling through the artist's web page she noticed an announcement of a concert happening not far from the college campus next month and that tickets were already on sale and VIP tickets for a meet and greet. Then there was something under the VIP ticket order link.

Silver VIP: Unmasked

With a raised brow of curiosity, she clicked it, with a gasp and a mutter of 'oh my god' Weiss read the description of what the ticket would grant. Not only was it a meet and greet this ticket allowed the holder meet the artist without her mask and have a small dinner at a local restaurant. But what made Weiss truly want the ticket was how many there were available, only one, for it was a one-time only VIP ticket meaning there will never be another ticket like it in years. But when Weiss looked at the price she winced. While not overly rich Weiss was well off in terms of finances, with her part time job and the jobs she takes during the school breaks, but she wanted to save money so she could pay off her student debt in the future. With a sigh, she clicked back to the main page and scrolled down for any upcoming song announcements. Sadly, there weren't any, she pushed herself away from her desk and groaned.

"What's the matter Weiss" a voice asked.

The white-haired girl turned and looked to her roommate that she later became friends with. Blake Belladonna, writing major and a bit of an introvert, preferred her quiet time and would rather read a book than engage in conversation unless she was asked for her input on whatever the topic was. She had long black hair and golden eyes that looked slightly feline.

"There's a VIP ticket to a concert I want to buy but its pricey" Weiss closed her eyes knowing she would only be able to get a standard ticket.

"How much is it?" Blake turned the page of the book she was currently reading.

"$350" Weiss answered. "the concert is next month though and someone will buy it soon"

"Ouch" Blake too winced at the price, and just for a ticket to a concert. "Well, your birthday is around then why not ask your parents for an early birthday gift?"

Weiss shook her head "My parents would find the price ridiculous and flat out refuse and ask what else I would like for my birthday"

Blake sighed before changing the topic "How's your singing and dance studies going?"

When Weiss was little she always loved to dance and sing, her father a military man saw that Weiss had a natural talent for them and wanted his daughter to chase her dreams and got her both singing and dance lessons. She was in school choirs and musical stage performances, however during middle school her family hit a financial rut and Weiss had to give up her lessons just so her parents had some money to buy food for the week. But wanting to keep up with her dancing and singing lessons she took on small jobs during small breaks, from mowing lawns and cleaning gutters to doing dishes and scrubbing bathrooms. Her parents were so proud of her they cried and hugged her. Her older sister, Winter, encouraged her to not slack off and if she did she would smack her on the head. Her little brother Whitely was not encouraging at all saying it was a waste of her time and she won't get enough money, he was grounded right after that comment. After all the work, Weiss had collected $360 in total. In her childhood, she learned ballet and some hip-hop dances. However, she saw an advert in the paper for belly dancing classes, which she thought might be an interesting dance to learn she saw that a full 8-week term for beginners was $140, which left her with $220 for singing lessons. Now she mainly tries to take on as many jobs as she can in her free time to keep up with paying full terms for her belly dance classes for she no longer needed singing lessons now that she was studying a singing degree in college.

"Going good actually Mrs. Peach asked me if I could teach belly dancing ever since she accidently saw me using the dance studio to practice, she never knew I could do it and she said it was mesmerising to watch, but I have to ask my instructor first" Weiss chuckled.

"You are talking about the instructor that teaches you every Tuesday?" Blake queried as she put a bookmark in her novel before grabbing out a text book and her assignment sheet to write notes about how far she has read.

"Yes, because I haven't finished my advance course yet so I need permission from my instructor to teach the class here or get Mrs. Peach to contact her so she can teach as a guest dance instructor" the white-haired girl shrugged.

"Hmm" Blake hummed as she kept writing notes.

"What about you? How's your studies going?" Weiss asked.

Blake opened her mouth to speak only to be interrupted by the buzz and ringtone of Weiss's phone. Giving her friend an apologetic look Weiss picked up the device.


"Hello little sister" the voice greeted.

"Oh Winter, it's so nice to hear from you, it's been a while" Weiss grinned.

"Indeed, it has" Winter said happily "I was calling to see how well you were doing and what you wanted for your birthday next month because I'm busy with work up until then so this month is the only time I can get you a present"

"Well…. there's a concert ticket I want to get my hands on" Weiss rubbed the back of her neck.

"Please don't tell me it's to see that Silver Wolf person" Winter sighed, Weiss could see Winter pinch the bridge of her nose, she had to put up with Weiss playing the music repetitively to the point where she almost broke her iPhone just so she would stop playing it.

"Yes, it is" Weiss shuffled from foot to foot

"How much is it?" Winter asked bluntly.

"The ticket I want to get is a bit much so a standard ticket will be fine" Weiss reassured her older sister.

"Weiss don't make me repeat myself" Winter growled.

"The ticket I want is $350" Weiss confessed.

There was silence on the other line then suddenly Weiss heard laughter.

"Only $350"Winter tried to stifle her chortles "Oh sweet baby sister, that's barely a drop in the bucket for me"

Of course, how could Weiss forget, Winter was a personal assistant of a CEO who oversaw a major technology company, so she gets paid extremely well. So well in fact she was able to pay off some of her parents' mortgage and buy herself a house. Winter had done good for herself and would help her family in any way she could, she even promised Whitely that after he graduated high school she could possibly score him a job, by putting a word in with her boss, at the same company of course he would have to work himself up the chain.

"Sorry Winter, sometimes I forget" Weiss said

"Send me the ticket details ok but I have to go, other calls to make" Winter said in a somewhat hurried tone "I love you Weissy, bye now"

Before Weiss could even scold her sister over the childish nickname Winter had hung up. With a huff, Weiss went back to her laptop and refreshed the main page in case the ticket was already purchased. When she clicked the link, she felt relieved seeing that it wasn't purchased yet and emailed the link to her sister. Once the email was sent she did a little jig and let out a small squeal of delight.

"I'm concerned whether you are going to explode from happiness, Weissy" Blake smirked as she watched her white-haired friend.

Weiss stopped her little dance and pointed at Blake, her eyes threatening. "Don't. Ever. Call. Me. Weissy"

"Oh, why ever not?" Blake challenged "I find it adorable"

"You may be my friend and roommate but I will not hesitate to hide every can of tuna around campus if you call me Weissy again" Weiss countered.

"You wouldn't dare" Blake's eyes narrowed.

"Try me Belladonna" Weiss smirked.

"Ok you win, just leave my cans of tuna alone" Blake submitted to defeat.

"Done, oh really hope Winter will be able to get the ticket" Weiss jumped on her bed with a whomp. "well I better go to sleep got a dance rehearsal at nine"

"I may as well sleep too" Blake decided.

"But, you don't have any classes tomorrow?" Weiss raised a brow.

"No but I know you can't sleep when I study at night, not after that 'stop clicking the pen' incident" Blake chuckled.

"Right well, thanks Blake, good night" Weiss yawned and slipped under her bed covers with her back facing her black-haired friend.

"Night Weiss" Blake smiled and put her stuff away before turning off the lamp and snuggling under the covers of her bed.

Before Weiss succumbed to slumber she prayed a little prayer that Winter was successful in getting the ticket. If she did Weiss would burst into happy tears and hug her sister and wouldn't let go.

"Please let Winter get it" Weiss mumbled to herself. With that final thought, she was out like a light.

Author's Note:

Ok this god damn story idea has been in my brain for bloody ages like the Bumblebee Ancient Egypt AU (Bees on the Nile). So just know while this is a White rose fic there will also be a little bit of snow bird (Winter x Qrow) and bumblebee on the side.

And it turns out that my living room has more creative flow than my bedroom. Now I realise why I left my laptop in there because every time I'm on the couch I'm just feeling this creative energy and I just have the urge to write or draw.

Anyway, while I know you lot are eager for another chapter of The Gold Dragon and the Black Tiger, I'm going to write Yang Xiao Long, The Dragonborn next because it's easy to write scenes based on a game I pretty much know by heart. after that chapter is done please head to the poll on my profile to see what fanfic you want updated next :3

Until next time

This is xXIyra16Xx signing out.